How to launch a web page after installation with Visual Studio Installer - visual-studio

I would like to launch an URL after the installer finishes. I added an *.url file to the project content and added the content files in the Visual Studio Installer project. Then I try to add the *.url in the Commit Custom Action putting the name of the file in the Name field, the EntryPoint says "Commit" and the InstallerClass in false.
When I compile the Visual Studio Installer project it game me an error that Entry point 'Commit' not found in module for custom action *.url
Is it possible to do this without adding an InstallerClass?

You can use a VB script file to run a shell command on the URL file. Look here


Explanation on specific differences between my click once publish when done via command line and from Visual Studio

I am trying to understand why is my WindowsForm app publish behaving differently, when done via command line and via Visual Studio's Publish.
The differences are:
In my command line publish, a copy of the .exe is placed in the top-directory publish folder, while it is not there, when published via VS
In my command line publish, the .application file is missing in the [Application Files] folder, while it is there when published via VS
A screen shot illustrating the exposed above:
Anyone has any idea why does this happen ? I have tried playing with the publish settings, but still without success.
Below is what my command line statement looks like (ran via Jenkins):
Explanation on specific differences between my click once publish when done via command line and from Visual Studio
That because some features are done by Visual-Studio and not by the MSBuild command line. So the click-once-deployment behaves differently when it's executed from the command-line.
When you publish via command line, only Project.exe and Setup.exe are copied to the deployment folder. You can switch the deployment folder by property PublishDir:
msbuild "ProjectName.csproj" /target:publish /p:Configuration=Release;PublishDir=D:\TestPublishFolder
When you publish from Visual Studio, Visual Studio will do some more features, including Application Files folder and .application file into deployment folder.
If you want to have the same publish result as Visual Studio when you publish via command line, you can custom target to achieve it.
See ApplicationFiles folder missing when ClickOnce publish with command line for more detailed info.
Hope this helps.

Failed to find Visual Studio .sln file - Dynamic parameter for build step template

I am fairly new to using TeamCity. We are currently using 9.16.
I am trying to setup a build template to associate across our many projects and I keep getting the error "Failed to find Visual Studio .sln file" for both the NuGet Installer step and Visual Studio (.sln).
Currently it is set to and it says there is no *.sln file there, but there is when I look at the build server directly.
Failed to find Visual Studio .sln file at C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\58ef95107452dcbc\*.sln
I found the post regarding attaching the VCS root, but I do have that attached and it mirrors the projects that currently do not use a template.
Any help as to what I am missing would be greatly appreciated.
You must put the filename of your visual studio solution file in the "Solution file path" field of the "Visual Studio (.sln)" build runner step.
If your .sln file is at the root of your checkout directory you would specify the filename. Example: YourSolution.sln
For the "Nuget Installer" build runner step you must put the same solution filename in the "Path to Solution File" field.
Note that if your solution file is not in the root folder of your checkout folder you must specify the relative path. Example: path/to/my/SolutionFile.sln
What I was attempting to do is not possible.
Instead I created a parameter at the root level for SolutionFile in the templates. Then I simply change the value of that parameter in each project that uses the template.
In my case I was moving from SVN to GIT with TeamCity, and so had to change the VCS root from:
Also, I had to change "checkout rules" from:
+:trunk => .
+: => .
Because the default branch in TeamCity for GIT is refs/heads/master
For details, please see

Including a batch file with VSIX

I'm trying to create a Visual Studio plugin, it's a menu item that executes batch files. I have no idea how to include the batch files (or any other additional files) with the VSIX when publishing so that they are available to all users that install the extension.
In solution explorer right click on the batch file (in this case I called it BatchFile.cmd) and choose 'Properties'
In the properties window change:
Build Action: Content
Include in VSIX: True
When the solution is built in release mode it creates a VSIX file in the bin/Release folder. This is the package and it contains all the assets required. When the package is installed on another machine, the batch file is included in the install location and can be referenced using:
Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location) + "BatchFile.cmd"
You can just include the batch file as content in your project, and use GetAssembly() to find the location of your adin dll at runtime

How to build a Metro app to custom folder

I'm trying to build my Blank App(XAML) for Windows store in custom folder via MSBuild.
In documentation is written that I should add the following attribute to my build command: /p:OutputPath="path", but MSBuild ignoring it. Also I've tried to add this property in .vcxproj but it gives no result.
My command in VS dev command prompt looks like this:
MSbuild "PathToApp\MySolution.sln" /p:Platform=Win32;OutputPath="MyPath"
How can I change output directory for my Metro app?

VS2010 & SourceSafe 2005 - Logging into SourceSafe from the command line?

I have a custom application which brings together several resources and builds a Visual Studio project into an exe file I can then use to upgrade my company's website and database. This custom app uses System.Diagnostics.Process in a couple of places to access SourceSafe, I use the command SS ... -Y, to log into SourceSafe and process some events which works as I would expect. I'm not logged into the company's domain which is why I am manually logging into SourceSafe.
Now when I get to the part where I start building my VS2010 project, I'm using this command devenv /Build Release /Out ..\Log.txt /project <MyProject> it does not build my project, and the log file shows this error...
The following files were specified on the command line: <Path to my VS project> These files could not be found and will not be loaded.
The path to my project is correct and if I run it from a command window it loads the project, asks for my SourceSafe credentials and it builds. So my question is... Is there any way I can log into SourceSafe using the command line above, or by adding to the ProcessInfo parameters before I execute the command line?
You may check out the thread below and see if it helps:
