visit a Full URL with parameter value - bash

I'm trying to make a bash script to send a GET requests
also I'm trying to provide a URL access after changing some parameter value
when I hover over the link it will only underline URL without parameters values(check the following screen)
when I entered the URL it will redirect me to:
I'm wondering if there is a solution for this case or not
Thank you in advance

Note that it's the terminal and not your script that decides what's considered part of a URL for the purpose of selecting or clicking.
But what I can suggest is to Use the URL encoding for those special characters instead of explicit special characters:
%27 = Single Quote **'**
%3C = Less than **<**
%3E = More than **>**
For example
That will be shown<script>
Maybe that would do the trick


(Grafana Table) ${__cell} containing an apostrophe/single quote breaks the Query String to Kibana

In Grafana I've got a table panel which contains some names (one each row), that, if clicked, open a new window on Kibana passing via URL the name the user clicked (${__cell}) in order to Drill-Down that particular name.
This use to works fine, but I'm facing a problem when then name contains a special character such as "Identita' Digitale" (without double quote): as you can see it contains an apostrophe/single quote that breaks the query so the Kibana's URL becomes uncomplete.
instead of
All special characters should be escaped for Lucene query. Actually, you need URL encode for your case - you may try other advanced formatting options.
Another dirty hackish solution, use JS to urlencode link in the onclick event, add this string at the end of your link definiton in the Grafana:
" onclick="location.href=encodeURI(this);
So in full HTML it will create link:
<a href="<URL>" onclick="location.href=encodeURI(this);">...
Syntax in my example can be wrong, it may need some minor changes to work properly. You can use jQuery in theory.

Certain characters make moveItemAtURL:toURL:error: crash. how do I avoid them?

First, I'm using Swift. Second this line works fine in my code:
let didIt = fileManager.moveItemAtURL(originalFilePath, toURL: newFilePath, error: nil) long as there are no special characters in the newFilePath. if the newFilePath has a dollar sign or an ampersand ($, & ) in it, the line fails. My issue is that the newFilePath comes from a text field in a window where the user can type any old thing. How do I escape special characters, or encode them so they will pass the test and be included in the new filename?
thanks in advance for any pointers.
My issue is that the newFilePath comes from a text field in a window where the user can type any old thing.
Right there is your problem. Why are you not using an NSSavePanel for letting the user select a name under which to save a file?
If you insist on taking input from a text field, the docs for -URLByAppendingPathComponent: specifically say that the path component string should be "in its original form (not URL encoded)" (emphasis mine).
How did you originally create newFilePath, before appending the path component? For example, you should have used one of the methods with "[fF]ileURL" in the name.

bash: how to make a clickable link with query parameters?

I am trying to dump url on the terminal that needs to be clickable, and the url comes with a query parameter. For example --
orgname='foo bar'
echo "details: $orgname ($gsearch)"
But the problem is that the clickable link totally omits everything after the q=, i.e. does not include the string 'foo bar', please see the image below --
How do I make a clickable link that includes the query (i.e. the whole url in the braces above)?
Please also note that I am adding quote in the search parameter since the it may contain spaces.
Single quotes are not valid in URLs. Use the URL encoding %27 instead:
echo "details: $orgname ($gsearch)"
Note that it's the terminal and not your script that decides what's considered part of a URL for the purpose of selecting or clicking. The above results in
which is more clickable in most terminals. The script can't specify what's the extent of the URL except through expressing it in such a standard way that each individual terminal emulator has a decent chance of recognizing it.
PS: I don't think Google cares about surrounding single quotes.

Processing form input in a Joomla component

I am creating a Joomla component and one of the pages contains a form with a text input for an email address.
When a < character is typed in the input field, that character and everything after is not showing up in the input.
I tried $_POST['field'] and JFactory::getApplication()->input->getCmd('field')
I also tried alternatives for getCmd like getVar, getString, etc. but no success.
E.g. John Doe <> returns only John Doe.
When the < is left out, like John Doe> the value is coming in correctly.
What can I do to also have the < character in the posted variable?
BTW. I had to use & lt; in this question to display it as I want it. This form suffers from the same problem!!
You actually need to set the filtering that you want when you grab the input. Otherwise, you will get some heavy filtering. (Typically, I will also lose # symbols.)
Replace this line:
with this line:
The name after the get part of the function is the filtering that you will use. Cmd strips everything but alphanumeric characters and ., -, and _. String will run through the html clean tags feature of joomla and depending on your settings will clean out <>. (That usually doesn't happen for me, but my settings are generally pretty open to the point of no filtering on super admins and such.
getRaw should definitely work, but note that there is no filtering at all, which can open security holes in your application.
The default text filter trims html from the input for your field. You should set the property
in your form's manifest (xml) file, and then use getRaw() to retrieve the value. getCmd removes the non-alphanumeric characters.

How to get the last word from a URL?

Is there a method to extract just the last word from the URL example below? I would like to be able to use this as a heading on a page, i.e the "Account" page.
I found that by using request.path it will give me the path without the root but I'm not sure how to get just the last path name.
If you want "Account" (instead of "account"), call the capitalize method on the result.
I am not familiar with Ruby, but you can try this approach.
Try string splitting request.path with '/' as the separator and take the last element from the resulting array
users/1234/account will be split to {'user', '1234', 'account'}
Even though this doesn't answer your question directly, I hope it gives you a start
URLs are a simple string consisting of a scheme showing how to connect to a site, the host where the resource is located, plus a path to that resource. You can use File.basename to get the last part of that path, just like we'd use on a file on our disk:
=> "account"
Suppose you have URL like
If you want to store last word of the URL which is lastword in a variable then use the following and pass url as value to finalVal.
var getLastWordFromUrl = finalVal.split("/").last()
