Count nodes based on two or more attribute values - xpath

I need to count how many times a particular node occurs in a document based on the values of two if its attributes. So, given the following small sample of XML:
<p:entry timestamp="2012-11-15T17:53:34.642-05:00" ticks="89709622449012" system="OSD" component="OSD5" marker=".\Launcher.cpp:1741" severity="Info" type="Driver" subtype="Start" tags="" sensitivity="false">
This can occur one or more times in the document with different attribute sets. I need to count how many show up with type="Driver" AND subtype="Start". I am able to count how many just have type="Driver" using:
but haven't been able to combine them. This didn't work:
count(//p:entry[#type="Driver" and #subtype="Start"])

This works for the OP. Specify 2 predicates in succession instead of using operator and result in the same effect:
By right, the original code count(//p:entry[#type="Driver" and #subtype="Start"]) should work, as far as my knowledge goes.


Google Sheets/Excel: Checking if a time falls within a range

I'm trying to find a way to see if I can find a way to determine if a time that I stipulate falls between two other times. For example:
Start End
11:33:48 11:53:48
12:20:22 12:38:21
12:39:27 13:00:09
14:16:23 14:20:49
14:20:54 14:22:56
Then, I want to check if a cell (here the value of 12:50 in cell E30) falls between ANY two values in a range in THE SAME ROW. For me, I can get the obvious way to check for this in one row, and this simple version totally works:
=If(AND(E30>A4,E30<B4), "TRUE", "FALSE")
However, I want to check if that number falls within ANY of the values within the ROWS above cells in a range, and I can't get that to work. For example, I tried this and it didn't work:
=If(AND(E30>A:A,E30<B:B), "TRUE", "FALSE")
I also tried a simple countif variation but that didn't do it either:
Any advice on how to adjust one of these formulas to get it to work?
Try switching the angle brackets around:
I think this should work for the above data set -
=IF((FILTER(A2:B6, D2>A2:A6,D2<B2:B6)),TRUE,FALSE)
This will give you if there is any match or not.
For the number of rows count that match -
=ROWS((FILTER(A2:B6, D2>A2:A6,D2<B2:B6)))
Alomsot =IF(Q2>R2,IF(AND($X$16>HOUR(Q2),$X$16<(HOUR(R2)+12)),1,0),IF(AND(HOUR($X$14)>=HOUR(Q2),HOUR($X$14)<=HOUR(R2)),1,0))

Reporting Multiple Values & Sorting

Having a bit of an issue and unsure if it's actually possible to do.
I'm working on a file that I will enter target progression vs actual target reporting the % outcome.
¦NAME ¦TAR 1 %¦TAR 2 %¦TAR 3 %¦TAR 4 %¦OVERALL¦SUB 1¦SUB 2¦SUB 3¦
¦NAME1¦ 114%¦ 121%¦ 100%¦ 250%¦ 146%¦ 2¦ 0¦ 0%¦
¦NAME2¦ 88%¦ 100%¦ 90%¦ 50%¦ 82%¦ 0¦ 1¦ 0%¦
¦NAME3¦ 82%¦ 54%¦ 64%¦ 100%¦ 75%¦ 6¦ 6¦ 15%¦
¦NAME4¦ 103%¦ 64%¦ 56%¦ 43%¦ 67%¦ 4¦ 4¦ 24%¦
¦NAME5¦ 87%¦ 63%¦ 89%¦ 0%¦ 60%¦ 3¦ 2¦ 16%¦
Now I already have it sorting all rows by the Overall % column so I can quickly see at a glance but I am creating a second page that I need to reference points.
So on the second page I would like to somehow sort and reference different columns for example
TOP TAR 1¦Name of top %¦Top %¦
TOP TAR 2¦Name of top %¦Top %¦
Is something like this possible to do?
Essentially I'm creating an Employee of the Month form that automatically works out who has topped what.
I'm willing to drop a paypal donation for whoever can figure this out for me as I've been doing it manually every month and would appreciate the time saved
I don't think a complicated array formula is necessary for this - I am suggesting a fairly standard Index/Match approach.
First set up the row titles - you can just copy and transpose them from Page 1, or use a formula in A2 of Page 2 like
=transpose('Page 1'!B1:E1)
The use them in an index/match to get the data in the corresponding column of the main sheet and find its maximum (in C2)
=max(index('Page 1'!A:E,0,match(A2,'Page 1'!A$1:E$1,0)))
Finally look up the maximum in the main sheet to find the corresponding name:
=index('Page 1'!A:A,match(C2,index('Page 1'!A:E,0,match(A2,'Page 1'!A$1:E$1,0)),0))
If you think there could be a tie for first place with two or more people getting the same score, you could use a filter to get the different names:
So if the max score is in B8 this time (same formula)
=max(index('Page 1'!A:E,0,match(A8,'Page 1'!A$1:E$1,0)))
the different names could be spread across the corresponding row using transpose (in C8)
=ArrayFormula(TRANSPOSE(filter('Page 1'!A:A,index('Page 1'!A:E,0,match(A8,'Page 1'!A$1:E$1,0))=B8)))
I have changed the test data slightly to show these different scenarios

Report Builder Expressions

Im new to Report Builder and having issues with some expressions that Im trying to implement in a report. I got the standard ones to work however as soon as I try any distinctions, I get error messages. Over the last couple weeks, Ive tried many combinations, read the expression help, google and looking at other questions at internet sites. To reduce my frustrations, I even would jump to other expressions and walk away hoping I would have different insight coming back.
Its probably something simple or something I dont know about writing expressions.
Im hoping that someone can help with these expressions; they are the versions I get the least errors with(usually just expression expected) and show what Im trying to accomplish.
=IIF((Fields!TRANSTYPE.Value)='1' and (Fields!RECORDFLAG.VALUE)='A' or
=IIF((Fields!TRANSTYPE.Value)='1' and
=Sum([DOLLARS] case when [RECORDFLAG]='P' then -1*[DOLLARS])
Thank You.
The error message gives you the answer here - no false part of the iif() has been specified. Use =IIF((Fields!RECORDFLAG.Value)=”D”,COUNTDISTINCT(Fields!TICK‌​ETNUM.Value), 0)
=IIF((Fields!TRANSTYPE.Value)="1" and (Fields!RECORDFLAG.VALUE)="A" or "B",SUM(Fields!DOLLARS.Value),0)
This is not how an OR works in SSRS. Use:
=IIF((Fields!TRANSTYPE.Value)="1" and (Fields!RECORDFLAG.VALUE="A" or Fields!RECORDFLAG.Value = "B"),SUM(Fields!DOLLARS.Value),0)
The 0s are returned due to your report design. countdistinct() is an aggregate function - it's meant to be used on a set of data. However, your iif() is only testing on a per row basis - you're basically saying "if the current row is thing, count all the distinct values" which doesn't make sense. There are a couple of ways forward:
You can count the number of times a certain value occurs in a given condition using a sum(). This is not the same as the countdistinct(), but if you use =sum(iif(Fields!RECORDFLAG.Value = "D", 1, 0)) then you will get the number of times RECORDFLAG is D in that set. Note: this requires the data to be aggregated (so in SSRS, grouped in a tablix).
You can use custom code to count distinct values in a set. See You can apply this even if you have only one dataset - just reference the same one twice.
You can change the way your report works. You can group on Fields!RECORDFLAG.Value and filter the group to where Fields!RECORDFLAG.Value = "D". Then in your textbox, use =countdistinct(Fields!TICKETNUM.Value) to get the distinct values for TICKETNUM when RECORDFLAG is D.

rowscap and filter applied in wrong order in DC.JS rowChart

Still using DC.JS to get some analysis tools written for our tool performance. Thanks so much for having this library available.
I am trying to show which recipe setup times are the worst for a given set of data. Everything works great as long as you show the whole group. When you only display the specified topN using .rowscap on the rowChart the following happens:
The chart will show the right number of bars and they are even sorted properly but the chart has picked the topN unfiltered bars first and then ordered them. I want it to pick the topN from the ordered list, not the other way around. See jsfiddle for demo. (
in the fiddle, the longest setup time belongs to recipeD.
But if you have more than two recipes selected before recipeD
it is dropped of the right (top2) chart.
line 099-110: reductio definition
line 120-140: removal of empty bins (works okay)
(This is very similar to a problem Gordon helped resolved earlier (dc.js rowChart topN without zeros) and I reused the code from that solution. Something went 'wrong' when I combined it with the reductio.js library.)
I think I am not returning the value portion of the reductio group somewhere but have been unable to figure it out. Any help would be appreciated.
The issue is that at the time you .slice(0,n) the group in your function to remove empty bins, the group is not ordered, so you effectively get a random 2 groups, not the top 2 groups. This is actually clear from the unfiltered view, as the "top2" view shows the 2nd and 3rd group from the "all" view, not the actual top 2 (at least for me).
The previous example worked because Crossfilter's standard groups are ordered by default, but in the case of a complex group like the one you are generating with Reductio, what should it order by? There's no way it can know, so Reductio doesn't mess with the ordering at all, which I suppose means it is ordering by the value property, which is an object.
You need to add one line to order your FactsByRecipe group by average and I think it should fix your problem:
FactsByRecipe.order(function(d) { return d.avg; });
Note that there can only be one ordering on a Crossfilter group, so if you want to show "top X" for more than one property of that group you'll need to create another wrapper (like the remove empty bins wrapper) but have the "top" function re-sort the group by the ordering you want.
Good luck!

Sorting by counting the intersection of two lists in MongoDB

We have a posting analyzing requirement, that is, for a specific post, we need to return a list of posts which are mostly related to it, the logic is comparing the count of common tags in the posts. For example:
postA = {"author":"abc",
"title":"blah blah",
"tags":["japan","japanese style","england"],
there are may be other posts with tags like:
postB:["japan", "england"]
so basically, postB gets 2 counts, postC gets 1 counts when comparing to the tags in the postA. postD gets 0 and will not be included in the result.
My understanding for now is to use map/reduce to produce the result, I understand the basic usage of map/reduce, but I can't figure out a solution for this specific purpose.
Any help? Or is there a better way like custom sorting function to work it out? I'm currently using the pymongodb as I'm python developer.
You should create an index on tags:
db.posts.ensure_index([('tags', 1)])
and search for posts that share at least one tag with postA:
posts = list(db.posts.find({_id: {$ne: postA['_id']}, 'tags': {'$in': postA['tags']}}))
and finally, sort by intersection in Python:
key = lambda post: len(tag for tag in post['tags'] if tag in postA['tags'])
posts.sort(key=key, reverse=True)
Note that if postA shares at least one tag with a large number of other posts this won't perform well, because you'll send so much data from Mongo to your application; unfortunately there's no way to sort and limit by the size of the intersection using Mongo itself.
