Oracle APEX a valid option? [closed] - oracle

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Closed 10 years ago.
We have a PHP/Symfony web application which we use to kick start some procedures on the Oracle DB manually. Sometimes parameters are passed to the procedures: either as a free text box or by drop down which is filled dynamically (eg. SELECT DISTINCT name FROM mytable). Before the webapp did more and was more complex, but now it's really only about start procedures manually. (well, there is also user and rights management: eg. User A can only start procedure A and User B only procedure B).
Now the question is if this solution is still a good option or if it would be better to switch to a solution using Oracle APEX directly on the Oracle server.
So here I've got some questions
Does anybody know APEX and used it before? Comments? What do you
think of it?
Is is basically suited for such a task? What would
we have to think of as well? What is all needed?
If yes, how much effort would be needed
for such a solution (max. 20 User, max. 20 procedures in in 6
What about maintenance?

You phrased it open en in that regard i agree with #Ben.
However, what you seem to be looking for looks like it could be very easily implementend in Apex. Form pages created on procedures will automatically generate the required page items and a process calling the procedure.
If you have packages, you can easily mimick that behaviour as you can just create the required page items, and a process that passes those values to a packaged procedure or function.
What you'd need is an apex installation on your database, and a listener (the embedded plsql gateway, the standalone apex listener, or some other http server).
The effort required wouldn't be much. Creating pages and items is not all that hard, and can be done in a declarative way. If all you know is PLSQL, you could still find your way in apex without having to worry to hard about html and/or javascript at first.
If all you need (at least, right now) are some forms which call procedures/packages, the only maintenance you should do is to adjust page items and processes as you alter procedure calls in the database.
If you're really interested, simply go to and request a workspace. Take the 2-day developer guide found under the documentation. This will give you at least some idea of the how and what, and you'll see some of what apex has to offer. In your requested workspace will also be a demo application (products) which you can look into, packaged demo applications,... You have access to an own schema too, which can be accessed through the sql browser. Create a procedure! Then create a new application/page, and base it on the procedure: see if you like what you see.


what is a better tool for collaborating with others than email? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I'm a developer and need to collaborate with an UI designer and a project manager. so there are a lot of documents we need to share and the project manager will assign me tasks about the project. Instead of email and dropbox, what's the best way to do it?
You could look at varying other online collaboration tools out there. I use Clinked ( at work, and although we use a the paid version there is a free one for 5 users or less so maybe you could check that out?
My team and I have been using Wrike for almost a year now, and I have to say it’s pretty neat in terms of collaboration. We have to deal with lots of documentation and edit-approve iterations, and Wrike made it all really simple. Basically, each member of the team just opens a needed doc, edits it, saves, and it’s automatically uploaded as a new version, so no download and no multiple versions of the same doc. And every time there’s been a change it sends a notification to my e-mail, so it’s really easy to keep track on what’s going on with a task. It’s also integrated with Google docs, so you can choose whatever suits your needs better. I, personally, love its e-mail integration (it converts my e-mails into tasks, I just need to add Wrike into the e-mail’s CC and it will be transferred into the app) and Outlook add-in, as it helps to keep all our data in one place. It works perfectly for our task management needs, too. Especially with its Activity Stream that makes it really easy to stay updated with the tasks’ changes and discuss any coming issue.
Hope you’ll find it useful too! Let me know how it went afterwards.
You might find this list of 43 project management software alternatives useful:
My personal favorites are Basecamp, Time Doctor and Dropbox. These programs have helped my team in a lot of ways especially productivity. I'm sure you'll find yours there too. It's the most helpful and comprehensive list I was able to get.

How to best implement user-specific logic in a Spring web application? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I'm facing the following problem: the Spring web application I'm building is pretty user-specific. Each user might have some pieces of the logic tailored to their needs.
I'm wondering how to best implement such a 'framework' that would allow for easy injecting of new users along with their specific logic.
I'm thinking of one the following solutions:
Providing a common interface for all users and invoking the actual user-specific implementations via reflection. Then, when adding a new user, I just need to write the logic, compile it and put the *.class file onto the server
Using some sort of an XML-configurable rule/workflow engine. I can build the individual blocks of logic upfront and then when a new user shows up I just specify an XML (Spring config) describing the logic flow
The first solution seems initially easier but requires more work when adding a new user. The second takes more time to develop the rule/workflow mechanism, but then adding a new user should be simpler.
What do you think? Any other ideas? Do you know any frameworks/patterns that would help me in this task?
I would prefer the first solution (Interface and programming) but it has some draw backs:
it is not very secure (the user specific code can do anything)
you need to add some compiled files to the class path
I would try use some scripting language (Java Script for example). So a privileged user can upload the scripts via the fronted. The scripts can be stored in the database, so you can update the application without fear to delete the files.
And the second good thing is, that it is may possible to restrict the functions that the script can invoke.

Review Orchards Project [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I'm looking for a base project which I could extensible and quickly deploy for small project such as company website, small shop, blog.... I've used Orchards, but it's too sophiscated to understand internal process and customize.
Could you please review pros and cons of Orchard, or recommend me others that simplier.
Orchard CMS is like a small laboratory for future ideas but it's quite hard to work with for real projects despite having some very good core ideas.
ASP MVC with Razor view engine
Good documentation for a open-source project
Lack of automated generated admin UI (you write the back and front-end UI)
Lack or improper hierarchical data structures and 1:N/N:N relations
Too big and complex for small projects it trying to address
You may try Umbraco or just write a new ASP MVC application with a library of custom controls.
I have looked at both Orchard and N2 CMS and I would say that if you're developer and want a CMS that provides simplicity whilst allowing you to create quite complex sites then N2 is the CMS for you.
I'm using Orchard for developing some sites.
I love it.
It is not so easy to understand at first because there are so many little pieces to understand.
But after some time when the big (and the small) picture is more clear, you will appreciate the fact that you have to code (or just get from gallery and install) the little functionality you need.
If you need send an email, you use the corresponding module, and you never need to code yours or you can replace sending feature with a new one and it is available to all other modules.
Base framework includes some useful functions like db-layer, authentication e, indeeded, every other module you may install...
Have fun!

Is there another tool out there for building oracle reports other then oracle reports builder? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I cant stand oracle reports builder. Its constantly crashing and sucking in general. Copying and pasting stuff only sometimes works. Elements visualy look selected after you unselect them. AARRRRRRRRGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I need another tool. Are their any alternatives for designing the report jsps?
This is an old thread but here my take on it. For experienced developers (I should point out that I am one), Oracle Reports is unbelievably productive tool. For new developers, it can be baffling and frustrating. I have been in the "market" for an Oracle Reports alternative for some time now and have yet to find a tool that can do what Oracle Reports can do for me. The tools I have looked at:
Oracle BI Publisher: Officially, this is the successor to Oracle Reports. One day it will be as good as Oracle Reports...right now it primarily uses MS Word as the report designer. Its not fun to to wrestle with Word (nested) tables (which replaces frames). I would prefer Reports Frames any day.
Pentaho: I looked at this with minor interest, it's commercial open source and I thought did a pretty good job. Not sure how it scales and like all open source projects, is at the mercy of an active community.
MicroStrategy: This is again a very seasoned product. BI is their bread and butter and so I would expect that its pretty good. I had a vendor do a POC and they replicated one of my most complex "Form" type reports (a business document, bill-of-lading). The price however it at enterprise level (read: very pricy). Although for departmental deployments they have a 'free' version.
Microsoft Reporting: This one has good promise but it is sold primarily with MS SQL Server and I being an Oracle-guy has felt internal resistance to this tool. One of these days I will overcome it when the Reports Builder has crashed one too many times.
There are scores of others like JasperReports, Actuate, Business Objects (Crystal), Information Builders etc.
Don't bother switching tools, you'll probably only be disappointed. I've used many reporting tools and all of them have significant issues. No matter which tool you use you'll probably end up fighting it and gradually move more and more of your logic into the database. The more SQL tricks you learn the less you'll have to rely on poorly designed reporting tools.
Microstrategy or Business Objects.
You may develop a custom software as erbsock has told, like a lightweight BO, create views from the selected fields by users, name them as reports and schedule a job to send them as a CSV file or in a jsp file , whatever the view part is.
Also in Oracle Reports Builder, if you are not mentioning the old 6i interfaced tool, try to build one big query and try to build the XML using the publisher. I am outdated about it , but remember something like that.
I will ask about it to an expert friend of mine.
Best Regards,
Use SQL and understand your data model and plug it into an excel spreadsheet using ODBC?
After using the tool for a year, we are familiar than past. We still have challenges that implementations worked fine in TOAD, but the code does not work in Oracle Report.
After crashing several time, we have done CTR+S before run the project. Plus, we save every hours as a previous draft.
It help us to lost our works but we need more space for them.

SQL Compare-Like tool for Oracle? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
We're a .NET team which uses the Oracle DB for a lot of reasons that I won't get into. But deployment has been a bitch. We are manually keeping track of all the changes to the schema in each version, by keeping a record of all the scripts that we run during development.
Now, if a developer forgets to check-in his script to the source control after he ran it - which is not that rare - at the end of the iteration we get a great big headache.
I hear that SQL Compare by Red-Gate might solve these kind of issues, but it only has SQL Server support. Anybody knows of a similar tool for Oracle? I've been unable to find one.
Red Gate Schema Compare for Oracle has now been released!
There is a 28-day fully functional free trial. Please give it a go and let us know your feedback!
TOAD is a great generic tool for Oracle development and i think a similar feature is in the basic version. You can download a trial version (make sure you don't get the old free version of TOAD, that is about 4 years old)
If you don't want to buy a tool, and you need something less flash you could roll your own quite easily. I just found Schema Compare Tool for Oracle which looks very simple, and has a nice baseline concept. This is very handy if you want to track changes since the last code check-in. This way you discover changes that may have been made to multiple DBs by hand, but not documented.
PS: The "SQL Compare by Red-Gate" demo looked very nice indeed... however the voice over cracked me up... sounded like a BBC documentary.
OraPowerTools will do the job.
There is also a "Diff Wizard" in Oracle SQL Developer, but I haven't used it yet.
If you're willing to spend some money, TOAD has "compare schemas" functionality which should do what you're after. It'll report the differences and produce a migration script to bring one into line with the other.
I've never used the script, so I can't vouch for it, but I have used it to make sure our build scripts are complete.
Mark - I would like to be able to easily synchronize two database schemas. Specifically, this demo looks like heaven to me.
Check out Oracle Enterprise Manager Change Management Pack, its an Oracle tool for this:
You can try it there:
There are various tools out there that you can use, I haven't used any of them myself though so I've got no comments to make about them, but another "trick" that you can use is to create a trigger on DDL events, so you can basically capture (to a table, or log file or whatver) any changes done between deployments.
DDL Triggers
