Measure real object from image - image

I am going to prepare my assignment. It's a bit freaky as our Teacher, though :D. Okay, the job is simple. There will be a white cloth vertically. A person will be in front of that. Distance of the man from the cloth is 3 feet. The shadow of the person will be caught through a mid res (say 1600 X 1200) camera. The image (img01.jpg) of this camera is my input. I have to measure the man's body from the image, I mean parts of body. I need 80 to 90 percent accuracy. Desired output is some length (centimeter):
A = ?
B = ?
C = ?
D = ?
E = ?
Just as the picture:
I don't know what type of algorithm is needed here and I don't want to ask it to my freaky Sir. Great hearts here are requested to help me. Do not ask me for my code as I don't have yet. I don't need codes rather I need algorithms to do the job.
Thanks in advance.

Find the number of pixels between the points and multiply by the number of cm's per pixel based on how far the subject is from the camera.

A possible algorithm would be, given a vertical offset y, to find the distance (in pixels) between the first colored (or in your case, black) pixel and the last one, on the same line y. Then, you can use your unit conversion as you deem convenient, once you fix the scale between pixels and your real world measure. This answer would work assuming, as in your example, that the distance is measured horizontally and not diagonally on the figure.


How to reduce 10k data points and show them on smaller display? Arduino

I‘m working on a visual data logger for my DMM, it writes every measurement to RS232 inteface. There I connect a Teensy 3.6 and collect the data points.
For each point I have the timestamp and the measured value. I will collect 10.000 readings.
I want to display the measured data on a display (800x480) in two ways. First as a rolling graph, that scrolls from right to left and shows the last minute or so. This is working fine.
Second, I want to display all collected measurements in total (max. 10k points). So I have to shrink or compress the data, but I want to preserve the shape of the curve.
To give you an idea how it should look like, please watch the video from Dave on EEV at YT ( and skip to 41:20. There you see how another DMM is shrinking the incomming data and displays it. At about 1:01:05 10k measurements are shown on the display area of only 400px wide.
Question is, how is this done?
I’ve heard about Douglas-Pucker algorithm, but have no idea if this is the right way and how to use it on the Arduino/ Teensy platform.
Any help is very welcome, thank you....
I cannot just display all data points, because I‘m using an FT81x as display controller, and this can take only up to 2000 drawing commands per frame. And it takes more time.
Anyway, I solved the problem using the simple way.
I create bins and calculate the min and max values in this bin. Then simply draw a line between these points. Works fine!
BTW, I‘m the TO :-)
For cases where you got many more samples than pixels in x axis instead of LineTo like graph use vertical lines graph instead...
So depending on the number of samples per rendered time frame and x resolution you should compute ymin and ymax for eaxch x and render vertical line ...
something like:
for (x0=x,i=sample_left,y0=y1=sample[i],i<sample_right;i++)
x = (i-sample_left)*xs/(sample_right-sample_left);
y = sample[i]; // here add y scaling and offset
if (x0!=x) { line(x0,y0,x0,y1); x0=x; y0=y; y1=y; }
if (y0>y) y0=y;
if (y1<y) y1=y;
where sample[] are your stored values , sample_left,sample_right is the range to render and xs is graph x resolution. To speed up you can pre-compute the y0,y1 for each x and render that (recompute only on range or samples change) ... So as you can see you will use just xs line commands which shoul dbe fast enough. The x linear interpolation can be done without multiplication nor division if you rewrite it to integer DDA style ...
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i don't really understand FFT and sample rates
After a second look The deleted answer is with the same approach as this (got deleted by review probably before the edit which transformed it from not an answer (comment) to the correct answer) so I voted for undelete even if it is considerably lower quality than mine but was posted sooner.

MATLAB image processing technique

I have this 3D array in MATLAB (V: vertical, H: horizontal, t: time frame)
Figures below represent images obtained using imagesc function after slicing the array in terms of t axis
area in black represents damage area and other area is intact
each frame looks similar but has different amplitude
I am trying to visualize only defect area and get rid of intact area
I tried to use 'threshold' method to get rid of intact area as below
NewSet = zeros(450,450,200);
for kk = 1:200
frame = uwpi(:,:,kk);
STD = std(frame(:));
Mean = mean(frame(:));
for ii = 1:450
for jj =1:450
if frame(ii, jj) > 2*STD+Mean
NewSet(ii, jj, kk) = frame(ii, jj);
NewSet(ii, jj, kk) = NaN;
However, since each frame has different amplitude, result becomes
Is there any image processing method to get rid of intact area in this case?
Thanks in advance
You're thresholding based on mean and standard deviation, basically assuming your data is normally distributed and looking for outliers. But your model should try to distinguish values around zero (noise) vs higher values. Your data is not normally distributed, mean and standard deviation are not meaningful.
Look up Otsu thresholding (MATLAB IP toolbox has it). It's model does not perfectly match your data, but it might give reasonable results. Like most threshold estimation algorithms, it uses the image's histogram to determine the optimal threshold given some model.
Ideally you'd model the background peak in the histogram. You can find the mode, fit a Gaussian around it, then cut off at 2 sigma. Or you can use the "triangle method", which finds the point along the histogram that is furthest from the line between the upper end of the histogram and the top of the background peak. A little more complex to explain, but trivial to implement. We have this implemented in DIPimage (, M-file code is visible so you can see how it works (look for the function threshold)
Additionally, I'd suggest to get rid of the loops over x and y. You can type frame(frame<threshold) = nan, and then copy the whole frame back into NewSet in one operation.
Do I clearly understand the question, ROI is the dark border and all it surrounds? If so I'd recommend process in 3D using some kind of region-growing technique like watershed or active snakes with markers by imregionalmin. The methods should provide segmentation result even if the border has small holes. Than just copy segmented object to a new 3D array via logic indexing.

MATLAB, algorithm for free surface detection in bubbly flow

I am trying to figure out an algorithm for detecting the free surface from a PIV image (see attached). The major problem is that in the flow under consideration gas bubbles are injected into the fluid, these rise up due to buoyancy and tend to sit on top of the surface. I don't want these to be mistaken for the free surface (actually want the '2nd' edge underneath them) - I'm struggling to figure out how to include that in the algorithm.
Ideally, I want an array of x and y values representing coordinates of the free surface (like a continuous, smooth curve).
My initial approach was to scan the picture left to right, one column at a time, find an edge, move to the next column etc... That works somewhat ok, but fails as soon as the bubbles appear and my 'edge' splits in two. So I am wondering if there is some more sophisticated way of going about it.
If anybody have any expertise in the area of image processing/edge detection, any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Typical PIV image
Desired outcome
I think you can actually solve the problem by using morphologic methods.
A = imread('./MATLAB/ZBhAM.jpg');
subplot 131;
subplot 132;
B = double(A(:,:,1));
B = B/255;
B = im2bw(B, 0.1);
subplot 133;
st = strel('diamond', 5);
B = imerode(B, st);
B = imdilate(B, st);
B = imshow(B);
This gives the following result:
As you can see this approach is not perfect mostly because I picked a random value for the threshold in im2bw, if you use an adaptive threshold for the different column of your images you should have something better.
Try to work on your lighting otherwise.

Accurate (and fast) angle matching

For a hobby project I'm attempting to align photo's and create 3D pictures. I basically have 2 camera's on a rig, that I use to make pictures. Automatically I attempt to align the images in such a way that you get a 3D SBS image.
They are high resolution images, which means a lot of pixels to process. Because I'm not really patient with computers, I want things to go fast.
Originally I've worked with code based on image stitching and feature extraction. In practice I found these algorithms to be too inaccurate and too slow. The main reason is that you have different levels of depth here, so you cannot do a 1-on-1 match of features. Most of the code already works fine, including vertical alignment.
For this question, you can assume that different ISO exposion levels / color correction and vertical alignment of the images are both taken care of.
What is still missing is a good algorithm for correcting the angle of the pictures. I noticed that left-right pictures usually vary a small number of degrees (think +/- 1.2 degrees difference) in angle, which is enough to get a slight headache. As a human you can easily spot this by looking at sharp differences in color and lining them up.
The irony here is that you spot it immediately as a human if it's correct or not, but somehow I'm not able to learn this to a machine. :-)
I've experimented with edge detectors, Hough transform and a large variety of home-brew algorithms, but so far found all of them to be both too slow and too inaccurate for my purposes. I've also attempted to iteratively aligning vertically while changing the angles slightly, so far without any luck.
Please note: Accuracy is perhaps more important than speed here.
I've added an example image here. It's actually both a left and right eye, alpha-blended. If you look closely, you can see the lamb at the top having two ellipses, and you can see how the chairs don't exactly line up at the top. It might seem negliable, but on a full screen resolution while using a beamer, you will easily see the difference. This also shows the level of accuracy that is required; it's quite a lot.
The shift in 'x' direction will give the 3D effect. Basically, if the shift is 0, it's on the screen, if it's <0 it's behind the screen and if it's >0 it's in front of the screen. This also makes matching harder, since you're not looking for a 'stitch'.
Basically the two camera's 'look' in the same direction (perpendicular as in the second picture here: ).
The difference originates from the camera being on a slightly different angle. This means the rotation is uniform throughout the picture.
I have once used the following amateur approach.
Assume that the second image has a rotation + vertical shift mismatch. This means that we need to apply some transform for the second image which can be expressed in matrix form as
x' = a*x + b*y + c
y' = d*x + e*y + f
that is, every pixel that has coordinates (x,y) on the second image, should be moved to a position (x',y') to compensate for this rotation and vertical shift.
We have a strict requirement that a=e, b=-d and d*d+e*e=1 so that it is indeed rotation+shift, no zoom or slanting etc. Also this notation allows for horizontal shift too, but this is easy to fix after angle+vertical shift correction.
Now select several common features on both images (I did selection by hand, as just 5-10 seemed enough, you can try to apply some automatic feature detection mechanism). Assume i-th feature has coordinates (x1[i], y1[i]) on first image and (x2[i], y2[i]) on the second. We expect that after out transformation the features have as equal as possible y-coordinates, that is we want (ideally)
Having enough (>=3) features, we can determine d, e and f from this requirement. In fact, if you have more than 3 features, you will most probably not be able to find common d, e and f for them, but you can apply least-square method to find d, e and f that make y2' as close to y1 as possible. You can also account for the requirement that d*d+e*e=1 while finding d, e and f, though as far as i remember, I got acceptable results even not accounting for this.
After you have determined d, e and f, you have the requirement a=e and b=-d. This leaves only c unknown, which is horizontal shift. If you know what the horizontal shift should be, you can find c from there. I used the background (clouds on a landscape, for example) to get c.
When you know all the parameters, you can do one pass on the image and correct it. You might also want to apply some anti-aliasing, but that's a different question.
Note also that you can in a similar way introduce quadratic correction to the formulas to account for additional distortions the camera usually has.
However, that's just a simple algorithm I came up with when I faced the same problem some time ago. I did not do much research, so I'll be glad to know if there is a better or well-established approach or even a ready software.

circle-circle collision problem

I have a problem with circle-circle collision detection.I used the following algorithm
func collision(id,
var vaP1,vaP2,dis,va1,vb1,va2,vb2,vp1,vp2,dx,dy,dt;
if (id!
if dis<=radius+other.radius
//calculate the component of velocity in the direction
if (vp1-vp2)!=0
//move the balls back so they just touch
//projection of the velocities in these axes
//new velocities in these axes. take into account the mass of each ball.
//we moved the balls back in time, so we need to move them forward
x=ball 1 x-position
y=ball 1 y-position
other.x= ball 2 x position
other.y=ball 2 y position
this algorithm works well when i have a ball image of 40 x 40 pixel and ball center is (20,20) means image consists only ball.But the problem arises when image size is 80 x 80.and ball center position is (60,60),means ball is lower right corner with radius 20.
in this case there are multiple collision occur,means the portion
unable to seperate the ball /velocity does not change according to collision.
I have changed the value of x which is the center of image 40,40 to 60,60 center of ball adding 20.but the result is same .Can any one tell me what is the problem.I think algorithm is correct because it works nicely in all other case and lots of people used this algorithm.problem is changing position from image center to ball center.what correction should i do for this??? or any idea.if someone want to help plz give me e-mail address so that i can send my full project.
I didnt have the mental power to digest your entire question, but here is my 2 cents on how to solve your problem
1) The simplest way to detect a circle collision with another is to check if their distance is less than the radius of the combined circles. (i might be wrong with the math, so correct me if i am wrong)
Circle c1,c2;
float distance = DISTANCE(,;
if(distance < c1.radius + c2.radius)
// collision .. BOOOOOOM
2) Try to use accurate data types. Try not to convert floats to integers without checking overflow, underflow and decimal points. Better still, just use floats .
3) Write a log and trace through your values. See if there are any obvious maths errors .
4) Break down your code to its simplest portion. Try to remove all that velocity computation to get the simplest movements to help you debug.
I will not give you the answer that you are looking for and I am not sure someone else will. The amount of code that must be decyphered to get you the answer may not warrant the reward. What I would recommend is to losen the coupling in your algorithm. The function above is doing way too much work.
Ideally you would have a collision detection that concentrated only on the collision and not on advancing the balls. Something like function shown below and that would allow other developers to help you more easily if you still had a problem.
function(firstCircleCenterX, firstCircleCenterY, secondCircleCenterX, secondCircleCenterY, firstCircleRadius, secondCircleRadius)
...this code should concentrate on logic to determine collision
...use pythagoran theory to find distance between the two centers
...if the distance between the two centers is less than ((2*firstCircleRadius)+(2*secondCircleRadius) then you have a collision
...return true or false depending on collision
