Maven build using embedded JAR in project pom - maven

I am working on a Maven project where a build is done through Jenkins, and 1 particular JAR has been removed from corporate repository recently.
So my build is failing as parent pom.xml is referring to a JAR not available in the repo.
But I have the old certified copy downloaded in my local repo, and I want to use the same JAR during build copying in the project folder and want to use the local copy of dependent JAR in pom.xml instead of downloading from corporate repository embedded in the project structure.
How can I do this?

Frankly, this does not sound like a good idea.
While it is possible to reference jars with the <systemPath> entry, it is generally considered bad practise.
By "corporate repository", do you mean a repository of your own company or of some other company? In the first case, you should request that the jar is put back in. In the second case, it would be better not to use the external corporate repository directly, but to set up your own Nexus/Artifactory through which you use (different) external repositories. This Nexus/Artifactory can then host additional artifacts like the one you need (you can e.g. upload them through the UI).


How can I exclude artifacts by packaging in maven-dependency-plugin:copy-dependencies

I'm working in a complex tomcat configuration where I'm using third party proprietary service that is distributed as WARs. In the servlet container I have 10 WARs deployed where only one is coded by us.
We are using maven to manage the project.
I'm declaring the third party WAR files in the POM with provided scope.
My issue comes when I try to use maven to deploy the system in a local testing server.
I'm using maven-dependency-plugin:copy-dependencies goal to copy the right artifacts in the right directories in the local serving tester.
I must copy JAR files in one directory and WAR files to a different directory. But maven is not differentiating the artifacts by packaging. So I end having the JARs mixed with the WARs in the destination directory. While I need to have two executions, one for WARs and one for JARs going to the right directory.
I have only being able to use a copy goal specifying every artifact to copy, but this is difficult to maintain if any developer adds a new dependency, the dependency must also be added to the right copy goal.
I will like to be able to use copy-dependencies goal but being able to indicate that I only want to copy a specific packaging.
Any idea on how I can manage to do that?
You can use -DexcludeTypes=war

How to depend on a local library with maven

I have a project contains two sub projects:
A. a common library for external api
B. a program depends on above library
They are inside same directory. How I made B refer to A with maven?
Normally you will always share through a maven repository. That is mavens way to ensure a consistent and correct solution and a solution shareable by all developers.
You should search for a public maven repository with project A (e.g. or and include in your pom
If it does not exist in public (is proprietary in someway or other), consider using an enterprise-wide maven repository such as nexus or artifactory to push to repositories.
Finally, some developers resort to either installing a mvn-local file if you are ever only going to work on an explicit workstation.
If you still prefer a filebased acces, it is possible to define a maven file repository and reference it in your pom. E.g. Heroku use this for bundling extra dependencies into their system.
Declare A as dependency in B's pom.xml. Make sure A has valid pom.xml and is deployed to your repository (local/nexus). We do that all the time. Take care to assign SNAPSHOT version if you always want latest to be pulled from repository.

what if my open source project is managaed by maven and depends on a library not in maven repository?

Imagine this case. I have an open source project which I manage with Maven, and it depends on a well-known library (jpathwatch, e.g.) not in maven repository. How can I make it work?
The straightforward way is to install jpathwatch to local maven repository. However, that imposes a burden for people who check out my project's source code and want to build them by themselvz. They'll encounter an maven error and then look into the README file, or just give up trying.
Is there a clean way for me to work it around? Do I have to go back to ANT ?
The cleanest way to do this is to upload the library to central (or failing that, if your project is not open source, to the maven repository that your project is hosted on).
There is the guide on uploading 3rd party artifacts to central which details how to upload the artifact if the originating project doesn't want to.
There is also the possibility of just deploying the artifact under your own groupId... more of a last resort, or first resort if the official way seems too slow for you.
If you want to be a good open source citizen, upload that stuff to central, so that others will benefit.
Hacks like in-project repositories won't work for people who live behind a corporate repository manager and have <mirrorOf>*</mirrorOf> in their ~/.m2/settings.xml (as they should have)
Hacks like system scope cause a never ending world of pain when people try to work with your project as a transitive dependencies... because guess what ${basedir} evaluates to when resolving your project from the local repository and not from the reactor? try ~/.m2/repository/your-groupId/your-artifactId/your-version which is definately not where you put that 3rd party jar file.
The system scope hack only works when you are building the final artifact, and even then it can have unintended side-effects (like the classpath that gets baked into the JAR manifest... it will be your machine's on-disk path... not the path that the user deploys to)
There are only three solutions:
Deploy it to a remote repo (preference goes to central)
Install it in local repo (with all the pain for end users)
The Fake module solution (wherein you fake out a JAR module and replace the “built” jar with the jar you want to sub-in so that the module is now the built artifact without building it... this will end up being option 1 or 2 but is a less evil solution than the "in project repository")
In such case you should bundle this library into your project and make use of <system> dependency scope, like this:
You can create an in-project repository.
See Leonid Dubinsky's Blog - Maven in-project repository
Putting a JAR file somewhere on the net and referencing it from the project is trivial. You can create your own Maven repository in three easy steps, please see my post.

Maven: Checkout a SVN Repository, compile, package into a jar and add as a Dependency

We have a web application in which we are using Ant as a build tool. There is a urgent requirement to create web services (API) and this will be a separate project. For now, to make it available to our customers we have decided to use our web application and remove all unnecessary files (like velocity files, properties, xml etc) and make a jar of it. This jar will be used in our web service project.
In Maven, I want to checkout my web application svn branch, compile it, make a single jar of it and add as a dependency in my project. Is this possible? If yes, then please show me the way.
I'm new to Maven please explain your answers with more detail.
Short Answer
Get your .war deployed into a Maven Repository (local or remote) from your ant build
Child Projects will embed your .war as a dependency, creating a war with your custom services + your original .war file
It is advised that those Child Projects turn into an Archetype, so creating custom services gets easier
Long Answer
From your SCM, you could modify your build.xml file and use Maven Tasks for Ant.
In particular, the install and deploy examples are helpful in order to guide you on deployment your .war into a Maven repository (local or remote)
Then, a .war artifact (when accessible from a Repository) is able to be consumed from other .war applications.
Look into the maven-war-plugin Overlays Feature. In particular, this answer offers you more advice:
combine different maven web-projects into a single project
Other than that, I suggest you could also combine with Maven Archetypes (they're now easier than ever), so you could create skeleton projects for your webservices, already depending on this .war dependency.

How to enable inside glassfish access to maven repository?

I have a following problem. We have a central maven repository hosted on our company server. Our team is working on a project. Everyone here uses that repository to get the required artifacts. If something is missing at the moment and is required for the task that the developer is currently dealing with, he installs this artifact manually to the central repository, so that his commits don't break the automated builds.
Now, each developer also has Glassfish v2 installed on his machine. That is for testing and debugging purposes. Before committing the changes, developer makes the .ear for the project with Maven help. However, after the developer deploys the ear to it's local glassfish, frequent errors arise, because the set of glassfish libraries may not contain all the latest dependencies of the central company repository.
Right now in case of the error the developer simply reads the log and looks what exactly is missing. After that he manually copies the required jar inside his local $GLASSFISH_HOME$/lib dir. But that seems a little bit frustrating. How can this be done automatically?
Right now we are trying to implement the following solution. The developer has to synchronize his local maven repository gathering all the artifacts from the central one that are required by the project. This local repository has to be placed on the java classpath, so that glassfish would also see it. Is that a correct approach? Maybe there is a way to install directly all the required artifacts from the central repository inside $GLASSFISH_HOME$/dir and this can be done automatically during deploy?
About having to install dependencies. If the developers need to install dependencies missing from public maven repositories, take into account that usually maven proxies have the ability to cache public repos. For instance, archiva has a proxying cache. If the dependencies are your own project deliverables you should consider releasing and deploying with maven to your company repo.
About latest versions. You need to specify maven what version of dependencies should use. I would prefer editing my poms manually, anyway there's a variety of ways to achieve that.
The libraries should be part of the project, I think. If not standard libraries of glassfish, they should be included, for instance, in your war file as part of your project. If not standard but not part of your project (not the regular approach) consider managing this glassfish as a project on its own (own git/svn repo, own pom, own versions, own everything).
Good luck.
