Meteor , read an image stored on server outside public folder - image

i can't resolve image file's path on my server from my meteor app to use it as a source of my image tag , also i don't want to put it in public folder as it refreshes due to meteor watching with every image upload.

For this you can use Meteor-files. This packages allow you to insert file in your database. also you can work another thing with this packages


Laravel 5.6 custom storage link/mount to other location on Windows OS

Laravel 5.6 custom storage link/mount to other location on Windows OS
php artisan storage:link will point the
http://localhost/storage to c:/project/storage/app/public
means visit http://localhost/storage/image.jpg = c:/project/storage/app/public/image.jpg
but how to custom the uri link to other location ? eg..
http://localhost/ramdisk/image.jpg link to z:/ramdisk/image.jpg
http://localhost/avatar/image.jpg link to z:/avatar/image.jpg
First of all: why would you like to do that? The images you upload should be in /storage/app/... or in /public/images/... Other disks may be unavailable if putting the app on a server.
To clarify, the php artisan storage:link only creates a symlink in /public/ folder pointing to the app/public. (I think in 5.6 it has absolute path so on server or after moving the application you have to delete and generate it again.)
So if you really want to access disk z on your PC from the app you should create a symlink in /public/ folder with the desired name. For example:
http://localhost/ramdisk/... would be a symlink named ramdisk in the public folder and would point to z:/ramdisk/. Then you would be able to access the folder contents as you wish.
Of course you can have multiple symlinks so you would create another one for the avatar folder too. Also make sure that disk z has a public access.
I was not able to test it, but I am sure that it would work, however I would not recommend it. If you want to use something in your app it should be within the app. (Except S3 drivers like amazon cloud storage.) I hope it helped.

How to get path to images generated with webpack encore

I have one problem with the images I want to include in my e-mail with phpmailer.
I have tried to use swift mailer with my symfony app but not works I have tried all configuration (all host all ports all encryption etc) during 3 days I have called them etc without any success. It works in local not in remote env...
Anyway, let's go back to my problem.
I use webpack with encore (new way of setting assets for symfony4).
All my images are renamed in the public folder. myimagename.65342324b5.jg I/O myimagename.jpg when I run encore to deploy assets.
The problem is when I want to AddEmbeddedImage
let's supposed I have logo.png in assetsfolder.
When I deploy assets it is renamed logo.536324324V3.png in public images folder.
So when I do
$mail->AddEmbeddedImage('images/logo.png','mon_logo', 'logo.png');
and when I want to refer in my html body of the e-mail to 'mon_logo' the image is not loaded because it is not existing only logo.536324324V3.png.
I have 2 options:
First I disable the automatic renaming of my images with webpack
encore .but I don't know how.
Second: I make this script able to recognise logo.png as
logo.536324324V3.png. Normally it is automatic with the
manifest.json generated after the assets deployment, but in my case
the path of my image is in my controller so I cannot specify that it
is an asset.
But I cannot do
$mail->AddEmbeddedImage(" {{ asset('images/logo.png')}}",'mon_logo',
Anyway it makes no sense.
So if you have solutions I'll take it:)
Thank you :)
Assuming you are using the Asset-component as suggested in your second approach, you could just pass in the class \Symfony\Component\Asset\Packages which should be available under the service id assets.packages and with Symfony 4 likely also under it's fully qualifieed class name. The Packages class manages your assets and is also what's used in the Twig_Extension in the asset() function.
So in your code you would probably do something like this:
$fileUrl = $packages->getUrl('images/logo.png');

prevent the access of folders that are not under public in laravel 4.2

hi guys im pretty new in laravel 4.2 i have a project that stores file in the server and what i did based from the opinion of other people, when the user saves a file it goes to app/storage/uploads my problem is when i know the url to the file, it still have access to the file. for example it is a pdf file, it opens in the browser or if it is doc, xls, xlsx etc it triggers a download what i'm tying to do is when the user tries to access that url, it would go to a certain view informing them that the folder is restricted so far i have this on my routes
Route::get(storage_path().'uploads/{all?}' , 'sample#restrict');
then in my controller
public function restrict()
dd("WHOOOPS!"); //for trial purposes
any ideas what im doing wrong? thanks in advance
With normal configuration web server has access only to a public directory.
If you set public directory as root for a virtual host, noone will be able to access app or storage directories which are outside public.

Read "public" file content in a Revel app

I am currently writing a Go web app using Revel.
My app needs to read the content of an XML file which is stored on the server. At the moment, I store this file in the "public" folder where some other resources (css, js...) lie.
I am using ioutil.ReadFile to read the content of this file. While this is working when the server is run from the main app folder itself, I cannot figure how to access the file when the server is run from another location (say by running "revel run myapp" from $GOPATH).
Is there any way to deal with this situation in revel?
is there a generic way to know the path of the "public" folder?
Any hint would be appreciated.
Thanks! :)
The base path of the application is stored and accessible through revel.BasePath.
The "public" folder can thus be accessed through revel.BasePath + "/public/<...>".
This BasePath value is used, for example, in Static.Serve.

Unable to access the image from src/images folder

I have created images folder under src in get image using following code in my application.
URL url = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().getResource("/images/file.jpg");
logoimg=new ImageIcon(url);
but it is not loading any image..I have tried many of existed solutions in web, but no use.
My requirement is need to run my application jar in any system without missing images.
following code fixed my probelm
ImageIcon ImageIcon = new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/images/logo.png"));
