Unable to access the image from src/images folder - image

I have created images folder under src in Netbeans..to get image using following code in my application.
URL url = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().getResource("/images/file.jpg");
logoimg=new ImageIcon(url);
but it is not loading any image..I have tried many of existed solutions in web, but no use.
My requirement is need to run my application jar in any system without missing images.

following code fixed my probelm
ImageIcon ImageIcon = new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/images/logo.png"));


Jar file's images are not displaying in the web

I made a jar file, and I have a problem with images when I run it in the web. (I'm using Amazon EC2)
Currently I think I'm lost at setting the path.
It works well on my local host when I set the path to something like img src= "/img/1.jpg".
So, with URL URL = getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("img/1.jpg"); I get a path that starts with jar:file~~ when I run it.
But on the web, it doesn't display the image. I just see a small square icon where the image is supposed to be.
Would this be a path related issue? Or something else?
How should I set the path to resolve the problem?
I'm a beginner and I'd appreciate any help. :)
see this.
ClassPathResource resource = new ClassPathResource("application.yml");
InputStream inputStream = resource.getInputStream();

Meteor , read an image stored on server outside public folder

i can't resolve image file's path on my server from my meteor app to use it as a source of my image tag , also i don't want to put it in public folder as it refreshes due to meteor watching with every image upload.
For this you can use Meteor-files. This packages allow you to insert file in your database. also you can work another thing with this packages

How can I display images from an arbitrary folder in Xamarin Forms on Windows 8

This may be a dead horse, but I need to be able to supply a local folder full of images OUTSIDE my Xamarin application - not as resources, not requiring compilation to add more images - and display those images in the application, in Image objects. My main target platform is Windows 10. Others nice to have, not required.
Xamarin Forms Image normally takes either a File name (no path) or a URI. I can't get either method to locate and display images from the local file system. I must be doing something basic wrong.
Non-working sample:
Image i = new Image();
i.Source = ImageSource.FromFile(some.png); // Needs to be from folder on local disk
grid.Children.Add(i, c, r);
Most articles I find explain how to bundle images WITH the application as part of the source; again I need to display them in the application from a folder WITHOUT bundling them with the application. Users should be able to add more images to the folder and they would work in the app without recompiling/reinstalling - like an image gallery.
EDIT: I am able to successfully read a text file using PCLStorage https://github.com/dsplaisted/pclstorage. Is there a way to wire that to Xamarin forms image?
You would need to write a platform specific class to read the images and return a stream that could be consumed by StreamImageSource. Then you can use DependencyService to expose this behavior to your Forms PCL.
Alternatively, you could use PCLStorage
var f = await FileSystem.Current.LocalStorage.GetFileAsync (path);
Stream s = await f.OpenAsync (FileAccess.Read);
image.Source = ImageSource.FromStream(() => s);
Basically, you can't. If you don't bundle the images with your application, you somehow have to transfer the images to the application. Most common case is that you serve these images on a web server somewhere, where the application downloads the images from that web server.

iText Add Image to PDF in a web application

I'm posting this for a friend. He is not able to access Stackoverflow from work (Third Party Cookies Appear To Be Disabled) :)
Ok here goes:
They have a Web application (JSP/Servlets/Custom Framework) and he is trying to generate a PDF on the fly. Now he wants to add images to that PDF. But it ain't working. Here is the piece of code:
Image image = Image.getInstance("../graphics/caution_sign.gif");
The graphics folder is on the parent project (webcontent/graphics/) and this is how they access the images from that folder in all other places (in the JSPs).
Now I read on another post that we need to use the real absolute path to access the Images. But the problem here is this is a POJO and there is no access to the servletContext in this class.
The PDF is generated fine, but the Image does not show and the error is:
C:\Program Files\IBM\SDP\runtimes\base_v7\profiles\was70profile1\..\graphics\caution_sign.gif (The system cannot find the path specified.)
It is trying to look for the "Graphics" folder in a different location instead of looking within the webcontent folder.
Hope my question is clear and would appreciate a lot if someone can help with this and help in resolving this issue
Thanks so much
He was able to solve it using this piece of code. Hope this helps someone else.
ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
String path = classLoader.getResource("/graphics/caution_sign.gif").getPath();
Image image = Image.getInstance(path);
Following code can be used to access image path inside a java class.
URL imageUrl = getClass().getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation();
Image img=Image.getInstance(imageurl+"../../../some/images/pic.gif");
Small change from the previous solutions :
Step1: Below code will return the class path including class file name
URL classURL = getClass().getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation();
Step2: Get the base path by removing class name
String basePath = classURL.getPath().replaceAll("<classname>.class","");
Step3: Navigate to the image location based on your project
Image headerLogo = Image.getInstance(basePath+"../../../../../../../images/header_logo.gif");

Trying to use image from URL with Kohana Image class

I'm trying to use an image from a URL with Kohana image class. http://kohanaframework.org/3.0/guide/api/Image
Is this possible or does the image always have to be local to the project?
I'm accessing the image like this:
from the same site.
However the temp folder in the above URL is actually an Alias in Apache so is outside of the document root.
Can anyone shed any light on a solution?
The kohana image library says its not an image because it either fails
The image does have to be local to the project.
What you can do is grab a copy off the remote and save it to your project and serve that.
$offsite_path = 'http://example.com/images/steve-buscemi.jpg';
$local_copy = Remote::get($offsite_path);
$local_path = 'images/steve-buscemi.jpg';
file_put_contents($local_path, $local_copy);
echo HTML::image($local_path);
There is a feature request to allow for remote image access using the Image module.
