FactoryGirl override attribute of associated object - ruby

This is probably silly simple but I can't find an example anywhere.
I have two factories:
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :profile do
title "director"
bio "I am very good at things"
linked_in "http://my.linkedin.profile.com"
website "www.mysite.com"
city "London"
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :user do |u|
u.first_name {Faker::Name.first_name}
u.last_name {Faker::Name.last_name}
company 'National Stock Exchange'
u.email {Faker::Internet.email}
What I want to do is override some of the user attributes when I create a profile:
p = FactoryGirl.create(:profile, user: {email: "test#test.com"})
or something similar, but I can't get the syntax right. Error:
ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch: User(#70239688060520) expected, got Hash(#70239631338900)
I know I can do this by creating the user first and then associating it with the profile, but I thought there must be a better way.
Or this will work:
p = FactoryGirl.create(:profile, user: FactoryGirl.create(:user, email: "test#test.com"))
but this seems overly complex. Is there not a simpler way to override an associated attribute?
What is the correct syntax for this??

According to one of FactoryGirl's creators, you can't pass dynamic arguments to the association helper (Pass parameter in setting attribute on association in FactoryGirl).
However, you should be able to do something like this:
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :profile do
transient do
user_args nil
user { build(:user, user_args) }
after(:create) do |profile|
Then you can call it almost like you wanted:
p = FactoryGirl.create(:profile, user_args: {email: "test#test.com"})

I think you can make this work with callbacks and transient attributes. If you modify your profile factory like so:
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :profile do
ignore do
user_email nil # by default, we'll use the value from the user factory
title "director"
bio "I am very good at things"
linked_in "http://my.linkedin.profile.com"
website "www.mysite.com"
city "London"
after(:create) do |profile, evaluator|
# update the user email if we specified a value in the invocation
profile.user.email = evaluator.user_email unless evaluator.user_email.nil?
then you should be able to invoke it like this and get the desired result:
p = FactoryGirl.create(:profile, user_email: "test#test.com")
I haven't tested it, though.

Solved it by creating User first, and then Profile:
my_user = FactoryGirl.create(:user, user_email: "test#test.com")
my_profile = FactoryGirl.create(:profile, user: my_user.id)
So, this is almost the same as in the question, split across two lines.
Only real difference is the explicit access to ".id".
Tested with Rails 5.


FactoryGirl not passing arguments in build

I have a ruby app that I'm using rspec and factorygirl with, and I'm having trouble building a factory. When I run the spec, I get an ArgumentError: missing keywords for the required keywords in initialize. If I pass them in explicitly, the error changes to wrong number of arguments 0 for 2.
Thanks for any help on this.
require 'spec_helper'
describe Player do
it 'has a valid factory' do
player = build(:player) # or build(:player, name: 'testname', password: 'testpw')
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :player do
name { 'Testname' }
password { 'testpass' }
def initialize(name:, password:)
#id = object_id
#name = name
#password = password
Change your spec/factories/player.rb with:
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :player do
name 'Testname'
password 'testpass'
initialize_with { new(name:name, password: password) }
You can find the documentation here although is not explicit to be used in this case.
Did you try to use the syntax that they recommend on the github repo Read Me?
It looks like defining a factory is done with the following syntax:
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :player do
name 'Testname'
password 'testpass'
They may be equivalent, but this stood out to me as being a potential problem. It seems that blocks are used whenever you are executing logic, not declaring.
I finally got this to work by changing the player#initialize method to accept an options hash instead of keyword arguments params.

FactoryGirl.create doesn't save Mongoid relations

I have two classes:
class User
include Mongoid::Document
has_one :preference
attr_accessible :name
field :name, type: String
class Preference
include Mongoid::Document
belongs_to :user
attr_accessible :somepref
field :somepref, type: Boolean
And I have two factories:
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :user do
name 'John'
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :preference do
somepref true
After I create a User both documents are saved in the DB, but Preference document is missing user_id field and so has_one relation doesn't work when I read User from the DB.
I've currently fixed it by adding this piece of code in User factory:
after(:create) do |user|
#user.preference.save! #without this user_id field doesn't get saved
Can anyone explain to me why is this happening and is there a better fix?
Mongoid seems to be lacking support here.
When FactoryGirl creates a user, it first has to create the preference for that new user. As the new user does not have an id yet, the preference can't store it either.
In general, when you try create parent & child models in one operation, you need two steps:
create the parent, persist to database so it get's an id.
create the child for the parent and persist it.
Step two would end up in an after(:create) block. Like this:
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :user do
name 'John'
after(:create) do |user|
preference { create(:preference, user: user) }
As stated in this answer:
To ensure that you can always immediately read back the data you just
wrote using Mongoid, you need to set the database session options
consistency: :strong, safe: true
neither of which are the default.

creating stub for after_create hook in rspec

my model code is:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
after_create :create_node_for_user
def create_node_for_user
UserGraph.create(user_id: self.id)
and test for User model:
it "create node in graph database on user creation" do
userr = FactoryGirl.build(:user)
UserGraph.should_receive(:create).with(user_id: userr.id)
but my test is failing with message
Failure/Error: userr.save
<UserGraph (class)> received :create with unexpected arguments
expected: ({:user_id=>nil})
got: ({:user_id=>94})
what might be wrong?
The explanation given by Yves is correct: the user id is nil until the record is saved because it is autogenerated by the DB. Here's an alternate approach:
it "create node in graph database on user creation" do
userr = FactoryGirl.build(:user)
create_args = nil
UserGraph.should_receive(:create) { |*args| create_args = args }
expect(create_args).to eq(:user_id => userr.id)
Essentially, this moves the expectation about what the arguments should be so that it comes after the record has been saved, when the record has an id.
The Problem is that the userr you build with FactoryGirl does not have an ID. Thats why the expectation tells you that you expected :user_id=>nil. The ID will be generated when AR saves the record, so there is no way that you can guess the generated ID ahead of time. You could use a less restrictive assertion on the mock:
This will verify that a hash is passed with a :user_id key. You can find more about hash_including here: http://rubydoc.info/gems/rspec-mocks/RSpec/Mocks/ArgumentMatchers:hash_including
Another thing you can try (not sure if it works) is to match against the kind_of matcher of rspec. This would make sure that a number was passed with :user_id
UserGraph.should_receive(:create).with(:user_id => kind_of(Numeric))

Static local variables for methods in Ruby?

I have this:
def valid_attributes
{ :email => "some_#{rand(9999)}#thing.com" }
For Rspec testing right? But I would like to do something like this:
def valid_attributes
static user_id = 0
user_id += 1
{ :email => "some_#{user_id}#thing.com" }
I don't want user_id to be accessible from anywhere but that method,
is this possible with Ruby?
This is a closure case. Try this
lambda {
user_id = 0
self.class.send(:define_method, :valid_attributes) do
user_id += 1
{ :email => "some_#{user_id}#thing.com" }
Wrapping everything in lambda allows the variables defined within lambda to only exist in the scope. You can add other methods also. Good luck!
This answer is a little larger in scope than your question, but I think it gets at the root of what you're trying to do, and will be the easiest and most maintainable.
I think what you're really looking for here is factories. Try using something like factory_girl, which will make a lot of testing much easier.
First, you'd set up a factory to create whatever type of object it is you're testing, and use a sequence for the email attribute:
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :model do
sequence(:email) {|n| "person#{n}#example.com" }
# include whatever else is required to make your model valid
Then, when you need valid attributes, you can use
You can also use Factory.create and Factory.build to create saved and unsaved instances of the model.
There's explanation of a lot more of the features in the getting started document, as well as instructions on how to add factories to your project.
You can use a closure:
def validator_factory
user_id = 0
lambda do
user_id += 1
{ :email => "some_#{user_id}#thing.com" }
valid_attributes = validator_factory
valid_attributes.call #=> {:email=>"some_1#thing.com"}
valid_attributes.call #=> {:email=>"some_2#thing.com"}
This way user_id won't be accessible outside.
I'd use an instance variable:
def valid_attributes
#user_id ||= 0
#user_id += 1
{ :email => "some_#{#user_id}#thing.com" }
The only variables Ruby has are local variables, instance variables, class variables and global variables. None of them fit what you're after.
What you probably need is a singleton that stores the user_id, and gives you a new ID number each time. Otherwise, your code won't be thread-safe.

Find or create record through factory_girl association

I have a User model that belongs to a Group. Group must have unique name attribute. User factory and group factory are defined as:
Factory.define :user do |f|
f.association :group, :factory => :group
# ...
Factory.define :group do |f|
f.name "default"
When the first user is created a new group is created too. When I try to create a second user it fails because it wants to create same group again.
Is there a way to tell factory_girl association method to look first for an existing record?
Note: I did try to define a method to handle this, but then I cannot use f.association. I would like to be able to use it in Cucumber scenarios like this:
Given the following user exists:
| Email | Group |
| test#email.com | Name: mygroup |
and this can only work if association is used in Factory definition.
You can to use initialize_with with find_or_create method
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :group do
name "name"
initialize_with { Group.find_or_create_by_name(name)}
factory :user do
association :group
It can also be used with id
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :group do
id 1
attr_1 "default"
attr_2 "default"
attr_n "default"
initialize_with { Group.find_or_create_by_id(id)}
factory :user do
association :group
For Rails 4
The correct way in Rails 4 is Group.find_or_create_by(name: name), so you'd use
initialize_with { Group.find_or_create_by(name: name) }
I ended up using a mix of methods found around the net, one of them being inherited factories as suggested by duckyfuzz in another answer.
I did following:
# in groups.rb factory
def get_group_named(name)
# get existing group or create new one
Group.where(:name => name).first || Factory(:group, :name => name)
Factory.define :group do |f|
f.name "default"
# in users.rb factory
Factory.define :user_in_whatever do |f|
f.group { |user| get_group_named("whatever") }
You can also use a FactoryGirl strategy to achieve this
module FactoryGirl
module Strategy
class Find
def association(runner)
def result(evaluation)
def build_class(evaluation)
def get_overrides(evaluation = nil)
return #overrides unless #overrides.nil?
class FindOrCreate
def initialize
#strategy = FactoryGirl.strategy_by_name(:find).new
delegate :association, to: :#strategy
def result(evaluation)
found_object = #strategy.result(evaluation)
if found_object.nil?
#strategy = FactoryGirl.strategy_by_name(:create).new
register_strategy(:find, Strategy::Find)
register_strategy(:find_or_create, Strategy::FindOrCreate)
You can use this gist.
And then do the following
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :group do
name "name"
factory :user do
association :group, factory: :group, strategy: :find_or_create, name: "name"
This is working for me, though.
I had a similar problem and came up with this solution. It looks for a group by name and if it is found it associates the user with that group. Otherwise it creates a group by that name and then associates with it.
factory :user do
group { Group.find_by(name: 'unique_name') || FactoryBot.create(:group, name: 'unique_name') }
I hope this can be useful to someone :)
To ensure FactoryBot's build and create still behaves as it should, we should only override the logic of create, by doing:
factory :user do
association :group, factory: :group
# ...
factory :group do
to_create do |instance|
instance.id = Group.find_or_create_by(name: instance.name).id
name { "default" }
This ensures build maintains it's default behavior of "building/initializing the object" and does not perform any database read or write so it's always fast. Only logic of create is overridden to fetch an existing record if exists, instead of attempting to always create a new record.
I wrote an article explaining this.
I was looking for a way that doesn't affect the factories. Creating a Strategy is the way to go, as pointed out by #Hiasinho. However, that solution didn't work for me anymore, probably the API changed. Came up with this:
module FactoryBot
module Strategy
# Does not work when passing objects as associations: `FactoryBot.find_or_create(:entity, association: object)`
# Instead do: `FactoryBot.find_or_create(:entity, association_id: id)`
class FindOrCreate
def initialize
#build_strategy = FactoryBot.strategy_by_name(:build).new
delegate :association, to: :#build_strategy
def result(evaluation)
attributes = attributes_shared_with_build_result(evaluation)
evaluation.object.class.where(attributes).first || FactoryBot.strategy_by_name(:create).new.result(evaluation)
# Here we handle possible mismatches between initially provided attributes and actual model attrbiutes
# For example, devise's User model is given a `password` and generates an `encrypted_password`
# In this case, we shouldn't use `password` in the `where` clause
def attributes_shared_with_build_result(evaluation)
object_attributes = evaluation.object.attributes
evaluation.hash.filter { |k, v| object_attributes.key?(k.to_s) }
register_strategy(:find_or_create, Strategy::FindOrCreate)
And use it like this:
org = FactoryBot.find_or_create(:organization, name: 'test-org')
user = FactoryBot.find_or_create(:user, email: 'test#test.com', password: 'test', organization: org)
Usually I just make multiple factory definitions. One for a user with a group and one for a groupless user:
Factory.define :user do |u|
u.email "email"
# other attributes
Factory.define :grouped_user, :parent => :user do |u|
u.association :group
# this will inherit the attributes of :user
THen you can use these in your step definitions to create users and groups seperatly and join them together at will. For example you could create one grouped user and one lone user and join the lone user to the grouped users team.
Anyway, you should take a look at the pickle gem which will allow you to write steps like:
Given a user exists with email: "hello#email.com"
And a group exists with name: "default"
And the user: "hello#gmail.com" has joined that group
When somethings happens....
I'm using exactly the Cucumber scenario you described in your question:
Given the following user exists:
| Email | Group |
| test#email.com | Name: mygroup |
You can extend it like:
Given the following user exists:
| Email | Group |
| test#email.com | Name: mygroup |
| foo#email.com | Name: mygroup |
| bar#email.com | Name: mygroup |
This will create 3 users with the group "mygroup". As it used like this uses 'find_or_create_by' functionality, the first call creates the group, the next two calls finds the already created group.
Another way to do it (that will work with any attribute and work with associations):
# config/initializers/factory_bot.rb
# Example use:
# factory :my_factory do
# change_factory_to_find_or_create
# some_attr { 7 }
# other_attr { "hello" }
# end
# FactoryBot.create(:my_factory) # creates
# FactoryBot.create(:my_factory) # finds
# FactoryBot.create(:my_factory, other_attr: "new value") # creates
# FactoryBot.create(:my_factory, other_attr: "new value") # finds
module FactoryBotEnhancements
def change_factory_to_find_or_create
to_create do |instance|
# Note that this will ignore nil value attributes, to avoid auto-generated attributes such as id and timestamps
attributes = instance.class.find_or_create_by(instance.attributes.compact).attributes
instance.attributes = attributes.except('id')
instance.id = attributes['id'] # id can't be mass-assigned
instance.instance_variable_set('#new_record', false) # marks record as persisted
# This makes the module available to all factory definition blocks
class FactoryBot::DefinitionProxy
include FactoryBotEnhancements
The only caveat is that you can't find by nil values. Other than that, it works like a dream
