DWR Incomplete reply from server - dwr

I am working on Dwr with Dojo, i am using DWR Version 3.0.RC2 dwr.jar (1.1Mb) jar file.
Onpage load time giving alert error "Incomplete reply from server"


gSoap caches error response in FCGI mode

We are using gSoap compiled with the WITH_FASTCGI flag. The resulting soap FCGI server is processing (successive) SOAP packets OK, but there is a problem with the error responses.
The first time an error response is created everything works OK. But all subsequent SOAP packets that result in an error will show that first response again, even if the error is different.
I had a quick look through the source code. The stdsoap2.cpp:soap_set_fault(struct soap *soap) seems to simply return if a faultstring has already been set in the soap structure that is being used, rather than update it. This being a FCGI server, gSoap re-uses the soap structure you start it with for each SOAP request so it looks like this is not being cleared properly.
Is there anyone else having similar problems?

elfinder laravel 5 connector error

I am trying to integrate barryvdh/laravel-elfinder package for ckeditor, elfinder window is opening but error says 'unable to connect to backend'. I checked the request/response in firebug and found this url with response 500
i guess something is wrong with the connector config. I followed instructions from the github page with no luck. Any ideas how to fix this?

Uncaught SoapFault exception: [WSDL] SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL?

Uncaught SoapFault exception: [WSDL] SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn't load from 'http://x.x.x.x/magento/api/soap/?wsdl' : Start tag expected, '<' not found in
We used SOAP api version 1 in magento working in local perfectly (windows environment) and not in server (Linux).
PHP soap and xml-rpc in enabled in server.
By the looks of it you have an error in some xml somewhere, or your not getting the wsdl file returned. If you visit the wsdl URL manually do you actually get the wsdl xml definitions? Check this first. If so, run it through an xml validator to check it's valid. From the fact it's looking for an '<' tag, I suspect you are not getting the wsdl file returned, but an error instead so check your magento error logs. Also, from memory, I think you might need to setup a host entry on the server to your site as well, I have seen this before and that has resolved it. Magento's soap controller initiates a connection to the wsdl file when you make a request and it might not be able to resolve to itself.
I don't know which version of Magento are you using, but there is a SOAP patch for Magento 1.9.x

How to fix "Failed to load resource" bug when submit form to download file?

I try to create some script to send a lot of required data to the server after that server will send a generated file back. I know, it's possible to create some link that contain my data like the following code for sending data to server and get the file back.
<a href="domain.com/getExcel.aspx?id=ABC&title=Report1" target="_blank" />
But the maximum length of URL is around 2000 characters that I cannot guarantee the length of data will not over this limit. So I try to use "jQuery Plugin for Requesting Ajax-like File Downloads" to send data to the server by dynamic creating form with hidden input.
Everything works great on IE9. But I got "Failed to load resource" error message when I use it in Google Chrome 9. I think this problem occurs only when response header is set to Attachment.
Demo: http://fiddle.jshell.net/SP3Tx/3/show/
Source: http://jsfiddle.net/SP3Tx/3/
Do you have any walk-around to fix this bug?
I just submit this bug to chromium issue tracker.

Apache Abdera Client - Posting/Putting

Looking for help using the Apache Abdera Atom Client. I am trying to post and put files to a feed but I am getting a 400 error saying that the content type must be application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data
You need to check where you are posting too. Abdera is used to post ATOM-XML format. It looks like you try to post to the same URL your web form is posting to, which would be a HTML submission a.k.a. x-www-form-urlencoded. Check with the blog server software if and where they support the ATOM publishing protocol.
