How to get the last word from a URL? - ruby

Is there a method to extract just the last word from the URL example below? I would like to be able to use this as a heading on a page, i.e the "Account" page.
I found that by using request.path it will give me the path without the root but I'm not sure how to get just the last path name.

If you want "Account" (instead of "account"), call the capitalize method on the result.

I am not familiar with Ruby, but you can try this approach.
Try string splitting request.path with '/' as the separator and take the last element from the resulting array
users/1234/account will be split to {'user', '1234', 'account'}
Even though this doesn't answer your question directly, I hope it gives you a start

URLs are a simple string consisting of a scheme showing how to connect to a site, the host where the resource is located, plus a path to that resource. You can use File.basename to get the last part of that path, just like we'd use on a file on our disk:
=> "account"

Suppose you have URL like
If you want to store last word of the URL which is lastword in a variable then use the following and pass url as value to finalVal.
var getLastWordFromUrl = finalVal.split("/").last()


visit a Full URL with parameter value

I'm trying to make a bash script to send a GET requests
also I'm trying to provide a URL access after changing some parameter value
when I hover over the link it will only underline URL without parameters values(check the following screen)
when I entered the URL it will redirect me to:
I'm wondering if there is a solution for this case or not
Thank you in advance
Note that it's the terminal and not your script that decides what's considered part of a URL for the purpose of selecting or clicking.
But what I can suggest is to Use the URL encoding for those special characters instead of explicit special characters:
%27 = Single Quote **'**
%3C = Less than **<**
%3E = More than **>**
For example
That will be shown<script>
Maybe that would do the trick

How to get the required value from the existing value when there is no suffix?

I'm trying to use regular expression extractor concept in Jmeter. By using regEx concept I'm able to get the required token id's. And for all I'm using regEx as (.*?). So this is working fine when we have constant prefix and suffix text/values.
But in this case, there is no suffix,
Ex: Key is =,
I want to take the key ID into a variable with using RegEx. I have tried to get it with (.*?) but it didn't work, it returns the full value, not the required part. It'd be excellent if you could give any suggestion.
The source value is:
The expected result is to extract a43a816dcdd14873bd5757b3a3709d5c from the above URL and put it into a variable.
You can use regex to get last text after / sign
See demo

Remove specific parts from url

Lets suppose I have a url like this:
What is the best and shorthest way to only get the 3e4345 part?
Sometimes it doesn't contain additional params in ?
I don't want to use any gems.
What I did was:
url = url.split('/watch/')
url = url[1].split('/')[0].split('?')[0]
Is there a better way? Thanks
possibly the safest and best one. use URI.
For more refer How to extract URL parameters from a URL with Ruby or Rails?
You could do the following and using the match function to find a match based on a regular expression statement. The value at [1] is the first capture from the regular expression. I have included a breakdown from to help illustrate what the expression is accomplishing.
You will notice parentheses around the \d+ which are what captures the digits out of the URL when it matches.
x = ""
=> "34345"

How to split multi character in MVC3?

Hello everyone I'm trying to remove some characters in my text box
For example
In my textbox, user fill with this text as you can see at below
I want to remove these characters
So how can I do could you show me an example ?
Load the URL into a Uri and get the relative URL from it.
See this question for how to get the relative URL: Getting the relative uri from the absolute uri
Note that you will get the URL with the starting /. You can trim that yoruself.
If you're saying that you are ONLY going to be getting youtube URLs and you want simply the youtube video ID, this same technique can work, but you mgiht be better off just using string split to split on '/' and getting the last item.
var parts = "".Split("/".ToCharArray());
var id = parts[parts.Length - 1]; // just get the last one.

What regex can I use to get the domain name from a url in Ruby?

I am trying to construct a regex to extract a domain given a url.
should give:
#=> ""
Not a regex, but probably more robust then anything we come up with here.
URI.parse('').host.gsub(/^www\./, '')
If you want to remove the www. as well this will work without raising any errors if the www. is not there.
Don't know much about ruby but this regex pattern gives you the last 3 parts of the url excluding the trailing slash with a minumum of 2 characters per part.
you may be able to use the domain_name gem for this kind of work. From the README:
require "domain_name"
host = DomainName("")
host.domain #=> ""
Your question is a little bit vague. Can you give a precise specification of what it is exactly that you want to do? (Preferable with a testsuite.) Right now, all your question says is that you want a method that always returns ''. That's easy:
def extract_domain
return ''
But that's probably not what you meant …
Also, you say that you need a Regexp. Why? What's wrong with, for example, using the URI class? After all, parsing and manipulating URIs is exactly what it was made for!
require 'uri'
URI.parse('').host # => ''
And lastly, you say you are "trying to extract a domain", but you never specify what you mean by "domain". It looks you are sometimes meaning the FQDN and sometimes randomly dropping parts of the FQDN, but according to what rules? For example, for the FQDN, the domain name is and the host name is abc, but you want it to return which is not just the domain name but the full FQDN. Why?
