Install Windows 8 Apps from a Local Source? [duplicate] - windows

This question already has an answer here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Install Windows 8 Application from a Local Source?
How do you install Windows 8 apps you create from a local source? Is that possible? And if it is possible, how would you come across doing something like that?
Or would you have to submit it to the Microsoft Store?
I ask because I need to create an application that is private for a company, but haven't come across any documentation, or anything.
Thank you!

There are a few options for side-loading, but in your particular circumstance "application that is private for a company", the best reference is How to Add and Remove Apps.
In a nutshell for Windows 8 Enterprise devices, if they are joined to a domain, you can sideload the application (from the .appx file). For other versions of Windows 8 (or non-domain joined), you would need to purchase a sideloading product activation key.


I don't get how to add Web References in Windows Phone RT [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
How to use SOAP in Windows 8.1 apps and in Windows Phone 8 apps?
(1 answer)
Closed 6 years ago.
Hey folks? I have a doubt about to use web services on Windows phone 8.1 RT without being Silverlight. When I go to select " Add Web Reference "It does not Appear for me. I want to use Windows Phone RT, is it possible?
Add Service Reference (specifically the System.ServiceModel namespace) is not supported in Windows Phone 8.1 RT. There's a possible workaround here:
I got around the problem by manually building a SOAP client wrapper class, and manually building the service request for each API call. It's laborious but it works...
What about
Add Service Reference -> Advanced -> Add Web Reference -> and fill out the rest from there.
It is explained with images (for an older version of the IDE, VS2008) here

How to share windows 8 app with clients

I am making a windows 8 app for one of our clients. How can i share the app with them so that they can install it on their windows 8 phone and test it.
I tried sharing the xmp file, but when they try to install the app it says "Not a company app". I do have a windows dev company account with me, but not able to figure out how to get the app installed on my clients windows 8 phone.
Please help.
There are a few options to "ad-hoc" distribute your alpha/beta version:
Company app distribution for Windows Phone to read more about this option visit this link
You can publish the app to the Marketplace using the Hide from users browsing or searching the Store so it will be private, only users with a link will be able to access it
you can use the Beta app distribution (i believe there is a limit of few thousand users using a beta version, 10000 maybe? you have to add email addresses of users manually)
Windows Intune for Direct Management of Windows Phone devices. You can "distribute applications to users in either of the following ways: External link or Software installer
Details on MSDN

check OS version windows phone 7 [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How to get OS version number?
How to get the current OS version of Windows Phone?
I have a question:
is it possible to check a wp7 device's OS version? I want to know, because I'm creating a sort of distributing app, where users, based on their OS version, and privileges can connect to the BETA marketplace and download certain apps from there. So if someone doesn't have a compatable OS, they get a message notifying them of this and locking certain apps. Is this even possible, because the OS version is not found in the Microsoft.Phone.Info.DeviceStatus class, only firm- and hardware versions.
Any suggestions?
You can also get the Windows Phone Operating System Version number from Environment.OSVersion.
string OSVersion = Environment.OSVersion.Version.ToString();
Just to elaborate on Saurabh's answer - you can find a useful information such as an example and usage information about the API here:

get a list of all installed application on windows 7 phone

is it possible to get a list of all installed application on windows 7 phone?
Till now I didn't find any API that I can use.
I know this is possible on android , and it seams weird that you cant do it on windows windows 7 phone.
This is not possible.
There is a personal data information issue with this information being available. i.e. You could infer/gather information about people based on the apps they have installed. Users may not want you to know what apps they have installed for personal or other reasons.
If you want to track whether a users has installed any of your other apps (maybe so you don't cross promote apps they've already installed) you will have to do this by having each app report it's usage (installation) to a central server along with the device/user id (ANID) and then determine whcih apps have been installed.

windows phone 7 + how to programmatically launch an app from another app [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How can I launch a Windows Phone 7 app programmatically?
How can I programmatically launch an app from another app either in Windows Phone 7 or 7.1
Please help.
EDIT 1 : Can I use Launchers and Choosers for launching apps. If yes how this can be done.
I'm afraid that you can't do that.
What you can do is access launchers and choosers that the OS provide but you can't access anything of a third party
Windows Mobile 7 does not have Intents like android, no apps can register mime types for their use as of now.
