is there a way to display author image in joomla article - joomla

I'm currently designing a website for a client and the client is requesting to display the author picture and name on every article. I searched but, can't find an option to do that.
Is there a way to display the author picture on each article?

There are a number of extensions that will let you integrate with Gravatar and other services.
In terms of the Joomla core, you can already link an author to a contact page with an image (when the author is the linked user) and you could write a plugin to pull the image from the contact record since you already have the record id. You could also store the image location as part of the user profile and write a plugin for that.


How to upload an extra image on new discussion and use as featured image of discussion?

For a project I'm developing with Vanilla forum, I want to have option to allow user to add featured image in Vanilla forum post. I want this featured image to be displayed on homepage along with all the posts that are displayed by default (without any featured image).
As I'm relatively new to Vanilla forum development, I'm unable to figure out:
How do I provide user the option to upload featured image with each post at the time of posting new? I've tried using file upload plugin, but this inserts image in "gdn_media" database table having no connection with discussion ID.
How to customize select query of Vanilla forum to retrieve additional field, if I had to get featured image say from media table or a custom-made table of mine?

How to add user-data in JOOMLA?

i wannt to build a website with user management. User should be able to loggin with different accounts, f.e. GMail, Facebook, .....
When the user is logged in he/she can upload pictures with geolocation data and some text.
All uploaded geolocations should be visualized on something like google-maps.
Unregisterd users can view the map, but can not change the data or upload anything.
To solve this requirement i decided to use JOOMLA 2.5. with the "plugin_googlemap_J25_J3x.v3.2" plugin.
Everything i know about JOOMLA is what i learned the last two days.So i am very new to it.
Currently i am stuck, because i do not know how to save the user-data (pictures with geolocation data and some text) in JOOMLA.
I asked google! For more than an hour now! Could not find anything, related to that topic!
So my concrete questions are:
I suppose it is not possible to extend the JOOMLA user data database with the user-data, or?
If this is not possible, than i need a second database which holds the user-data, or?
Does anyone knows a tutorial which solves this problem?
I found someting for wordpress ""
but i have to check if this solves my requirements.
Try this,
First make a list of your requirement then go to JED(Joomla extension Directory). search for related extensions.
Here from your requirement ,
You need a Customized Joomla Registration form
Social Media logins
And so on, so check the details of requirement and extension available, In any way you may need some customization on the Application then you can create some plugins for Users events.
Hope it helps..

Joomla 2.5: Article Approval before publish Article or page in

I Need a help in Joomla, Currently have a website in Joomla 2.5 that's have a 25 Article & will make a new article as per my client input.
I want to update existing article but not want to publish without client approval those changes means, if my existing article id is: article&id=101 It's remains after text updated but not want to view this updated text for public user, I am already know about User Groups (Author, Editor, Publisher) but they not able to full fill my requirement like Author can post content but not publish it's good to me but when Author edit this article second time it's automatically publish, here i need help because i want here to administrator approval to this modified text.
Please Help if this can Possible with any Component/Module/Plugin or any trick.
I don't believe this is possible in core functionality without unpublishing the article first, which I assume you don't want to do. You could duplicate the article (save as copy), revise as an unpublished draft and then swap articles after sign off, but it's not a particularly slick workflow.

Dynamic (Ajax) share buttons (Facebook, Google+ and Twitter) to share an image, with a link and a description

It's been few days I'm looking for a solution and I can't figure out why it's still not working.
Here is my goal:
I have a website with a sideshow. The images are dynamically changed (with previous and next buttons). I just want to share an image on social networks (facebook, google+ and twitter) and actually see the image in my wall with a little description and the link to a page.
The image is a thumbnail (so, not the same url) of the main image and the link I want to publish is neither the page I'm on (which is static due to Ajax) nor the image one.
My tries:
I have almost got it on facebook but the image loading failed and it was with a share button (which seems to be deprecated in favor of like) and for google+, the +1 button become red after I click it... I tried XFBML and OpenGraph, but the problem is with Ajax (url is the one of the page or is not changed even with createElement("
1. Is there any packaged solution (like addthis, but working the way I want)?
2. Or do you have one (or a clue) for me please?
3. Am I the only one to think that offical facebook and google+ ajax documentation are lame?
Thanks a lot.
PS: if I could have a fly-out to edit a comment with the content I'm about to share, it would be fantastic!
One way to accomplish this is with cloaking.
Setup a page which provides the image, title, and description to the social application (aka. facebook, google+). You can then use Javascript to redirect the user to the page you actually want the user to see. For users without Javascript the page should display a link to the target page with a "Click here if you are not automatically redirected". The image should exist on the page but you can place it in a div with style="display: none;" so the user doesn't actually see it.
A more advanced technique would be to use the IP address and browser name (user agent) to determine if the visitor is a user or a social network robot and using a 502 temporary redirect to the page you want the user to see if the visitor is not a social robot. The social robots would be shown a page which has the image, title and description.
The social sharing buttons that you're using all have one thing in common: they all work best when there's a URL representation for the object that you're sharing. Some of them, namely Facebook's like button and Google's +1 button, use the contents of that page to create the snippet that's shared.
This isn't a new problem, though. This is the same problem faced with search indexing of AJAX applications. Sadly there's no easy solution. Here are a couple of challenging ones:
Programmatic Solution
You can improve your back end so that it's capable of rendering pages for each shareable step in the state of your slide show: one page per image. As you step through the slide show you can destroy and re-create the social sharing plugins each time targeting them to this machine accessible version of that image.
Snapshot Solution
You can use a crawler tool that is capable of executing JavaScript to make snapshots of the different states of your application. You can then target the social sharing buttons to the snapshot of the current state.
This might require less back end work but may be challenging to keep up to date.

Social Plugins for Facebook Photos and Albums

Is it possible to use Social Plugins such as the Comments and Like plugins to display the comments and likes for a photo or album uploaded to Facebook?
I have tried various URLs for the HREF attribute (the photo source, the photo page, the graph URL, etc) and cannot get the plugin to display existing comments against the photo. Can someone suggest the correct URL (if any) that I should use?
I can get access to the list of comments using the graph API, however I would prefer to make use of the social plugins if possible.
Currently you can not use them in that manner. You can use the graph api to read and write comments, read and add albums and photos.
This is somewhat involved and requires knowledge of coding.
I personally have been working on a Feed for the wall, and for albums and have to say it was no easy task.
