How to take screenshots on protected medias? [closed] - macos

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I saw this awesome movie that I watched on DVD and wanted to take a screen shot of it, but when I did, it was transparent. I could only see my desktop taken but not the movie. Is there a specific program or hack that could let me take a screen shot of that content? I tried every screen shot software, but still leaves it transparent.

Try VLC player, under Menu->Video you should see 'Take Snapshot'. As far as I remember it worked for me while I had the same problem (though on windows).
Here is the download link:

Use proper player, such as KMPlayer. In there you can do PrintScreen or choose a variety of options:


is possible to "hash" a ssim from original image so i dont have to read the image again? [closed]

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Closed 5 months ago.
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Currently I started working on a personal project where you will constantly receive images, similar or not. Every new image received do I need to loop through absolutely every other image already saved to compare ssim?
The answer is No you can't recover the image from SSIM and Yes you'd have to loop over all images for comparison.
However you may look at image compression to have faster evaluation of the SSIM.
Some example images would be welcome for a better answer.

Non-vectorial illustration to animation, is it possible? [closed]

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We don’t allow questions seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. You can edit the question so it can be answered with facts and citations.
Closed 9 months ago.
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A graphic artist created this illustration: .
Then, someone created an animation out of the illustration: (background animation). Is it possible that someone else (than the original artist) did this animation, without having the vectorial file?
For the illustration, Photoshop is the best tool for this.
For the animation, there are many apps that can make a simple animation from chosen photo, you can search in your phone's app store

Bottom of LCD screen flickering on certain graphics [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Looks like the lower portion of my LCD is trying to readjust its height.
This doesn't show up if I record the screen. It seems to only appear when displaying certain kinds of graphics... like the dark UIs of Blender and Adobe Illustrator. It also shows up if I play back a video of these troublesome GUIs in fullscreen!
What could be causing this?
EDIT: Fixed by moving the image up when the problem occurs.
It looks like your monitor is adjusting the screen to fit what it is being shown. It is probably a configuration problem. You should set it to "just scan" or whichever is the equivalent on your monitor.

After Effects online/Cloud rendering [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Does any company offer an online rendering service for After Effects?
I have a file with 144 HD clips all masked, and my poor little macbook can't handle it (288 hours render time).
There are no effects, only masks, as it is, in effect, a pre-render.
If anyone has suggestions of how I can speed up this render, would be super appreciated.
Here's catalog of render form services wiht special topic about After Effects online and Cloud rendering Look and choose what you want and make rendering of your clips
None that I know of. You can set up After Effects to render over a local network, of course you'll need multiple computers with After Effects installed. See here:
There is a company that will be distributing extra CPU cycles but they are not operational yet.

Digital Zoom practical use? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I would like to hear any practical uses of Digital Zoom.
I only see disadvantages of it like:
When enabled the quality drops
When enabled camera gets very sensitive so blurs
When enabled it's useless
I see it only as a way to crop the image but that can be done in software later and with better view of an image as well as you can select the part which you would like to crop.
So anyone, please state any useful example of digital zoom :)
I am curious to know.
It's a convenience feature for people who are not very intimate with digital image processing. And, in addition, the "zoomed" (cropped) image does not require as much disk space.

