I'm running a simple program with Qt5, QtCreator under windows 7+msvc2010 with SDK7 installed. I have to call specific Windows functions in this program.
If I try to compile it, I always get:
error: C1083: Cannot open include file: 'Windows.h': No such file or directory.
Of course, I set "normally" the dev. kit in QtCreator (Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler 10.0), and I try to run vcvars32.bat before. It still is not working.
Another point: Why when while compiling, do I not see any include (-I...) related to the Windows SDK?
Where is my mistake?
I could successfully build the libssh2 library for windows using Compiling libssh2 on windows. I am not able to figure out the command to compile a simple C program on a windows system that uses libssh2 , say any example code from https://libssh2.org/examples/
My system: Windows Server 2019, Visual studio 2017.
Command I tried:
cl ssh2_exec.c
Error: cannot open include file : 'libssh2.h': no such file or directory
Try and type first:
set INCLUDE=%INCLUDE%;C:\path\to\libssh2-headers\folder
Then try again your cl ssh2_exec.c: that should be enough for cl to find where the header files are.
I decided to give the built-in CMake support in VS2017 a try, and instead of figuring out why our multi-library, multi-executable project has problems with find_package in the hand-crafted CMakeLists.txt files that it has used for years, I decided to try a simple project first, the FooBar example from the CMake wiki: https://cmake.org/Wiki/CMake/Tutorials/How_to_create_a_ProjectConfig.cmake_file
This project creates a shared library foo and an executable bar that links to this library, and is about as simple as they come. I unzipped the project, opened it with File->Open->Folder, the CMake configuration starts and succeeds. Fist thing I notice is that there's no more Build menu, no F7 shortcut to build my project, but instead, I have to select CMake->Build CMakeLists.txt :-( The Debug menu is similarly stunted, and quick debugging is why I use Visual Studio in the first place. This is already looking bad, but it gets worse:
The build fails with this output:
foo.vcxproj -> C:\Users\Enno\AppData\Local\CMakeBuild\639e9ecd-8891-eb38-b26b-ce84aa448eea\build\x86-Debug\foo\Debug\foo.dll
C:\Users\Enno\AppData\Local\CMakeBuild\639e9ecd-8891-eb38-b26b-ce84aa448eea\build\x86-Debug\bar\LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file '..\foo\Debug\foo.lib'
The build directory is in %APPDATA%? That's going to be annoying.
There is indeed no .lib file in that location, just the .dll.
At this point I was becoming skeptical that this may not be a problem with VS2017, but maybe with the sample project itself, or with CMake. So I created a solution for VS2015 with cmake.exe -G "Visual Studio 14" ., which I opened in VS2015 and Voila! I got the same error message.
Is there a CMake genius on SO that can tell me what is wrong with this project?
Turns out: The example on the CMake wiki is not portable in the first place, so this has nothing to do with Visual Studio's built-in CMake support. It does not take into account that Windows needs export libraries for DLLs. Adding the correct __declspec(dllexport) incantations to foo.h resolves the error message.
I found all the information that I needed about shared libraries on Windows at this link:
I have searched high and low for this answer. I have tried suggestions to similar problems posted on Stack and other sites. My toolchain consists of an x64 machine with windows 7, visual studio 2010, opencv 2.4, qt 4.8, and boost. I configure all of my projects using CMake, which finds all of these libraries and includes and creates my visual studio project. I have compiled two versions of boost, a 32-bit version build in the command line and placed in \boost\boost_1_47_0\lib\win32, and a 64-bit compiled in the Windows SDK v7.1 64-bit compiler and stored in \boost\boost_1_47_0\lib\x64. Everything in the project compiles fine with the exception of boost. I get a compiler error:
fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'libboost_filesystem-vc100-mt-1_47.lib'
As a reminder, CMake is handling all of my linking and it properly locates this lib and adds it to the visual studio project. I can verify this by looking at Properties->Linker->Command Line. Here, in addition to files representing other libraries, it has listed:
I can suppress this error by manually adding my boost\boost_1_47_0\lib\x64 directory to Properties->Linker->General->Additional Library Dependencies. This compiles without error. However, when I go to run the application, I am met with a system error that tells me:
The program can't start because boost_filesystem-vc100-mt-1_47.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.
In this /x64 directory I have:
Any insight would be incredibly appreciated. Thanks!
To solve the runtime error:
Add the location of the dll(s) to the PATH environment variable.
For example on my machine:
set PATH=%PATH%;c:\users\chris\boost_regex-vc140.\lib\native\address-model-32\lib
or copy the dll(s) to a directory already in the PATH
See here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/7d83bc18.aspx?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396
I've downloaded libwbxml source package from http://sourceforge.net/projects/libwbxml/files/libwbxml/0.11.0/ and followed instructions in the INSTALL file, trying to compile it for Windows environment. However, everytime I build the solution (I'm using VS 2005), I get several error messages like this:
fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'wbxml_config.h': No such file or directory
I've searched throughout the web and could not find a definitive solution for it.
Based on my experience, building on Windows with Visual studio 98 will cause no error.
You may try to build another variant, wbxml2-0.9.2.tar, from sourceforce.net, it only causes error at test phase but the library and 2 tools can be built fine.
I'm trying to start a C++ Qt application and have it run and compile in Visual Studio 2010.
Doing some googling, I found that there was a Visual Studio Qt Add-in, and so I installed this. I already had a MinGW Qt binary installed, and when this did not work, I found that you have to compile the source for Visual Studio 2010 (the VS 2008 binary will cause deployment issues).
Using this as a guide: How to build Qt for Visual Studio 2010, I compiled the open source version, and added it to the PATH, along with a QTDIR env variable. Hoping that I got it finally working, I created a "Qt Application" using the New Project Wizard in Visual Studio 2010. Once I finished, I tried to build the program, only to see the following error:
1>LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'qtmaind.lib'
I looked in the C:\QT\lib folder, and found that I only have a qtmaind.prl, but no clue as to why there is no qtmaind.lib.
I am able to echo the QMAKESPEC environmental variable to get a 'win32-msvc2010' output.
I've tried several different combinations of flags for the configure step, including the one in the link, and even tried manually setting the -platform flag.
If anyone can offer any help, it would be greatly appreciated! :D
Just ran across this same problem. I changed the "-release" flag from the linked guide to "-debug-and-release", and then it built the qtmaind.lib library (presumably, that "d" suffix stands for debug).
I encountered this issue when running a project whose settings were hardcoded for a particular machine setup.
I could see that the vcxproj file had something like:
I could not find this lib file in my machine. I replaced the line by:
It looks like the names of library files are different across Qt versions.Or, maybe the library files were renamed.
Also, the 'd' denoted debug. If you cannot find any lib file post-fixed by 'd', it is likely that you did not 'make' a debug version of Qt.
You can cross check this by opening the .Sln file created by configure. Mine was named Projects.sln. You can open this in notepad and see if win32-debug configurations are present.
This might be a QMAKESPEC issue. Try setting your QMAKESPEC environment variable to
and rebuild Qt like that. This should give you .lib files in your Qt folder
in QT 5.3 with vs 2013
in properties -> linker -> input
remove ANY path for qt libraries such qtmaind.lib
this is known BUG