Magento content does not show up - magento

It is the first time I use Magento. I have installed Magento with a custom theme. When I add category and product from dashboard, they doesn't show up on the website, just a blank content (header, sidebar and footer works fine, more precisely you can see it at here)
I found the added product from sitemap with css gone. What might be the reason for this? Why categories and content doesn't appear on the website? Why css is broken on the product page?

Magento is designed to be as efficient as possible and the learning curve can initally be daunting to people encountering it for the first time. A couple things to try:
Make sure that the category you've created, found in Catalog > Categories > Manage Categories, the option "Include in Navigation Menu" set to yes (this should automatically "create" the navigation bar for you)
In the admin section of your site, navigate to System > Index Management and select all and reindex them all
In the admin section, navigate to System > Cache Management and flush the cache
The last two steps, when developing your site, are sometimes necessary to see the most up to date information on your Magento install. Something which may make your life easier is in the Cache Management page, select all of the cache types and choose to disable them for now. You'll want to re-enable them once you make the site live.


Changing Magento theme based on referral URL

I'm a brand-new Magento developer, coming from more general web-dev.
What I'm trying to do is create a "Kiosk Mode" of a website to be displayed within an app. Kiosk mode is a stripped-down version of my existing Magento site for BROWSING only; no customer login, no cart. Don't show "Add to Cart" stuff on product pages, etc. I want the site to draw from my existing product catalogue. My site currently has three store-views, representing three different physical locations with different inventory (business is mainly local pickup).
From what I'm reading it seems like a Theme is the way to go here, but I've got a couple of questions:
1) Can I drive theme from referral URL? I've looked at this page, but the answer seems shaky and I don't want to dive in to the codebase on spec if I can help it:
Change magento theme/storeview based on referring URL?
2) Does everything I'm describing above seem possible using Magento themes? Can I hide cart, change product page layout to remove "Add to Cart", etc?
Many thanks in advance!

Magento cart page is not showing

My Magento cart page is not showing at all. It just comes up with a blank page. Previously this site was developed by another developer and He has disabled the Checkout process. Now I cannot find which settings he has done to stop the checkout process.
Can anyone tell me what are the possibilities to stop the default module from working.
Also every thing else is coming right on the cart page. Header and footer and all the things just that it is not rendering the html for cart block. The Content just came up empty, with no HTML.
Please open the adminpanel and then go to the
there is a tab Disable Modules Output and then enable the Mage_checkout module
As I have told you the previous developer have disabled the modules. But that was not the case the developer have installed some extensions to disable the checkout process but that does not work very well. Then he tries to delete the extensions the wrong way so the entries that were made by those extensions was still in the database table "core_config_data".
And these values are being used by the left over files of the extensions ans he has overridden the magento core files for that. I just copy and replace the core magento files and also cleared the table "core_config_data" table and all things got working once again.

Why wouldn't a category menu be displaying on a magento theme?

I'm trying to set up a dynamic menu in a Magento store (v1.7 community edition with the hellowired theme) and can't figure it out why on earth is not being displayed on my home page.
I don't know if there's a mistake in the call on the .phtml files of the theme or if I'm missing some configuration. I have already configured it as described in the theme's documentation and set several products and I'm still not seeing the menu displayed.
If I hard code the category call, it works fine, but it's just a workaround since I need it to be dynamic.
Turns Out for the theme I was using (The Hellowired one, but it appears to apply to several) it was required to set-up all categories under the Default Category. This question was answered to me by an admin of the theme site.
Make sure that the flag Is Active and Include in Navigation Menu set to "YES" from admin panel under General Information Tab in Catalog->Manage Categories.

Magento Related Products Sidebar

In Magento I took and duplicated a theme and made a few changes to the second one. Called it recipes, removed the price, etc. All worked out fine except! When I add a related product it shows up and says "other featured products". This is what the old theme said.
After some research i am seeing it is pulling this file from the "app/design/frontend/base/template/catalog/product/list folder instead of the theme folder ?
Turn on template/path hints in your administration area:
System -> Config / Advanced -> Developer
This will show you exactly which template and block it belongs to. The product list template you are referring to just renders the products, it's possible the theme does not also include the header in that file.
Alternatively, a quick grep (or search via IDE if you are on Windows) for 'Other Featured Products' is a good solution, since that should be a fairly unique string.

Subtotal, Shipping, Discount and Grand Total Missing in Magento

Hope someone can point me in the right direction. I am not a Magento developer but am having to fix my site after my "developer" left me with most of the work to do.
Currently in my checkout screen i'm not seeing any values other than that of the actual product item value - no subtotals, discounts, shipping or the grand total. They all appear ok on the emails that are sent though (luckily).
I'm not using the default Magento package but from what i can see all the .phtml files seem to be there in the base directories and are not in my new design directories - so i would have assumed all would work ok. But alas, no. Is there anywhere i should be looking/tweaking etc etc? Have googled about as much as i can but to no avail.
I'm sure it must be something simple (!?) if all appear on the emails ok. Any ideas would be great!
I realise this is fairly old now but just in case anyone else comes across this I had this problem and for me all I had to do some enable the Mage_Tax module in System > Configuration > Advanced
It is difficult to answer your question without more insight, but here is what can be a starting point:
Login to your shop's admin panel.
In System menu click on Configuration.
From the Current Configuration Scope box select your Website.
Now in the menu on left-hand side under Configuration > Advanced (almost to the bottom of the screen)
Click on Developer
Now in the main panel, click on Debug.
For the field Template Path Hints select Yes.
Now reload your website (front-end) and you will see from which template is each part of the page being loaded.
Also if Magento's cache is enabled, you will need to clear that. I would suggest that this cache be disabled during development and/or on non-production versions of your site.
