Lotus Quick Places Issuee - lotus

After logging with user first, middle and last name of the user in quickr, the quickr home page is displayed. Then I will click the places, and they are not showing and instead I get this error. How can fix this problem?
'performance' is null or not an object
'window.q_BaseLoader.performance' is null or not an object
'dojo' is undefined
'window.q_BaseLoader.performance' is null or not an object
'window.q_BaseLoader.sametime' is null or not an object
'dojo' is undefined
'q_BaseLoader' is undefined

It seems that you installed Sametime and Quickr (or Quick Place?) on the same server. This is not a supported configuration. And now you know why...


OpenLayers can't get feature by key, undefined error

I am trying to get some key values from features in extent but I am unable to.
I tried to look up ID [feature.getId()] which works totally fine, see here:
If I try feature.get('id') it's undefined for some reason. (And it's undefined for every key I am trying to get by name)
I tried feature.getKeys() and it's returning geometry,info,index,popup.
I stored every info I need under info key.
I tried to get data in console and I can see that a point has 'id' key, and I am unable to get it with feature.get('id')
Does anyone know what am I doing wrong?
I had to access values with Object.values method.

Cannot read property 'findElementsOverride' of undefined

Protractor/jamine error message:
Failed: Cannot read property 'findElementsOverride' of undefined
any clue on whats causing this error message?
More details would have helped.At-least what caused the error:)
But I have faced this issue before and you will see this when using isElementPresent() in scenarios like below
The problem is that isElementPresent() is checks based on subLocator and doesnt accept null as argument
The docs state the proper way of using it
This checks whether the element identified by the subLocator is
present, rather than the current element finder

Capybara debug, don't even know where has this error

I am debugging, then the error message pop up like following:|84|=============================checkShownBefore
Started request to ""
Received 200 from ""|31|=============_setTip|153|======================currentTip|153|==============finish currentTip|31|=============_setTip|153|======================currentTip|153|==============finish currentTip
undefined|0|TypeError: 'undefined' is not a function
It didn't even mention which file is complaining the type error, I tried to use console.log in quicktip_controller.js, to see whether there is anything wrong after this page. But I can get nothing. Any suggestion??
Suggestion is that the undefined is valid in js, but invalid for pure rails environment. So you haveto look into apps/quicktip/ejs/quicktip.ejs or around files for the occurines of undefined keyword in ruby code.

Microsoft AJAX: Unable to get property 'x' of undefined or null reference

How do I troubleshoot the following error being thrown by a Microsoft AJAX JavaScript framework method? It is an automatically generated line of JavaScript from a custom User Control in a Web Forms App (Sitefinity 5 CMS)
Error Message:
Unable to get property 'FancyBlockDesigner' of undefined or null reference
Here is the JavaScript that is throwing the error:
Sys.Application.add_init(function() {
$create(SitefinityWebApp.Esd.TheLab.SampleHtmlEditor.FancyBlockDesigner, null, null, {"Editor":"propertyEditor_ctl00_ctl00_ctl00_ctl00_ctl00_Editor","propertyEditor":"propertyEditor"}, $get("propertyEditor_ctl00_ctl00_ctl00"));
Rather than discuss the ascx and cs files that try to abstract this detail away from me, I want to know what this error means. If I understand the detail, the abstraction might make more sense.
"$create" function in ASP.NET Ajax creates an instance of JavaScript class. Microsoft had their own opinion on how to make JavaScript object orientated and as time had shown, their approach wasn't exactly perfect.
Anyhow, to try to explain what is happening, let me give a bit of an overview oh how it works. We start by a server side control which implements IScriptControl interface which mandates two members: GetScriptDescriptors and GetScriptReferences. The second one is pretty straightforward - it lets you register references to all JavaScript files that you control will require. The GetScriptDescriptors, on the other hand, let's you define all the instances of JavaScript classes you want to use as well as it lets you set their properties - initialize them, if you will.
What the autogenerated JavaScript code you've pasted says is basically that you have defined in GetScriptDescriptors that you will need an instance of type "SitefinityWebApp.Esd.TheLab.SampleHtmlEditor.FancyBlockDesigner" where you want Editor property to be initialized. This code will go and look for a JavaScript constructor that looks like this:
function SitefinityWebApp.Esd.TheLab.SampleHtmlEditor.FancyBlockDesigner(element) {
that most probably also has a prototype defined, something like:
SitefinityWebApp.Esd.TheLab.SampleHtmlEditor.FancyBlockDesigner.prototype = {
Now, since the error you have posted states: "Unable to get property 'FancyBlockDesigner' of undefined or null reference", most probably one of the following is the problem:
You have not included the JavaScript file which contains the class (constructor + prototype) that I've talked about above
You have forgot to add the "FancyBlockDesigner" to the constructor (it seems that you do have other object, perhaps through MS Ajax namespaces - "SitefinityWebApp.Esd.TheLab"
You have not registerd the "SampleHtmlEditor" namespace. Make sure at the top of your JS file you have this: Type.registerNamespace("SitefinityWebApp.Esd.TheLab.SampleHtmlEditor");
So, short story long, the function with name "SitefinityWebApp.Esd.TheLab.SampleHtmlEditor.FancyBlockDesigner" cannot be found.
Hope this helps,

when using remapColumns in different event, sort icon doesn't show when clicking a header

I saved my column permutation info into a table. This information can be reloaded in beforeRequest event:
mynewperm = {....};
myGrid.jqGrid("remapColumns", mynewperm, true);
The columns are reordered correctly. However I lost the header icon. Now if I click any column header, I can not see
the sort icon anymore, then can not sort any column. How can I get it back?
Thank you,
if you are able to change the code, you could test for an undefined of a.grid.headers[a.p.lastsort].
In the source file it could look like this:
// old
var previousSelectedTh = ts.grid.headers[ts.p.lastsort].el
// new:
var previousSelectedTh = ts.grid.headers[ts.p.lastsort] ? ts.grid.headers[ts.p.lastsort].el : null
Indeed if you look at the jquery.jqGrid.src.js source, the line is:
var previousSelectedTh = ts.grid.headers[ts.p.lastsort].el, newSelectedTh = ts.grid.headers[idxcol].el;
Line #1982 in my version. I fixed it by modifying the file and added this just before that line:
if (ts.p.lastsort < 0) // johnl.
ts.p.lastsort = 0;
The problem was that ts.p.lastsort was -1.
I've just managed to fix this issue myself but not using the methods described above. I was receiving the following error message when trying to sort columns in a jqgrid:
TypeError: a.grid.headers[a.p.lastsort] is undefined js/jqgrid/jquery.jqGrid.min.js?1.4:86
I should note that it was Firebug that produced this error message. Our company develops web applications for Chrome but Chrome's Javascript console produced a very uninformative error message:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'el' of undefined
After stripping out all but the jqGrid declaration on the page causing the issue, it transpired that removing the "multiSelect" option declaration for the jqGrid solved the issue. Apparently, declaring this option causes an additional hidden column to be added into the grid rendered which enables users to select multiple grid rows at a time. I'm not exactly sure why this caused an issue but after consultation with the programming director here our best guess is that there is a for loop somewhere in the jqGrid library code which is called when column sorting is applied and the loop is not taking into account this extra column which results in it not being defined.
Strange answer to a strange issue but hopefully this will help somebody out in future and save them around 3 hours of debugging!
I've the same issue :
It append to me since i apply the "remapColumns" method in the "loadComplete" event (i get back user column configuration from a cookie).
So when I try to sort a column nothing happen. I got this error in firebug :
a.grid.headers[a.p.lastsort] is undefined -> jquery.jqGrid.min.js (line 93)
maybe it will be helpful to find what the problem is
Thank you
