VS2010 & SourceSafe 2005 - Logging into SourceSafe from the command line? - visual-studio-2010

I have a custom application which brings together several resources and builds a Visual Studio project into an exe file I can then use to upgrade my company's website and database. This custom app uses System.Diagnostics.Process in a couple of places to access SourceSafe, I use the command SS ... -Y, to log into SourceSafe and process some events which works as I would expect. I'm not logged into the company's domain which is why I am manually logging into SourceSafe.
Now when I get to the part where I start building my VS2010 project, I'm using this command devenv /Build Release /Out ..\Log.txt /project <MyProject> it does not build my project, and the log file shows this error...
The following files were specified on the command line: <Path to my VS project> These files could not be found and will not be loaded.
The path to my project is correct and if I run it from a command window it loads the project, asks for my SourceSafe credentials and it builds. So my question is... Is there any way I can log into SourceSafe using the command line above, or by adding to the ProcessInfo parameters before I execute the command line?

You may check out the thread below and see if it helps:


Error while building SSIS project using MSBuild during CI/CD implementation

Can someone assist with the following error which i am getting while building SSIS project using msbuild. I am having Visual studio 2015 in the machine. Using MSBuild 14.0
error MSB4041: Th e default XML namespace of the project must be the
MSBuild XML namespace. If the project is authored in the MSBuild 200 3
format, please add
xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003" to the
element. If the proje ct has been authored in the old 1.0 or
1.2 format, please convert it to MSBuild 2003 format.
I have gone through some articles online but couldn't find solution with this scenario.
*" I have gone through some articles online but couldn't find solution with this scenario.
I'm afraid the answer is negative. For now this scenario(build SSIS project using msbuild) is not supported.
Someone has post this issue in DC forum, see Support SSIS, SSRS, SSAS in MSBuild. So if you're trying to use azure devops for CI/CD process, please vote and track this issue to get notifications when there's any update. And if you're using other tools for CI/CD process, I suggest you open a new feature request to support SSIS building for stand-alone msbuild tools in local machine.
And here're two workarounds which may help:
1.Since you have VS2015 installed, instead of msbuild command, you can try using devenv command.
For VS2015, we can find devenv.exe and devenv.com in path C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE. Both devenv.exe and devenv.com works for this, but note: Using devenv.exe directly prevents output from appearing on the console.
So devenv.xxx ... xxx.dtproj /build can work to build the SSIS project.
2.We can find binary(Microsoft.SqlServer.IntegrationServices.Build.dll) of the SQL Server Data Tools in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE. Then we can use msbuild UsingTask element to call the tasks defined in that assembly.
The core is to call DeploymentFileCompilerTask task for SSIS build in our custom msbuild target after defining this statement:
<UsingTask TaskName="DeploymentFileCompilerTask" AssemblyFile="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies\Microsoft.SqlServer.IntegrationServices.Build.dll" />
More details please refer to here and here.
If we have several Database projects and SSIS projects in same solution. Using command like devenv.com xx.dtproj directly will actually build all projects.
So I suggest we use command in this way:
Open Developer command prompt for VS
cd to solution directory
use command: devenv.com SolutionName.sln /Build Development /Project SolutionName\xxx.dtproj /ProjectConfig Development
This will only build the SSIS project actually.
In addition: If you see the message The project 'DatabaseProjectName.sqlproj' will close once model building has paused. If it doesn't affect your build, just ignore it. After my check if won't actually build Database project(the output of database project is empty) if we use command above.

Explanation on specific differences between my click once publish when done via command line and from Visual Studio

I am trying to understand why is my WindowsForm app publish behaving differently, when done via command line and via Visual Studio's Publish.
The differences are:
In my command line publish, a copy of the .exe is placed in the top-directory publish folder, while it is not there, when published via VS
In my command line publish, the .application file is missing in the [Application Files] folder, while it is there when published via VS
A screen shot illustrating the exposed above:
Anyone has any idea why does this happen ? I have tried playing with the publish settings, but still without success.
Below is what my command line statement looks like (ran via Jenkins):
Explanation on specific differences between my click once publish when done via command line and from Visual Studio
That because some features are done by Visual-Studio and not by the MSBuild command line. So the click-once-deployment behaves differently when it's executed from the command-line.
When you publish via command line, only Project.exe and Setup.exe are copied to the deployment folder. You can switch the deployment folder by property PublishDir:
msbuild "ProjectName.csproj" /target:publish /p:Configuration=Release;PublishDir=D:\TestPublishFolder
When you publish from Visual Studio, Visual Studio will do some more features, including Application Files folder and .application file into deployment folder.
If you want to have the same publish result as Visual Studio when you publish via command line, you can custom target to achieve it.
See ApplicationFiles folder missing when ClickOnce publish with command line for more detailed info.
Hope this helps.

Running NUnit-Console on a Mac

Apologies for the nubbery, but I'm having a real pain getting NUnit to run on my Mac. The overall goal is to have Jenkins on our Mac build server build our Xamarin project and run the relevant tests to the .sln file.
I've got NUnit-Console installed and invoking correctly on the mac. However, whenever I pass it /relative/path/to/solution.sln (or .csproj, we don't have a .nunit or built .dll), NUnit finds the the .sln file correctly, however it then throws this error: Could not find file "/relative/path/to/solution\TestProject.csproj".
The .csproj is there, but NUnit seems to want to append a backslash instead of a forward slash. Is there some config option I've missed for this?
Ok so it doesn't look like you can configure NUnit-Console to not do this. If anyone reads this and is looking for a work around, you just need to get your built files from their location, onto a location that Nunit-console running on windows can access.
For my particular use case with Jenkins as the build manager, I've set the project to build on our MAC server, then as a post build action added 'Archive for Clone Workspace SCM'. I've then setup another project called [ProjectName]Tests, which has the other project targeted in 'Source Code Management' > 'Clone Workspace'.
The test project then has my relevant calls to nunit-console as a Windows batch script and everything works as expected!
Hope this helps save others some time if they hit the same issue!

What is the default location for MSBuild logs?

I am using Visual Studio Express 2012. Where is the location of the log file? I have searched in the folder where my solution and projects are stored, but cannot find any .log file.
This is the configuration for logging:
Log file from Visual Studio is only supported for C++ projects. You just have to work with the output window for others.
See this similar thread: VS2010: minimal build log in output and detailed log in log file
And in case you happen to do this for a C++ project, the file is at:
... build log in the intermediate files directory
... The path and name of the build log is represented by the MSBuild macro
expression, $(IntDir)\$(MSBuildProjectName).log.
Use build output instead of logging to file. Instead of copy/paste, simply click somewhere in the output and press CTRL + S to save. Visual Studio will prompt you for a location (tested with Visual Studio 2017, but I'm assuming this works in earlier versions too).
The msdn documentation is pretty clear about this (And you ain't gonna like it!):
Where it says:
To create a build log file for a managed-code project On the menu bar,
choose Build, Build Solution.
In the Output window, highlight the
information from the build, and then copy it to the Clipboard.
Open a
text editor, such as Notepad, paste the information into the file, and
then save it.
While it's true that VS doesn't allow this directly, it is still possible to build with MSBuild "inside" VS2015 and get both the build window output and the log file, as follows: (Arguably this is a bit of a hack.)
In your VS Managed solution, add a new project (Let's call it 'Make').
a. The project type you want is Visual C++/NMake project.
Define the MSBuild commands you need on the command line (see below).
Change the solution configuration to build the NMake project instead of the normal managed projects.
This will create a project that has Build, Rebuild, and Clean command lines where you can execute MSBuild directly. For example:
Rebuild: MSBuild.exe /ds /v:diag /property:Configuration=Debug ..\BuildTest\BuildTest.csproj /t:Clean,Build
Build: MSBuild.exe /ds /v:diag /property:Configuration=Debug ..\BuildTest\BuildTest.csproj /t:Build
Clean: MSBuild.exe /ds /v:diag /property:Configuration=Debug ..\BuildTest\BuildTest.csproj /t:Clean
You can also specify multiple MSBuild.EXE command lines in order to build multiple projects. For the usual build-the-entire-solution outcome you can target only the final end assemblies and let the dependency graph generate the individual targets.
This will produce a .log file, where NAME is the name of the NMake project you used. In the example above, the log would be make.log.
A working example is available on GitHub:
(Tested with VS2015)
Note that building individual projects directly will still build with the normal VS behavior, but you can build the full solution inside VS and get the build logs.

How to call Nunit from Visual Studio in a batch file

I have set my Visual Studio to start Nunit as an external program to run all the tests written in a module.
Now what I am trying to do is to create a batch file which will call Myproj.exe. What I am expecting is that it will run Nunit as I have set it to run an external program and execute all my tests in nunit.exe, but when I run that batch file it starts running from Visual Studio instead of opening NUnit.
Can any one please give me a clear idea as how to accomplish it?
I am too much stuck.
Now I am trying to run the following commands in shell
Can you please tell how should I load my visualbasic project file (exe) here and then run all the tests from here
as unable to execute following command
nunit nunit.tests.vbproj /config:release
You can make NUnit start everytime you debug your "NUnit tests".
You can attach the debugger in Visual Studio Express doing it that way.
If you use a "full version" of VS do it that way:
Note that if you’re using the full and
not the express version of Visual
Studio 2005, you can do this by
opening up the project’s properties,
and in the Debug tab select Start
External Program: and navigate to the
NUnit executable, and set
YourCompanyname.YourProject.Test.dll as the
Command Line Arguments.
I got that ideas from this tutorial(Page 4/5) and love it.
You can also run NUnit after every successful build in Visual Studio with a Post-Build Event.
In VS2005, right-click on the project that has your tests and select Properties. Then on the Build Events tab, in the "Post-build event command line", put this* to use the console:
nunit-console /xml:$(ProjectName).xml $(TargetPath)
or this to use the GUI::
nunit $(TargetPath) /run
In "Run the post-build event:", leave the default: "On successful build"
If you use the GUI, know that your build will appear to be hung up until you close the GUI app.
*NOTE: The nunit console command line docs say "By default the nunit-console program is not added to your path."
you can just shell nunit.exe with the command line to your assembly to run tests in.
You can load nUnit.exe (nUnit-Console.exe for command line execution) using external tool features in Visual studio. Once you add the command via external tools feature (as explained in this blog), you can use it for any project to execute the tests. (Other is to add through project properties but that needs to be done for every project). Also in the arguments you can pass /include or /exclude to include or exclude categories of the tests.
The advantage of this method is you need not worry about giving path to DLL file and it works for any project you are on and gets executed with few clicks
