Joomla 3.0 installation database creating issue - joomla

I try to install Joomla 3 in my system. After download and extract files I put files in my localhost folder wamp/www/jesite/myfiles. After that I run the jesite folder and it displays index page then I give the corresponding details in configuration, database and overview section.
Then I pressed install button after it shows a window with four section
First it completed Backing up old databases and then it shows progress bar in creating database tables. But after that it shows the progress bar for a long time and when I checked in DB it creates 78 tables. But after it shows only the progress bar.
I dont know what I'm doing wrong. Anyone can help me to solve this problem.

I change php.ini
max_execution_time = 30
max_execution_time = 3000
also bumped up
memory_limit = 256M

Replacing "ENGINE=InnoDB" by "ENGINE=MyIsam" in the SQL script /installation/sql/mysql/joomla.sql also worked for me, as Giorgi BaneTishvili suggested in the previous answer.
I was installing Joomla 3.1.5 in a Strato shared hosting by uploading Joomla files, not using their auto-installing apps.
I tried adding a php.ini file with max_execution_time = 3000 and memory_limit = 256M, but it did not worked.

Edit the SQL install file (Root/installation/SQL/mysql/joomla.sql). Open with notepad and replace all "ENGINE=InnoDB" with "ENGINE=MyIsam" the DB type then it will work succesfully.

I had the same problem.
Go to \installation\sql\mysql\joomla.sql and change all ENGINE=InnoDB to ENGINE=MyIsam

Edit the SQL install file (Root/installation/SQL/mysql/joomla.sql). Open with notepad and replace all "ENGINE=InnoDB" with "ENGINE=MyIsam" the DB type then it will work successfully.
This answer has helped me a lot, Joomla works no after a long search, although I still don't now why I had to make this change in the script, does the original script work well with other users how implement Joomla?

changing max_execution_time = 30 to 3000 worked for me for Wampserver 2.4

To solve this issue i changed the data base password and removed the special characters, MySqli is an improved version on MySql driver so it is not recommended to change this value on the configuration, also changing to MyIsam removes the integrity of the relations and transactions, so this is also a point of considering. So if your server supports MySqli you should use this option with the default InnoDB engine.

Just set (at php.ini)
max_execution_time = 120
works for me, on Xwampp v3.2.1

I get this issue as well, to fix:
Open file installation/sql/mysql/joomla.sql
Replace ENGINE=InnoDb to ENGINE=MyIsam
And it works successfully.


Installing Joomla 3.x error

I'm trying to install Joomla 3.x with MS SERVER. I try to press INSTALL button on last step and it just redirects me to the same place and doesn't actually install anything.
What could cause this? :/
Have you ensured that all the prerequisites were installed on the application server? This is an old post - but check this: - it should lead you to the right solution.
This can happen if you have max_execution_time=30 in your php.ini file. This means a script can run a max for 30 s. Sometimes database entry takes time gretaer then 30s. So the installation halts. What you need to do is change it to a higher value in your php.ini file. I kept it max_execution_time=1000.

Joomla - Global Configuration freeze and can't save or edit articles

Joomla version 3.3.6
Some aspects of the back end is quick and I can save, edit or create easily e.g. module manager. Going to control panel also quick.
Going to global configuration freezes the browser. I also noticed that I can't edit articles.
Everything should be standard. The only thing I played around with was groups. I've added A LOT of groups under the "Manager" group. Don't know if this could have caused the above two issues.
Please assist.
I've been having the same issue for months, I finally got it working for me. I have a bunch of custom user groups as well, so maybe this will help you too.
Turns out the error was PHP Warning: Unknown: Input variables exceeded 1000. To increase the limit change max_input_vars in php.ini.
I added this to my php.ini file
max_input_vars = 5000

upgrading from Magento, database export/import issues

Trying to upgrade from to 1.4.
I set up MAMP and created an empty database into which I imported the exported database from the online site (done via phpMyAdmin from the cpanel of the site).
Copied 1.4 files into htdocs and got the installation screens.
After entering the details for the imported database, the process crashed and I got a blank screen.
I've tried changing the base url string in the core_config_data table and redone the whole process but to no avail.
I've also tried setting up a clean install of 1.4 and using the database repair tool to perhaps bring the old database up to spec but that didn't work either.
I basically need a proper way to upgrade this site to the latest version (1.8.1) but I thought I'd start with 1.4 first. At the very least I'd like to have a database that can work in a fresh 1.8.1 install.
You need to find out what the error is before you can begin to fix it. The blank screen means that you are not getting those errors. It may be a simple timeout. What is in your php.ini for error reporting and timeouts?
With your 'MAMP' you can try a vanilla Magento install and see if that works. Try 1.3.2 with the demo data in the db first. Then point it at your copy of the live db and see if it still works or if it dies due to some module dependencies.
That should get you to the starting point. As for where you are now, check the apache log files to see if the error - maybe just a timeout - is in there.
On upgrade Magento does loads of stuff, as per the upgrade scripts with each module. This is database intensive stuff and by doing a dry run on a vanilla database you can see what you are up against.
Hope that helps.

magento installation, localhost/magento is redirecting to

I have downloaded latest version of magento from their website. When i am running it from browser like this localhost/magento it redirects me to I am using windows 7 and wamp. All other projects on my localhost are working fine just magento is having this redirect problem.
This problem is occuring in office. I tried it at home on windows 8 using wamp it installed without any problem.
Do somebody know how can i solve this problem and run magento on localhost??? Please provide me some help
Thanks james for the responce. There is nothing related to database there because this was all happening before i set up the configuration. Any ways i updated my php version and downloaded the latest version and it is running without any problem. I was using 5.3.13 previously and i dont think that its that too old that magento start doing problem.
It sounds like the magento URL stored in the database is set to be when you want it to be http://localhost/magento
You can check this from a MySQL gui of the command line by running:
select * from core_config_data where path = 'web/unsecure/base_url';
How I work is by setting up in the VHOST for apache a serverName so magento.local, I then update my hosts file ( Sorry without doing a google search I dont know where this is located on windows ). Then use this URL in my magento database.
Either way check the SQL above's result compared to what you are expecting. If you have any more problems after this please paste the output from the SQL and I can help more.

Joomla blank after changing server, admin panel good

I did a cPanel move of a Joomla 1.5 website and a PHPBB3 forum from one server to another, and when the DNS changes kicked in all I see is a blank page. The administrator panel works without any problems whatsoever. cPanel works. Website and forum (which is separate from the website) are both blank.
I have then manually downloaded and then uploaded all files (didn't move the databases manually), and some files wouldn't upload because of 555 file permissions. I changed the permissions to 777 temporarily to overwrite the file with the manually uploaded one. So all files are now the same as they were on the old server.
Even when I turn the Site Debugging on, the screen is blank.
There is no hidden index.html or default.html file which could be causing the problem.
The entire account was moved with cPanel so it's the same on the old server and the new server. The hosting provider reports no problems. The DNS changes kicked in two days ago.
PHP is working, as this link works:
In configuration.php, there is nothing specifically pointing to the old site.
var $dbtype = 'WeboMySql';
var $host = 'localhost';
All roads in these cases generally lead to configuration.php Check spelling and punctuation for mistakes. Also, enable one of the default Joomla Templates to be sure that whatever template you're using isn't also using old values.
Problem is solved.
The configuration.php file was to blame, as everyone suggested, but there was no possible way to change it manually and get it right, I had to make the system determine its own configuration.
I installed a fresh version of Joomla in a separate folder, and a fresh version of PHPBB3 in a separate folder.
Then I took the configuration.php and config.php files for those two things and put them in the existing folders of the website which didn't work.
Changed the minor details such as database prefixes (as I couldn't have entered the existing ones while installing), and that's it. Now it works.
So this might be a good workaround for anyone facing the same problem. Install a dummy version of Joomla and use the generated configuration.php file for the old, non-functioning website.
Before starting to debug the server, turn debug-mode on (in the admin CP)
First thing I would try is to delete the cache by running: rm –rf /var/www/html/<your website directory>/var/cache/*
The next thing I would try is to switch to another template - make sure that the template is not the issue.
Also, make sure to check the apache access log - just in case. also, you can check .htaccess for stuff like 301 redirect rules or any other problematic configuration (same applies for httpd.conf and configuration.php)
Good luck!
