Defining which field was changed in a grid - kendo-ui

Is it possible to identify on a kendo UI grid which field was altered on a row edit?
Right now I am sending the entire row to the server that was changed. I would like to send
the request to the server to also include a variable holding the name
of the field that was edited.
Is something like that supported by kendo or
is there a work around for that?

This is not supported out of the box. However the grid API should allow this to be implemented. Check the edit and save events. In there you can listen to changes of the model instance which is currently being edit. Here is a quick example:
edit: function(e) {
e.model.unbind("change", model_change).bind("change", model_change);
function model_change(e) {
var model = this;
var field = e.field;
// store somewhere the field and model


How to reload kendo grid with filtered data?

I have a kendo grid, in which I have selected filter on one column, I am reloading the grid, I want the same filter to be there when grid reloads.
I am using the below code to reload the grid. It works, but it doesn't show the selected filter item checked. I checked IDR in the filter then reloaded the page, it shows 1 item selected but doesn't show IDR as checked.
function ReloadGrid() {
var grid = $('#gridId').data('kendoGrid');;
Well there is two way to achieve this.
One way is to save filters in database and second one is to use local storage as mentioned in comment.
I prefer second one, using local storage to save filters and load it upon read.
#GaloisGirl is pointing you in right direction.
Check this example again: Persist state
Basic usage of locale storage is to save some data under some name (key,value):
let person = {
name: 'foo',
lastName: 'bar'
let save = function (person) {
let personString = JSON.stringify(person);
localStorage.setItem('person', personString);
console.log('Storing person: ', personString);
let load = function () {
let personString = localStorage.getItem('person'); // <----string
let person = JSON.parse(personString); // <----object
console.log('Stored person: ', person);
let remove = function (name) {
console.log('Removed from local storage!');
In kendo world you need to save current options state of grid in local storage, you can achieve that by adding button like in example or on the fly with change or with window.onbeforeunload or like in your example beforen reload grid.
You can check saved data under application tab in browsers, eg. chrome:
Hope it helps, gl!

Getting Kendo Grid from its DataSource

I'm writing a generic error handler for all of the Kendo Grids. I need to get that source Grid to prevent its default behavior in saving data. In the handler, you can access the source's DataSouce by args.sender. How can I access the Kendo Grid from that DataSouce?
The only approach I found was this suggestion, searching through all grids, and the handler looks like below, can you suggest anything better and more efficient?
function genericErrorHandler(args) {
if (args.errors) {
$('.k-grid').each(function () {
var grid = $(this).data('kendoGrid');
if (grid.dataSource == args.sender) {
There is no API to get Grid object from data source, but there is many approach beside that.
You can create generic grid's edit event and storing in global scope variable which grid's ID was triggered that event. I prefer to do this rather than compare mutable data source.
var window.currentGrid = "";
function onGenericGridEdit(e) {
window.currentGrid = e.sender;
If in some cases you need to make custom edit function, just call your generic edit function in the end of the code.
function onCustomGridEdit(e) {
// call generic function to store

How to reset the dropdown value to the old value in jqgrid

I have a simple dropdown with two values.Lets say Staus:active and inactive.
During the onchange event, I want to perfrom some validation and revert back if the validation fails. Thai is if I change from active-inactive and my validation fails, I should change the dropdown back to active.
So far I am able to catch the on change event through the dataevents options of editOptions.
Below is my code, Thanks for the assist.
editoptions:{value:{Y:'Active',N:'Inactive'}, dataEvents:[
type: 'change',
fn: function(e) {
alert("inside change trigger");
$grid.setColProp('Status', { editoptions:{value:{Y:'Active',N:'Inactive'}}});
I also read I have to set recreate form :true. I tried that also.
I would recommend you to consider to make the column non-editable or to readonly/disabled if the validation condition could be checked before editing will be started. It shows the user more clear that the field mayn't be changed.
Alternatively you can get savedRow parameter of jqGrid if you use inline editing mode or cell editing mode (with var savedRows = $(this).jqGrid("getGridParam", "savedRow")). To get the "old" data in case of form editing you can just get the data of selected row by using getGridParam with selrow (or alternatively from the hidden field of the form which have id="id_g". Something like var serRowId = $("#id_g").val();) and by using getRowData/getCell.

Populating a grid via autocomplete and posting the results

I have a view where I create a new company.
The company has a number of trades, or which 1 is a primary trade.
So when I enter the trades for that company, I select a trade via autocomplete, and this trade is added to a grid of trades underneath the autocomplete textbox. The grid contains the tradeId as a hidden field, the trade, and a radio button to indicate whether the trade is a primary trade and a remove button.
This is part of a form that contains other company details such as address.
Now I am wondering if I can use knockout and (maybe) jsrender to populate the grid without posting to the server?
When I have filled in the grid AND the other company details, I then want to submit the data to the controller post method.
Normally I use the Html helpers to post values to the controller, but I don't see how I can do that using knockout.
Yes you can use Knockout for this. If you have not checked the tutorials out yet then try this Knockout List and Collections tutorial. This should point you in the right direction. What you'll need to do is create a Trade object with observable properties and in a separate knockout view model create an observableArray to store trade objects. For information on posting to the server there are other tutorials in the same location.
function Trade(item) {
var self = this;
self.tradeId = ko.observable(item.tradeId);
self.tradeName = ko.observable(item.tradeName);
self.isPrimary = ko.observable(item.isPrimary);
function TradesViewModel() {
var self = this;
// Editable data
self.trades = ko.observableArray([]);
self.removeTrade = function(trade) { self.trades.remove(trades) } = function() {
$.post("/controller/action", self.trades);
ko.applyBindings(new TradesViewModel());

implement chanied filters/seach options in a datagrid using ajax

Let´s say I have some sort of datagrid and I want to add a couple chained filters like in this site:
(sort by,distance,price etc).
Each time a user clciked in a filter link it will update the content of datagrid accordingly. But I would also need to update the links in other filters to take account of the changes. Ex: if i change the order field I need to add/update ?order_field=x in all the other filters links.
What you think is the best way to implement such scenario?
Should i create a function that, when a filter link is clicked, it update the query string params of all the other filters? Or use hidden fields to record the selected option in each filter?
I would like a reusable solution if possible.
Since the data is loading via AJAX, there shouldn't be any links to update - at least not if you mean anchor tags <a>. You don't even need to store the filters in a hidden field.
I would store all the filters as a JSON object. Depending on how your API is set up, you may have to convert the JSON object to something usable by your API or you may even be able to pass on the JSON object directly in the $.ajax request.
This sample code assumes you have a textbox with id="price" in the markup. I intentionally left convert_filters_to_parameters blank because you didnt provide any details as to your API. jQuery will in turn serialize those parameters into a GET or POST request before it sends them out.
var filters = {
//this assumes you have a textbox with id="price"
filters.price = $(this).val();
function refresh_data()
var parameters = convert_filters_to_parameters(filters);
//i left out a lot of properties here for brevity
data: parameters,
success: function(response) { alert(response); }
