Spring Session - asynchronous call handling - spring

Does Spring Session management take care of asynchronous calls?
Say that we have multiple controllers and each one is reading/writing different session attributes. Will there be a concurrency issue as the session object is entirely written/read to/from external servers and not the attributes alone?
We are facing such an issue that the attributes set from a controller are not present in the next read... this is an intermittent issue depending on the execution of other controllers in parallel.
When we use the session object from the container we never faced this issue... assuming that it is a direct attribute set/get happening right on to the session object in the memory.

The general use case for the session is storing some user specific data. If I am understanding your context correctly, your issue describes the scenario in which a user, while for example being authenticated from two devices (for example a PC and a phone - hence withing the bounds of the same session) is hitting your backend with requests so fast you face concurrency issues around reading and writing the session data.
This is not a common (and IMHO reasonable) scenario for the session, so projects such as spring-data-redis or spring-data-gemfire won't support it out of the box.
The good news is that spring-session was built with flexibility in mind, so you could of course achieve what you want. You could implement your own version of SessionRepository and manually synchronize (for example via Redis distributed locks) the relevant methods. But, before doing that, check your design and make sure you are using session for the right data storage job.

This question is very similar in nature to your last question. And, you should read my answer to that question before reading my response/comments here.
The previous answer (and insight) posted by the anonymous user is fairly accurate.
Anytime you have a highly concurrent (Web) application/environment where many different, simultaneous HTTP requests are coming in, accessing the same HTTP session, there is always a possibility for lost updates caused by race conditions between competing concurrent HTTP requests. This is due to the very nature of a Servlet container (e.g. Apache Tomcat, or Eclipse Jetty) since each HTTP request is processed by, and in, a separate Thread.
Not only does the HTTP session object provided by the Servlet container need to be Thread-safe, but so too do all the application domain objects that your Web application puts into the HTTP session. So, be mindful of this.
In addition, most HTTP session implementations, such as Apache Tomcat's, or even Spring Session's session implementations backed by different session management providers (e.g. Spring Session Data Redis, or Spring Session Data GemFire) make extensive use of "deltas" to send only the changes (or differences) to the Session state, there by minimizing the chance of lost updates due to race conditions.
For instance, if the HTTP session currently has an attribute key/value of 1/A and HTTP request 1 (processed by Thread 1) reads the HTTP session (with only 1/A) and adds an attribute 2/B, while another concurrent HTTP request 2 (processed by Thread 2) reads the same HTTP session, by session ID (seeing the same initial session state with 1/A), and now wants to add 3/C, then as Web application developers, we expect the end result and HTTP session state to be, after request 1 & 2 in Threads 1 & 2 complete, to include attributes: [1/A, 2/B, 3/C].
However, if 2 (or even more) competing HTTP requests are both modifying say HTTP sessoin attribute 1/A and HTTP request/Thread 1 wants to set the attribute to 1/B and the competing HTTP request/Thread 2 wants to set the same attribute to 1/C then who wins?
Well, it turns out, last 1 wins, or rather, the last Thread to write the HTTP session state wins and the result could either be 1/B or 1/C, which is indeterminate and subject to the vagaries of scheduling, network latency, load, etc, etc. In fact, it is nearly impossible to reason which one will happen, much less always happen.
While our anonymous user provided some context with, say, a user using multiple devices (a Web browser and perhaps a mobile device... smart phone or tablet) concurrently, reproducing this sort of error with a single user, even multiple users would not be impossible, but very improbable.
But, if we think about this in a production context, where you might have, say, several hundred Web application instances, spread across multiple physical machines, or VMs, or container, etc, load balanced by some network load balancer/appliance, and then throw in the fact that many Web applications today are "single page apps", highly sophisticated non-dumb (no longer thin) but thick clients with JavaScript and AJAX calls, then we begin the understand that this scenario is much more likely, especially in a highly loaded Web application; think Amazon or Facebook. Not only many concurrent users, but many concurrent requests by a single user given all the dynamic, asynchronous calls that a Web application can make.
Still, as our anonymous user pointed out, this does not excuse the Web application developer from responsibly designing and coding our Web application.
In general, I would say the HTTP session should only be used to track very minimal (i.e. in quantity) and necessary information to maintain a good user experience and preserve the proper interaction between the user and the application as the user transitions through different parts or phases of the Web app, like tracking preferences or items (in a shopping cart). In general, the HTTP session should not be used to store "transactional" data. To due so is to get yourself into trouble. The HTTP session should be primarily a read heavy data structure (rather than write heavy), particularly because the HTTP session can be and most likely will be accessed from multiple Threads.
Of course, different backing data stores (like Redis, and even GemFire) provide locking mechanisms. GemFire even provides cache level transactions, which is very heavy and arguable not appropriate when processing Web interactions managed in and by an HTTP session object (not to be confused with transactions). Even locking is going to introduce serious contention and latency to the application.
Anyway, all of this is to say that you very much need to be conscious of the interactions and data access patterns, otherwise you will find yourself in hot water, so be careful, always!
Food for thought!


Should I be using AJAX or WebSockets.

Oh the joyous question of HTTP vs WebSockets is at it again, however even after quit a bit of reading on the hundreds of versus blog posts, SO questions, etc, etc.. I'm still at a complete loss as to what I should be working towards for our application. In this post I will be supplying information on application functionality, and the types of requests/responses used in our application currently.
Currently our application is a sloppy piece of work, thrown together using AngularJS and AJAX requests to a Apache server running PHP, namely XAMPP. With the launch of our application I've noticed that we're having problems with response times when the server is under any kind of load. This probably has something to do with the sloppy architecture of our server, the hardware, and the fact that our MySQL database isn't exactly optimized.
However, with such a loyal fanbase and investors seeing potential in our application and giving us a chance to roll out a 2.0 I've been studying hard into how to turn this application into a powerhouse of low latency scalability. Honestly the best option would be hire someone with experience, but unfortunately I'm a hobbyist, and a one-man-army without much experience.
After some extensive research, I've decided on writing the backend using NodeJS this time. However I'm having a hard time deciding on HTTP or Websockets. Here's the types of transactions that are done between the Server/Client.
Client sends a request to the server in JSON format. The request has a few different things.
A request id (For processing logic based on the request)
The data associated with the request ID.
The server receives the request, polls the database (if necessary) and then responds to the client in JSON format. Sometimes the server is serving files to the client. Namely images in Base64 format.
Currently the application (When being used) sends a request to the server every time an interface is changed, which on average for our application is once every few seconds. Every action on our interfaces sends another request to the server. The application also sends requests to check for notifications/messages every 8 seconds, (or two seconds depending on if they're on the messaging interface).
Currently here are the benefits I see of a stated connection over a stateless connection with our application.
If the connection is stated, I can eliminate the requests for notifications and messages, as the server can just tell the client whenever one comes available. This can eliminate x(n)/4 requests per second to the server alone.
Handling something like a disconnection from the server is as simple as attempting to reconnect, opposed to handling timeouts/errors per request, this would only be handled on the socket.
Additional security can be obtained by removing security keys for database interaction, this should prevent the possibility of Hijacking(?) of a session_key and using it to manipulate or access another users data. The session_key is only needed due to there being no state in the AJAX setup.
However, I'm someone who started learning programming through TCP game server emulation. So I understand some benefits of a STATED connection, while I don't understand the benefits of a STATELESS connection very much at all. I know they both have their benefits and quirks, but I'm curious what would be the best approach for us.
We're mainly looking for Scalability, as we had a local application launch and managed to bottleneck at nearly 10,000 users in under 48 hours. Luckily I announced this as a BETA and the users are cutting me a lot of slack after learning that I did it all on my own as a learning project. I've disabled registrations while looking into improving the application's front and backend.
If using WebSockets, would we be able to asynchronously download pictures from the server like we can with AJAX? For example, I can make 5 requests to the server using AJAX for 5 different images, and they will all start downloading immediately, using a stated connection would I have to wait for each photo to be streamed before moving to the next request? Would this only bottle-neck a single user, or every user that is waiting on a request to be completed?
It all boils down on how your application works and how it needs to scale. I would use bare WebSockets rather than any wrapper, since it is an already easy to use API and your hands won't be tied when you need to scale out.
Here some links that will give you insight, although not concrete answers to your questions because as I said, it depends on your expectations.
Hard downsides of long polling?
WebSocket/REST: Client connections?
Websockets, and identifying unique peers[PHP]
How HTML5 Web Sockets Interact With Proxy Servers
If your question is Should I use HTTP over Websockets ?, the response is: You should not.
Even if it is faster because you don't lose time opening the connection, you lose also all the HTTP specification like verbs (GET, POST, PATCH, PUT, ...), path, body, and also response, status code. This seams simple but you'll have to re-implement all or part of these protocol things.
So you should use Ajax, as long as it is one ponctual request.
When you need to make an ajax request every 2 seconds, you need in fact that the server sends you data, not YOU request server to check Api change (if changed). So this is a sign that you should implement a websocket server.

CPU bound/stateful distributed system design

I'm working on a web application frontend to a legacy system which involves a lot of CPU bound background processing. The application is also stateful on the server side and the domain objects needs to be held in memory across the entire session as the user operates on it via the web based interface. Think of it as something like a web UI front end to photoshop where each filter can take 20-30 seconds to execute on the server side, so the app still has to interact with the user in real time while they wait.
The main problem is that each instance of the server can only support around 4-8 instances of each "workspace" at once and I need to support a few hundreds of concurrent users at once. I'm going to be building this on Amazon EC2 to make use of the auto scaling functionality. So to summarize, the system is:
A web application frontend to a legacy backend system
task performed are CPU bound
Stateful, most calls will be some sort of RPC, the user will make multiple actions that interact with the stateful objects held in server side memory
Most tasks are semi-realtime, where they have to execute for 20-30 seconds and return the results to the user in the same session
Use amazon aws auto scaling
I'm wondering what is the best way to make a system like this distributed.
Obviously I will need a web server to interact with the browser and then send the cpu-bound tasks from the web server to a bunch of dedicated servers that does the background processing. The question is how to best hook up the 2 tiers together for my specific neeeds.
I've been looking at message Queue systems such as rabbitMQ but these seems to be geared towards one time task where any worker node can simply grab a job form a queue, execute it and forget the state. My needs are a little different since there could be multiple 'tasks' that needs to be 'sticky', for example if step 1 is started in node 1 then step 2 for the same workspace has to go to the same worker process.
Another problem I see is that most worker queue systems seems to be geared towards background tasks that can be processed anytime rather than a system that has to provide user feedback that I'm dealing with.
My question is, is there an off the shelf solution for something like this that will allow me to easily build a system that can scale? Would love to hear your thoughts.
RabbitMQ is has an RPC tutorial. I haven't used this pattern in particular but I am running RabbitMQ on a couple of nodes and it can handle hundreds of connections and millions of messages. With a little work in monitoring you can detect when there is more work to do then you have consumers for. Messages can also timeout so queues won't backup too greatly. To scale out capacity you can create multiple RabbitMQ nodes/clusters. You could have multiple rounds of RPC so that after the first response you include the information required to get second message to the correct destination.
0MQ has this as a basic pattern which will fanout work as needed. I've only played with this but it is simpler to code and possibly simpler to maintain (as it doesn't need a broker, devices can provide one though). This may not handle stickiness by default but it should be possible to write your own routing layer to handle it.
Don't discount HTTP for this as well. When you want request/reply, a strict throughput per backend node, and something that scales well, HTTP is well supported. With AWS you can use their ELB easily in front of an autoscaling group to provide the routing from frontend to backend. ELB supports sticky sessions as well.
I'm a big fan of RabbitMQ but if this is the whole scope then HTTP would work nicely and have fewer moving parts in AWS than the other solutions.

How wise is to keep a user sessions record inside the application context?

my goal is to track all logged users in my web portal to develop some kind of administration app that provides stats to admin users. I have some idea of how to develop it but I'm not sure if is the right thing to do. Basically a listener will put a custom some object inside the servlet context and the login servlet will fill it with user information every time a user logs in and out and other information.
Thank you even if you only read it!
In fact, you always keep session data somewhere inside your application context. It's up to you where to keep it, depending on the workload - you may keep it either in the servlet itself (meaning its own memory) or somewhere else (for example, in a dedicated database).
Choosing second option will cause you to use additional interfaces and data transfers (between your servlet and the DB), but it's much more scalable and is the best option for huge workloads.
Simply, if you have 10 active sessions and high activity, you better use local memory. If you have 100k+ active sessions and low activity - some shared resource is your choice.
It is optimal for you to start with local memory and then perform some load testing to determine if you need a separate data domain for the sessions.

Pros and Cons of Sticky Session / Session Affinity load blancing strategy?

One approach to high scalability is to use network load balancing to split processing load between several servers.
One challenge that this approach presents is where servers are state aware - storing user state in a "session".
One solution to this problem is "sticky session" (aka "session affinity") where each user is assigned to a single server and his/her state data is contained on that server exclusively throughout the duration of the session.
What are the Pros and Cons of the "sticky session" approach? Do you use it and if so are you satisfied with it?
It's easy-- no app changes required.
Better utilizes local RAM caches (e.g. look up user profile once, cache it, and can re-use it on subsequent visits from same user)
If the server goes down, session is lost. (Note that this is a con of storing session info locally on the web server, not of sticky sessions per se). If what's in the session is really important to the user (e.g. a draft email) or to the site (e.g. a shopping cart) then losing one of your servers can be very painful.
Depending on "sticky" implementation in your load balancer, may direct unequal load to some servers vs. others
Bringing a new server online doesn't immediately give the new server lots of load. If you have a dynamic load-balancing system to deal with spikes, stickiness may slow your ability to respond quickly to a spike. That said, this is somewhat of a corner case and really only applies to very large and sophisticated sites.
If you have relatively few users but a single user's traffic can swamp one server (e.g. complex pages with SSL, AJAX, dynamically-generated images, dynamic compression, etc.), then stickiness may hurt end-user response time since you're not spreading a single user's load evenly across servers. If you have a lot of concurrent users, this is a non-issue since all your servers will be swamped!
But if you must use server-local session state, sticky sessions are definitely the way to go. Even if you don't use server-local session state, stickiness has benefits when it comes to cache utilization (see above). Your load balancer should be able to look at HTTP cookies (not only IP address) to determine stickiness, since IP addresses can change during a single session (e.g. docking a laptop between a wired and wireless network).
Even better, don't use session state on the web server at all! If session state is very painful to lose (e.g. shopping carts), store it in a central database and clear out old sessions periodically. If session state is not critical (e.g. username/avatar URL), then stick it in a cookie-- just make sure you're not shoving too much data into the cookie.
Modern versions of Rails, by default, store session variables in a cookie for the reasons above. Other web frameworks may have a "store in cookie" and/or "store in DB" option.

ColdFusion sessions not being timed out

We have 2 core applications running on our servers on CF 8, and both have the exact same session timeout set in the application CFC (2 hours at the moment). However we're seeing that sessions are spiralling out of control for one of the applications (currently at 120,000+ on one server), lets call it AppA whereas AppB seems fine (and AppB is the one we'd expect a lot more traffic to).
So I did some further digging and found out that most of the sessions for AppA have been idle for many hours with the highest value I've seen so far being over 11 hours.
We're not actually doing that much with sessions so I'm a little confused as to why they're not being timed out as expected. Also I've dumped the this scope in the application CFC and it is showing the expected value for sessionTimeout.
The only thing I had noticed is that in one instance we're assigning a variable on the Request scope from a Session variable. If it were a different scope I would maybe think that is causing some sort of reference that GC (or whatever) can't clear.
In terms of the spiral, I'd say that's to do with some requests which aren't passing through the CFID/CFTOKEN to maintain the session. This could be web service calls, CFHTTP requests, search engine bots, etc. Sounds like one of your apps is experiencing this. If this is the case then for CFHTTP pass the CFID/CFTOKEN through to maintain sessions. Web services bit more tricky, you'll need to create a 'key' which is passed back and forth, whole separate topic! Bots can be handled by having some conditionals to set the session timeout value.
For the 11 hours, I'd say thats due to it been kept alive by something. Some continual polling? Reocurring AJAX request? It would have to be something that continues to pass the ID/TOKEN through.
I used to get server lockups in CF6.1 when I was persisting CFCs in the application or session scopes. Now I instantiate them in the request scope and the lockups stopped happening (with no noticeable performance drop). Maybe you have a similar issue.
Actually turns out the sessions were started from another App which wasn't over-riding the default value in the base Application.cfc (including the application name).
