Maven: Checkout a SVN Repository, compile, package into a jar and add as a Dependency - maven

We have a web application in which we are using Ant as a build tool. There is a urgent requirement to create web services (API) and this will be a separate project. For now, to make it available to our customers we have decided to use our web application and remove all unnecessary files (like velocity files, properties, xml etc) and make a jar of it. This jar will be used in our web service project.
In Maven, I want to checkout my web application svn branch, compile it, make a single jar of it and add as a dependency in my project. Is this possible? If yes, then please show me the way.
I'm new to Maven please explain your answers with more detail.

Short Answer
Get your .war deployed into a Maven Repository (local or remote) from your ant build
Child Projects will embed your .war as a dependency, creating a war with your custom services + your original .war file
It is advised that those Child Projects turn into an Archetype, so creating custom services gets easier
Long Answer
From your SCM, you could modify your build.xml file and use Maven Tasks for Ant.
In particular, the install and deploy examples are helpful in order to guide you on deployment your .war into a Maven repository (local or remote)
Then, a .war artifact (when accessible from a Repository) is able to be consumed from other .war applications.
Look into the maven-war-plugin Overlays Feature. In particular, this answer offers you more advice:
combine different maven web-projects into a single project
Other than that, I suggest you could also combine with Maven Archetypes (they're now easier than ever), so you could create skeleton projects for your webservices, already depending on this .war dependency.


How can I exclude artifacts by packaging in maven-dependency-plugin:copy-dependencies

I'm working in a complex tomcat configuration where I'm using third party proprietary service that is distributed as WARs. In the servlet container I have 10 WARs deployed where only one is coded by us.
We are using maven to manage the project.
I'm declaring the third party WAR files in the POM with provided scope.
My issue comes when I try to use maven to deploy the system in a local testing server.
I'm using maven-dependency-plugin:copy-dependencies goal to copy the right artifacts in the right directories in the local serving tester.
I must copy JAR files in one directory and WAR files to a different directory. But maven is not differentiating the artifacts by packaging. So I end having the JARs mixed with the WARs in the destination directory. While I need to have two executions, one for WARs and one for JARs going to the right directory.
I have only being able to use a copy goal specifying every artifact to copy, but this is difficult to maintain if any developer adds a new dependency, the dependency must also be added to the right copy goal.
I will like to be able to use copy-dependencies goal but being able to indicate that I only want to copy a specific packaging.
Any idea on how I can manage to do that?
You can use -DexcludeTypes=war

Maven build using embedded JAR in project pom

I am working on a Maven project where a build is done through Jenkins, and 1 particular JAR has been removed from corporate repository recently.
So my build is failing as parent pom.xml is referring to a JAR not available in the repo.
But I have the old certified copy downloaded in my local repo, and I want to use the same JAR during build copying in the project folder and want to use the local copy of dependent JAR in pom.xml instead of downloading from corporate repository embedded in the project structure.
How can I do this?
Frankly, this does not sound like a good idea.
While it is possible to reference jars with the <systemPath> entry, it is generally considered bad practise.
By "corporate repository", do you mean a repository of your own company or of some other company? In the first case, you should request that the jar is put back in. In the second case, it would be better not to use the external corporate repository directly, but to set up your own Nexus/Artifactory through which you use (different) external repositories. This Nexus/Artifactory can then host additional artifacts like the one you need (you can e.g. upload them through the UI).

Confused with maven assembly plugin vs build-helper-maven:attach-artifact

I'm a bit confused between maven assembly plugin and build-helper-maven plugin.
I've also read in the maven documentation that The assemblies/archive created by the Assembly Plugin gets deployed during the deployed phase.Hence, they can be deployed to the remote nexus repositories.
The purpose of maven assembly plugin is to archive many things into one(say in tar.gz format).
However, the attach-artifact goal present within build-helper-maven plugin has the same role i.e.archiving,installing and deploying the artifact.
With that being said,why would anyone use both of them together? I've seen people using both of them together. Isn't one of the plugins an alternative choice of the other?
Kindly advise.
If you use maven-assembly-plugin you can create as you already mentioned any kind of archives (range from very simple to very complex structures) they will be by default be attached to your project which means they will be deployed into remote repositories in one go if you do mvn deploy with no supplemental configuration.
The build-helper-maven-plugin is intended to add an artifact (one goal of this plugin) which is usually not generated by Maven itself which most of the cases is a smell. If people using them together (in the use case to create an archive and attach it) this makes no sense.
Apart from that the build-helper-maven-plugin can also be used to add other source directories for example for scala, kotlin projects (other goals for example add-source etc.)
So those plugins are not alternatives they have different intentions/use cases.

Deploy zip artifact from another build action to Nexus

Is it possible to deploy arbitrary zip archive artifacts to Nexus through Maven as snapshots?
We have a build step that is not supported through any application-specific Maven plugin. Instead, our full build and deployment process is as follows:
1) Maven POM compiles the Java component of the build, using Jenkins.
2) Shell script calls create a deployable artifact shell scripts were wrapped around calling a code generation application, which are then zipped up into an archive by the application itself. I need these artifacts deployed to Nexus as both snapshots, and as releases as appropriate.
I tried using the maven-assembly-plugin however this assumes that the plugin itself is creating the zip archive, not simply deploying an archive that was produced by some other method.
I would prefer to do this within Maven since our Nexus settings and credentials are already within the environment and do not need to be passed manually on the command line. Using the Nexus UI for this is not a viable option since this needs to be part of a standard build-deploy-test process, which may happen many times per day, for a couple dozen applications.
For completeness, I'm answering my own question (oh bother...)
I resolved this issue by using the maven-assembly-plugin, which allows you to define arbitrary artifacts, and deploy them (snapshots or releases) to Nexus. The assembly plugin uses a bill of materials (src.xml) that defines the exact contents of the artifact (either including or excluding files, directories, changing file permissions, etc). This can also be used for creating Java uber jars, but it appears that using the Maven Shade Plugin is the preferred method for creating uber jars.
Maven Assembly Plugin main webpage

How to make my maven project depend on non maven projects?

I want to create a maven project, which has to depend on a non maven project which in turn depends on 2 other non maven projects. I do not have ownership of any of the other projects and it would not be possible for me to change anything in those projects let alone the structure to conform to the maven structure.
I asked if I could just get jars -- but was told that because of multiple levels of dependency, it would be "difficult" -- although I haven't understood why.
Is this possible or should I just abandon the use of maven to create my project and go with a regular project with jars in the lib folder?
If you can go with a regular project build that means you must have access to the other project's jar files?
It doesn't really matter how the other project builds them, you can still gain more control over your own build process by loading the jars you depend on into a Maven repository.
I'd suggest using one of the following repository managers:
They'll give you management screens to uploading 3rd party jars, they'll also a more efficient way to use other Maven repositories like Maven Central.
Once you've got your Maven build process working, you could encourage the other projects to automatically publish their versions into your Maven repo.
They could use the ANT tasks provided by the Maven or Apache ivy projects. Worst case you just continue to load their libraries until they see the light :-)
