Magento cart page is not showing - magento

My Magento cart page is not showing at all. It just comes up with a blank page. Previously this site was developed by another developer and He has disabled the Checkout process. Now I cannot find which settings he has done to stop the checkout process.
Can anyone tell me what are the possibilities to stop the default module from working.
Also every thing else is coming right on the cart page. Header and footer and all the things just that it is not rendering the html for cart block. The Content just came up empty, with no HTML.

Please open the adminpanel and then go to the
there is a tab Disable Modules Output and then enable the Mage_checkout module

As I have told you the previous developer have disabled the modules. But that was not the case the developer have installed some extensions to disable the checkout process but that does not work very well. Then he tries to delete the extensions the wrong way so the entries that were made by those extensions was still in the database table "core_config_data".
And these values are being used by the left over files of the extensions ans he has overridden the magento core files for that. I just copy and replace the core magento files and also cleared the table "core_config_data" table and all things got working once again.


Proceed to Checkout button directing to homepage instead of next step in magento 1.9.1

So the problem is when i upload the website to live server. Everything works fine in local environment.
When i click the Proceed to checkout button it redirects me to the homepage. this does not happen in local environment.
In the live server I have Flushed magento cache; flushed web hosting account cache; Enable error logging but there are no errors, also no extensions are installed.
What does the link for proceed to checkout say in inspector? What i will usually do to troubleshoot issues as such is enabling the default theme to see if the issue still occurs. If it doesn't then it's theme specific. From there, run red lines with the theme having the problem and verify the block with the proceed to cart button doesn't have an error by comparing it to the base theme block.
Changing these settings from the admin panel solved my problem.

Magento showing different product quantities on different pages

We have a Magento site running on version 1.7.0 on the Argento theme that seems to be having intermittent issues with products not appearing. This appears to happen on certain pages and not others.
For example, if you add a product from the homepage or single category pages, it will show immediately as being part of the cart (note, Argento uses AjaxPro for the cart). However, once you navigate to another page, say "My Cart" or "Checkout" the total will show as zero. Doing a hard-refresh on the browser will update the total.
Additionally, if you open the Chrome Dev tools, navigate to "Network" and then check "disable cache" everything runs perfectly.
Things we have tried to resolve this:
Flushing/Clearing/Disabling the Magento cache. Seems to make things slightly better but doesn't clear up the issue.
x-cache-control meta tag. Same as above, issue seems to be less frequent but still definitely appearing.
Turn off AjaxPro. Our initial belief was that this plugin was causing issues, but turning it off has no effect.
Re-Index. Has no effect.
Added $.ajaxSetup({"cache" : false}) at the top of our scripts. This also has no effect.
Any advice or tips on where to look next would be appreciated.
It turns out that our hosting provider had set up the installation with the sessions stored in memcache. We switched this over to file storage in our local.xml and it fixed the issue.

Joomla 3.3.6 admin panel not working

The buttons on the admin panel of my joomla site suddenly wont work anymore,
The dropdown works but when i hit a button it doesnt work.
Almost all buttons, i cant view my articles, categories or menus anymore and a lot of components.
Please help me!
There are two reasons for this problem to happen:
One (or more) core JavaScript files was (were) hacked.
You have recently installed an extension (typically a global system plugin) that created a conflict between JavaScript libraries
Try disabling, from phpMyAdmin, the recently installed plugin(s). Also try overriding all your core Joomla files with a fresh copy of Joomla.
Also make sure you delete your browser cache!
1- Go to yoursite/administrator/index.php
2- In the left side menu, most probably in Maintenance part ... checking joomla is stuck (probably some files damaged)
3- Select reinstall joomla core files.

Magento admin CMS pages content in wrong tab

I've got a Magento site however when I login into the admin area to create a new CMS page the content box is appearing in the Page Information tab and not the Content tab. This is causing the validation to fail when I add the content.
Any help would be much appreciated
Try disabling any third party extensions/customizations you may of installed.
It could also be caused by corrupted database entries.
Try reinstalling Magento to a new database and seeing if the issue persists.
If it's fixed, then it's a problem with your data. If it isn't, then it must be a extension or customization causing the bug.
Go to System>Configuration>Advanced and you will see a brand of extension you recently installed. Set it to disabled and hit Save Config. Flush Cache, log out and log back in to admin and it should be corrected. If it is, contact the extension creator and report the bug as it shouldnt do that.The only realy way for that to happen is for something to overrule its placement which would be a 3rd party extension.
The other possibility is that you moved some folders in adminhtml by accident. If thats the case, try uploading an original copy of adminhtml.

Magento content does not show up

It is the first time I use Magento. I have installed Magento with a custom theme. When I add category and product from dashboard, they doesn't show up on the website, just a blank content (header, sidebar and footer works fine, more precisely you can see it at here)
I found the added product from sitemap with css gone. What might be the reason for this? Why categories and content doesn't appear on the website? Why css is broken on the product page?
Magento is designed to be as efficient as possible and the learning curve can initally be daunting to people encountering it for the first time. A couple things to try:
Make sure that the category you've created, found in Catalog > Categories > Manage Categories, the option "Include in Navigation Menu" set to yes (this should automatically "create" the navigation bar for you)
In the admin section of your site, navigate to System > Index Management and select all and reindex them all
In the admin section, navigate to System > Cache Management and flush the cache
The last two steps, when developing your site, are sometimes necessary to see the most up to date information on your Magento install. Something which may make your life easier is in the Cache Management page, select all of the cache types and choose to disable them for now. You'll want to re-enable them once you make the site live.
