replaceSubview:with and ARC is releasing old view - cocoa

I have an issue when using NSView's replaceSubview:with: method to swap out different views. The old view is released when the method is called, the docs state,
This method causes oldView to be released; if you plan to reuse it, be
sure to retain it before sending this message and to release it as
appropriate when adding it as a subview of another NSView.
However, when using automatic reference counting (ARC) retain messages cannot be sent. Do the docs need to be updated, how can I use this method with ARC?
The views I am swapping exist all in the same nib and I do not have different view controllers. What is the preferred way of swapping out views and storing them for later use?

First store the old view for later use in a strong variable and then swap it out should prevent it from being released.


NSTableView & CoreData: Delete Object at clicked row

I am pretty new to Core Data and am currently working on a small (OSX) app that uses an NSTableView to organise objects. I would now like to delete a row/object with the click of a button on that targeted row.
I access the managed object within the table controller by calling [NSApp managedObjectContext] (still trying to figure out that dependency injection thing) but I can't easily delete an objectAtIndex: like I used to with the array (which has now been replaced by the core data stack, right?).
How do I identify the object to be deleted? And consequently, how can I cleanly remove it from the stack?
This is probably a really basic question but I couldn't find any resources on it. Bindings obviously don't work because the row does not get selected before the click occurs.
Any help is much appreciated!
Bindings would work, in that you could have the button's IBAction query the objectValue for the parent NSTableCellView. Once you have that objectValue, you could call the bound arrayController to delete the object, and then the cell/row would disappear.
So, if you have a tableCellView that has a delete button with an IBAction, within that IBAction, you could get the sender's superview, ensure it's an NSTableCellView, get the objectValue, and call [myArrayController removeObject:...]
As it says in the NSTableCellView class reference:
The objectValue is automatically set by the table when using bindings or is the object returned by the NSTableViewDataSource protocol method tableView:objectValueForTableColumn:row:.
This is actually a typical pattern with views in cocoa. objectValue or often representedObject are properties on the views that refer to the data model objects they represent, so if you have a view pointer from sender on the IBAction, you can get the related data model object. And if you're using bindings and a controller, you can then just have the controller remove that object.
With bindings, you will often create buttons that need IBActions attached, rather than some direct binding. But those IBActions can most definitely interact with the controller and not the view.
And with core data, array controllers are really slick vs. assuming you have to do it all programmatically.

why delegates should be unsafe_unretained and not weak?

I added ARC to an app I'm working on. Unfortunately, it crashes. I found that the automatic script which updates all apps to ARC gave __unsafe_unretained qualifier to all id< protocolName> type.
Why isn't it a weak type? I have deployed the app and all its sub-projects to iOS 5, and therefore I do have weak qualifiers.
My main problem is if I declare those delegates as strong, I'll have a retain-cycle. If I do not, the next time I call them they will be zombies. I checked and before my app crash, the delegate is NSZombie.
What is the cause of this crash and how can it be prevented?
The qualifiers __unsafe_unretained and week have quite a few things in common. They both won't increase the retain count for example. If for example a view controller holds an __unsafe_unretained IBOutlet to a UIView and you remove that very UIView from the view hierarchy, then you (given that you don't retain the view anywhere else) will decrease the retain count and most likely dealloc the UIView. The pointer however will still point to that location and is left dangling. Not nice but also not problematic if you know what happened. Weak properties help you avoiding dangling pointers by nullifying the property when the object gets to a retain count of 0.
Now, if your app crashes or the properties show up as zombies, then they are being released - by whichever class though.
One statement that is not entirely correct is that if you retain the property instead, you'll create a retain cycle. There is the possibility of creating retain cycles though but it really depends on your implementation, not just the property declaration. When you retain an object, you take ownership and until you're done with that object, prevent it from being deallocated by increasing its retain count. If your delegate gets released already while you hold a weak pointer, you won't prevent it from being released. I am assuming you deal with modal view controllers here - UIPopoverController to be precise (just a guess).
You should use instruments and look at the lifecycle of your object and see who retains/releases it. It could be helpful to know. Otherwise, you could paste some code and maybe there will be a nice person here to help you find the issue.
Took some time but i solved it:
I deployed the .xcodeproj projects to iOS 5, but the targets were left in iOS 4.3 deployment. When i fixed it (it's in the 'build settings' for each target) - i could change all '__unsafe_unretained' to '__weak', and all 'unsafe_unretained' to 'weak'.
To avoid retain cycle those delegates should be weak, and they won't be zombies anymore (because they are weak and not unsafe_unretained), and the app won't crash anymore.
If i was still using iOS4.3-, and there isn't unsafe_unretained qualifer, i should only assign nil to those delegates after i don't need them anymore.

Cocoa bindings only update when window focus changes

I am using MonoMac to build a desktop download manager for Mac in C#.
My XIB has a Table View, whose columns are bound to an NSArrayController. The array controller is connected to my Main Window Controller through an IBOutlet. The array holds a bunch of HttpDownload objects, which derive from NSObject. These HttpDownload objects contain properties such as TotalSize, TotalDownloaded, Bandwidth, etc. I have decorated these properties with an [Export] attribute.
In the controller I add some HttpDownload objects to the NSArrayController using the AddObject method. A background process, started with Task.Factory.StartNew() begins the download asynchronously and updates the bound properties such as TotalDownloaded and Bandwidth as data is received.
I can see these new values being reflected in the Table View, but only once I've "forced" a UI update, for instance by causing the window to lose focus, gain focus, or by clicking on a button within the window.
I have tried setting Continuously Updates Value in IB, but this makes no difference (and reading the docs, I didn't think it should).
Does anyone know to make the UI update the bound values in "real time", instead of only when a window event occurs?
I figured this out shortly after I posted this question.
It seems that we need to manually call WillChangeValue() and DidChangeValue() for at least one of the keys that are being updated, for instance, when I updated the total downloaded:
DownloadedBytes += bytesRead;
In my case, calling these methods for just one of the updated keys seems to be enough to force an update of all the bound values.
For reference, in Objective-C these selectors are called [self willChangeValueForKey:#"keyname"] and [self didChangeValueForKey:#"keyname"].

How can I directly respond to NSTableView edits while still using NSArrayController?

In my Cocoa app, I have a sheet with a one-column NSTableView that lists a bunch of files in a directory (the app makes back-ups of it's main database, provides this list to users so they can revert to a particular back-up). The content is loaded into and provided to the table view by an NSArrayController, each object is just an NSFileWrapper (I'm considering using NSURL instead, but I digress). The NSArrayController handles sorting, enabling the buttons when a row is selected via bindings, that's all great. I have an NSWindowController subclass object (BackupsSheetController) that hooks all this up and exists in the sheet's nib.
However, when a user edits one of the cells, I want to respond to that change from BackupsSheetController by appropriately re-naming the file represented by that cell, putting it in its new location. Since the table view is bound to the NSArrayController, I don't get sent the NSTableViewDataSource message – tableView:setObjectValue:forTableColumn:row:. If I set my BackupsSheetController as the datasource for the NSTableView object in the nib, I get sent that message sometimes, but not very often, to say nothing of every time.
Most questions and examples I see out there for this scenario handle this all by using a custom model class for items in their table view, and make some controller object an observer for changing properties that they wish to respond to. In other words, each item would be something like a BackupNode object, and BackupsSheetController would observe each for changes to the name property (or whatever I would call it). That seems totally overkill for my scenario, but I also don't want to ditch the bindings I've already got in use and I don't see another way to do this. Is there another way to do this, to make sure I reliably get the setObject:... message? Or should I drop the NSArrayController and make BackupsSheetController the delegate and datasource for the table?
In the "BackupNode" scenario, I don't see why BackupsSheetController would observe each for changes in its name. That's a very roundabout way of doing things. I would think that the hypothetical BackupNode object would simply do the necessary work in its setter for the name property.
Anyway, I recommend using proper model objects. When you try to build a model with only Cocoa-provided objects like NSFileWrapper, NSURL, or NSMutableDictionary, you end up doing more work in the long run than if you just make a proper model object.
On a tangential topic, why is your window controller in the NIB? It should be the thing which loads (and owns) the NIB, which of course requires that it exist prior to the NIB being loaded, which means it can't be instantiated in the NIB.

Why would I use NSObjectController?

Although I have searched for many information about Cocoa Bindings, I still remain relatively unsatisfied with information I have and got. It seems that topic is somewhat troublesome for many and many are just avoiding this pattern, which I believe should not be.
Of course, it may seem that bindings are sometimes too complicated or perhaps designed with too much overhead...
However, I have one very direct and specific question: Why is NSObjectController needed if I can establish bindings directly?
For example, the code:
[controller bind:#"contentObject" toObject:self withKeyPath:#"numberOfPieSlices" options:nil];
[slicesTextField bind:#"value" toObject:controller withKeyPath:#"content" options:nil];
[stepperControl bind:#"value" toObject:controller withKeyPath:#"content" options:nil];
Does exactly the same as:
[slicesTextField bind:#"value" toObject:self withKeyPath:#"numberOfPieSlices" options:nil];
[stepperControl bind:#"value" toObject:self withKeyPath:#"numberOfPieSlices" options:nil];
In my case here, we are talking about property of the class inside which everything is happening, so I am guessing the need for NSObjectController is when:
key path for controller is object and binding of other controls is needed to its properties, not to its value as with primitives and wrappers around them is the case (numberOfPiesSlices in my case is NSInteger)
or when binding is needed from other outside objects, not only between objects within one
Can anybody confirm or reject this?
One of the benefits/points of bindings is to eliminate code. To that end, NSObjectController etc. have the benefit that they can be used directly in interface builder and set up with bindings to various UI elements.
Bindings only represent part of the functionality on offer. The *ObjectController classes can also automatically take care of a lot of the other more repetitive controller (as in Model, View, Controller) code that an application usually needs. For example they can:
connect to your core data store and perform the necessary fetches, inserts and deletes
manage the undo / redo stack
Pick up edited but not committed changes to your UI and save them (e.g. if a window is closed while focus is still on an edited text field - this was a new one to me, I found it from mmalc's answer in the thread below).
If you're doing none of this, then it probably isn't worth using NSObjectController. Its subclasses (NSArrayController etc) are more useful.
Also see here for a discussion of your exact question!
Why is NSObjectController needed if I can establish bindings directly?
I read this question a few days ago while looking for some information about NSObjectController, and today while continuing my search, I found the following passage which seemed relevant to the question:
There are benefits if the object being bound to implements
NSEditorRegistration. This is one reason why it’s a good idea to bind
to controller objects rather than binding directly to the model.
NSEditorRegistration lets the binding tell the controller that its
content is in the process of being edited. The controller keeps track
of which views are currently editing the controller’s content. If the
user closes the window, for example, every controller associated with
that window can tell all such views to immediately commit their
pending edits, and thus the user will not lose any data. Apple supply some generic controller objects (NSObjectController,
NSArrayController, NSTreeController) that can be used to wrap your
model objects, providing the editor registration functionality.
a controller also has the advantage that the bindings system isn’t
directly observing your model object — so if you replace your model
object with a new one (such as in a detail view where the user has
changed the record that is being inspected), you can just replace the
model object inside the controller, KVO notices and the binding
