I have a simple dropdown with two values.Lets say Staus:active and inactive.
During the onchange event, I want to perfrom some validation and revert back if the validation fails. Thai is if I change from active-inactive and my validation fails, I should change the dropdown back to active.
So far I am able to catch the on change event through the dataevents options of editOptions.
Below is my code, Thanks for the assist.
editoptions:{value:{Y:'Active',N:'Inactive'}, dataEvents:[
type: 'change',
fn: function(e) {
alert("inside change trigger");
$grid.setColProp('Status', { editoptions:{value:{Y:'Active',N:'Inactive'}}});
I also read I have to set recreate form :true. I tried that also.
I would recommend you to consider to make the column non-editable or to readonly/disabled if the validation condition could be checked before editing will be started. It shows the user more clear that the field mayn't be changed.
Alternatively you can get savedRow parameter of jqGrid if you use inline editing mode or cell editing mode (with var savedRows = $(this).jqGrid("getGridParam", "savedRow")). To get the "old" data in case of form editing you can just get the data of selected row by using getGridParam with selrow (or alternatively from the hidden field of the form which have id="id_g". Something like var serRowId = $("#id_g").val();) and by using getRowData/getCell.
I have marked my controls with the Required attribute.
This has caused them to not only error on the lost focus event ( which is good ) but the problem is it won't even let me continue entering values in OTHER columns and controls of the grid on the form until I first type something for the required control.
Is there a way to delay this required validation to when I submit the form?
You can bind the .getKendoValidator(); method to your form which allow you to delay your validation.
You need to set button type ="Submit"
Refer the following line of code :-
var form_validator = $("#form_reg").kendoValidator({
rules: {
messages: {
Also note that as the Validator is attached to a form element,
the validation will be executed automatically when the form is submitted, which in this case is when the button is clicked. Therefore, there is no need to manually call the validate method.
Note:-execute some custom logic, like alert to the user, when form is validated you may use
validate event.
Is it possible to identify on a kendo UI grid which field was altered on a row edit?
Right now I am sending the entire row to the server that was changed. I would like to send
the request to the server to also include a variable holding the name
of the field that was edited.
Is something like that supported by kendo or
is there a work around for that?
This is not supported out of the box. However the grid API should allow this to be implemented. Check the edit and save events. In there you can listen to changes of the model instance which is currently being edit. Here is a quick example:
edit: function(e) {
e.model.unbind("change", model_change).bind("change", model_change);
function model_change(e) {
var model = this;
var field = e.field;
// store somewhere the field and model
I have a form in an ASP.Net MVC project on which I am using qTip2 to display validation erros. On that form, I also have text fields that are activated/deacivated depending on choices made with radio buttons. When fields are not to be used, I set their disabled="disabled" properties. This ensures that client side validation (jQuery unobtrusive validation) for these fields is also deactivated. Now, I am wondering how to reset the qTip2 "bubbles" for fields that get disabled.
Let's say I have radio buttons 1 and 2 that enable text boxes A and B respectively. Let's also say that radio button 1 is selected by default, and that text boxes A and B are required fields when the corresponding radio button is selected. If I press on the Submit button without filling any text field, a qTip error bubble appears beside text box A. Now, if I press on radio button 2, I have to clear that bubble, disable text box A and its validation, and enable text box B and its validation. However, if I press submit at this point without filling text box B, no error bubble appears and the form is not getting submitted.
I tried various combinations of the following commands to accomplish this, but then the validation errors get completely disabled:
$("input.input-validation-error").removeClass("input-validation-error"); // watch out for the error message labels or they won't go away
No matter what combinations of these commands I execute after a radio button got clicked and the proper text-boxes disabled/enabled, the qTip bubbles disappear, but they never reappear even if I click on the Submit button and other errors should appear on the form.
I am probably not using the right commands to reset qTip validation bubbles.
Ok, I found a solution right after posting the question. I used the solution proposed on this page http://johnculviner.com/?tag=/unobtrusive-validation-reset that I modified a bit. I added the following line: $form.find('input').qtip('destroy');
It gives this:
//Taken from: http://johnculviner.com/?tag=/unobtrusive-validation-reset
(function ($) {
$.fn.resetValidation = function () {
var $form = this.closest('form');
//Destroy qTip error bubbles (http://craigsworks.com/projects/forums/thread-using-qtip-with-jquery-validation-framework)
//reset jQuery Validate's internals
//reset unobtrusive validation summary, if it exists
//reset unobtrusive field level, if it exists
return $form;
//reset a form given a jQuery selected form or a child
//by default validation is also reset
$.fn.formReset = function (resetValidation) {
var $form = this.closest('form');
if (resetValidation == undefined || resetValidation) {
return $form;
Then when a radio button is clicked, I call $("form").resetValidation(); after the proper fields have been enabled/disabled.
I have a simple MVC3 form that has a date field and client side validation enabled (jquery.validate / jquery.validate.unobtrusive). I've added code to attach a datepicker (jQuery UI) to the date field per the documentation. However, if the datepicker is the last thing I click prior to clicking the submit button and the date field is invalid, it causes the datepicker for that field to automatically show itself. I don't want this. How can I disable?
After reviewing the code for the validation plugin, it looks like it tries to manually focus on the last active input control using the focusInvalid() function below:
focusInvalid: function() {
if( this.settings.focusInvalid ) {
try {
$(this.findLastActive() || this.errorList.length && this.errorList[0].element || [])
// manually trigger focusin event; without it, focusin handler isn't called, findLastActive won't have anything to find
} catch(e) {
// ignore IE throwing errors when focusing hidden elements
There appear to be 2 options for dealing with this. One is to set the focusInvalid setting on the validator itself to false. I opted to monkey patch the focusInvalid function instead because it allows me to focus on the FIRST invalid element in the form, not necessarily the last active element.
$('form').data('validator').focusInvalid = function () {
I'd be interested to hear any other approaches to this problem, however.
If acceptable in your case, you could show the datepicker only using a button, using the following datepicker options:
showOn: 'button', showButtonPanel: true, buttonImage: '<your image file>',
buttonImageOnly: true,
buttonText: 'Choose a Date',
If you do it this way the datepicker won't automatically display in case validation fails when submitting the form.
Add toolbar button is used to add new row to jqgrid.
Add form which appears contains all filed vlaues empty.
How to set add form field values from column values from row which was current/selected when add command was issued ?
json remote data is used. Or if this is simpler, how to call server method passing current/selected row to retrieve default values for add form from server ?
jqgrid contains also hidden columns. If possible values from hidden columns from current row should also sent to add controller if add form is saved.
I tried to use Oleg great suggestion by using
afterShowForm: function(formID) {
var selRowData,
rowid = grid.jqGrid('getGridParam', 'selrow');
if (rowid === null) {
// todo: how to cancel add command here
alert('Please select row');
selRowData = grid.jqGrid('getRowData', rowid);
if (selRowData === null) {
alert('something unexpected happened');
$('#' + 'Baas' + '.FormElement', formID).val(selRowData.Baas);
Application keeps add form open after saving. After first save Baas field is empty. It looks like afterShowForm event runs only once, not after every save. How to fix this so that multiple rows with default values can added without closing add form?
How to cancel or not allow Add command if there is no selected row ?
If you need to make some initialization actions only for Add form you can use at least two approaches:
the usage of defaultValue property as function inside of editoptions. The callback function defaultValue can provide the value for the corresponding field of the Add form based of the data from selected row. For optimization purpose you can read the data from the current selected row once in the beforeInitData callback/event. You can just read the data which you need or make an synchronous call to the server to get the information which you need. The only disadvantage of the usage of defaultValue property is that it uses jQuery.val method to set the default value for all fields of Add form with exception 'checkbox' edittype. For the checkboxs jqGrid set checked property of the checkbox of false, 0, no, off or undefined are not found in the value returned by defaultValue property. So the approach will not work for other edittypes. For example it can fail for the custom edittype.
the usage of beforeShowForm or afterShowForm. Inside of the callback functions you can set any value of the form. You can find the filed of the corresponding column of the grid by id of the field which is the same as the value of name property of the corresponding column.
Like you already knows you can get the id of the current selected row with respect of getGridParam and get the data from the selected row
var selRowData, rowid = grid.jqGrid('getGridParam', 'selrow');
if (rowid !== null) {
// a row of grid is selected and we can get the data from the row
// which includes the data from all visible and hidden columns
selRowData= grid.jqGrid('getGridParam', 'selrow');
where grid is jQuery object like $('#list') which selects the main <table> element of the grid.
In the demo you can see how works the first approach described above.