Spring Web Flow 2 end state - spring

I have a simple question. I am working out a simple application with few tabs. Application uses few external services to query for data and displays it for better data mining experience. Also I decided to incorporate Spring Web-Flow mainly to do some learning on the subject.
By going through specs of web-flow, they display clearly defined logical view-states and transitions and other stuff that gradually works itself towards some inevitable end-state. Now each state has it's own scope which I really like. You can put information and pass it forth and back between states and even other flows but what boggles my mind is that my application is just for browsing. I don't have a clear end-state unless user shuts the browser down or closes a tab whenever he digest what he was looking for or gets bored. What happens to all instances of DTO's and other stuff I have put in flow-scopes ?
According to http://static.springsource.org/spring-webflow/docs/pr5/api/org/springframework/webflow/EndState.html this API spec, end state terminates flow and also destroys its session which I assume destroys all of the scopes filled with data, so I am worried I have may have a memory leak. Or does webflow session has some timeout and conditional memory management that in the end falls to the mercy of garbage collector ?
Could someone back me up on this one ?

you have default settings that you can override:
<webflow:flow-execution-repository max-executions="5" max-execution-snapshots="10" />
these will prevent you from having any memory leaks. the old executions and snapshots will be removed.


Spring Session - asynchronous call handling

Does Spring Session management take care of asynchronous calls?
Say that we have multiple controllers and each one is reading/writing different session attributes. Will there be a concurrency issue as the session object is entirely written/read to/from external servers and not the attributes alone?
We are facing such an issue that the attributes set from a controller are not present in the next read... this is an intermittent issue depending on the execution of other controllers in parallel.
When we use the session object from the container we never faced this issue... assuming that it is a direct attribute set/get happening right on to the session object in the memory.
The general use case for the session is storing some user specific data. If I am understanding your context correctly, your issue describes the scenario in which a user, while for example being authenticated from two devices (for example a PC and a phone - hence withing the bounds of the same session) is hitting your backend with requests so fast you face concurrency issues around reading and writing the session data.
This is not a common (and IMHO reasonable) scenario for the session, so projects such as spring-data-redis or spring-data-gemfire won't support it out of the box.
The good news is that spring-session was built with flexibility in mind, so you could of course achieve what you want. You could implement your own version of SessionRepository and manually synchronize (for example via Redis distributed locks) the relevant methods. But, before doing that, check your design and make sure you are using session for the right data storage job.
This question is very similar in nature to your last question. And, you should read my answer to that question before reading my response/comments here.
The previous answer (and insight) posted by the anonymous user is fairly accurate.
Anytime you have a highly concurrent (Web) application/environment where many different, simultaneous HTTP requests are coming in, accessing the same HTTP session, there is always a possibility for lost updates caused by race conditions between competing concurrent HTTP requests. This is due to the very nature of a Servlet container (e.g. Apache Tomcat, or Eclipse Jetty) since each HTTP request is processed by, and in, a separate Thread.
Not only does the HTTP session object provided by the Servlet container need to be Thread-safe, but so too do all the application domain objects that your Web application puts into the HTTP session. So, be mindful of this.
In addition, most HTTP session implementations, such as Apache Tomcat's, or even Spring Session's session implementations backed by different session management providers (e.g. Spring Session Data Redis, or Spring Session Data GemFire) make extensive use of "deltas" to send only the changes (or differences) to the Session state, there by minimizing the chance of lost updates due to race conditions.
For instance, if the HTTP session currently has an attribute key/value of 1/A and HTTP request 1 (processed by Thread 1) reads the HTTP session (with only 1/A) and adds an attribute 2/B, while another concurrent HTTP request 2 (processed by Thread 2) reads the same HTTP session, by session ID (seeing the same initial session state with 1/A), and now wants to add 3/C, then as Web application developers, we expect the end result and HTTP session state to be, after request 1 & 2 in Threads 1 & 2 complete, to include attributes: [1/A, 2/B, 3/C].
However, if 2 (or even more) competing HTTP requests are both modifying say HTTP sessoin attribute 1/A and HTTP request/Thread 1 wants to set the attribute to 1/B and the competing HTTP request/Thread 2 wants to set the same attribute to 1/C then who wins?
Well, it turns out, last 1 wins, or rather, the last Thread to write the HTTP session state wins and the result could either be 1/B or 1/C, which is indeterminate and subject to the vagaries of scheduling, network latency, load, etc, etc. In fact, it is nearly impossible to reason which one will happen, much less always happen.
While our anonymous user provided some context with, say, a user using multiple devices (a Web browser and perhaps a mobile device... smart phone or tablet) concurrently, reproducing this sort of error with a single user, even multiple users would not be impossible, but very improbable.
But, if we think about this in a production context, where you might have, say, several hundred Web application instances, spread across multiple physical machines, or VMs, or container, etc, load balanced by some network load balancer/appliance, and then throw in the fact that many Web applications today are "single page apps", highly sophisticated non-dumb (no longer thin) but thick clients with JavaScript and AJAX calls, then we begin the understand that this scenario is much more likely, especially in a highly loaded Web application; think Amazon or Facebook. Not only many concurrent users, but many concurrent requests by a single user given all the dynamic, asynchronous calls that a Web application can make.
Still, as our anonymous user pointed out, this does not excuse the Web application developer from responsibly designing and coding our Web application.
In general, I would say the HTTP session should only be used to track very minimal (i.e. in quantity) and necessary information to maintain a good user experience and preserve the proper interaction between the user and the application as the user transitions through different parts or phases of the Web app, like tracking preferences or items (in a shopping cart). In general, the HTTP session should not be used to store "transactional" data. To due so is to get yourself into trouble. The HTTP session should be primarily a read heavy data structure (rather than write heavy), particularly because the HTTP session can be and most likely will be accessed from multiple Threads.
Of course, different backing data stores (like Redis, and even GemFire) provide locking mechanisms. GemFire even provides cache level transactions, which is very heavy and arguable not appropriate when processing Web interactions managed in and by an HTTP session object (not to be confused with transactions). Even locking is going to introduce serious contention and latency to the application.
Anyway, all of this is to say that you very much need to be conscious of the interactions and data access patterns, otherwise you will find yourself in hot water, so be careful, always!
Food for thought!

How wise is to keep a user sessions record inside the application context?

my goal is to track all logged users in my web portal to develop some kind of administration app that provides stats to admin users. I have some idea of how to develop it but I'm not sure if is the right thing to do. Basically a listener will put a custom some object inside the servlet context and the login servlet will fill it with user information every time a user logs in and out and other information.
Thank you even if you only read it!
In fact, you always keep session data somewhere inside your application context. It's up to you where to keep it, depending on the workload - you may keep it either in the servlet itself (meaning its own memory) or somewhere else (for example, in a dedicated database).
Choosing second option will cause you to use additional interfaces and data transfers (between your servlet and the DB), but it's much more scalable and is the best option for huge workloads.
Simply, if you have 10 active sessions and high activity, you better use local memory. If you have 100k+ active sessions and low activity - some shared resource is your choice.
It is optimal for you to start with local memory and then perform some load testing to determine if you need a separate data domain for the sessions.

MVC3 memory management

What is the best way to check memory usage in an ASP.NET MVC3 application?
I have been told by my hosting provider to recyle the IIS application pool every so often to improve the speed of the site. Is this what is 'recommended practice'? Surely I shouldn't need to restart my application every so often? I'd much rather find out if it is an issue with memory usage in my application and correct it. So any tips & best practices you use would be quite helpful too.
The application is based on ASP.NET MVC3, C# and EF Code First. Any guidance, links appreciated.
I found this page after I posted, which is quite useful. But I'd still like to hear any other views.
ASP.NET MVC and EF Code First Memory Usage
Thank you
I have a site that never recycles (until the machine is rebooted weekly)
Your application generally should keep performing fine. If it doesn't, there is some leak.
This can occur because
Cache never expires
Cache never expires
Session storage keeps growing and never times out
ObjectContexts are never disposed and kept in the session, etc
Objects that should be disposed aren't
Objects that are created via a dependency injection container aren't setup to release after each request, and thus potentially have internal collections that keep growing.
There are more causes - but these are a few main ones.
So the question really is 'there is no best practice - it depends on your app'
If you are worried about current sessions during a restart, keep in mind a restart can be quick and current requests are allowed to finish (sometimes) and forms authentication tokens will survive the restart, however sessions will not unless you configure an out of process state server.
If your memory usage keeps growing, then setup a restart schedule, otherwise do once a week or never - or setup once memory goes to XYZ then reset. ASP.NET will restart automatically once a certain threshold is reached as well based on what the hoster has setup on memoryLimit:
By default IIS recycles the application pool automatically at an interval (I think is 29 hours or so) but that is surely set by the host, no matter how little or how much memory you're the process is using. THe recycling trigger can be a time interval or when the process hits a certain memory usage limit. I'm sure any shared host has both of them set.
About memory usage, you can use the GC.GetTotalMemory method which will give you an approximate usage. Even when using Perfmon the readings aren't very accurate but it gives you an idea.
void Application_EndRequest(object o,EventArgs a)
var ctype=Context.Response.Headers["Content-Type"];
if (ctype == null || !ctype.Contains("text/html")) return;
Context.Response.Write(string.format("<p>Memory usage: {0}</p>",GC.GetTotalMemory(false)));
Be aware that you'll see the usage increasing increasing until the GC kicks in and the usage will drop to a more 'realistic' value.
If you have the money I recommend a specialized tool such as the Memory profiler
Other things you can do to at least be ready if the application has memory or performance problems:
Proper layering of the application, means you can refactor the more inefficient parts without affecting the others.
The Repository pattern will be very helpful, because you can start using EF , find out that EF uses to much memory (like in the link you've found), but then you could switch the repository implementation to use PetaPoco or Dapper.net.
In general an OR\M is more of a heavy library, if the application doesn't need ORM features but just a quick way to work with a db, use from the beginning a mico-Orm like those mentioned above.
Always dispose objects implementing IDisposable.
When dealing with large db records, use pagination. It's good for both server resources usage and user experience
Apply the YAGNI (You Aint Gonna Need It) principle as much as possible, this somehow implies a bit of TDD :)

creating a pojo/ejb with spring 3 that always runs in the background

I have created apps in the past that would have web pages that would call the persistence layer to get some query results or to insert, delete, etc against a db. However, nothing was left running in the background except for the persistence layer. Now I need to develop an app that has an process that is always running in the background, which is waiting for messages to come thru a zeromq messaging system (cannot change this at this point). I am a little lost as to how to setup the object so that it can always be running and yet I can control or query the results from the object.
Is there any tutorial/examples that covers this configuration?
You could use some kind of timer, to start a method every second to look at a specific ressource and process the input taken from that.
If you use Spring than you could have a look at the #Scheduled annotation.
If your input is some kind of java method invokation, than have a look at the java.util.concurrent Package, and concurrent programming at all. -- But be aware of the fact, that there are some restictions one creating own Threads in an EJB environment.

Is Terracotta used professionally?

Today at work I had a discussion with my co-workers and my boss about stateless / stateful beans (we just finished a project using JSF, it was the first time anyone at this company did something JSF related) and my boss said that he doesn't really like Session scoped beans (or even conversation / KeepAlive scoped ones). One of his arguments was that if we have for example 4 Tomcats and there is a request from the user then we aren't really sure that it will be "captured" by the same Tomcat every single time and the problem is that if during the first time a request comes and a session bean is created it's created only on that one Tomcat and the others don't know about it.
One of the solutions he mentioned was a so called "sticky session" which enforces requests from a given user to be handled by the same Tomcat every time. A second solution according to him would be storing all the data in the "view", but that would mean storing the whole state in the POST, somehow I don't really like that idea. Then he mentioned storing the state in the DB and querying it if a request that requires it arrives. I thought that it would be a really huge performance hit, but he said that it really wouldn't be a concern since the DBs should be prepared for such tasks.
The last solution which I'm interested in was the Terracotta Server which, from what he told us, is supposed to store the session bean for all Tomcats (which are synchronized with it and then if a requests comes in they look for session beans inside Terracotta). Seems kinda cool and scalable, but he said that he didn't really see it ever used in large professional systems, is that right? I tried some info on it but failed, is there something wrong with Terracotta that stops people from using it?
It is used by professionals, just look a their customers page.
