OpenLayers can't get feature by key, undefined error - methods

I am trying to get some key values from features in extent but I am unable to.
I tried to look up ID [feature.getId()] which works totally fine, see here:
If I try feature.get('id') it's undefined for some reason. (And it's undefined for every key I am trying to get by name)
I tried feature.getKeys() and it's returning geometry,info,index,popup.
I stored every info I need under info key.
I tried to get data in console and I can see that a point has 'id' key, and I am unable to get it with feature.get('id')
Does anyone know what am I doing wrong?

I had to access values with Object.values method.


How to create a Google::Protobuf::Map Instance [Ruby]

I have a protobuf object in ruby, and it has a map as one parameter. How can I create a Google::Protobuf::Map? If I try to enter a standard hash table, I get an Expected Map instance error.
Found the answer here:, if anyone needs that.

Cannot read property 'findElementsOverride' of undefined

Protractor/jamine error message:
Failed: Cannot read property 'findElementsOverride' of undefined
any clue on whats causing this error message?
More details would have helped.At-least what caused the error:)
But I have faced this issue before and you will see this when using isElementPresent() in scenarios like below
The problem is that isElementPresent() is checks based on subLocator and doesnt accept null as argument
The docs state the proper way of using it
This checks whether the element identified by the subLocator is
present, rather than the current element finder

Check if property exists in object

I spent a long time now trying to figure this myself with the help of other questions but failed so I REALLY need to ask this again
I have the following object in ruby
:favorite_count: 0
- :text:
This is object X. What I want to do is check if exists. I've tried barely EVERYTHING. any, ?, include?, with [hash], defined?, (...) but it ALWAYS throws an error "undefined method" when trying to access the property, whether it exists or not. It NEVER works and I don't understand why. This is twitter API btw. Does anyone imagine why? Please do not point me to another answers because basically they all failed.
If you want to see if there is such a method:
If you want to see if there is an instance variable:

Trouble fetching JSONArray key from server

1) I have an Object (JB8XGctiZw) that has to keys: "patternName", and "tempoIntensities". When I run the following code, It will fetch the correct values of both keys.
ParseObject parseObject=ParseObject.createWithoutData("AudioPattern", "JB8XGctiZw");
2) From the web interface I change value contents for BOTH keys.
3) Run again the above code and it will successfully bring me the new value for "patterName", but "tempoIntensities", the JSONArray, will not be updated.
The only way to get the JSONArray updated is to clear local storage.
Is this a bug? Is this behavior normal?
It seems to be an issue with using ParseObject.getJSONArray and ParseObject.getJSONObject. For the moment I fixed this using ParseObject.get() and then casting it.
The version of Parse this applies to is 1.8.2,
And there is an assigned issue here:
You should be logged in to facebook to see this bug

Lotus Quick Places Issuee

After logging with user first, middle and last name of the user in quickr, the quickr home page is displayed. Then I will click the places, and they are not showing and instead I get this error. How can fix this problem?
'performance' is null or not an object
'window.q_BaseLoader.performance' is null or not an object
'dojo' is undefined
'window.q_BaseLoader.performance' is null or not an object
'window.q_BaseLoader.sametime' is null or not an object
'dojo' is undefined
'q_BaseLoader' is undefined
It seems that you installed Sametime and Quickr (or Quick Place?) on the same server. This is not a supported configuration. And now you know why...
