I just have a question of fortran optimisation (probably programs in general):
There are two ways to carry out a basic operation, over the entire vector or row by row, i.e.
x = array(:,1)
y = array(:,2)
z = array(:,3)
x1 = floor(x/k) + 1
y1 = floor(y/k) + 1
z1 = floor(z/k) + 1
do i = 1:n
x1(i) = floor(x(i)/k) + 1
y1(i) = floor(y(i)/k) + 1
z1(i) = floor(z(i)/k) + 1
end do
I can do openmp on the loop because there are 100 million entries but I'm not sure it would hlep. Would it be faster to do it in the loop or outside of the loop. Experience and common sense tells me to do it outside. There are other components to the program but I'm finding most of the time is taken up by creating new vectors x1,y1,z1 because there are so many x,y,z values to convert.
If you're concerned with execution speed then I suggest you profile a version of the code which dispenses with what seem to be the temporary array slices x,y, and z. Creating them will require copying a lot of stuff around the memory of your machine. You could simply write
x1 = floor(array(:,1)/k) + 1
y1 = floor(array(:,2)/k) + 1
z1 = floor(array(:,3)/k) + 1
Your compiler ought to be able to do this without making a copy of array but this is something you ought to check.
Depending on elements of your code which are not shown in your question you might even be able to declare x1,y1 and z1 to be pointers and write something like this:
array_over_k = floor(array/k) + 1
x1 => array_over_k(:,1)
y1 => array_over_k(:,2)
z1 => array_over_k(:,3)
Whichever way you do the calculations you still gotta do the calculations, but do you need to make all those copies of elements of the arrays ?
This will be memory bandwidth bound. I would go the first way, if they are separate in memory (i.e. not some weird non-contiguous pointers). But it's best to try and measure, without profiler one can be wrong easily. Also, you can do OpenMP or just autoparallelization for the first version as well.
I am using Fortran to solve some coupled PDEs using finite-differences and spectral methods. At a certain point those grids are fed into FFTW.
I assume the domain is periodic and I am struggling to find the most efficient way to deal with the problem of indexing. Options:
1 - Ghost Cells:
I define my grids as
real :: y(0:nx+1,0:ny+1)
(do finite differences)
call update_ghost(y)
Problem :
when I use FFTW I want the input to be the grid without the ghost cells, so I do:
call fftw(phi(1:nx,1:ny),phi_k)
and this leads to temporary array creation since the data is not contiguous.
2 - Indirect Adressing:
real :: y(nx,ny)
I then calculate vectors with the coordinates of the neighbours taking into account PBC then do
do j=1,ny
do i=1,nx
laplacian(i,j) = y(xnext(i),j) + y(xprev(i),j) + ...
Problem: Indirect Adressing is expensive
3 - Calculate indices inside the loop
do j=1,ny
do i=1,nx
xnext = modulo(i+2,nx) + 1
ynext = modulo(i,nx) + 1
xprev = modulo(j+2,ny) + 1
yprev = modulo(j,ny) + 1
laplacian(i,j) = y(xnext,j) + y(xprev(i),j) + ...
Problem: extra calculations
Does anyone have any other options? Right now I use option 1 but it kills me to think of all the temporary array creation that is happening behind the scenes.
I try to run the following function in julia command, but when timing the function I see too much memory allocations which I can't figure out why.
function pdpf(L::Int64, iters::Int64)
snr_dB = -10
snr = 10^(snr_dB/10)
Pf = 0.01:0.01:1
thresh = rand(100)
Pd = rand(100)
for m = 1:length(Pf)
i = 0
for k = 1:iters
n = randn(L)
s = sqrt(snr) * randn(L)
y = s + n
energy_fin = (y'*y) / L
#inbounds thresh[m] = erfcinv(2Pf[m]) * sqrt(2/L) + 1
if energy_fin[1] >= thresh[m]
i += 1
#inbounds Pd[m] = i/iters
#thresh = erfcinv(2Pf) * sqrt(2/L) + 1
#Pd_the = 0.5 * erfc(((thresh - (snr + 1)) * sqrt(L)) / (2*(snr + 1)))
Running that function in the julia command on my laptop, I get the following shocking numbers:
julia> #time pdpf(1000, 10000)
17.621551 seconds (9.00 M allocations: 30.294 GB, 7.10% gc time)
What is wrong with my code? Any help is appreciated.
I don't think this memory allocation is so surprising. For instance, consider all of the times that the inner loop gets executed:
for m = 1:length(Pf) this gives you 100 executions
for k = 1:iters this gives you 10,000 executions based on the arguments you supply to the function.
randn(L) this gives you a random vector of length 1,000, based on the arguments you supply to the function.
Thus, just considering these, you've got 100*10,000*1000 = 1 billion Float64 random numbers being generated. Each one of them takes 64 bits = 8 bytes. I.e. 8GB right there. And, you've got two calls to randn(L) which means that you're at 16GB allocations already.
You then have y = s + n which means another 8GB allocations, taking you up to 24GB. I haven't looked in detail on the remaining code to get you from 24GB to 30GB allocations, but this should show you that it's not hard for the GB allocations to start adding up in your code.
If you're looking at places to improve, I'll give you a hint that these lines can be improved by using the properties of normal random variables:
n = randn(L)
s = sqrt(snr) * randn(L)
y = s + n
You should easily be able to cut down the allocations here from 24GB to 8GB in this way. Note that y will be a normal random variable here as you've defined it, and think up a way to generate a normal random variable with an identical distribution to what y has now.
Another small thing, snr is a constant inside your function. Yet, you keep taking its sqrt 1 million separate times. In some settings, 'checking your work' can be helpful, but I think that you can be confident the computer will get it right the first time and thus you don't need to make it keep re-doing this calculation ; ). There are other similar places you can improve your code to avoid duplicate computations here that I'll leave to you to locate.
aireties gives a good answer for why you have so many allocations. You can do more to reduce the number of allocations. Using this property we know that y = s+n is really y = sqrt(snr) * randn(L) + randn(L) and so we can instead do y = rvvar*randn(L) where rvvar= sqrt(1+sqrt(snr)^2) is defined outside the loop (thanks for the fix!). This will halve the number of random variables needed.
Outside the loop you can save sqrt(2/L) to cut down a little bit of time.
I don't think transpose is special-cased yet, so try using dot(y,y) instead of y'*y. I know dot for sure is just a loop without having to transpose, while the other may transpose depending on the version of Julia.
Something that would help performance (but not allocations) would be to use one big randn(L,iters) and loop through that. The reason is because if you make all of your random numbers all at once it's faster since it can use SIMD and a bunch of other goodies. If you want to implicitly do that without changing your code much, you can use ChunkedArrays.jl where you can use rands = ChunkedArray(randn,L) to initialize it and then everytime you want a randn(L), you instead use next(rands). Inside the ChunkedArray it actually makes bigger vectors and replenishes them as needed, but like this you can just get your randn(L) without having to keep track of all of that.
ChunkedArrays probably only save time when L is smaller. This gives the code:
function pdpf(L::Int64, iters::Int64)
snr_dB = -10
snr = 10^(snr_dB/10)
Pf = 0.01:0.01:1
thresh = rand(100)
Pd = rand(100)
rvvar= sqrt(1+sqrt(snr)^2)
for m = 1:length(Pf)
i = 0
for k = 1:iters
y = rvvar*randn(L)
energy_fin = (y'*y) / L
#inbounds thresh[m] = erfcinv(2Pf[m]) * sqrt(2/L) + 1
if energy_fin[1] >= thresh[m]
i += 1
#inbounds Pd[m] = i/iters
which runs in half the time as using two randn calls. Indeed from the ProfileViewer we get:
#profile pdpf(1000, 10000)
using ProfileView
I circled the two parts for the line y = rvvar*randn(L), so the vast majority of the time is random number generation. Last time I checked you could still get a decent speedup on random number generation by changing to to VSL.jl library, but you need MKL linked to your Julia build. Note that from the Google Summer of Code page you can see that there is a project to make a repo RNG.jl with faster psudo-rngs. It looks like it already has a few new ones implemented. You may want to check them out and see if they give speedups (or help out with that project!)
I have two vectors that represents a function f(x), and another vector f(ax+b) i.e. a scaled and shifted version of f(x). I would like to find the best scale and shift factors.
*best - by means of least squares error , maximum likelihood, etc.
any ideas?
for example:
f1 = [0;0.450541598502498;0.0838213779969326;0.228976968716819;0.91333736150167;0.152378018969223;0.825816977489547;0.538342435260057;0.996134716626885;0.0781755287531837;0.442678269775446;0];
f2 = [-0.029171964726699;-0.0278570165494982;0.0331454732535324;0.187656956432487;0.358856370923984;0.449974662483267;0.391341738643094;0.244800719791534;0.111797007617227;0.0721767235173722;0.0854437239807415;0.143888234591602;0.251750993723227;0.478953530572365;0.748209818420035;0.908044924557262;0.811960826711455;0.512568916956487;0.22669198638799;0.168136111568694;0.365578085161896;0.644996661336714;0.823562159983554;0.792812945867018;0.656803251999341;0.545799498053254;0.587013303815021;0.777464637372241;0.962722388208354;0.980537136457874;0.734416947254272;0.375435649393553;0.106489547770962;0.0892376361668696;0.242467741982851;0.40610516900965;0.427497319032133;0.301874099075184;0.128396341665384;0.00246347624097456;-0.0322120242872125]
*note that f(x) may be irreversible...
For each f(x), take the absolute value of f(x) and normalize it such that it can be considered a probability mass function over its support. Calculate the expected value E[x] and variance of Var[x]. Then, we have that
E[a x + b] = a E[x] + b
Var[a x + b] = a^2 Var[x]
Use the above equations and the known values of E[x] and Var[x] to calculate a and b. Taking your values of f1 and f2 from your example, the following Octave script performs this procedure:
% Octave script
% f1, f2 are defined as given in your example
f1 = [zeros(length(f2) - length(f1), 1); f1];
save_f1 = f1; save_f2 = f2;
f1 = abs( f1 ); f2 = abs( f2 );
f1 = f1 ./ sum( f1 ); f2 = f2 ./ sum( f2 );
mean = #(x)sum(((1:length(x))' .* x));
var = #(x)sum((((1:length(x))'-mean(x)).^2) .* x);
m1 = mean(f1); m2 = mean(f2);
v1 = var(f1); v2 = var(f2)
a = sqrt( v2 / v1 ); b = m2 - a * m1;
plot( a .* (1:length( save_f1 )) + b, save_f1, ...
1:length( save_f2 ), save_f2 );
axis([0 length( save_f1 )];
And the output is
Here's a simple, effective, but perhaps somewhat naive approach.
First make sure you make a generic interpolator through both functions. That way you can evaluate both functions in between the given data points. I used a cubic-splines interpolator, since that seems general enough for the type of smooth functions you provided (and does not require additional toolboxes).
Then you evaluate the source function ("original") at a large number of points. Use this number also as a parameter in an inline function, that takes as input X, where
X = [a b]
(as in ax+b). For any input X, this inline function will compute
the function values of the target function at the same x-locations, but then scaled and offset by a and b, respectively.
The sum of the squared-differences between the resulting function values, and the ones of the source function you computed earlier.
Use this inline function in fminsearch with some initial estimate (one that you have obtained visually or by via automatic means). For the example you provided, I used a few random ones, which all converged to near-optimal fits.
All of the above in code:
function s = findScaleOffset
%% initialize
f2 = [0;0.450541598502498;0.0838213779969326;0.228976968716819;0.91333736150167;0.152378018969223;0.825816977489547;0.538342435260057;0.996134716626885;0.0781755287531837;0.442678269775446;0];
f1 = [-0.029171964726699;-0.0278570165494982;0.0331454732535324;0.187656956432487;0.358856370923984;0.449974662483267;0.391341738643094;0.244800719791534;0.111797007617227;0.0721767235173722;0.0854437239807415;0.143888234591602;0.251750993723227;0.478953530572365;0.748209818420035;0.908044924557262;0.811960826711455;0.512568916956487;0.22669198638799;0.168136111568694;0.365578085161896;0.644996661336714;0.823562159983554;0.792812945867018;0.656803251999341;0.545799498053254;0.587013303815021;0.777464637372241;0.962722388208354;0.980537136457874;0.734416947254272;0.375435649393553;0.106489547770962;0.0892376361668696;0.242467741982851;0.40610516900965;0.427497319032133;0.301874099075184;0.128396341665384;0.00246347624097456;-0.0322120242872125];
figure(1), clf, hold on
h(1) = subplot(2,1,1); hold on
h(2) = subplot(2,1,2); hold on
axis([0 max(length(f1),length(f2)), min(min(f1),min(f2)),max(max(f1),max(f2))])
%% make cubic interpolators and test points
pp1 = spline(1:numel(f1), f1);
pp2 = spline(1:numel(f2), f2);
maxX = max(numel(f1), numel(f2));
N = 100 * maxX;
x2 = linspace(1, maxX, N);
y1 = ppval(pp1, x2);
%% search for parameters
s = fminsearch(#(X) sum( (y1 - ppval(pp2,X(1)*x2+X(2))).^2 ), [0 0])
%% plot results
y2 = ppval( pp2, s(1)*x2+s(2));
figure(1), hold on
subplot(2,1,2), hold on
plot(x2,y2, 'r')
legend('before', 'after')
s =
2.886234493867320e-001 3.734482822175923e-001
Note that this computes the opposite transformation from the one you generated the data with. Reversing the numbers:
>> 1/s(1)
ans =
3.464721948700991e+000 % seems pretty decent
>> -s(2)
ans =
-3.734482822175923e-001 % hmmm...rather different from 7/11!
(I'm not sure about the 7/11 value you provided; using the exact values you gave to make a plot results in a less accurate approximation to the source function...Are you sure about the 7/11?)
Accuracy can be improved by either
using a different optimizer (fmincon, fminunc, etc.)
demanding a higher accuracy from fminsearch through optimset
having more sample points in both f1 and f2 to improve the quality of the interpolations
Using a better initial estimate
Anyway, this approach is pretty general and gives nice results. It also requires no toolboxes.
It has one major drawback though -- the solution found may not be the global optimizer, e.g., the quality of the outcomes of this method could be quite sensitive to the initial estimate you provide. So, always make a (difference) plot to make sure the final solution is accurate, or if you have a large number of such things to do, compute some sort of quality factor upon which you decide to re-start the optimization with a different initial estimate.
It is of course very possible to use the results of the Fourier+Mellin transforms (as suggested by chaohuang below) as an initial estimate to this method. That might be overkill for the simple example you provide, but I can easily imagine situations where this could indeed be very useful.
For the scale factor a, you can estimate it by computing the ratio of the amplitude spectra of the two signals since the Fourier transform is invariant to shift.
Similarly, you can estimate the shift factor b by using the Mellin transform, which is scale invariant.
Here's a super simple approach to estimate the scale a that works on your example data:
a = length(f2) / length(f1)
This gives 3.4167 which is close to your stated value of 3.4. If that estimate is good enough, you can use correlation to estimate the shift.
I realize that this is not exactly what you asked, but it may be an acceptable alternative depending on the data.
Both Rody Oldenhuis and jstarr's answers are correct. I'm adding my own answer just to sum things up, and connect between them.
I've messed up Rody's code a little bit and ended up with the following:
function findScaleShift
load f1f2
x0 = [length(f1)/length(f2) 0]; %initial guess, can do better
costFunc = #(z) sum((eval_f1(z,f2,n)-f1).^2);
opt.TolFun = eps;
title('squared error')
function y = eval_f1(x,f2,n)
t = maketform('affine',[x(1) 0 x(2); 0 1 0 ; 0 0 1]');
y=imtransform(f2',t,'cubic','xdata',[1 n ],'ydata',[1 1])';
This gives zero results:
This method is accurate but exhaustive and may take some time. Another disadvantage is that it finds only a local minima, and may give false results if initial guess (x0) is far.
On the other hand, jstarr method gave the following results:
xopt = [ 3.49655562549115 -0.676062367063033]
which is 10% deviation from the correct answer. Pretty fast solution, but not as accurate as I requested, but still should be noted.
I think in order to get the best results jstarr method should be used as an initial guess for the method purposed by Rody, giving an accurate solution.
I encountered a very slow if statement response using cuda\jacket in matlab. (5 sec vs 0.02 sec for the same code that finds local maxima, using a simple for loop and an if condition)
Being new to GPU programming, I went reading and when I saw a previous matlab if statements with CUDA SO discussion, I felt something is missing.
You don't need to use cuda to know that it is better to vectorized your code. However, there are cases where you will need to use an if statement anyway.
For example, I'd like to find whether a pixel of a 2D image (say m(a,b)) is the the local maximum of its 8 nearest neighbors. In matlab, an easy way to do that is by using 8 logical conditions on an if statement:
if m(a,b)>m(a-1,b-1) & m(a,b)>(a,b-1) & m(a,b)>(a+1,b-1) & ... etc on all nearest neighbors
I'd appreciate if you have an idea how to resolve (or vectorize) this...
The problem with using multiple "if" statement (or any other conditional statement) is that for each the statements, the result is copied from gpu to host and this can be costly.
The simplest way is to vectorize in the following manner.
window = m(a-1:a+1, b-1:b+1);
if all(window(:) <= m(a,b))
% do something
This can be further optimized if you can show what the if / else conditions are doing. i.e. please post the if/else code to see if other optimizations are available (i.e look at possible ways to remove if condition entirely).
With new information, here is what can be done.
for j = 1:length(y)
a = x(j);
b = y(j);
window = d(a-1:a+1, b-1:b+1);
condition = all(window(:) <= d(a,b));
M(a, b) = condition + ~condition * M(a,b);
You can use gfor loop to make it even faster.
gfor j = 1:length(y)
a = x(j);
b = y(j);
window = d(a-1:a+1, b-1:b+1);
condition = all(window(:) <= d(a,b));
M(a, b) = condition + ~condition * M(a,b);
Using built-in functions
The easiest already optimized approach is probably to use the imregionalmax function,
maxinI = imregionalmax(I, CONN);
where CONN is the desired connectivity (in your case 8).
Note however that imregionalmax is part of the image processing toolbox.
Using the max function
If you're trying to see if just that one pixel is the local maximum of it's neighbors you would probably do something like
if m(a,b) == max(max(m( (a-1) : (a+1), (b-1) : (b+1))))
Or perhaps rather than taking two max it may be faster in some cases to reshape,
if m(a,b) == max(reshape (m( (a-1) : (a+1), (b-1) : (b+1)), 9,1) )
Without the max function
Lastly if you want to avoid the max function altogether that is also possible in a more vectorized form than you have so far, namely
if all(reshape( m(a,b) >= m( (a-1) : (a+1), (b-1) : (b+1)), 9,1))
Purely as an experiment, I'm writing sort functions in MATLAB then running these through the MATLAB profiler. The aspect I find most perplexing is to do with swapping elements.
I've found that the "official" way of swapping two elements in a matrix
self.Data([i1, i2]) = self.Data([i2, i1])
runs much slower than doing it in four lines of code:
e1 = self.Data(i1);
e2 = self.Data(i2);
self.Data(i1) = e2;
self.Data(i2) = e1;
The total length of time taken up by the second example is 12 times less than the single line of code in the first example.
Would somebody have an explanation as to why?
Based on suggestions posted, I've run some more tests.
It appears the performance hit comes when the same matrix is referenced in both the LHS and RHS of the assignment.
My theory is that MATLAB uses an internal reference-counting / copy-on-write mechanism, and this is causing the entire matrix to be copied internally when it's referenced on both sides. (This is a guess because I don't know the MATLAB internals).
Here are the results from calling the function 885548 times. (The difference here is times four, not times twelve as I originally posted. Each of the functions have the additional function-wrapping overhead, while in my initial post I just summed up the individual lines).
swap1: 12.547 s
swap2: 14.301 s
swap3: 51.739 s
Here's the code:
methods (Access = public)
function swap(self, i1, i2)
swap1(self, i1, i2);
swap2(self, i1, i2);
swap3(self, i1, i2);
self.SwapCount = self.SwapCount + 1;
methods (Access = private)
% swap1: stores values in temporary doubles
% This has the best performance
function swap1(self, i1, i2)
e1 = self.Data(i1);
e2 = self.Data(i2);
self.Data(i1) = e2;
self.Data(i2) = e1;
% swap2: stores values in a temporary matrix
% Marginally slower than swap1
function swap2(self, i1, i2)
m = self.Data([i1, i2]);
self.Data([i2, i1]) = m;
% swap3: does not use variables for storage.
% This has the worst performance
function swap3(self, i1, i2)
self.Data([i1, i2]) = self.Data([i2, i1]);
In the first (slow) approach, the RHS value is a matrix, so I think MATLAB incurs a performance penalty in creating a new matrix to store the two elements. The second (fast) approach avoids this by working directly with the elements.
Check out the "Techniques for Improving Performance" article on MathWorks for ways to improve your MATLAB code.
you could also do:
tmp = self.Data(i1);
self.Data(i1) = self.Data(i2);
self.Data(i2) = tmp;
Zach is potentially right in that a temporary copy of the matrix may be made to perform the first operation, although I would hazard a guess that there is some internal optimization within MATLAB that attempts to avoid this. It may be a function of the version of MATLAB you are using. I tried both of your cases in version (a couple years old) and only saw a speed difference of about 2-2.5.
It's possible that this may be an example of speed improvement by what's called "loop unrolling". When doing vector operations, at some level within the internal code there is likely a FOR loop which loops over the indices you are swapping. By performing the scalar operations in the second example, you are avoiding any overhead from loops. Note these two (somewhat silly) examples:
vec = [1 2 3 4];
%Example 1:
for i = 1:4,
vec(i) = vec(i)+1;
%Example 2:
vec(1) = vec(1)+1;
vec(2) = vec(2)+1;
vec(3) = vec(3)+1;
vec(4) = vec(4)+1;
Admittedly, it would be much easier to simply use vector operations like:
vec = vec+1;
but the examples above are for the purpose of illustration. When I repeat each example multiple times over and time them, Example 2 is actually somewhat faster than Example 1. For a small loop with a known number (in the example, just 4), it can actually be more efficient to forgo the loop. Of course, in this particular example, the vector operation given above is actually the fastest.
I usually follow this rule: Try a few different things, and pick the fastest for your specific problem.
This post deserves an update, since the JIT compiler is now a thing (since R2015b) and so is timeit (since R2013b) for more reliable function timing.
Below is a short benchmarking function for element swapping within a large array.
I have used the terms "directly swapping" and "using a temporary variable" to describe the two methods in the question respectively.
The results are pretty staggering, the performance of directly swapping 2 elements using is increasingly poor by comparison to using a temporary variable.
function benchie()
% Variables for plotting, loop to increase size of the arrays
M = 15; D = zeros(1,M); W = zeros(1,M);
for n = 1:M;
N = 2^n;
% Create some random array of length N, and random indices to swap
v = rand(N,1);
x = randi([1, N], N, 1);
y = randi([1, N], N, 1);
% Time the functions
D(n) = timeit(#()direct);
W(n) = timeit(#()withtemp);
% Plotting
plot(2.^(1:M), D, 2.^(1:M), W);
legend('direct', 'with temp')
xlabel('number of elements'); ylabel('time (s)')
function direct()
% Direct swapping of two elements
for k = 1:N
v([x(k) y(k)]) = v([y(k) x(k)]);
function withtemp()
% Using an intermediate temporary variable
for k = 1:N
tmp = v(y(k));
v(y(k)) = v(x(k));
v(x(k)) = tmp;