surfire plugin maven : env variable for specific tests - maven

I am facing an issue with Maven and the Surefire plugin.
I have two tests: and and for each test an environment variable must be set. It is the same environment variable (DATE_SHIFT) but not the same value (-1 and 1).
Is it possible to configure the section surefire-plugin in the pom.xml of maven to have those tests running?
Here is my pom.xml that exclude the to have the mvn test running OK (I know this is NOT a solution):
<!-- this test needs the env variable DATE_SHIFT=1 but
the test needs it at -1 -->

You can do this by specifying two different executions of surefire in your pom, and forking each execution.
However, this means that these tests will only work when you're running them from maven, or at least you have to change the configuration everywhere you run them from. So, for the tests which require a environment variable, I would add this to the #Before/#After (or #BeforeClass/#AfterClass) of those specific tests.
#Before public void before() {
System.setProperty("DATE_SHIFT", "-1");
This way, you don't need to execute the tests in maven for them to work. You'll probably want to store the original value of DATE_SHIFT and restore it at the end of the test.


Maven : Child pom's argline is not applied?

I have a multi-module maven project. In the child module, failsafe plugin is used for the integration tests run. Some argLines are defined accordingly :
<argLine>-Xmx2048M -Xss512M -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC</argLine>
The problem is when I run the tests as mvn test or mvn integration-test, the arglines are not applied for the tests from neither the parent pom directory nor the child pom directory, but if I run the tests as mvn failsafe:integration-test from both of the directories, the arglines param are applied.
What is the reason behind this ? Is there any way to apply those params when I run the tests with mvn test command ? I tried to pass the parameters via command line as mvn test -Dchild.argline="-Xmx2048M -Xss512M -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC"
But it didn't work.
Also I tried to bind test and integration-test phases to failsafe integration-test and defined configuration params there, but it didn't work as well..
I set the MAVEN_OPTS accordingly but it didn't help...
The failsafe plugin goals are not included in the lifecycle by default. The POM configuration must include it. See this SO answer for an example. Also ensure that the plugin definition is in the <plugins> section, not inside a <pluginManagement> element.
As for how to define options in the POM - use the names supplied in the documentation. So, to specify argLine, add
in the plugin config. To specify on the command line, note that "User property" for the value you want to set. For the failsafe plugin's argLine, the user property is also argLine, so on the command line specify
Maven knows nothing about child.argline so silently ignores it. Also note, attribute and user property names are case sensitive.

Maven skip specific test [duplicate]

In my maven project I have a number of modules. Is it possible to turn off running unit test for some modules via command line options?
My project takes about 15 mins to run through all unit tests. I would like to speed up the overall build by running just the unit tests in the module I am working on. I do not want to go in and edit each individual pom.xml to achieve this.
I have tried a solution outlined here: Can I run a specific testng test group via maven? However the result is a lot of test failures in modules that I want to skip. I suppose 'group' is not the same concept of module?
To toggle unit tests on and off for an entire project use Maven Surefire Plugin's capability of skipping tests. There is a drawback with using skipTests from the command line. In a multi-module build scenario, this would disable all tests across all modules.
If you need more fine grain control of running a subset of tests for a module, look into using the Maven Surefire Plugin's test inclusion and exclusion capabilities.
To allow for command-line overrides, make use of POM properties when configuring the Surefire Plugin. Take for example the following POM segment:
With a POM like the above you can execute tests in a variety of ways.
Run all tests (the above configuration includes all **/* test source files)
mvn test
Skip all tests across all modules
mvn -DskipTests=true test
Skip all tests for a particular module
mvn -DsomeModule.skip.tests=true test
Only run certain tests for a particular module (this example includes all **/* test source files)
mvn -DsomeModule.test.includes="**/*" test
Exclude certain tests for a particular module (this example excludes all **/* source files)
mvn -DsomeModule.test.excludes="**/*" test
Found a way to exclude on command line:
# Exclude one test class, by using the explanation mark (!)
mvn test -Dtest=!LegacyTest
# Exclude one test method
mvn verify -Dtest=!LegacyTest#testFoo
# Exclude two test methods
mvn verify -Dtest=!LegacyTest#testFoo+testBar
# Exclude a package with a wildcard (*)
mvn test -Dtest=!*
This is from:
…and if you like to pass the parameter to maven release plugin in Hudson/Jenkins you have to use
to get it work.
If you want to use Maven profiles:
you might want to make it work doing something like this:
Skipping tests in some modules in Maven
I don't know if there is a supported command line option that does the same.
You also might try using environment properties directly, something as per this doc page:
i.e. something like:
then using mvn -DmoduleA.skipTests=false test to test that one module.

Specify which Junit test to run

I am using Selenium Junit Maven and Jenkins, what is the best way to specify which tests to run?
I tried Categories but found it too complicated. Is there an easy way to specify which test methods/class to run?
Although I believe Categories is the way to go, you could alternatively include/exclude test classes in the surefire plugin configuration.
If you want to execute a single test method, you can specify the test property
mvn -Dtest=TestCircle#mytest test
You could set the test property in your pom.xml as well and set it differently in different profiles, but in the end, categories is superior to that and a good test suite design practice.

Different log4j settings when running with Maven than when running from Eclipse

I'd like my console to be as quiet as possible when I run my tests with mvn test, unless something goes wrong. Then again, when I'm writing tests in Eclipse (in other words, when I run single junit tests inside Eclipse), it's ok for them to be pretty verbose.
So I would need a way to have different log4j/logback settings when running all my tests with surefire than when I run them one by one in Eclipse. Is there a way to accomplish this?
You can configure surefire to use a different logger settings file. That will be ignored by Eclipse.

Configure Maven to look at local directory while running tests

We are using JBehave and while running test we need to add a local folder and jars to the classpath while running the tests.
The problem is the local folder might vary from system to system. We want the tests to run by looking at the jars installed on that system and the resources defined on that system.
How to add a dependency to maven that could change from system to system?
You can use environment variables in your pom.xml using ${env.VARIABLE_NAME}. If you have the path to your local folder in the pom, you could replace it by a variable. If you do so you have to set that variable on every system you execute the maven job on. I have found some guides for linux and windows on how to do that. Hope this fits your problem.
The test are executed by the maven-surefire-plugin. The plugin has only one goal surefire:test and this goal supports the configuration of additionalClasspathElements.
You can find a usage example here. The example configuration on this page looks like this:
I would go this way. To change the local folder location for each system you can use environment variables or different maven profiles.
