New settings in the Group Settings API...were these announced? - google-groups-api

I noticed some new settings in the Google Group Settings API...were these announced? Where should we look for such announcements?

I assume you're referring to spam moderation and include in GAL? No, they weren't announced to my knowledge. Google's getting better at announcing changes but they still slip in updates like this from time to time with no way of knowing till you happen to find it buried in ref. docs.
I suggest tracking the doc pages where possible. I use to get email notifications when reference docs get updated.

This particular change wasn't announced anywhere except for the updated reference docs. Often changes are posted to the Developer's Blog at, just not for this.


How to pin an announcement on google classroom

In 2020 aprox Google introduced the option to pin an announcement at the top of the list (in the main page of the classroom), manually is an option inside the colon menu after you create an announcement.
I 'd need to use this option in a script, because I need to pin a document with rules in every classroom I have, but I can't find any reference in Classrooms API.
Can someone help me?
I do not believe this is possible programmatically at this time as there is no reference in the API to be able to do so with either announcements or course work materials, as you mentioned. I had looked to try to accomplish the same thing and came to the conclusion it's not yet supported. You could post this as a feature request in the Classroom issue tracker, I'm surprised I don't already see it there:
One alternate solution to make course work added via script easier to access as it gets pushed down the classroom feed is to make it posted to it's own topic:

New Google Plus Comments in Blog - How to View / Receive Notifications?

I have a Blogger blog and I used to have Blogger's own comment system in it. I didn't like some parts of it, so I tried changing to Google+ comments instead.
I have no problems with the comment box, it's implemented well, works fine, etc. But when I had Blogger comments, I could see the newest comments my visitors had posted site-wide and I also received email notifications when someone posted a comment in any post of my blog.
However, now, with Google Plus comments, I don't seem to get any sort of notification. (no emails, not even that alert thingy on top-right corner of Google that only ever shows Youtube comments I don't care about) And, also, I know of no way to check the most recent comment in my website.
I kind of need either of these features (most recent / notifications) so I can reply to people when they post comments on my blog. After all I got dozens of posts it's not viable to check every single one of them for new comments every single day.
How can I view the most recent Google plus comments within a website? Or at least receive an email when there is a new Google plus comment posted in my website?
P.S.: I'm not interested in an API for these. There should be an actual user interface somewhere for these things, right?
As it currently stands, this feature has not worked since October 2016.
According to a post by a Google Employee in the official Blogger Forum on 2nd February 2017 -
Hi all,
Thanks for posting.
Just wanted to let you know that the concerned team is aware of this
issue and is working on it. I will keep you all posted as soon as I
get an update from them.
Any updates regarding this issue will be likely posted in the above forum thread

Disable tracking for specific link in Mailchimp

I'd like to disable tracking for a specific link in a campaign.
The reason I need to do this is Mailchimp/Mandrill's tracking creates a scenario where Universal Links do not work.
I'd like (1) to be a regular link, with no Mailchimp tracking
I'd like (2) to track as normal.
In Mandrill I achieve this by adding mc:disable-tracking to the HTML of my template
Is it possible to do this within Mailchimp?
From my experience with MailChimp, you can't turn off click tracking on a link-by-link basis. It's all or nothing for a given campaign. MailChimp has a support document on how to do this, but the gist of it is a simple checkbox when configuring the campaign options:
Incidentally lack of click tracking in emails is currently a major drawback of Universal Links. If you're using one of the major email systems (Responsys, ExactTarget, SendGrid, or SailThru) [full disclosure: I'm on the Branch team] offers an integration to fix this, but unfortunately the MailChimp version is taking somewhat longer to get live (feel free to let them know you want such a thing!)

Is there a Joomla 3.x content edit workflow plugin?

I was wondering if something possible as a workflow plugin was available.
When i mean workflow, i mean, a front-end management user would edit an article, and this would trigger an approval request, and the edit wouldn't go live until the approval was accepted. Something such as a backoffice would be available on maybe only an email or something that an administrator would need to accept before the change go live.
I have seen countless plugins for Prearticle management where before publishing it there is a workflow. But this is not what i am looking, i am looking for the same process but for when the article is already published, when a change is done to that article.
Is there such a thing for Joomla 3.x available i have searched alot and came to nothing, so i am asking help from the community.
Thanks in advance !
Things like this can help?
Features of the tool in the above link include:
Revise, edit and approve article changes before going live with those changes.
Send article changes for approval via email
Edit and save changes to published articles without affecting the live site
Save notes regarding article versions
Optionally stage all content changes automatically
Automatically stage content from specific user groups
Optional administrator email notifications of staged content that is ready for review
Complete revision history with access to all staged and prior versions of article content
Optionally disable on the front-end
The following is yet another tool, but too powerful a tool for your requirement, still you may want to have a look at it.

Is it possible to generate notifications when new docs are uploaded to Google Docs?

I have shared a Google Docs folder with our remote team and a few members of my team. Is it possible to send out emails to all collaborators/viewers when a document is uploaded or edited in the folder?
Otherwise it becomes difficult to keep track of whether anything was changed or not.
Yes! Check out the Google Documents List Data API. Basically, you post a signed request to the API requesting specific documents or a list of documents overall and Google responds with an Atom feed of the documents that you're looking for. Among the tags is <updated>, which contains the timestamp of the last modification. If you keep a local listing of files handy, you can compare to see if any revisions were made.
Also interesting in the feed is <published>, which describes when a doc was created. If you know the last time you checked for updates, any docs published after that time can be considered newly created.
I'm not going to get into code (doesn't sound like what you're asking for), but this should get you on the right track. Hope it helps!
Yes and no.
Google Docs is not a consistent set of tools, so notifications are supported but only partially.
Google Spreadsheet has a set notification rules in the Tools menu
Google Form is linked to spreadsheet so they're covered too
You would have to do something yourself for Document/Word and Presentation apps
I would suggest reading the document from web and checking if the checksum was changed
