Stuck OpenShift Application - tomcat7

My application hang up. Because of that I wanted to delete the application but it's not possible. OpenShift just shows me: "Unable to perform action on app object. Another operation is already running" when I want to delete the application from the web interface.
Unable to perform action on app object. Another operation is already running.
When I check the status of my application then it is unknown. It shows "unknown" for my Tomcat server and also for my database server.
What can I do now to get my app back to live?

It looks like your error is caused by intermittent API failures on OpenShift, so there is nothing that you can do (except you work for OpenShift).
You can check the OpenShift Online Status Page to see whether the API errors are still present. To receive the latest status updates you can also follow OpenShift Operations on Twitter or join this IRC Channel: #openshift on
I think the problem will be resolved quickly.

This may be caused by Tomcat running out of memory. Try rhc app force-stop -a [your_app] in the rhc command line tools. This should kill all running threads in your app even if it's out of memory. Then, if you want to restart the app, use rhc app start.


How to deploy a web app without stop and restart

I built the project to binary file and deployed it to server before. and start it with nohup. But if I updated my code and rebuild my program. I must to kill the process first, then updated the file and start again.
My problem is:
The app must be down with at least few seconds.
I must update file manually (login the server, kill process, replace file, and then start it)
Is there anyway to hot update the program, something like PHP? I just need update my code to server by git (or svn or others way). then the server will rebuild app and graceful restart it.
Usually you run more than one instance of your web application behind a reversed proxy, eg nginx, or any other load balancer. If the few second downtime is an issue for you then you need to have a HA setup anyway. And in such setup you can do a rolling update, where you are replacing instances one by one.
Quick googling will let you find instructions how to do the deployment eg:

Kotlin/JS web app doesn't start on Heroku

When I start the app, I get error code H14: no web proccess running.
I've already seen this: Gradle java web app doesn't start on heroku
heroku, and I've tried to run the command, yet I get this error: couldn't find that process type (web).
What is going on?

How can I see when a Heroku app was deleted?

One of our test apps got deleted recently. We're trying to track down how/why (suspicion is an error in an API call that we've made). Is there a way to get any logs from Heroku that shows who/when/how an app was deleted?

Is 'quick.db" supported on Heroku?

I receive this error whenever I run an application which requires the quick.db
Here's the error:
There's nothing preventing you from building the quick.db dependency into your application but it will not work as expected. It uses sqlite under the hood which will attempt to store your data in the file system. On Heroku, that file system is ephemeral and your data will be wiped at least once per day.

Heroku: Processes have temporarily been disabled

When running heroku ps or heroku run {anything} I get the error:
! Processes have temporarily been disabled.
Attempting to run from collaborator or owner results in same issue. I have a trouble-ticket in with Heroku with no response, yet. Their status app says everything is fine right now. I can console into other apps in my account, just not this one.
How to fix?
From heroku: "This was caused by an lock placed on your application during the shared database migration some time ago; in the vast majority of cases, this lock was automatically removed when the migration finished, but it appears a small handful of applications did not get this flag removed."
