Heroku: Processes have temporarily been disabled - heroku

When running heroku ps or heroku run {anything} I get the error:
! Processes have temporarily been disabled.
Attempting to run from collaborator or owner results in same issue. I have a trouble-ticket in with Heroku with no response, yet. Their status app says everything is fine right now. I can console into other apps in my account, just not this one.
How to fix?

From heroku: "This was caused by an lock placed on your application during the shared database migration some time ago; in the vast majority of cases, this lock was automatically removed when the migration finished, but it appears a small handful of applications did not get this flag removed."


An error occurred handling a request for the Admin UI: Error: Prisma error: The table `main.User` does not exist in the current database

I tried to deploy a keystone app to Heroku and I did it but while I tried to open the app I got the following error:
An error occurred handling a request for the Admin UI: Error: Prisma error: The table main.User does not exist in the current database.
Here's a screenshot containing more details about the error:
I tried to locate the database and create the User table.
I expect to know the steps of how to solve this issue.
It looks like your DB hasn't been initialised properly. The error you've included is failing to count the items in the User list which (if you don't have sessions configured) is likely the first query to run – a count of items in each list is shown on the Admin UI the landing page so that's the first thing it does.
So something about how your migrations are being generated or applied in production isn't setup right. Most of the relevant docs on how this works are in the CLI guide, specifically, see the section about database migrations and the db.useMigrations flag.
Having db.useMigrations turned off can be handy if you're just playing around in dev. Keystone will automatically sync your DB structure to what's defined in your list configs whenever it starts, and does so without creating any physical migration files. If you're prototyping some change or just mucking around, this may be what you want but – if you're deploying somewhere – better to turn db.useMigrations on. Then, if Keystone detects changes to the DB when it runs, it'll prompt you to create a migration file, which can be tweaked to protect existing data if needed, tracked under version control (eg. git) and deployed.
Getting these migrations to run in an environment like Heroku is a little slightly weird as (assuming it's enabled for your app) Heroku can auto-scale. Migrations on the other hand need to be run exactly once. You also can't just lock the DB and run migrations when the first instance of the app starts – this delays the start up of the HTTP server so, if the migrations run for too long, Heroku may think the deployment has failed.
The way we suggest getting around this is to run migrations in the build staging. Fans of the 12-factor app methodology will notice this violated the separation of build and release stages but, for a simple Heroku deploy, it works fine. For larger/more serious apps, creating and applying migrations usually an area that needs significant thought and attention. The specific infrastructure and rollout processes required will be project dependant.
I'd also encourage you to check out the Keystone 6 Heroku example codebase if you haven't already. It's a little out of date but it shows the migrations and package.json scripts in action.

Database file information not saved when downloaded back from Heroku to my PC

I am doing a Discord.py bot and my bot needs a database to store guilds, members and stuff. I uploaded my files (a created database file too) with git to Heroku and ran my bot. When people join Discord server or something, it has to record that to the database.
When I downloaded all my files back from Heroku to my computer with heroku git:clone -a <name> I see that my database is still empty, even though a member has joined. When I run my bot on my computer directly, database works fine. Why? Does Heroku even update files when my code says so? Maybe I misunderstood something?
Maybe I misunderstood something?
Yes. You deploy code to heroku by pushing it to its git repo. That's when your blank/default database file is. When heroku starts a dyno, it essentially copies the files from the git repo into the filesystem on the new dyno. As your app works, it can read and write the files on the dyno. The important points are:
Writes to that dyno-local file are not propagated back to git.
The dyno filesystem is ephemeral. When your dyno shuts down, the files are gone and all the changes are gone with them.
If you want a persisted database that can survive dyno restarts, you should use an external database instead of a local file. For example, a Postgres add-on.

Stuck OpenShift Application

My application hang up. Because of that I wanted to delete the application but it's not possible. OpenShift just shows me: "Unable to perform action on app object. Another operation is already running" when I want to delete the application from the web interface.
Unable to perform action on app object. Another operation is already running.
When I check the status of my application then it is unknown. It shows "unknown" for my Tomcat server and also for my database server.
What can I do now to get my app back to live?
It looks like your error is caused by intermittent API failures on OpenShift, so there is nothing that you can do (except you work for OpenShift).
You can check the OpenShift Online Status Page to see whether the API errors are still present. To receive the latest status updates you can also follow OpenShift Operations on Twitter or join this IRC Channel: #openshift on irc.freenode.net.
I think the problem will be resolved quickly.
This may be caused by Tomcat running out of memory. Try rhc app force-stop -a [your_app] in the rhc command line tools. This should kill all running threads in your app even if it's out of memory. Then, if you want to restart the app, use rhc app start.
Source: https://help.openshift.com/hc/en-us/articles/202399040-How-to-restart-an-application-

Heroku shared database not resetting

Trying to reset my Rails app's shared database on Heroku.
Doing the following appears to work.
heroku pg:reset SHARED_DATABASE --confirm rabid-raccoon-2000
I get: Resetting SHARED_DATABASE (DATABASE_URL)... done
And running heroku run rake db:migrate after that appears to work as well. But when I run heroku run console, or try to use the app, it does not reflect the changes (it still uses an ancient db schema- even right after I reset it).
I've tried this with both the free 5mb free db, as well as with the $15 shared db, both to no avail. No idea what db it's working with.
My database.yml is checked into version control, but I don't see how that can be a problem.
Just deleted the app and started over. Explanations are welcome.
Just a thought... I followed the directions here to set up a beta postgresql database. The plus is that it gives me direct access to the database so I can change anything needed by my tables.
I then removed the generated .sql file with "git rm conf/evolutions/default/1.sql," committed and pushed to heroku. Happily, the app is now working!
This issue is very frustrating, especially since it mostly affects people using Heroku for the first time (w/ the shared database). It wasn't the database script since it worked just fine on the local dev database. Hope this helps you out for next time.

Heroku: rogue transfer in progress

I started a migration on Heroku last night that gave me no feedback for hours, and which I eventually stopped because it wasn't clear if the system was even doing anything.
Ever since, it's been a nightmare. I cannot access the relevant database tables in heroku console, I can't migrate, rollback, or use pgbackups.
Helpfully, pgbackups gave me a one line explanation just now:
a transfer is currently in progress
This I assume is the migration I tried to execute hours ago. How can I stop whatever Heroku is doing so I can do a quick restore and get back up and running?
You can remove the problem backup stuck in the "a transfer is currently in progress" by finding the name of the backup and then destroying it. E.g.
heroku pgbackups
My problem backup was listed like this:
b210 | 2013/01/02 12:29.33 | unknown | DATABASE_URL
So to destroy it I just did:
heroku pgbackups:destroy b210
It removed the problem backup for me so I could get on with using pgbackups again properly.
I just had this problem too. Found an easier way of fixing it - briefly remove the pgbackups addon.
heroku addons:remove pgbackups
heroku addons:add pgbackups
WARNING as mentioned in the comments below, this will destroy all extant backups!
I accidentally did a transfer from my COLOR_URL database to my DATABASE_URL which was the same database. heroku pgackups:transfer let this happen which caused the main database to get stuck in
a transfer is currently in progress
I fixed it by looking at the process list pg:ps and killing all connections pg:killall
After doing this and looking at pg:ps the process list was empty and I was free to use the main database again with pgbackups.
NOTE this could be a destructive operation so make sure you have a snapshot before you do this.
The real solution is to contact Heroku support and have them kill the rogue process for you. They say they are re-architecting pgbackups to give users more control.
It never became clear what happened - after a day or so I was able to interact with heroku console, but I was never able to run another migration. This is what I did:
Renamed my app to something else.
Created a new app in its place, checking the stack was the same, and copying over all add-ons and domains.
I restored the database from pgbackups (highly recommended if you're not using this add-on).
This fixed the problem. Note: Be careful to check that your pgbackup doesn't cause unacceptable data loss.
