Can I convert a non-const function argument to const and set the size of array? - c++11

Arrays require a constant to initialize the size. Hence, int iarr[10]
I thought I could possibly take a non-const argument and convert it to const then use it for an array size
int run(int const& size);
int run(int const& size)
const int csize = size;
constexpr int cesize = csize;
std::array<int, cesize> arr;
This, unfortunately doesn't work and I thought of using const_cast as
int run(int& size);
int run(int& size)
const int val = const_cast<int&>(size);
constexpr int cesize = val;
std::array<int, cesize> arr;
and this won't work either. I've read through a few SO posts to see if I can find anything
Is there a way to ensure the argument is const when used as an initializer for the size of an array?
EDIT: I'm not asking why I can't initialize an array with a non-const. I'm asking how to initialize an array from a non-const function argument. Hence, initialize-array-size-from-another-array-value is not the question I am asking. I already know I can't do this but there may be a way and answer has been provided below.

std::array is a non-resizable container whose size is known at compile-time.
If you know your size values at compile-time, you can pass the value as a non-type template argument:
template <int Size>
int run()
std::array<int, Size> arr;
It can be used as follows:
Note that Size needs to be a constant expression.
If you do not know your sizes at compile-time, use std::vector instead of std::array:
int run(int size)
std::vector<int> arr;
arr.resize(size); // or `reserve`, depending on your needs
std::vector is a contiguous container that can be resized at run-time.

I'm asking how to initialize an array from a non-const function argument.
As you saw, it is not possible initialize an array size with an variable, because you need to specify the size or array at compiler time.
To solve your problem you should use std::vector that works like an array but you can resize it at run time. You can handle de vector as if you were handled an array, using the operator [], for example:
class MyClass
vector<char> myVector;
void resizeMyArray(int newSize);
char getCharAt(int index);
myVector(0) //initialize the vector to elements
void MyClass::resizeMyArray(int newSize)
myVector.resize(newSize, 0x00);
char MyClass::getCharAt(int index)
return myVector[index];
For more information check this link:
Upgrade: Also, considere that std::array can't be resize, as this links say:
Arrays are fixed-size sequence containers: they hold a specific number of elements ordered in a strict linear sequence.


How can I create an std::array of char array?

I was trying to create a std::array of char array so that I could declare it static constexpr.
#include <array>
int main(){
static constexpr char A[] = "abc";
static constexpr char B[] = "def";
static constexpr std::array<char[], 3> tmp{A, B};
When I do this I get error message " too many initializers for"
By output of your compiler I could surmise that you have a non-standard extension active. Stricly ISO-wise use of char[] as parameter of template is not legal,. Some compilers would treat that as char[0].
what your array meant to store? way you're trying to do it would store adresses of array to char (and only way to do so would be replace char[] by by const char* in template parameters. std::array is trivial class which stores data statically so you cannot implement array with variable length of strings that way.
Either 1) abolish constexpr and use std::string 2) use const char* 3) worst case (which sometimes is the best) - use fixed array length or "naked" 2-dimensional array with aggregate initializer list.
You may use:
static constexpr std::array<char[4], 2> tmp {{{ A[0], A[1], A[2], A[3] },
{ B[0], B[1], B[2], B[3] }}};
static constexpr std::array<char[4], 2> tmp { "abc", "def" };
When initializing an object of array type, the initializer must be either a string literal (optionally enclosed in braces) or be a brace-enclosed list of initialized for array members.
Thus you cannot initialize an array (member of std::array of char[4]) by an object of another array.
With C++20 std::to_array can be used.
static constexpr char A[] = "abc";
static constexpr char B[] = "def";
static constexpr auto tmp = std::to_array({A, B});

Data storage using pointer of 'struct'

struct arraystack
int top;
int b;
int *c;
arraystack* s;
How can we use pointer c as an array to put data in that??
You should allocate memory. So you have to know how many elements you will store at maximum.
s->c = new int[nb_elements]
If you don't know, you can allocate a certain amount of elements, and use realloc to increase size of array when it is full.
Also instead of using raw array, you should use vector
std::vector<int> c;

Cannot understand how jCuda cuLaunchKernel work?

I am trying to understand how to use Cuda in Java. I am using jCuda.
Everything was fine until I came across an example containing the code:
// Set up the kernel parameters: A pointer to an array
// of pointers which point to the actual values.
Pointer kernelParameters = int[]{numElements}),,,
The kernel function prototype is:
__global__ void add(int n, float *a, float *b, float *sum)
The question is:
In terms of c, does it not seem that we are passing something like?
(***n, ***a, ***b, ***sum)
So basically, do we always have to have:
Pointer kernelParameters = double pointer, double pointer, ...)???
Thank you
The cuLaunchKernel function of JCuda corresponds to the cuLaunchKernel function of CUDA. The signature of this function in CUDA is
CUresult cuLaunchKernel(
CUfunction f,
unsigned int gridDimX,
unsigned int gridDimY,
unsigned int gridDimZ,
unsigned int blockDimX,
unsigned int blockDimY,
unsigned int blockDimZ,
unsigned int sharedMemBytes,
CUstream hStream,
void** kernelParams,
void** extra)
where the kernelParams is the only parameter that is relevant for this question. The documentation says
Kernel parameters can be specified via kernelParams. If f has N parameters, then kernelParams needs to be an array of N pointers. Each of kernelParams[0] through kernelParams[N-1] must point to a region of memory from which the actual kernel parameter will be copied.
The key point here is the last sentence: The elements of the kernelParams array are not the actual kernel parameters. They only point to the actual kernel parameters.
And indeed, this has the odd effect that for a kernel that receives a single float *pointer, you could basically set up the kernel parameters as follows:
float *pointer= allocateSomeDeviceMemory();
float** pointerToPointer = &pointer;
float*** pointerToPointerToPointer = &pointerToPointer;
void **kernelParams = pointerToPointerToPointer;
(This is just to make clear that this is indeed a pointer to a pointer to a pointer - in reality, wou wouldn't write it like that)
Now, the "structure" of the kernel parameters is basically the same for JCuda and for CUDA. Of course you can not take "the address of a pointer" in Java, but the number of indirections is the same. Imagine you have a kernel like this:
__global__ void example(int value, float *pointer)
In the CUDA C API, you can then define the kernel parameters as follows:
int value = 123;
float *pointer= allocateSomeDeviceMemory();
int* pointerToValue = &value;
float** pointerToPointer = &pointer;
void **kernelParams = {
The setup is done analogously in the JCuda Java API:
int value = 123;
Pointer pointer= allocateSomeDeviceMemory();
Pointer pointerToValue = int[]{value});
float** pointerToPointer =;
Pointer kernelParameters =
The main difference that is relevant here is that you can write this a bit more concisely in C, using the address operator &:
void **kernelParams = {
&value, // This can be imagined as a pointer to an int
&pointer // This can be imagined as a pointer to a pointer
But this is basically the same as in the example that you provided:
Pointer kernelParameters = int[]{value}), // A pointer to an int // A pointer to a pointer
Again, the key point is that with something like
void **kernelParams = {
Pointer kernelParameters = int[]{value}),
you are not passing the value to the kernel directly. Instead, you are telling CUDA: "Here is an array of pointers. The first pointer points to an int value. Copy the value from this memory location, and use it as the actual value for the kernel call".

remove element from boost::numeric::ublas::vector

If I declare a boost::numeric::ublas::vector aaa and later call the method aaa.erase_element(n), I get a vector with the same size, but with the n-element equal to zero.
Do you know how can I completely remove the element in order to get a lower-size vector?
I can't use std::vector unfortunately...
template<class T> void remove(vector<T> &v, uint idx)
assert(idx < v.size());
for (uint i = idx; i < v.size() - 1; i++) {
v[i] = v[i + 1];
v.resize(v.size() - 1);
Note: this works if T is a primitive type (int, double, etc.) or simple struct. If T is a pointer
type, or contains pointers, then you may need to look after destruction of referenced objects. Or perhaps use ptr_vector.

How to use a set of boost::dynamic_bitsets?

I'm trying to use a set of dynamic_bitset objects, but I'm getting an assertion failure at runtime:
a.out: boost/dynamic_bitset/dynamic_bitset.hpp:1291:
bool boost::operator<(const boost::dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>&,
const boost::dynamic_bitset<Block, Allocator>&)
[with Block = long unsigned int,
Allocator = std::allocator<long unsigned int>]:
Assertion `a.size() == b.size()' failed.
Here is the code:
#include <iostream>
#include <set>
#include <boost/dynamic_bitset.hpp>
int main() {
typedef boost::dynamic_bitset<> bitset;
std::set<bitset> myset;
bitset x(2, 0);
bitset y(3, 1);
return 0;
I'm wondering why the same size for the inserted dynamic_bitset objects is required. For the operator< to work, couldn't it assume that the most significant bits in the shorter bitset are implicitly filled with zeros?
Is there any way to do get that set of dynamic_bitsets to work?
I've also tried an unordered_set because it doesn't need the operator< but it can't compile because dynamic_bitset doesn't have a hash_value and I'm not sure how to write that without using its to_ulong member function, which would work only for short bitsets.
The reason for the assertion is the way the operator< is implemented:
for (size_type ii = a.num_blocks(); ii > 0; --ii)
Only the block count of the first operand is used to iterate through the bitsets.
If the size of the first bitset is larger, it would access the second bitset out of bounds.
You can define and use your own comperator with std::set and handle the comparison of different sized bitsets as you see fit:
struct my_less {
bool operator()(const boost::dynamic_bitset<>& lhs,
const boost::dynamic_bitset<>& rhs) const
//TODO: implement custom comparison for lhs < rhs
return false;
typedef boost::dynamic_bitset<> bitset;
std::set<bitset,my_less> myset;
myset.insert( bitset(2, 0) );
myset.insert( bitset(3, 1) );
