creating stub for after_create hook in rspec - ruby

my model code is:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
after_create :create_node_for_user
def create_node_for_user
and test for User model:
it "create node in graph database on user creation" do
userr =
but my test is failing with message
<UserGraph (class)> received :create with unexpected arguments
expected: ({:user_id=>nil})
got: ({:user_id=>94})
what might be wrong?

The explanation given by Yves is correct: the user id is nil until the record is saved because it is autogenerated by the DB. Here's an alternate approach:
it "create node in graph database on user creation" do
userr =
create_args = nil
UserGraph.should_receive(:create) { |*args| create_args = args }
expect(create_args).to eq(:user_id =>
Essentially, this moves the expectation about what the arguments should be so that it comes after the record has been saved, when the record has an id.

The Problem is that the userr you build with FactoryGirl does not have an ID. Thats why the expectation tells you that you expected :user_id=>nil. The ID will be generated when AR saves the record, so there is no way that you can guess the generated ID ahead of time. You could use a less restrictive assertion on the mock:
This will verify that a hash is passed with a :user_id key. You can find more about hash_including here:
Another thing you can try (not sure if it works) is to match against the kind_of matcher of rspec. This would make sure that a number was passed with :user_id
UserGraph.should_receive(:create).with(:user_id => kind_of(Numeric))


What is 'valid?' in RSpec? Where can I look at it?

I've attempted to create a model, which needs to pass a series of validation tests in RSpec. However, I constantly get the error
expected #<Surveyor::Answer:0x0055db58e29260 #question=#<Double Surveyor::Question>, #value=5> to respond to `valid?`
My understanding (from here) was that 'valid?' checks that no errors were added to the model. I can't find any errors, however the message above persists.
This is my model
module Surveyor
class Answer
attr_accessor :question, :value
def initialize(params)
#question = params.fetch(:question)
#value = params.fetch(:value)
And the class Question
module Surveyor
class Question
attr_accessor :title, :type
def initialize(params)
#title = params.fetch(:title, nil)
#type = params.fetch(:type)
And this is the test I am attempting to pass
RSpec.describe Surveyor::Answer, '03: Answer validations' do
let(:question) { double(Surveyor::Question, type: 'rating') }
context "question validation" do
context "when the answer has a question" do
subject { question, value: 5) }
it { should be_valid }
Is my understanding of 'valid?' correct? Am I able to look at 'valid?' and perhaps see where I'm going wrong?
RSpec doesn't actually have a matcher called be_valid, instead it has some dynamic predicate matchers:
For any predicate method, RSpec gives you a corresponding matcher. Simply prefix the
method with be_ and remove the question mark. Examples:
expect(7).not_to be_zero # calls
expect([]).to be_empty # calls [].empty?
expect(x).to be_multiple_of(3) # calls x.multiple_of?(3)
so by calling it { should be_valid }, your subject has to respond to a valid? method. If you're testing an ActiveRecord model, those have a valid? method, but your model does not. So, if you want to test that your Answer is valid, you need to decide "what is a valid answer?" and write a method that checks for those conditions. If you want an API similar to Rails model, you might be interested in using ActiveModel::Validations

FactoryGirl override attribute of associated object

This is probably silly simple but I can't find an example anywhere.
I have two factories:
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :profile do
title "director"
bio "I am very good at things"
linked_in ""
website ""
city "London"
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :user do |u|
u.first_name {Faker::Name.first_name}
u.last_name {Faker::Name.last_name}
company 'National Stock Exchange' {}
What I want to do is override some of the user attributes when I create a profile:
p = FactoryGirl.create(:profile, user: {email: ""})
or something similar, but I can't get the syntax right. Error:
ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch: User(#70239688060520) expected, got Hash(#70239631338900)
I know I can do this by creating the user first and then associating it with the profile, but I thought there must be a better way.
Or this will work:
p = FactoryGirl.create(:profile, user: FactoryGirl.create(:user, email: ""))
but this seems overly complex. Is there not a simpler way to override an associated attribute?
What is the correct syntax for this??
According to one of FactoryGirl's creators, you can't pass dynamic arguments to the association helper (Pass parameter in setting attribute on association in FactoryGirl).
However, you should be able to do something like this:
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :profile do
transient do
user_args nil
user { build(:user, user_args) }
after(:create) do |profile|!
Then you can call it almost like you wanted:
p = FactoryGirl.create(:profile, user_args: {email: ""})
I think you can make this work with callbacks and transient attributes. If you modify your profile factory like so:
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :profile do
ignore do
user_email nil # by default, we'll use the value from the user factory
title "director"
bio "I am very good at things"
linked_in ""
website ""
city "London"
after(:create) do |profile, evaluator|
# update the user email if we specified a value in the invocation = evaluator.user_email unless evaluator.user_email.nil?
then you should be able to invoke it like this and get the desired result:
p = FactoryGirl.create(:profile, user_email: "")
I haven't tested it, though.
Solved it by creating User first, and then Profile:
my_user = FactoryGirl.create(:user, user_email: "")
my_profile = FactoryGirl.create(:profile, user:
So, this is almost the same as in the question, split across two lines.
Only real difference is the explicit access to ".id".
Tested with Rails 5.

Generating JSON for Sinatra

I'm having an issue with passing the generated JSON notation of my object to my Sinatra application. The problem I have is twofold:
I have 2 classes that are mapped to a database using the Sequel gem. When they generate JSON it is ok and properly implemented.
I have a custom class called registration that maps one of the classes with an additional field. The goal is to generate JSON out of this and pass that JSON to the application using cucumber (test purpose)
The application code responsible for handling the request has the following function defined:
post '/users' do
hash = JSON.parse(
registration = = Database::Alaplaya.get_country_by_iso_code(
return 400 unless(registration.is_valid?)
id = Database::Alaplaya.create_user(registration.user)
# If the registration failed in our system, return a page 400.
return 400 if id < 1
problem 1: I cannot use the params hash. It exists but is just an empty hash. Why?
problem 2: I cannot deserialize the JSON generated by the class itself. Why?
The registration class looks like this:
require 'json'
class Registration
attr_accessor :user, :project_id
def to_json(*a)
'json_class' =>,
'data' => [#user.to_json(*a), #project_id]
def self.json_create(o)
# Creates a new instance of the class using the information provided in the
# hash. If a field is missing in the hash, nil will be assigned to that field
# instead.
def initialize(params = {})
#user = params[:user]
#project_id = params[:project_id]
# Returns a string representing the entire Registration.
def inspect
"#{#user.inspect} - #{} - #{#project_id}"
# Returns a boolean valid representing whether the Registration instance is
# considered valid for the API or not. True if the instance is considered
# valid; otherwise false.
def is_valid?
return false if #user.nil? || #project_id.nil?
return false if !#user.is_a?(User) || !#project_id.is_a?(Fixnum)
return false if !#user.is_valid?
I had to implement the methods to generate the JSON output correctly. When I run this in console I get the following output generated:
irb(main):004:0> r = => u, :project_id => 1)
=> new_login - nil - 1
irb(main):005:0> r.to_json
=> "{\"json_class\":\"Registration\",\"data\":[\"{\\\"json_class\\\":\\\"User\\\
Which looks like valid JSON to me. However when I POST this to the application server and try to parse this, JSON complains that at least 2 octets are needed and refuses to deserialize the object.
If you're using Sequel as your ORM, try something like this:
In your model:
class Registration < Sequel::Model
many_to_one :user
many_to_one :project
plugin :json_serializer
The server:
before do
#data = JSON.parse( rescue {}
post '/users' do
#registration = #data
if #registration.valid?
#registration.to_json #return a JSON representation of the resource
status 422 #proper status code for invalid input
I think you may be overcomplicating your registration process. If the HTTP action is POST /users then why not create a user? Seems like creating a registration is overly complex. Unless your user already exists, in which case POST /users would be incorrect. If what you're really intending to do is add a user to to a project, then you should PUT /projects/:project_id/users/:user_id and the action would look something like this:
class User < Sequel::Model
many_to_many :projects
class Project < Sequel::Model
many_to_many :users
#make sure your db schema has a table called users_projects or projects_users
put '/projects/:project_id/users/:user_id' do
#find the project
#project = Project.find params[:project_id]
raise Sinatra::NotFound unless #project
#find the user
#user = Project.find params[:project_id]
raise Sinatra::NotFound unless #user
#add user to project's users collection
#project.add_user #user
#send a new representation of the parent resource back to the client
#i like to include the child resources as well
#json might look something like this
#{ 'name' : 'a project name', 'users' : ['/users/:user_id', '/users/:another_user_id'] }

Rails Active Record: Calling Build Method Should Not Save To Database Before Calling Save Method

I have a simple user model
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :user_profile
And a simple user_profile model
class UserProfile < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
The issue is when I call the following build method, without calling the save method, I end up with a new record in the database (if it passes validation)
class UserProfilesController < ApplicationController
def create
#current_user = login_from_session
#user_profile = current_user.build_user_profile(params[:user_profile]) (even with this line commented out, it still save a new db record)
redirect_to new_user_profile_path
Anyyyyyy one have anyyy idea what's going on.
The definition of this method says the following but it's still saving for me
build_association(attributes = {})
Returns a new object of the associated type that has been instantiated with attributes and linked to this object through a foreign key, but has not yet been saved.
Ok, I'm sure experienced vets already know this, but as a rookie I had to figure it out the long way...let me see if I can explain this without screwing it up
Although I was not directly saving the user_profile object, I noticed in my logs that something was updating the user model's last_activity_time (and the user_profile model) each time I submitted the form (the user model's last_activity date was also updated when the logged in user did various other things too - I later realized this was set in the Sorcery gem configuration).
AutosaveAssociation is a module that takes care of automatically saving associated records when their parent is saved. In my case, the user mode is the parent and the scenario they provide below mirrors my experience.
class Post
has_one :author, :autosave => true
post = Post.find(1)
post.title # => "The current global position of migrating ducks" # => "alloy"
post.title = "On the migration of ducks" = "Eloy Duran"
post.title # => "On the migration of ducks" # => "Eloy Duran"
The following resolutions resolved my problem
1. Stopping Sorcery (config setting) from updating the users last_activity_time (for every action)
2. Passing an ':autosave => false' option when I set the association in the user model as follows
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :user_profile, :autosave => false

How to magically supply Active Record scopes with arguments?

I'm not sure this is even possible, but let's see if one of you comes up with a solution. This is more or less about code quality in terms of readability and not an actual problem because I already have a solution. I have a friendship model and a user model. The friendship model is used to model friendships between two users:
class Friendship
def self.requested(user)
where(:user_id => user).where(:status => 'requested')
def self.pending(user)
where(:user_id => user).where(:status => 'pending')
def self.accepted(user)
where(:user_id => user).where(:status => 'accepted')
# ...
class User
has_many :friendships
# ...
Is it somehow possible to call the requested, pending or accepted scope through
the user model without providing an argument?
a_user.friendships.pending # this does not work, is there a way to get it working?
a_user.friendships.pending(a_user) # works of course!
I think this should work if you take the argument off. Calling pending off of the user object like this should already scope friendships to the appropriate user. Define the method like this:
def self.pending
where(:status => 'pending')
And call:
Check the logs for the generated query if you're not sure it's working.
If you still want to call it by passing an argument I'd name that method Friendship.pending_for(user).
