Review Orchards Project [closed] -

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Closed 10 years ago.
I'm looking for a base project which I could extensible and quickly deploy for small project such as company website, small shop, blog.... I've used Orchards, but it's too sophiscated to understand internal process and customize.
Could you please review pros and cons of Orchard, or recommend me others that simplier.

Orchard CMS is like a small laboratory for future ideas but it's quite hard to work with for real projects despite having some very good core ideas.
ASP MVC with Razor view engine
Good documentation for a open-source project
Lack of automated generated admin UI (you write the back and front-end UI)
Lack or improper hierarchical data structures and 1:N/N:N relations
Too big and complex for small projects it trying to address
You may try Umbraco or just write a new ASP MVC application with a library of custom controls.

I have looked at both Orchard and N2 CMS and I would say that if you're developer and want a CMS that provides simplicity whilst allowing you to create quite complex sites then N2 is the CMS for you.

I'm using Orchard for developing some sites.
I love it.
It is not so easy to understand at first because there are so many little pieces to understand.
But after some time when the big (and the small) picture is more clear, you will appreciate the fact that you have to code (or just get from gallery and install) the little functionality you need.
If you need send an email, you use the corresponding module, and you never need to code yours or you can replace sending feature with a new one and it is available to all other modules.
Base framework includes some useful functions like db-layer, authentication e, indeeded, every other module you may install...
Have fun!


To Joomla or not to joomla? Is it worth it when you know how to dream in CSS? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Alright masterminds. Should I consider joomla or just stick with hardcore coded webdevelopment?
I am basically a programmer with a pretty good command of HTML, Flash, Dreamweaver, Javascript ( though not an expert...yet).
I do not intend to design websites for customers, I do regularly design sites for my own projects.
I have seen some really cool web layouts done with joomla, and wordpress and the like. Now I know that these are content management systems and my projects are ( generally, though not always) not content management systems.
Say I had to design the website for t-mobile, or verizon, or vodafone with their phones and offers and what not, now should I be considering a complete design from scratch or should i pick up a nice looking joomla template and MODIFY it so users can browse for phones, order them , buy on contract ( i actually am working on a smaller version of such a site)
The point being , is it worth spending time modifying a joomla template to your needs or should you just build the whole site from scratch, because after all, "real coders are hard coders??" :)
Any of you out there shedding some light on it would be great help!
Out of all honesty, I would be more concerned about the functionality rather than design. If you are looking for something along the lines of a e-commerce site then definitely go for Joomla and use a shop extension such as VirtueMart of JoomShopping. With something like this you would need extreme PHP knowledge, therefore can make life very simple by using Joomla and extensions to go with it. Then you can choose a template of your choice of revamp a basic one.
Word of advice though, please oh please don't use flash ;)
Hope this helps.
IT depends on what you need really.
I've been building joomla powered websites for years and I have never modified nor used a ready-made template, but always built them according to the PSD (custom design), and for joomla (unlike wordpress for example) all you need to build custom looking joomla website is HTML / CSS knowledge and hopefully a good framework.

what is a better tool for collaborating with others than email? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I'm a developer and need to collaborate with an UI designer and a project manager. so there are a lot of documents we need to share and the project manager will assign me tasks about the project. Instead of email and dropbox, what's the best way to do it?
You could look at varying other online collaboration tools out there. I use Clinked ( at work, and although we use a the paid version there is a free one for 5 users or less so maybe you could check that out?
My team and I have been using Wrike for almost a year now, and I have to say it’s pretty neat in terms of collaboration. We have to deal with lots of documentation and edit-approve iterations, and Wrike made it all really simple. Basically, each member of the team just opens a needed doc, edits it, saves, and it’s automatically uploaded as a new version, so no download and no multiple versions of the same doc. And every time there’s been a change it sends a notification to my e-mail, so it’s really easy to keep track on what’s going on with a task. It’s also integrated with Google docs, so you can choose whatever suits your needs better. I, personally, love its e-mail integration (it converts my e-mails into tasks, I just need to add Wrike into the e-mail’s CC and it will be transferred into the app) and Outlook add-in, as it helps to keep all our data in one place. It works perfectly for our task management needs, too. Especially with its Activity Stream that makes it really easy to stay updated with the tasks’ changes and discuss any coming issue.
Hope you’ll find it useful too! Let me know how it went afterwards.
You might find this list of 43 project management software alternatives useful:
My personal favorites are Basecamp, Time Doctor and Dropbox. These programs have helped my team in a lot of ways especially productivity. I'm sure you'll find yours there too. It's the most helpful and comprehensive list I was able to get.

Writing a PHP-based tool - should I use a framework? [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 10 years ago.
I am making a very specific "control panel" sort of thing to organize information, record statistics, deliver alerts, and things like that.
My initial plan was to make it using CakePHP. I tried Cake, and although I thought it was really awesome, I really hated it due to the fact that it's "automagic." I didn't like how it did all this stuff without me knowing. Yesterday I switched to CodeIgniter, because a friend told me to try it. I like CI much better, however using a PHP framework just doesn't feel right. To me, it doesn't feel nearly free or flexible enough.
My question to you:
Should I continue trying to use a framework, or should I construct a 'semi-framework' that makes certain things easier (layouts, form validation, localization)?
Might I add that I already have a secure authentication system created (well, I THINK it's secure, but that's for a different discussion :P) that would be fairly simple to implement on this site.
Should I continue trying to use a framework, or should I construct a
'semi-framework' that makes certain things easier (layouts, form
validation, localization)?
I think the big issue here is whether using a framework is making your life easier or not. Frameworks are designed to simplify coding by giving you a powerful base to work off of in your own code. If that base is helping you by reducing the amount of code you need to write and the amount of maintenance that goes into it, then yes, I would strongly recommend you use a framework. If the framework is making your job more difficult because it is not well suited to your needs and is not reducing the amount of work you need to do overall, then I would strongly recommend not wasting your time with one.
Just like you'd stop using a dishwasher that isn't helping you wash the dishes faster or better, go ahead and stop using a framework that isn't helping you code faster or better.
It depends on your site. If you have large site with dozens of pages, better use a framework. But if your site is tiny, there is no need in using it.
Try combining Zend with NuSphere PHPEd IDE. Zend is a generic all-purpose framework which allows you to go as hardcore as you desire and it has tons of examples and documentation. PHPEd will enable you to do really nice debugging, even inside the framework code, so that you will feel in absolute control.
On the other hand, reinventing the wheel is never a good idea. You will never be able to get all the form validations right all by yourself and the amount of testing for all this code will make you stay in the office, on Tuesdays, during the graveyard shift :)
It might be a great idea to spend some time reading about some open-source projects, like Magento, so that you can observe the true power of generic frameworks, before trying to write your own.

Whether to choose Joomla or not for a job portal [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 11 years ago.
I am currently looking to get my job portal ( revamped by an outsourced contract. In its new version, it would use LinkedIn and Twitter APIs and would also have microsites for employers with videos and blogposts. I have to decide between Joomla and hand-coding/PHP for the portal development, since competing contractors have suggested these two approaches.
There are several opinions out there regarding what to choose but none of them address a site like this. I am reaching out to you in the hope that you (or somebody you know) can help me make a choice between Joomla and hand-coding with respect to the following parameters:
a)Page load speeds
b)Design customization
d)Ability to handle high traffic
e)Any other points to keep in mind
Well - if I were going the Joomla route for this project I would consider one of the following paths:
a) SOBI Pro - allows you to create multiple directories within one component. Create a directory of positions that people can browse, and a separate directory of potential employees that an agency (or the employers - depending upon how you want it) can search, sort, filter the applicants
b) use an off the shelf employment component - there are a number, but to be honest all the ones I've tried have had limitations in their flexibility. If you find one that is close to what you want you could have it modified.
JomSocial or Community builder could facilitate the subsites areas perhaps - depending upon what you need. Alternatively there are plenty of blogging add-ons available. In fact K2 or one of the other CCK extensions (Zoo, for example) might be capable of being both blog and job directory. Insertion of video is trivial, whether hosted locally, or remotely Amazon S3, YouTube, etc.
The Joomla Extensions Directory JED is your friend. Start by browsing the top components and think through how they could fit into the bigger picture of your site - either now or down the line.
I'm on record as stating that there are very few online project where you can't get close to what you need with Joomla. I know others who say the same about other Open Source CMSs and I won't argue.
Hand rolling your own solution is possible - but a solution pieced together with off the shelf components is generally massively cheaper - but may not have the same shelf life as hand rolling your own.
In the end you pays your money, you make your choice. One thing I would suggest though - is not 'designing' your complete solution up front. Roll it out in stages. Begin with the bare minimum to make it workable - and add features over time.
Edited to add:
In terms of page load, etc - there is no reason a Joomla site can't be as fast as any other site on the web - as long as it has solid hosting. I may be breaking a community rule here but I'd offer our own site as an example. We aim for the front page to load in under 1.5 seconds, with other pages in under 1 second.
You should try PyroCMS, way much easier than joomla and pretty good with the features for a portal.

Are you coding against existing applications or working on new projects? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
How has the current economic downturn affected the way you/your team works ?
I am tending to do more enhancements, compared to brand new development a year or so ago.
This question came about during another pub conversation where we were discussing if it's good to work on supporting applications or working on new projects - which is more stable, for the foreseeable future, with companies cost cutting in all areas..
I mainly work on extending existing applications. I would say this is probably the safer of the two options also. More than likely people are already using the existing applications, and because of that you don't need to convince them it would be advantageous for them to start using it. From a business perspective, it is a lot easier to justify an expense than you already have than to try and add an additional one.
Number 3: rewriting existing apps (the guy who used to do my job suuuuccccckkkked).
Definitely seeing a downturn in large scale or new projects in general though, which is kind of the programming equivalent of saving not spending. Actually it's the literal equivalent of that, which is a problem for getting out of a recession.
Good question. I am at present working with project that has good customers and a decent revenue. So, the economic downturn did not affect much.
My suggestion is if there is a choice between choosing enhancing the existing projects or new projects, its better to go for the revenue generating existing projects. And investment in R&D projects may be reduced.
I believe "supporting" and bug-fixing on existing projects would not bring your much challenge and consequently experience. It can be a huge time waste for the career.
I am working on porting an existing business application to a new platform, which combines some of the aspects of work on an existing app, and some new stuff.
Its new because everything is going from Windows Forms to ASP.NET AJAX, and there are several changes involved in that process when it comes to the GUI and event based side of things, but its also partially work with existing stuff because the business rules are the same, the database is the same, although we have been gradually making improvements as needed to those.
On the other hand the company I work for supplies grocery stores which have been affected positively by more people eating at home, so despite being in Michigan, things are going well for the company, and we can afford to move this app onto the intranet.
The nice part about doing this is I get to learn all the new platform stuff, but we don't have to go out and get user input for some new set of use cases, plus we can work with the input we've received from the WinForms version.
I'm rewriting our existing applications. The fundamental design of the original applications wasn't flexible enough to handle our new business needs. Combined with questionable coding practices (a lack of separation of model, view and control and aging technologies with a lot of "NIH" syndrome) it was decided that rewriting the non-central portions of our applications was best.
Sadly, I'm not entirely sure I'm 100% qualified for this, but, I seem to be the most qualified of our team.
90% of my job is maintenance, or seems to be. But surprisingly, I've got about four projects of new development going or in the pipeline.
