Magento: Track number of downloads of downloadable product links - magento

I would like to display the number of downloads being done for any downloadable links of a downloadable product in Magento.
I don't think there is such feature in Magento.
Seems we need to program it.
Any help please?

Look at the number_of_downloads_bought and number_of_downloads_used in downloadable_link_purchased_item table (Mage_Downloadable_Model_Link_Purchased_Item model)
Magento uses those fields to define how many times user can download file:
$linkPurchased = Mage::getModel('downloadable/link_purchased')->load($linkPurchasedItem->getPurchasedId());
$downloadsLeft = $linkPurchasedItem->getNumberOfDownloadsBought()
- $linkPurchasedItem->getNumberOfDownloadsUsed();
So you can use $linkPurchasedItem->getNumberOfDownloadsUsed() as number of downloads in selected order. If you count number of doewnloads for every order you can get total number of downloads.
Or you can make your own counter for calling Mage_Downloadable_DownloadController::_processDownload()

Isn't it the field 'number_of_downloads' in the table 'downloadable_link'?


Magento 1.9 Missing products

I have imported 16990 products to my website via Import All products Profile
Its divided info 9 files
8 files contains 2000 products
and 1 file contains 990 products
All files imported successfully with no error messages
After checking the total number of records from catalog, about 1500 products are Missing
I have double check the CSVs files its correct with no issues
Could you please help me to explorer the issue?
Well, I have prepared a workaround for this problem. First of all, check if your missing products are showing in the database. If yes, try to do the following:
Sign in to Magento Admin Panel
Go to Catalog > Manage Products
Your current URL will look like this:[your_key]/
Change your URL to:[product_id]/key/[your_key]/
You can find the product_id in the database. When you enter this URL, you will be able to edit the product. Now, check product attributes and make sure that you check all the values which are empty or not filled properly. In this way, you can clearly see all little mistakes by the Values in the CSV.

Magento Shopping Cart Products not in input order

The company i work for running Magento with a Cart2quote extension.
They are getting frustrated because when they add a list of products to an order in admin the products dont stay in the order that they were inputted.
Example By SKU:
Order inputted-
Order when finished inputting-
I have only used 4 as an example, although more often than not it can be in excess of 50+ products.
Could this be due to an extension confilct with cart2quote or is there some other soloution?
Sometimes, buy pressing "Updates items and qtys" it does put them in a reverse order (first product is last) and they can live with that.
But as it is now, its making it frustrating for them to double check they have inputted the correct items.
Im sorry to waffle on, but any comments would be appreciated.
Many Thanks in advance.
I'm not familiar with this extension, but check created time, updated time, id, etc when sorting.

Is it possible to add shipping tracking number for different product in magento?

I would like know
Suppose, A order consist of three product. When i submit this product to warehouse it ship the prodduct in different shipping method.
I would like to know how can i add these tracking number in magento either programmatic php or directly using mysql query
Thank you.
You can do this without having to run any code (i.e PHP or MySQL), simply partially invoice the order by navigating to the order itself, choosing the invoice tab & checking / unchecking the appropriate products. Then, when you choose to create a shipment, you can base it off of an invoice number and assign appropriate tracking information to it.

Magento Stock (Configurable, Bundle)

I have a website made with Magento, and a theme by me. The problem is:
The simple product with low stock is associated to a configurable product, and when i try to add a higher quantity of that simple product, it allows, and then, after the checkout proccess, we receive a e-mail from the store that there is a failure in the proccess like:
Payment operation failed:
Not all products are available in the requested quantity
It occurs in bundle products that have a default quanity more than 1 too.
Someone can help me?
Found this solution but i can't truncate my sales tables on database. I have all my sales records there, and there are a lot of them. I can't loose it. Magento: After ordering configurable product, its canceled because its out of stock
How many orders do you need to remove? If you got a handful that you can count by hand, you can try this solution to remove unwanted orders.
how can i delete test order from magento
It looks like it should work, but, as always, review the code and try it on one order first..

Problem with importing Quote Products in CRM 2011

Hi I am having a problem with importing Quote products in CRM 2011.
When I downloaded the template for import, the columns require that I state whether the product is a 'Write-in' or an 'Existing' product. Then there are an additional 2 columns: Write In, Existing.
On filling in the template with sample data for import, I wrote something like this:
Write-in | | New product |......
Existing | Existing Product 1 | |.......
(The | is a new column )
I am assuming that when the product is a write-in product, you must enter a new product and when the product is an existing product, you write the name of an existing product in the system. The other columns are then left blank.
However, I am getting errors on import and I have no clue why :/ I am giving it the wrong data?
Also... the company does not make use of a Product List. Is there a way in which I can bypass its use since every time I enter a new product, I am asked to give the price list and this is not viable for the company since there are hundreds of products and the items and their prices change constantly so we cannot make use of a Product List especially when I am asked to enter a New Product List every time :/
Does anyone have a clue of what can be done? Thanks :)
IMHO, I can suggest the following.
Have a default price list, Onload of such forms, autofill that field with that PriceList.
Also, when quote is created, use JScript to say there is always going to be a write In product. (Then, you dont require the Product Lookup filled in).
Also, I dont know what kind of errors you get here, but when you specify an existing product, you also have to specify the UniOfMeasure or something. Make sure you have one supplied in your CSV.
