How to create cron for partial invoice of an order - magento

I want to create partial invoice for downloadable product of an order based on release date of that product, I have got so many solutions to create partial invoice but it's create the invoice for all product, not for selected one.

Here is the solution but don't forget to change condition according your requirement.
require_once '../app/Mage.php';
class CapturePayment {
public static function createInvoice() {
$orders = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->getCollection()
->addFieldToFilter('status', array('processing'));
foreach ($orders as $order) {
$orderId = $order->getIncrementId();
try {
if (!$order->getId() || !$order->canInvoice()) {
echo 'Invoice is not allowed for order=>.' . $orderId . "\n";
$items = $order->getAllItems();
$partial = false;
$qtys = array();
foreach ($items as $item) {
/* Check wheter we can create invoice for this item or not */
if (!CapturePayment::canInvoiceItem($item, array())) {
/* Get product id on the basis of order item id */
$productId = $item->getProductId();
/* If product is tablet then don't create invoice for the same */
/* Put your condition here for items you want to create the invoice e.g.*/
/* Load the product to get the release date */
$productDetails = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($productId);
/* create your $qtys array here like */
$qtys['orderItemId'] = 'quantityOrdered';
/* NOTE: But if you don't want to craete invoice for any particular item then pass the '0' quantity for that item and set the value for $partial = true if some product remain in any order*/
/* Prepare the invoice to capture/create the invoice */
$invoice = Mage::getModel('sales/service_order', $order)->prepareInvoice($qtys);
if (!$invoice->getTotalQty()) {
$amount = $invoice->getGrandTotal();
if ($partial) {
$amount = $invoice->getGrandTotal();
$history = $invoice->getOrder()->addStatusHistoryComment('Partial amount of $' . $amount . ' captured automatically.', false);
$invoice->sendEmail(true, '');
} else {
$invoice->getOrder()->setData('state', "complete");
$invoice->sendEmail(true, '');
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception in Order => ' . $orderId . '=>' . $e . "\n";
/* Check the invoice status for an item of an order */
public static function canInvoiceItem($item, $qtys=array()) {
if ($item->getLockedDoInvoice()) {
return false;
if ($item->isDummy()) {
if ($item->getHasChildren()) {
foreach ($item->getChildrenItems() as $child) {
if (empty($qtys)) {
if ($child->getQtyToInvoice() > 0) {
return true;
} else {
if (isset($qtys[$child->getId()]) && $qtys[$child->getId()] > 0) {
return true;
return false;
} else if ($item->getParentItem()) {
$parent = $item->getParentItem();
if (empty($qtys)) {
return $parent->getQtyToInvoice() > 0;
} else {
return isset($qtys[$parent->getId()]) && $qtys[$parent->getId()] > 0;
} else {
return $item->getQtyToInvoice() > 0;


How to include tax in minimum order amount magento

on a french ecommerce, we always display prices including taxes.
I have enabled the minimum order amount.
I've test it, it works but the system is based on subtotal excluding taxes.
I need the system based for the this case on global amount (including taxes)
Is it possible ?
Of course I tried to work with a minimum amount excluding taxes, but I manage two tax rates. So It can't be good.
Thanks for your help.
It's possible:
Copy file app/code/core/Mage/Sales/Model/Quote.php to app/code/local/Mage/Sales/Model/Quote.php
Open copied file and find validateMinimumAmount() function:
public function validateMinimumAmount($multishipping = false) {
$storeId = $this->getStoreId();
$minOrderActive = Mage::getStoreConfigFlag('sales/minimum_order/active', $storeId);
$minOrderMulti = Mage::getStoreConfigFlag('sales/minimum_order/multi_address', $storeId);
$minAmount = Mage::getStoreConfig('sales/minimum_order/amount', $storeId);
if (!$minOrderActive) {
return true;
$addresses = $this->getAllAddresses();
if ($multishipping) {
if ($minOrderMulti) {
foreach ($addresses as $address) {
foreach ($address->getQuote()->getItemsCollection() as $item) {
$amount = $item->getBaseRowTotal() - $item->getBaseDiscountAmount();
if ($amount < $minAmount) {
return false;
} else {
$baseTotal = 0;
foreach ($addresses as $address) {
/* #var $address Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address */
$baseTotal += $address->getBaseSubtotalWithDiscount();
if ($baseTotal < $minAmount) {
return false;
} else {
foreach ($addresses as $address) {
/* #var $address Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address */
if (!$address->validateMinimumAmount()) {
return false;
return true;
Replace this function with next:
public function validateMinimumAmount($multishipping = false)
$storeId = $this->getStoreId();
$minOrderActive = Mage::getStoreConfigFlag('sales/minimum_order/active', $storeId);
$minOrderMulti = Mage::getStoreConfigFlag('sales/minimum_order/multi_address', $storeId);
$minAmount = Mage::getStoreConfig('sales/minimum_order/amount', $storeId);
if (!$minOrderActive) {
return true;
$addresses = $this->getAllAddresses();
if ($multishipping) {
if ($minOrderMulti) {
foreach ($addresses as $address) {
$grandTotal = $address->getQuote()->collectTotals()->getGrandTotal();
if ($grandTotal < $minAmount) {
return false;
} else {
$grandTotal = 0;
foreach ($addresses as $address) {
/* #var $address Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address */
$grandTotal += $address->getQuote()->collectTotals()->getGrandTotal();
if ($grandTotal < $minAmount) {
return false;
} else {
foreach ($addresses as $address) {
/* #var $address Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address */
$grandTotal = $address->getQuote()->collectTotals()->getGrandTotal();
if ($grandTotal < $minAmount) {
return false;
return true;
Clear Magento Cache (System->Configuration->Cache Management).
In new function we use many collectTotals() calls for be sure what Grand Total already calculated but don't worry about calculations overhead because collectTotals() function contains protect from double totals calculation:
if ($this->getTotalsCollectedFlag()) {
return $this;
Rewrite the model Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address and override the method validateMinimumAmount:
class StackExchange_MinimumOrderValue_Model_Quote_Address extends Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address
* Validate minimum amount
* #return bool
public function validateMinimumAmount()
$storeId = $this->getQuote()->getStoreId();
if (!Mage::getStoreConfigFlag('sales/minimum_order/active', $storeId)) {
return true;
if ($this->getQuote()->getIsVirtual() && $this->getAddressType() == self::TYPE_SHIPPING) {
return true;
} elseif (!$this->getQuote()->getIsVirtual() && $this->getAddressType() != self::TYPE_SHIPPING) {
return true;
$amount = Mage::getStoreConfig('sales/minimum_order/amount', $storeId);
// $this->getBaseSubtotalInclTax() is sometimes null, so that we calculate it ourselves
$referenceAmount = $this->getBaseSubtotal() + $this->getBaseTaxAmount() + $this->getBaseHiddenTaxAmount() - $this->getBaseShippingTaxAmount() - abs($this->getBaseDiscountAmount());
if ($referenceAmount < $amount) {
return false;
return true;
The interesting thing is that $this->getBaseSubtotalInclTax() does not work. It is sometimes null - specifically, if you proceed from the cart to the checkout page. Hence, we calculate the subtotal inclusive tax ourselves. I hope my formula is correct, but it seems to work:
$referenceAmount = $this->getBaseSubtotal() + $this->getBaseTaxAmount() + $this->getBaseHiddenTaxAmount() - $this->getBaseShippingTaxAmount() - abs($this->getBaseDiscountAmount());

unable to add invoice fee tax in magento order total

I am working on magento 1.7. i am working on payment gateway where i have added invoice fee now i have to add tax of invoice fee in tax group
please anyone help to solve this problem here is following my code i have tried to add tax amount in taxes but still not working may be i am doing something wrong
class ***_******_Model_Quote_TaxTotal
extends Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address_Total_Tax
public function collect(Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address $address)
$quote = $address->getQuote();
if (($quote->getId() == null)
|| ($address->getAddressType() != "shipping")
) {
return $this;
$payment = $quote->getPayment();
if (($payment->getMethod() != 'invoice')
&& (!count($quote->getPaymentsCollection()))
) {
return $this;
try {
* Instead of relying on hasMethodInstance which would not always
* work when i.e the order total is reloaded with coupon codes, we
* try to get the instance directly instead.
$methodInstance = $payment->getMethodInstance();
} catch (Mage_Core_Exception $e) {
return $this;
if (!$methodInstance instanceof Mage_Payment_Model_Method_Abstract) {
return $this;
if ($methodInstance->getCode() != 'invoice') {
return $this;
$fee = $methodInstance->getAddressInvoiceFee($address);
if(Mage::getStoreConfig('payment/invoice/tax_class') == '' ){
return $this;
$invoiceFee = $baseInvoiceFee = Mage::getStoreConfig('payment/invoice/_fee');
$fee = Mage::helper('invoice')->getInvoiceFeeArray($invoiceFee, $address, null);
if (!is_array($fee)) {
return $this;
$address->setTaxAmount($address->getTaxAmount() + 5454+ $fee['taxamount']);
$address->getBaseTaxAmount() + 5454+ $fee['base_taxamount']
return $this;
and this is config.xml
your code must be following i have following i modified your code
class *****_******_Model_Quote_TaxTotal extends Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address_Total_Tax
public function collect(Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address $address)
$collection = $address->getQuote()->getPaymentsCollection();
if ($collection->count() <= 0 || $address->getQuote()->getPayment()->getMethod() == null) {
return $this;
$paymentMethod = $address->getQuote()->getPayment()->getMethodInstance();
if ($paymentMethod->getCode() != 'invoice') {
return $this;
$store = $address->getQuote()->getStore();
$items = $address->getAllItems();
if (!count($items)) {
return $this;
$custTaxClassId = $address->getQuote()->getCustomerTaxClassId();
$taxCalculationModel = Mage::getSingleton('tax/calculation');
/* #var $taxCalculationModel Mage_Tax_Model_Calculation */
$request = $taxCalculationModel->getRateRequest(
$InvoiceTaxClass = Mage::helper('invoice')->getInvoiceTaxClass($store);
$InvoiceTax = 0;
$InvoiceBaseTax = 0;
if ($InvoiceTaxClass) {
if ($rate = $taxCalculationModel->getRate($request->setProductClassId($InvoiceTaxClass))) {
if (!Mage::helper('invoice')->InvoicePriceIncludesTax()) {
$InvoiceTax = $address->getFeeAmount() * $rate/100;
$InvoiceBaseTax= $address->getBaseFeeAmount() * $rate/100;
} else {
$InvoiceTax = $address->getPaymentTaxAmount();
$InvoiceBaseTax= $address->getBasePaymentTaxAmount();
$InvoiceTax = $store->roundPrice($InvoiceTax);
$InvoiceBaseTax= $store->roundPrice($InvoiceBaseTax);
$address->setTaxAmount($address->getTaxAmount() + $InvoiceTax);
$address->setBaseTaxAmount($address->getBaseTaxAmount() + $InvoiceBaseTax);
if (!Mage::helper('invoice')->InvoicePriceIncludesTax()) {
$address->setGrandTotal($address->getGrandTotal() + $address->getPaymentTaxAmount());
$address->setBaseGrandTotal($address->getBaseGrandTotal() + $address->getBasePaymentTaxAmount());
return $this;
public function fetch(Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address $address)
$store = $address->getQuote()->getStore();
* Modify subtotal
if (Mage::getSingleton('tax/config')->displayCartSubtotalBoth($store) ||
Mage::getSingleton('tax/config')->displayCartSubtotalInclTax($store)) {
if ($address->getSubtotalInclTax() > 0) {
$subtotalInclTax = $address->getSubtotalInclTax();
} else {
$subtotalInclTax = $address->getSubtotal()+ $address->getTaxAmount() -
$address->getShippingTaxAmount() - $address->getPaymentTaxAmount();
'code' => 'subtotal',
'title' => Mage::helper('sales')->__('Subtotal'),
'value' => $subtotalInclTax,
'value_incl_tax' => $subtotalInclTax,
'value_excl_tax' => $address->getSubtotal()
return $this;

Remove 1 qty of product Magento

I'm implementing custom sidebar cart of Magento, which will feature incrementation and decrementaton of products in this cart, refreshed in ajax.
AJAX is possible to work just with HTML, isn't working as return value is whole cart.
I'm adding 1 quantity of product using CartController: /checkout/cart/add/uenc/aHR0cDovL3BsYXkudGhlaGFwcHlwZWFyLm5ldC9zaG9wL2RyaW5rcw,,/product/586/
Is it possible to just remove 1 quantity of product? Do I have to create new custom function in CartController?
you can call this link with
/checkout/cart/remove/id/ $ITEMID /uenc/aHR0cDovL3BsYXkudGhlaGFwcHlwZWFyLm5ldC9zaG9w/ (depending on your magento settings link could be different)
Copy into CartController.php
public function removeAction()
$cart = $this->_getCart();
$params = $this->getRequest()->getParams();
try {
if (isset($params['qty'])) {
$filter = new Zend_Filter_LocalizedToNormalized(
array('locale' => Mage::app()->getLocale()->getLocaleCode())
$params['qty'] = $filter->filter($params['qty']);
$product = $this->_initProduct();
$related = $this->getRequest()->getParam('related_product');
* Check product availability
$id = (int) $this->getRequest()->getParam('id');
$items = $cart->getItems();
foreach ($items as $item) {
if ($item->getProduct()->getId() == $id) {
if( $item->getQty() == 1 ){
else if($item->getQty() > 1){
$item->setQty($item->getQty() - 1);
* #todo remove wishlist observer processAddToCart
array('product' => $product, 'request' => $this->getRequest(), 'response' => $this->getResponse())
if (!$this->_getSession()->getNoCartRedirect(true)) {
if (!$cart->getQuote()->getHasError()){
//$message = $this->__('%s was added to your shopping cart.', Mage::helper('core')->escapeHtml($product->getName()));
} catch (Mage_Core_Exception $e) {
if ($this->_getSession()->getUseNotice(true)) {
} else {
$messages = array_unique(explode("\n", $e->getMessage()));
foreach ($messages as $message) {
$url = $this->_getSession()->getRedirectUrl(true);
if ($url) {
} else {
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->_getSession()->addException($e, $this->__('Cannot add the item to shopping cart.'));

Magento: invoice id in pdf

How can I show invoice id in \app\code\local\Mage\Sales\Model\Order\Pdf\Abstract.php
I don't need to show getRealOrderId() into pdf invoice, but I need invoice id.
How can I do that?
First be sure, that your order is loaded ... take a look at:
protected function insertOrder(&$page, $obj, $putOrderId = true)
if ($obj instanceof Mage_Sales_Model_Order) {
$shipment = null;
$order = $obj;
} elseif ($obj instanceof Mage_Sales_Model_Order_Shipment) {
$shipment = $obj;
$order = $shipment->getOrder();
So later you can use this snippet:
$invoiceIncrementId = '';
if ($order->hasInvoices()) {
// "$_eachInvoice" is each of the Invoice object of the order "$order"
foreach ($order->getInvoiceCollection() as $_eachInvoice) {
$invoiceIncrementId = $_eachInvoice->getIncrementId();
I referred, that forum reply:
Good luck.

magento final_price,min_price,max_price wrong values insertion

i have problem with the final_price,min_price,max_price in the catalog_product_index_price table its is wrongly inserting the values after function save() during import.
The file is app\code\core\Mage\Catalog\Model\Convert\Adapter\Product.php
The control goes to finish() function
public function finish()
Mage::dispatchEvent('catalog_product_import_after', array());
$entity = new Varien_Object();
$entity, self::ENTITY, Mage_Index_Model_Event::TYPE_SAVE
where is the insert statement to insert the value in the catalog_product_index_price table?
How this can be resolved?
My saveRow fucnction to populate database.My excel sheet contains the following additional row
Price Type:radio:1
Unit Price:absolute:2691|Case Price:absolute:12420
Unit Price:absolute:762|Case Price:absolute:7029
The save database function is
public function saveRow(array $importData)
$product = $this->getProductModel()
if (empty($importData['store'])) {
if (!is_null($this->getBatchParams('store'))) {
$store = $this->getStoreById($this->getBatchParams('store'));
} else {
$message = Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Skipping import row, required field "%s" is not defined.', 'store');
else {
$store = $this->getStoreByCode($importData['store']);
if ($store === false) {
$message = Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Skipping import row, store "%s" field does not exist.', $importData['store']);
if (empty($importData['sku'])) {
$message = Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Skipping import row, required field "%s" is not defined.', 'sku');
$productId = $product->getIdBySku($importData['sku']);
if ($productId) {
else {
$productTypes = $this->getProductTypes();
$productAttributeSets = $this->getProductAttributeSets();
* Check product define type
if (empty($importData['type']) || !isset($productTypes[strtolower($importData['type'])])) {
$value = isset($importData['type']) ? $importData['type'] : '';
$message = Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Skip import row, is not valid value "%s" for field "%s"', $value, 'type');
* Check product define attribute set
if (empty($importData['attribute_set']) || !isset($productAttributeSets[$importData['attribute_set']])) {
$value = isset($importData['attribute_set']) ? $importData['attribute_set'] : '';
$message = Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Skip import row, the value "%s" is invalid for field "%s"', $value, 'attribute_set');
foreach ($this->_requiredFields as $field) {
$attribute = $this->getAttribute($field);
if (!isset($importData[$field]) && $attribute && $attribute->getIsRequired()) {
$message = Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Skipping import row, required field "%s" for new products is not defined.', $field);
if (isset($importData['category_ids'])) {
foreach ($this->_ignoreFields as $field) {
if (isset($importData[$field])) {
if ($store->getId() != 0) {
$websiteIds = $product->getWebsiteIds();
if (!is_array($websiteIds)) {
$websiteIds = array();
if (!in_array($store->getWebsiteId(), $websiteIds)) {
$websiteIds[] = $store->getWebsiteId();
if (isset($importData['websites'])) {
$websiteIds = $product->getWebsiteIds();
if (!is_array($websiteIds)) {
$websiteIds = array();
$websiteCodes = explode(',', $importData['websites']);
foreach ($websiteCodes as $websiteCode) {
try {
$website = Mage::app()->getWebsite(trim($websiteCode));
if (!in_array($website->getId(), $websiteIds)) {
$websiteIds[] = $website->getId();
catch (Exception $e) {}
$custom_options = array();
foreach ($importData as $field => $value) {
if (in_array($field, $this->_inventoryFields)) {
if (in_array($field, $this->_imageFields)) {
$attribute = $this->getAttribute($field);
if (!$attribute) {
if(strpos($field,':')!==FALSE && strlen($value)) {
if(count($values)>0) {
#list($title,$type,$is_required,$sort_order) = explode(':',$field);
$title = ucfirst(str_replace('_',' ',$title));
$custom_options[] = array(
foreach($values as $v) {
$parts = explode(':',$v);
$title = $parts[0];
if(count($parts)>1) {
$price_type = $parts[1];
} else {
$price_type = 'fixed';
if(count($parts)>2) {
$price = $parts[2];
} else {
$price =0;
if(count($parts)>3) {
$sku = $parts[3];
} else {
if(count($parts)>4) {
$sort_order = $parts[4];
} else {
$sort_order = 0;
switch($type) {
case 'file':
/* TODO */
case 'field':
case 'area':
$custom_options[count($custom_options) - 1]['max_characters'] = $sort_order;
/* NO BREAK */
case 'date':
case 'date_time':
case 'time':
$custom_options[count($custom_options) - 1]['price_type'] = $price_type;
$custom_options[count($custom_options) - 1]['price'] = $price;
$custom_options[count($custom_options) - 1]['sku'] = $sku;
case 'drop_down':
case 'radio':
case 'checkbox':
case 'multiple':
$custom_options[count($custom_options) - 1]['values'][]=array(
$isArray = false;
$setValue = $value;
if ($attribute->getFrontendInput() == 'multiselect') {
$value = explode(self::MULTI_DELIMITER, $value);
$isArray = true;
$setValue = array();
if ($value && $attribute->getBackendType() == 'decimal') {
$setValue = $this->getNumber($value);
if ($attribute->usesSource()) {
$options = $attribute->getSource()->getAllOptions(false);
if ($isArray) {
foreach ($options as $item) {
if (in_array($item['label'], $value)) {
$setValue[] = $item['value'];
} else {
$setValue = false;
foreach ($options as $item) {
if ($item['label'] == $value) {
$setValue = $item['value'];
$product->setData($field, $setValue);
if (!$product->getVisibility()) {
$stockData = array();
$inventoryFields = isset($this->_inventoryFieldsProductTypes[$product->getTypeId()])
? $this->_inventoryFieldsProductTypes[$product->getTypeId()]
: array();
foreach ($inventoryFields as $field) {
if (isset($importData[$field])) {
if (in_array($field, $this->_toNumber)) {
$stockData[$field] = $this->getNumber($importData[$field]);
else {
$stockData[$field] = $importData[$field];
$imageData = array();
foreach ($this->_imageFields as $field) {
if (!empty($importData[$field]) && $importData[$field] != 'no_selection') {
if (!isset($imageData[$importData[$field]])) {
$imageData[$importData[$field]] = array();
$imageData[$importData[$field]][] = $field;
foreach ($imageData as $file => $fields) {
try {
$product->addImageToMediaGallery(Mage::getBaseDir('media') . DS . 'import' . trim($file), $fields);
catch (Exception $e) {}
/* Remove existing custom options attached to the product */
foreach ($product->getOptions() as $o) {
/* Add the custom options specified in the CSV import file */
if(count($custom_options)) {
foreach($custom_options as $option) {
try {
$opt = Mage::getModel('catalog/product_option');
catch (Exception $e) {}
return true;
This section of the code has been quite well tested, so it's unlikely (though conceivable) that this is a bug that you need to correct in the indexer. Can you provide more detail about the discrepancy that you are seeing?
There is a very good chance that you are seeing unexpected results because of some product being enabled/disabled, etc etc.
