How to use a set of boost::dynamic_bitsets? - boost

I'm trying to use a set of dynamic_bitset objects, but I'm getting an assertion failure at runtime:
a.out: boost/dynamic_bitset/dynamic_bitset.hpp:1291:
bool boost::operator<(const boost::dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>&,
const boost::dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>&)
[with Block = long unsigned int,
Allocator = std::allocator<long unsigned int>]:
Assertion `a.size() == b.size()' failed.
Here is the code:
#include <iostream>
#include <set>
#include <boost/dynamic_bitset.hpp>
int main() {
typedef boost::dynamic_bitset<> bitset;
std::set<bitset> myset;
bitset x(2, 0);
bitset y(3, 1);
return 0;
I'm wondering why the same size for the inserted dynamic_bitset objects is required. For the operator< to work, couldn't it assume that the most significant bits in the shorter bitset are implicitly filled with zeros?
Is there any way to do get that set of dynamic_bitsets to work?
I've also tried an unordered_set because it doesn't need the operator< but it can't compile because dynamic_bitset doesn't have a hash_value and I'm not sure how to write that without using its to_ulong member function, which would work only for short bitsets.

The reason for the assertion is the way the operator< is implemented:
for (size_type ii = a.num_blocks(); ii > 0; --ii)
Only the block count of the first operand is used to iterate through the bitsets.
If the size of the first bitset is larger, it would access the second bitset out of bounds.
You can define and use your own comperator with std::set and handle the comparison of different sized bitsets as you see fit:
struct my_less {
bool operator()(const boost::dynamic_bitset<>& lhs,
const boost::dynamic_bitset<>& rhs) const
//TODO: implement custom comparison for lhs < rhs
return false;
typedef boost::dynamic_bitset<> bitset;
std::set<bitset,my_less> myset;
myset.insert( bitset(2, 0) );
myset.insert( bitset(3, 1) );


Can I convert a non-const function argument to const and set the size of array?

Arrays require a constant to initialize the size. Hence, int iarr[10]
I thought I could possibly take a non-const argument and convert it to const then use it for an array size
int run(int const& size);
int run(int const& size)
const int csize = size;
constexpr int cesize = csize;
std::array<int, cesize> arr;
This, unfortunately doesn't work and I thought of using const_cast as
int run(int& size);
int run(int& size)
const int val = const_cast<int&>(size);
constexpr int cesize = val;
std::array<int, cesize> arr;
and this won't work either. I've read through a few SO posts to see if I can find anything
Is there a way to ensure the argument is const when used as an initializer for the size of an array?
EDIT: I'm not asking why I can't initialize an array with a non-const. I'm asking how to initialize an array from a non-const function argument. Hence, initialize-array-size-from-another-array-value is not the question I am asking. I already know I can't do this but there may be a way and answer has been provided below.
std::array is a non-resizable container whose size is known at compile-time.
If you know your size values at compile-time, you can pass the value as a non-type template argument:
template <int Size>
int run()
std::array<int, Size> arr;
It can be used as follows:
Note that Size needs to be a constant expression.
If you do not know your sizes at compile-time, use std::vector instead of std::array:
int run(int size)
std::vector<int> arr;
arr.resize(size); // or `reserve`, depending on your needs
std::vector is a contiguous container that can be resized at run-time.
I'm asking how to initialize an array from a non-const function argument.
As you saw, it is not possible initialize an array size with an variable, because you need to specify the size or array at compiler time.
To solve your problem you should use std::vector that works like an array but you can resize it at run time. You can handle de vector as if you were handled an array, using the operator [], for example:
class MyClass
vector<char> myVector;
void resizeMyArray(int newSize);
char getCharAt(int index);
myVector(0) //initialize the vector to elements
void MyClass::resizeMyArray(int newSize)
myVector.resize(newSize, 0x00);
char MyClass::getCharAt(int index)
return myVector[index];
For more information check this link:
Upgrade: Also, considere that std::array can't be resize, as this links say:
Arrays are fixed-size sequence containers: they hold a specific number of elements ordered in a strict linear sequence.

Is it possible to put std::list::iterator into std::set?

Is it possible to put the iterator of list in to set:
I wrote codes as follows :
It failed on VS2015 but run smoothly on g++
And I also tried to use std::hash to calculate a hash value of std::list::iterator
but failed again, it has no hash func for iterator.
And one can help ? Or it's impossible .....
#include <set>
#include <list>
#include <cstring>
#include <cassert>
// like std::less
struct myless
typedef std::list<int>::iterator first_argument_type;
typedef std::list<int>::iterator second_argument_type;
typedef bool result_type;
bool operator()(const std::list<int>::iterator& x,const std::list<int>::iterator& y) const
return memcmp(&x, &y, sizeof(std::list<int>::iterator)) < 0; // using memcmp
int main()
std::list<int> lst = {1,2,3,4,5};
std::set<std::list<int>::iterator,myless> test;
auto it = lst.begin();
assert(test.find(lst.begin()) != test.end()); // fail on vs 2015
auto it1 = lst.end();
auto it2 = lst.end();
assert(memcmp(&it1,&it2,sizeof(it1)) == 0); // fail on vs 2015
return 0;
Yes, you can put std::list<T>::iterator in a std::set, if you tell std::set what order they should be in. A reasonable order could be std::less<T>, i.e. you sort the iterators by the values they point to (obviously you then can't insert an std::list::end iterator). Any other order is also OK.
However, you tried to use memcmp, and that is wrong. The predicate used by set requires that equal values compare equal, and there is no guarantee that equal iterators (as defined by list::iterator::operator==) also compare equal using memcmp.
I find a way to do this as like but not for the end iterator
bool operator<(const T& x, const T& y)
return &*x < &*y;

There is a way in gcc to get a warning when a constexpr can't be evaluated at compile time?

I'm using gcc 5.1.0 (c++14) and I was trying with constexpr. Is very annoying to verify if the constexpr I've implemented are evaluated at compile time. I couldn't find any flag for get a warning about that situation.
Here is an example:
example.cpp -----------------------------------------
#include <stdlib.h>
const char pruVar[] = "12345678901234567";
[[gnu::noinline]] constexpr unsigned int myStrlen(const char* cstr)
unsigned int i=0;
return i;
unsigned int size;
constexpr CEXAMPLE(const char* s): size(myStrlen(s))
int main(void)
CEXAMPLE c(pruVar);
unsigned int size = myStrlen(pruVar);
void* a = malloc(c.size + size);
if (a != nullptr)
return 0;
return 1;
In the example CEXAMPLE::CEXAMPLE is evaluated at compile time including the call to myStrlen in it, but the call to myStrlen in main is being evaluated at runtime. The only way I have to know this is looking at the assembler.This website is very useful too:
If you know how to make the compiler warn about this or something similar I'll appreciate it
myStrlen(pruVar) can be evaluated at compile time; the compiler is just choosing not to in this instance.
If you want to force the compiler to evaluate it at compile time or error if this is not possible, assign the result to a constexpr variable:
constexpr unsigned int size = myStrlen(pruVar);
You could also use an enum, or a std::integral_constant:
enum : unsigned int { size = myStrlen(pruVar) };
std::integral_constant<unsigned int, myStrlen(pruVar)> size;
Based on the fact that template arguments must be evaluated at compiletime a helper template can be used.
namespace helper {
template<class T, T v> constexpr T enforce_compiletime() {
constexpr T cv = v;
return cv;
#define compiletime(arg) ::helper::enforce_compiletime<decltype(arg), (arg)>()
This allows compile time enforcement without an additional constexpr variable, which is handy in order to calculate value lookup tables.
constexpr uint32_t bla(uint8_t blub) {
switch (blub) {
case 5:
return 22;
return 23;
struct SomeStruct {
uint32_t a;
uint32_t b;
SomeStruct aStruct = {compiletime(bla(5)), compiletime(bla(6))};

flatten vectors in a map

In C++, I have a map < int, vector < double > > or map < int, vector < some_Struct > >, I need to concatenate the vectors in this map and return the result.
The first version of the function is below:
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
vector < double >
flattenRecords(const map < int, vector < double > > & selected, int num_kept_reps)
vector < double > records;
int cnt = 0;
for (auto it = selected.begin(); it != selected.end(); ++it) {
cnt += 1;
if (cnt >= num_kept_reps)
return records;
I know this is not what I intended to do, because I would like to keep the data in the map, and thus should not use make_move_iterator.
The codes can compile using g++ (GCC) 4.4.7 with the -std=c++0x flag.
So here is the question, I declare the map to be const, what happens when I try to use something like std::move to the vector in the map?
My second version is to use:
copy(it->second.begin(), it->second.end(), back_inserter(records));
I guess this does what I intend to do.
I am quite new to C++. The STL gives me a feeling of coding in python so I would like to try it.
Instead of using make_move_iterator(Iterator), just use Iterator if you would not like to move the elements. Eg:
records.insert(records.end(), it->second.begin(), it->second.end());
Your second version, as you guess, does indeed what you try to achieve.
Regarding your question about std::move on a const map, the std::move won't do anything in such a case. Since std::move is unconditional cast to rvalue, it'll cast the element to a const reference to an rvalue. Because it's const it'll match the lvalue ctor (copy ctor in this case), and not the move (copy) ctor.
const std::string s1 = "Test";
const std::string s2 = std::move(s1);
This will invoke the copy constructor of std::string, not the move constructor. Hence, it'll do a copy, not a move.
This will do a move:
std::string s1 = "Test";
const std::string s2 = std::move(s1);
The s2 parameter in both examples does not have to be const. It makes no difference regarding the copy/move.
There is a 'pythonic' alternative, which you may like if you come from Python, using lambda and a "mapped-reduce" function
std::vector<double> merged = std::accumulate(selected.begin(),
[](const std::vector<double>& a, std::vector<double>& b)
std::vector<double> result(a);
std::copy(b.begin(), b.end(), std::back_inserter(result));
return result;
std::move does not actually move data. It casts a reference to a r-value reference, which, if non-const, is a "movable" data type that move constructors can use. But it will never remove a const type qualifier, so using std::move on a const reference will not cast it to a movable type.

constexpr template functions don't see member array sizes as const expressions

Both clang and gcc fail to compile the code below when ArrayCount is a template. This seems wrong, especially in light of the fact that the sizeof ArrayCount solution work. The template version of ArrayCount is normally a better solution, but it's getting in the way here and constexpr is seemingly not living up to the spirit of its promise.
#if 1
template<typename T, size_t N>
constexpr size_t ArrayCount(T (&)[N])
return N;
// Results in this (clang): error : static_assert expression is not an integral constant expression
// Results in this (gcc): error: non-constant condition for static assertion, 'this' is not a constant expression
#define ArrayCount(t) (sizeof(t) / sizeof(t[0]))
// Succeeds
struct X
int x[4];
X() { static_assert(ArrayCount(x) == 4, "should never fail"); }
The right solution doesn't use homebrew code, but a simple type trait:
int a[] = {1, 2, 3};
#include <type_traits>
static_assert(std::extent<decltype(a)>::value == 3, "You won't see this");
It makes sense to me that this code would fail to compile since ArrayCount is a function taking a non-constexpr argument. According to the standard, I believe this means that ArrayCount must be intstantiated as a non-constexpr function.
There are workarounds, of course. I can think of two off the top of my head (one implemented in terms of the other):
template<typename T> struct ArrayCount;
template<typename T, size_t N>
struct ArrayCount<T[N]> {
static size_t const size = N;
template<typename T>
constexpr size_t ArrayCount2() {
return ArrayCount<T>::size;
struct X {
int x[4];
X() {
static_assert(ArrayCount<decltype(x)>::size == 4, "should never fail");
static_assert(ArrayCount2<decltype(x)>() == 4, "should never fail");
It does mean having to use decltype() when you might not wish to, but it does break the pro-forma constraint on taking a non-constexpr parameter.
