Joomla - Global Configuration freeze and can't save or edit articles - joomla

Joomla version 3.3.6
Some aspects of the back end is quick and I can save, edit or create easily e.g. module manager. Going to control panel also quick.
Going to global configuration freezes the browser. I also noticed that I can't edit articles.
Everything should be standard. The only thing I played around with was groups. I've added A LOT of groups under the "Manager" group. Don't know if this could have caused the above two issues.
Please assist.

I've been having the same issue for months, I finally got it working for me. I have a bunch of custom user groups as well, so maybe this will help you too.
Turns out the error was PHP Warning: Unknown: Input variables exceeded 1000. To increase the limit change max_input_vars in php.ini.
I added this to my php.ini file
max_input_vars = 5000


Drupal 7 very slow due to cache clearing at each page

I don't know exactly why my drupal 7 website became suddenly slow last week, after few days in production.
With xhprof, i see that at each page load,the system_list_reset() function triggers a call to cache_clear_all() function.
I deactivated all cache features.
I've read that it may due to missing files in modules and/or themes, but I didn't find missing files (except a wrong issue in 'missing module message fixer' module that indicates a missing module in view_export sub-module of view module).
I manually searched them , I didn't find where drupal can list these missing files.
Or maybe it's due to another problem.
Open page inspector of your browser and in network tab check what files have unusually long loading time. It maybe be that some external service is causing this. Also it can be that your site is hacked...
Check most banal reason, the storage space - maybe disc of your server is full?
Check if file paths drupal is using are writable. Go to Configuration -> Median -> File system and just click Save. If some path is not writable it will get red outline.
Go to Reports -> Recent log message and check if some issue is maybe logged there. Also check for web server/php logs.
Try updating modules and drupal core - maybe some bug caused that and it's hopefully fixed in module update.
If not, try disabling modules one by one and see will that still happen. If you don't find problematic module try the same method with your theme. Would be good not to try this in production development and/or make backup before doing this.
thanks a lot,
by disabling module one by one, and by "datamining" in drupal DB, i've found that ADVAGG module was guilty.
The clean was difficult, because some entires remains in some tables of Drupal DB afther the module removing, but I hope it Ok.
Funny :-/ with 'top', I've found a mining soft in /var/tmp/
systemd-private-a5422b1e6694466bbb0b63203573cad1-apache2.service-jMBN4U : nullcrew (from
I will investigate how it could land on my webserver
Best regards,

Failure for config changes in Magento to take effect

I've inherited a projected involving a fairly large Magento store with no handover and no line of communication with the previous developer.
I have been teaching myself Magento for a few days and I feel I have a reasonable appreciation of it.
The main task I have to do is to create a new design for the front end, which seems straight forward enough to do through a theme. As there was only one website set up in magento, I created another as a test environment.
The issue I have, is that any change I make to configuration settings seem to take effect intermittently. I have disable cache, but still have the problem.
Specifically, at the moment, template path hints on are turned on. After turning them for the test website (where they are enabled), they still appear. This change was made half an hour ago, i have manually cleared cache on both the site and the browser.
Am I missing something?
Not the clearest explanation but these usually help:
Have you disabled the Merge of JS and CSS files in system > configuration > Advanced > Developer ?
After you've done that you need to flush the JS and CSS (Same page you turned off your cache)
Also if you're making Category & Product changes you should reindex data inSystem > Index Management
Make sure the compilation is disabled as well system > tools > compilation
Check the compiler is off too, although that shouldn't affect the template hints. Also check that there aren't any other caches such as an HTML cache at the webserver. And do flush the Magento Cache and Cache Storage too.
I think the main thing you need to look at is the 'Current Configuration Scope:' in the top-left of the Magento Admin System->Configuration page. That drop-down will control which 'website' you are setting config values for.
If it isn't that, please try to give more information about your set up; I didn't really understand your setup from your question. I recommend you set up a second server as your development server rather than a second website in an existing setup.
I would also add that the RWD theme in Magento 1.9 is an excellent theme and you might want to consider modifying that theme.

Magento unsecure_base_url randomly resets to default

I've been working on a Magento site for a few months now. About 2 weeks ago, the site suddenly seemed broken. All the css was gone and I was unable to log into the admin (which was also missing its styles).
I was able to access the database through my host's control panel & found that the unsecure_base_url and secure_base_url were both changed. I had set them to:
but now they had /magento on the end like this:
This was the default value upon installation. But since the entire site is in magento, I took it out of this directory and moved it into the web root when I started the project.
I manually changed the values in the database, along with my admin password, which was also not working. About a week later, the same thing happened again. Then a couple days later, it happened again. Then it happened again in the next day and again in the same day after I fixed it.
In the meantime, I've been scouring the server looking for any scripts that could be running that would change these values. I haven't found anything. I looked at every file that had a date matching the time this started & verified with my host that they were legitimate files.
I've also been looking through the magento code, looking for every instance of "core_config_data" to see if I can find any code that sets that value but I haven't found anything yet.
I'm using the community edition. Is there some code in there that resets the base urls after a trial period or something? I've searched but can't find anyone else who's experienced this problem.
I did find some magento cache files that contained Could it be that it's reverting to cached values? I've flushed the magento cache and cache storage. caching is actually disabled on the site at the moment anyway because it's still in development but it was enabled previously.
Thanks in advance for ANY help, leads, or advice.
If it's being set programmatically via some kind of observer or Magento-configured cron, this is the most probable syntax:
$config->saveConfig('web/unsecure/base_url', '', 'default');
$config->saveConfig('web/secure/base_url', '', 'default');
Knowing this, I'd do a search for this string:
grep -Ri "saveConfig('web/secure/base_url" .
grep -Ri "saveConfig('web/unsecure/base_url" .
I'd start in app/code, and if that turns up nothing, I'd sit through a grep in the Magento root directory.
That will at least rule that out if nothing else.

Prompt to reload an externally modified file in Textmate 2?

Im finding myself using TextMate 2 more and more for development these days
One thing that is bugging me is that it does not seem to reload a file when it is changed externally.
This is a big problem since I use terminal to switch git branches a lot, and it often results in accidentally saving an older version over the new branch
Sadly the TM team seem to have disabled the Issue tracker on github, and documentation just seems scattered far and wide over the web in tiny scraps.
Any ideas?
Right now it reloads the file silently whenever the file on Disk is changed. There is currently no option for a prompt.
Regarding the closed issue tracker: As an alternative, you can always send a mail to the Textmate users list if you find a problem.
I just updated to TM 2. In the past, I have enjoyed using TM to view development.log as I am introducing new or modified code. TM 1 would ask me if I want to revert to what's on disk and of course I would respond with Yes. Then I could see any additions to the log file. Occasionally I would empty the log file with Cmd+A, Delete, Cmd+S. Macromates, please make TM 2 work like TM 1 reloading content.
I also could not find a solution to this problem which is still there, however it is possible to file an issue using this contact page:
Additionally there are hidden setting which cannot be set from the GUI. Unfortunately they don't include and setting for automatic load from disk:

Magento Store - Extensions Breaking Admin

Previously I was able to download extensions without a problem. Now when I click on admin > system > magento connect > magento connect manager
I get a blank screen with a few characters:
I am able to access the downloader via The problem is evertime I download an extension now and then try to access admin > system > config I get the same blank screen error. If I uninstall the last extension it starts working again.
I’ve tried a number of different extensions but get the same problems. I also tried disabling all current extensions and it didn’t dix this.
Anyone know how I could fix this? Or is it possible to reinstall the downloader without reinstalling my entire store?
I'm still a novice with Magento, but did some research on your problem that you may find helpful.
It looks like this thread over at the official Magento forums has some good suggestions:
It may be your problem is caused by either permissions problems on your filesystem, or a corrupt core extension.
I would say that if you can't resolve your problem based on any of the advice in that thread, your best bet would be to uncomment:
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
in your magento/index.php file and post here any error messages you get when trying to access Magento Connect.
Good luck!
It looks to me that your index.php file (or some other involved file) has a byte order mark (BOM) at the top of it. Try using an encoding converter to take out the BOM.
