I'm currently a very casual user of Apache Mahout, and I'm considering purchasing the book Mahout in Action. Unfortunately, I'm having a really hard time getting an idea of how worth it this book is -- and seeing as it's a Manning Early Access Program book (and therefore only currently available as a beta-version e-book), I can't take a look myself in a bookstore.
Can anyone recommend this as a good (or less good) guide to getting up to speed with Mahout, and/or other sources that can supplement the Mahout website?
Speaking as a Mahout committer and co-author of the book, I think it is worth it. ;-)
But seriously, what are you working on? Maybe we can point you to some resources.
Some aspects of Mahout are just plain hard to figure out on your own. We work hard at answering questions on the mailing list, but it can really help to have sample code and a roadmap. Without some of that, it is hard to even ask a good question.
Also a co-author here. Being "from the horse's mouth" it's probably by far the most complete write-up out there for Mahout itself. There are some good blog posts out there, and certainly plenty of good books on more generally machine learning (I like Collective Intelligence in Action as a broad light intro). has a few people that say they like the book FWIW, as do the book forums ( I think you can return the e-book if it's not quite what you wanted. It definitely has 6 chapters on clustering.
there are many parts of the book that are out of date, a version or two behind what is current. In addition, there are several mistakes within the text, particularly within the examples. this may make things a bit tricky when trying to replicate the discussed results.
Additionally, you should be aware that the most mature part of mahout, the recommender system, taste, isnt distributed. I'm not really sure why this is packaged with the rest of mahout. this is more a complaint about the software package than mahout itself.
Currently the best out there. Probably as mature as the product. Some aspects are better than others, insight into the underlying implementation is good, practical methods to get up and running on Linux, mac osx, etc for beginners not so much. Defining a clear strategy about how to keep a recommender updated is iffy. Production examples pretty thin. Good as a starting point but you need a lot more. Authors make best attempt to help, but is a pretty new product. All in all, yes, buy it.
I got the book a few weeks ago. Highly recommended. The authors are very active on the mailing list, too, and there is a lot of cool energy in this project.
You might also consider reading through Paco Nathan's Enterprise Data Workflows in Cascading. You can run PMML on your cluster exported from R or SAS. That is not to say anything bad about Mahout in Action, the authors did a great job and clearly put good time and effort into making it instructive and interesting. This is more of a suggestion to look beyond Mahout. It's not currently getting the kind of traction it would if it were more user friendly.
As it stands, the Mahout user experience is kinda choppy, and doesn't really give you a clear idea of how to develop and update intelligent systems and their life cycles, IMO. Mahout is not really acceptable for academics either, they are more likely to use Matlab or R. In the Mahout docs, the random forest implementation barely works and the docs have erroneous examples, etc... Thats frustrating, and the parallelism and scalability of the Mahout routines depend on the algorithm. I don't currently see Mahout going anywhere solid as it stands, again IMO. I hope I'm wrong!
I am a one-man shop at the place where I work, and when I started there I had zero experience and a BS degree from a below-par school of Computer Science. On top of that, my first project at the company involved not just figuring out good design principles, it also involved learning a new language. Needless to say, my code was crappy in the beginning, and all the new features I've added since then have been hacked on top of all that crappy code. It's amazing to me that my software works as well as it does.
I have learned a TON during my employment, and I am dying to refactor my code to make it more readable so future new hires can dive in and help me with it. I also REALLY want to make it easier to add new features without having to hack stuff together. I think it would be useful to learn a framework like Prism for WPF/Silverlight, but I have a huge to-do list (since I am a one-man shop), and it looks like it will take a pretty decent amount of time just to learn how to use it.
Now I have read up a little bit on Prism to where I know the basic principles behind it. Furthermore, it wouldn't be hard to write my own code that accomplishes some of the same things that Prism is used for. I've actually done that already to some degree and I'm making good progress on making things more modular.
My question is this: should I go on writing more infrastructure code that gives me exactly what I need and no more, or should I take the time to learn something like Prism? Or maybe it could be asked like this: Should I spend time writing my own simple custom solutions, or should I spend time trying to grasp a rich, vast framework that may possibly be more complex than is necessary? And what factors should I take into account when making the decision?
I wrote my own PHP MVC framework for a recent project with exactly what I needed. It was loads of fun, taught me a lot, and an overall good experience, and I will never, ever do it again. While an excellent secondary distraction project, it highly detracted from my productivity on the main project.
Really, a lot of it depends on just how much infrastructure you will have to develop. If it's just a tiny bit that won't take more than an hour or two, go for it. If it will take significant amounts of time, use someone else's work, move on, and get your project done.
With the background you give - mostly self-educated and no peers to discuss your current development - you should absolutely check out other libraries and tools. At the very least, get new input how code can be designed and problems can be solved. You may feel that you have achieved something - and you have, congratulations - but that's a plateau, not the peak.
"I have no time to learn something new because I have so much to do"
- that's what I read in your rationale for more code.
This is a warning sign - you are moving yourself into a dangerous position. No time to learn? No time to document? No time to think of all the implications? No time to do it right? No time to train a new employee? No time to call it a day?
You won't solve this problem by learning prism, or any other library, but it's the wrong rationale.
Third, code bogs you down. Having more code to maintain makes you slower. One-man-startups can crank out hundreds, even thousands of LOC per day for days and weeks. As projects and organizations get larger, you end up with an average of a few dozen.
As a recommendation from personal experience: write bulding blocks, not frameworks. Frameworks are great when you have to make the same application with different company logos over and over. Or, as TDWTF's Alex says, the key is in the differences not the similarities.
I don't want you to stop writing code, far from it. But you are discussing a tradeoff, and from the information you've given, I would recommend to put most weight on learning new things.
If the app your writing is going to be around for a while and have to be maintained, particularly by other developers, then any time spent to learn and integrate a standard framework will be worthwhile.
It'll provide documentation for how the app is written and any developer familiar with that framework will be able to pick it up faster. It should reduce the amount of code you have to write and help you concentrate on your specific business problem and not the plumbing of writing an application.
The core issue is, how many times will you re-use the framework, saving you each time the work of re-implementing similar stuff instead? Remember, the stuff you write from scratch, if it's supposed to be any good at all, will have to be tested, validated against different environments (clients &c), and maintained -- all stuff that would come to you "for free" by using a good, actively maintained framework.
If you're going to use that framework only a couple of times, maybe the net returns are still in favor of rewriting from scratch -- but if the framework covers a field that you need in more than just a couple cases, the returns on the investment of learning to use the framework (assuming it's any good!-) vs redoing things from scratch are going to be vastly positive!
I was in a similar situation when I graduated college. I received an offer from a large company about 1.5 years into my stay at the small company. What I learned was this (may be different for you and others):
It was an awesome idea to work at a small company right out of school. I say this because you have to wear many different hats. For example you would write the code, test the code, deploy the code, write stored procs, etc. The end result is that you are familiar with the entire process from conception to whatever. That experience is critical I think.
I loved writing code. I remember the days that I would be driving home and thinking of my day spent dealing with production support issues. I was spending more time supporting customers and writing "one offs" that I wasn't mostly writing code.
Working for a big company is a bad idea right of college. When you're working for a big company they have a specific role for you, and you have specific boundaries. If you're a developer at a big company odds are that you are not deploying the application(s) to production, or tuning stored procs.
Working for a big company is a great idea after working for a small one. That's because if you work at the small company it will force you to learn about a lot more than just coding. And if you understand that you will be a better developer.
Working with good developers makes you better. When you work with a group of guys that are good you will get better. This is because each dev has a specific history that they bring to the group, and you all learn from one another. On the group that I work with mainly right now there is: an MSBuild expert, a Silverlight expert and an F# expert, and other good guys. So some of the guys learn MSBuild from me, and I learn from them. Just talking to guys who are good can make you better.
So if I was you, don't spend too much time there. Maybe 1 or 2 years, after that find a job somewhere that has some talented developers. You will be a much better dev in 5 years. I know that I am because of my move.
I'll play contrarian: YAGNI (You Aren't Going to Need It).
What if the framework
Is badly designed?
Is buggy?
Is too slow?
Will be different in two years, and the old version won't be supported?
Discussions of frameworks often assume that frameworks are great, where the reality is that frameworks vary just like anything else, and many frameworks are larded with stuff you are never going to need.
Here's some advice that I hope bears on your more specific questions:
Continue to make incremental improvements. It sounds like you are being productive with this approach and that it is paying off for you.
Learn more about the framework. Or multiple frameworks. Maybe you can try a small pilot project in, say, 1 to 4 days.
It is an honorable strategy to learn about a framework not in order to use the framework, but in order to cherry-pick the best ideas and adopt them into your own designs.
If you decide for the time being not to adopt a framework, this is an easy decision to revisit later. If you decide to adopt a framework, backing away from it later can be very expensive. It may be worth paying some extra costs up front to reduce the probability of making a very expensive mistake.
I think where I have been burned the most is by depending on somebody else's code base that changed out from under me. I call this the "every Perl script I ever wrote was broken a year later" problem. But I work on a lot of different small projects that tend to get bursty attention and have a very long lifetime compared to the time it took to create one. If you have one big project that you're working with daily for years, you can adapt more easily to changes in external frameworks.
Who has that tool?
This is what I ask to myself everytime I need to solve every problem. This is the main factor to evaluate the effort necessary for develop the tool.
When starting a large project, everyone define well known (at project scope) usefull statements; thinking to enlarge that abstraction layer depends on the frequency of the problem, the importance of the the problem solution, the effort to develop the solution.
Say for instance I'm going to do some seat of my pants coding adding a feature to an enterprise app. What are some good examples/tenants/cardinal rules a person can follow for making a fairly complex setup/config screen not look like feet.
What I'm looking for is along the lines of "Don't put one thing in a group box". But I'd also like some help with symmetry if anyone knows what layouts are most likely to achieve a relative amount of good looks that would be helpful.
Here's a cardinal rule you asked for: line up the controls vertically /horizontally and equally space the various related elements. And use correct spelling on your labels!
We've all come across screens where there are misaligned controls (even a couple pixels is noticeable) or misspelling on labels. When this happens to me I can't help but subconsciously look for other mistakes, plus it decreases my confidence in the application I'm using!
This is actually a huge topic. I frequently go to the Microsoft UX Guide for reminders on how to do this.
Some basics:
Make your app read like a book: left
to right, top to bottom
Use goal-oriented language instead of
technology oriented language
Not a cardinal rule but a great resource:
Apple UI Guidelines (good info for any OS)
EDIT: Re: achieving symmetry - things don't have to be perfectly symmetrical, but you want a feel of balance. Take a step back and get a sense of whether the page or form feels like it's leaning/falling to the left or right.
E.g., with stackoverflow, the main content is to the left, but it's nicely balanced by the extra stuff on the right.
I find that paper is my friend. I like to write out a list of objectives the form has to accomplish, and then sketch the form by hand, labeling the parts. Drawing it out lets me get away from making sure it looks perfect and that everything is aligned just right, and lets me focus on making sure that all the components I need are placed, hopefully somewhere logically. It also forces me to lay out the UI twice, so by the time I open my UI designer, I've already designed the form once and you hopefully know what I am doing
Some basic rules for you.
Try to make effective use of whitespace. Don't cram everything together in an effort to get as much stuff on screen as possible. This will make grouped controls more clear and text more legible.
Basic typography. Limit your use of fonts to 1 or 2. Don't use bold too much or it loses its emphasis.
The same goes for colours. Don't use too many, the fewer the better most of the time.
Don't just use icons to save space. Tiny icons with no explanation are useless.
Copy. Not wholesale of course, but if you are not well-versed in UI design yourself, it makes sense to take elements of interfaces you know work and apply them in your own designs.
Be clear about the purpose of the interface. How does it fit within the broader application for example? And what are the specific objectives you are trying to satisfy with it?
Get people to test it for you, early and often. I don't know what setup you are working with, or what kind of organisation you are in, but getting some kind of human feedback on your work will always be helpful, even if you lack the time and expertise to conduct proper usability evaluations.
Since you use the term, "seat of your pants," I'm assuming that you don't want to spend too much time on the UI. If you are willing to devote some time to the UI, you may want to look into custom control or UI development that will suit your situation. Like Firefox's Options UI or the .NET project properties in Visual Studio 2008.
If you are looking for something using standard controls, it is probably best to separate out different sections of related items into tabs or some other type of stacking control (i.e. Ribbon control). A good example of the tabbed version would be the Notepad++ Preferences UI. Many other programs use a similar scheme.
The best way to get a UI that makes sense is to follow Joel's advice:
Eat your own dog food.
Do it a few times to your own UI, and you'll notice some things you didnt think of intially.
I've found that a really good test is getting someone non-technical to use your GUI. Watching someone use it for 5-10mins normally gives me a very good idea about what is/isn't easier to understand.
This series by Joel Spolsky is a pretty good read and Jakob Nielsen's stuff Usability and Web Design is pretty useful.
Specific rules I try and use are:
Put items in logical groups
Line everything up
Use sensible images/icons
Spend 5-10 mins thinking through why things are the way there are
Only use words that make sense to the user not to you!
Start from the setup/config UI of an existing application that you feel is both simple and usable.
Most tenants/cardinal rules apply to UI in general and fill hundreds and hundreds of pages in UI design and HCI books, so you probably want to just work your way by example for now, while trying to capitalize on existing user experience (habits), i.e. obeying the rule of "least surprise": e.g. if your application is a Windows application, use the Installation Wizard pattern, if it's an ncurses app for a particular flavor of *nix follow the style of that particular OS's actual installation UI, etc.
You might be interested in the book "Don't Make Me Think," (author's web site) or "About Face 3.0". Both come highly recommended for reading about how to design interfaces.
I'm a computer science student designing a project and I've started wondering what are good examples or software, or even hardware that are toeing the line between being feature rich with good usable features for regular users and being too intimidating for new users. Also could anyone recommend any good tips/books for designing good quality applications that are feature rich but not "bloated"?
"Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler." - Albert Einstein
"Perfection is reached not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
I am not trying to be flippant but these quotes really are the best advice. Simplicity of design should be your goal. Not that achieving simplicity is easy! On the contrary, it is quite difficult but it is possible.
Try thinking about things a bit differently. Rather than
How many things can I add before this becomes bloated?
What are the fewest number of features and elements I can include while still providing a superior experience for my users?
Here's a good set of slides from a presentation on the topic: Rescue Princess 2.0.
The first order of business should just be keeping the application easy to use. Beyond that, all I can say is, beware of writing features for an imaginary user: make sure someone actually needs it before you start coding.
As a direct answer to your question: pretty much any Microsoft product. I'm showing my bias here, but Microsoft has a strong tendency to keep their codebase, and add features on top of features until the original functionality of the app is nearly lost beneath mounds of accreted crud.
Look at MS Word, for example; while you can still just open it up and start typing, god forbid if you want to renumber a section of your document while leaving the rest alone. Heaven forbid if you want to generate a Table of Contents that includes references to an Appendix. This sort of stuff is something that is de rigeur for Word Processors, and Word supports it, it just supports it in a way that you cannot get it done without a manual, several cups of coffee, and bandages to stop the bleeding from banging your head on the desk.
Microsoft isn't alone in doing this; this thing tends to happen all the time, with all sorts of products; but they are among the worst offenders, I've found.
1: What do your users need, and want, and
2: Which features will you have time to implement?
Your question is pretty general. Which features constitute bloat? That kind of depends on whether you're writing an antivirus scanner, an OS or a word processor.
There is no clear barrier between "good" and "too much".
However, it depends on what you want to do.
If you're developing a SDK, I recommend splitting your implementation in several small libraries(rather than just one big SDL library, there is the SDL core, SDL_Mixer, SDL_Image, etc.)
If you're developing an application, keep a module-based system and a plug-in mechanism.
That way, new features can be added more easily and bloat can be more easily detected.
You may get to a point where you'll add new features some will consider "great" and others "bloat". Otherwise, your application may reach a point that some will call it "feature-poor" and others will call it "just enough".
This isn't an exact quote, but the idea was something like this:
A piece of software is perfect not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing more to remove.
In essence, the simpler and more to-the-point is a software, the better.
To get examples of good software design, take a look at programs that are popular today. Google applications would be a nice place to look. Skype perhaps. Heh, even StackOverflow. :)
If you want intimidating, go to the world of CAD. Check out for example Blender. That's a freeware 3D designer software. Good tool I'm told, but the UI has so many buttons/panels/menus/etc. that it makes baby bunnies cry. Unfortunately I cannot say if this would be a good example of a "bad" UI. 3D designing is a very complex process and all those tools are probably in the right place. But it's definately intimidating. :)
A bad UI design can often be found with propieritary software that comes with propieritary hardware. Unfortunately I cannot give you any examples from the top of my head.
I always tend to design my projects in a way that they're just skeletons which are as extensible as possible. Limiting factors are performance, complexity or Thirdparty-limitations.
This way you could add additional features after finishing the basic structure. A user could also add his needed features.
This probably does not work very good for GUI-applications which should have a good usability without much configuration, but I'm sticking good with this approach for those libs I develop. (They're used by other coders who like to have a highly modifable piece of software)
It's not very hard to develop an application/lib which is bloated with features. But it is to develop an app which could be easily extended by other developers/users to match their own needs.
Develop a wide-ranging plug-in system so you add and take out stuff at any time. Problem solved. If only that was as easy as writing spaghetti code. ;)
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I've had several false starts in the past with teaching myself how to program. I've worked through several books (mostly C and Python), and end up just learning the syntax without feeling as though I could sit down and actually write a program for myself. When I try to look through the source trees of a project on Codeplex or Sourceforge, I never seem to know where to start reading the code -- the dependencies seem to go in all directions.
I feel as though I'm not learning programming the way it's done "on the street," so I figured I'd take a different approach to asking how a newbie should learn how to code. If you had to learn programming all over again, what are the things you wouldn't do? What did you spend time doing that you now know wasted you weeks or months?
Where I see beginners wasting weeks or months is typing at the keyboard. The computer is very responsive and will cheerfully chew up hours of your time in the edit-compile-run cycle. If you are learning you will save many hours if
You plan out your design on paper before you approach a computer. It doesn't matter what design method you pick or if you have never heard of a design method. Just write down a plan while your brain is fully engaged and not distracted by the computer.
When code will not compile or will not produce the right answer, if you can't fix it in five minutes, walk away from the computer. Go think about what's happening. Print out your code and scribble on it until you believe it's right.
These are just devices for helping to implement the simple but difficult old advice to think before you code.
When I was learning, I solved countless problems on the 15-minute walk from the computing center to my home. Sadly, with modern PCs we don't get that 15 minutes :-) If you can learn to take it anyway, you will become a better programmer, faster.
I certainly wouldn't start by looking at "real" software projects. Like you say, it's too hard to know where to start. That's largely because large projects are more about their large-scale design than about the individual algorithms or about program flow; for one thing, you're probably looking at a complex GUI application with multi-threading, etc. There isn't really anywhere to "start" looking at the code.
The best way to learn programming is to have a problem you want (need) to solve, and then going about solving it. But most importantly, WRITE CODE. When you read programming books, do ALL the exercises. Make sure you did them right. There's no substitute for writing code. No substitute for screwing up and then fixing it.
Stack Over F.. wait no, heh.
The biggest time-sinks for me are generally in respect to "finding the best answer." I often find that I will run into a problem that I know how to solve but feel that there is a better solution and go on the hunt for it. It is only hours/days later that I come to my senses and realize that I have 7 instances of Firefox, each containing at least 5 tabs sprawled out across 46" of monitor space that I realize that I've been caught in the black hole that is the pursuit of endless knowledge.
My advice to you, and myself for that matter, is to become comfortable with notion of refractoring. Essentially what this means (incase you are are not familiar with the term) is you come up with a solution for a problem and go with it, even if there is quite likely a better way of doing it. Once you have finished the problem, or even the program, you can then revisit your methodology, study it, and figure out where you can make changes to improve it.
This concept has always been hard for me to follow. In college I preferred to to write a paper once, print, and turn it in. Writing code can be thought of very similarly to writing a paper. Simply putting the pen to the pad and pushing out whats on your mind may work - but when you look back over it with a fresh pair of eyes you will, without question, see something you will wish you had done differently.
I just noticed you talked about reading through source trees of other people's projects. Reading other people's code is a wonderful idea, but you must read more selectively. A lot of open-source code is hard to read and not stuff you should emulate anyway. So avoid reading any code that hasn't been recommended by a programmer you respect.
Hint: Jon Bentley, Brian Kernighan, Rob Pike, and P. J. Plauger, who are all programmers I respect, have published a lot of code worth reading. In books.
The only way to learn how to program is to write more code. Reading books is great, but writing / fixing code is the best way to learn. You can't learn anything without doing.
You might also want to look at this book, How to Design Programs, for more of a perspective on design than details of syntax.
The only thing that I did that wasted weeks or months was worry about whether or not my designs were the best way to implement a particular solution. I know now that this is known as "premature optimization" and we all suffer from it to one degree or another. The right way to learn programming is to solve a problem, measure your solution to make sure it performs good enough, then move on to the next problem. After some time you'll have a pile of problems you've solved, but more importantly, you'll know a programming language.
There is excellent advice here, in other posts. Here are my thoughts:
1) Learn to type, the reasons are explained in this article by Steve Yegge. It will help more than you can imagine.
2) Reading code is generally considered a hard task. So, it is better to get an open source project, compile it, and start changing it and learn that way, rather than reading and trying to understand.
I can understand the situation you're in. Reading through books, even many will not make you programmer. What you need to do is START PROGRAMMING.
Actually programming is a lot like swimming in my opinion, even if you know only a little syntax and even lesser amount of coding techniques, start coding anyway. Make a small application, a home inventory, an expense catalog, a datesheet, a cd cataloger, anything you fancy.
The idea is to get into the nitty-gritties of it. Once you start programming you'll run into real-world problems and your problem solving skills will develop as you combat them. That's how you become a better programmer everyday.
So get into the thick of it, and swim right through... That's how you'll make it.
Good luck
I think this question will have wildly different answers for different people.
For myself, I tried C++ at one point (I was about ten and had already been programming for a while), with a click-and-drag UI builder. I think this was a mistake, and I should have gone straight to C and pointers and such. Because I'm just that kind of person.
In your case, it sounds like you want to be led down the right path by someone and feel a bit timid about jumping in and doing something by yourself. (You've read several books and now you're asking what not to do.)
I'll tell you how I learned: by doing plenty of fun, relatively short projects, steadily growing in difficulty. I began with QBasic (which I think is still a great learning tool) and it was there where I developed most of my programming skills. They have of course been expanded and refined since that time but I was already capable of good design back in those days.
The sorts of projects you could take on depend on your interests; if you're mathematically inclined you might want to try a prime number generator or projecting 3D points onto the screen; if you're interested in game design then you could try cloning pong (easy) or minesweeper (harder); or if you're more of a hacker you might want to make a simple chat program or file encryption software.
Work on these projects on your own, and don't worry about whether you're doing things the "right" way. As long as you get it to work, you've learned many things. Some time after you've completed a project you may want to revisit it and try to do it better, or just see how other people have done that sort of thing.
Given the way you seem to want to be led along, perhaps you should find yourself a mentor.
Do not learn how to use pointers and how to manually manage memory. You mentioned C, and I spent plenty of time trying to fix bugs that were caused by mixing *x and &x. This is evil...
Find some problem to solve, write or draw a sketch of an algorithm solving the problem, then try to write it. Either use Python (which is much more friendly for beginners) or use C with statically allocated memory only. And use books/tutorials. They offer multiple excercises with solutions, so you can compare yours with them and see other approaches.
Once you'll feel that you can actually write something simple, see some book/tutorial for Object Oriented Design. It's not the best the world has to offer, but it might turn out to be intuitive. If not, check the functional programming (like LISP, Scheme or Haskell languages), or programming in logic (like Prolog). Maybe those will suit you better.
Also - find some mate. A person you can talk to about coding, code maintenance and design. Such person is worth even more than a book.
To all C fans: The C language is great, really. It allows memory usage optimization to the extent impossible in high-level languages as Python or Ruby. The compiled code is also very fast, and is the only choice for RTOS, or modern 3D games engine. But this is not a good entry point for a beginner, that's what I believe.
Oh, and good luck to you! And don't be ashamed to ask! If you don't ask, the answer is much harder to find.
Assuming you have decent math skills try It presents a series of problems to solve of increasing dificulty that should be solvible by writing short programs. This should give you experience in solving specific problems with out getting lost in the details of open source projects.
After basic language syntax, you need to learn design. Which is hard. This book may help.
I think you should stop thinking you've wasted time so far-- instead I think you're education is just incomplete, and you've taken a step you're not really ready for. It sounds like the books you've read are useful, you're learning the intricacies of the language. It sounds like you're just not accustomed to the tools you'd use then to package that code together so it runs.
Some books cover that focus on topics like language syntax, design patterns, algorithms and data structures will never mention the tools you need to actual apply that information. These books are great but if its all you've touched I think it would explain your situation.
What development environment are you using? If you're developing for windows you really should be proficient with creating projects, adding code, running and debugging in Visual Studio. You can download Visual Studio Express for free from Microsoft.
I recommend looking for tutorial like books that actually step you through the UI of development environment you are using. Look for actual screenshots with dropdown menus. Look at what the tutorials walk you through, and if its something you don't know how to do consider buying that book. Preferably it will have code you can copy'n'paste in, not code you write yourself.
I personally don't like these books as I can anticipate how to do new things in VS based on how I'd do other things. But if you're training is incomplete from a tools-usage perspective this could move you in the right direction.
It is probably harder to find these types of tutorial books for Python or C development. There is an overabundance of them for .Net development though.
As someone who has only been working as a programmer for 6 months, I might not be the best person to help you get going, but since it wasn't that long ago when I knew next to nothing, its quite fresh in my mind.
When I started my current job programming wasn't going to be part of my job description but when the opportunity came up to do some programming on the side, I couldn't pass it up.
I spent about 1 month doing tutorials on's Delphi section. As much as people diss, Zarko Gajic's tutorials were simple to understand and easy to follow. Once I had a basic knack of the language and the IDE, I jumped straight into a project exporting accounting data for a program called "Adept". Took me a while but I got there...
The biggest help for me was taking on a personal project. I developed an IRC bot in Java for a crappy 2D game called Soldat. I learnt a lot by planning out and coding my own project.
Now I'm pretty comfortable with Delphi Pascal, SQL, C# and Java. I think, once you get the hang of one OOP language, you can learn the syntax of another language, and it gets a lot easier to catch on.
Perhaps start with a small existing project, and find some thing within it that handles some core part of what it does - then with a debugger, step through it and follow what it's doing from the point where you ask it to do that thing for you.
This helps you in a number of ways. You start to better grasp all of the various things that are touched by the code as it attempts to complete its request. Also, you learn invaluable debugging techniques which it seems like far too many developers lack - while you can often eventually discover what is wrong either with repeated printf() (or equivalent) calls, if you can debug you can solve issues an order of magnitude faster.
I have found that conceptually, a great mental model for understanding programming in the abstract is a pattern of data flow. When a user manipulates data, how is it altered by a program for digestion and storage? How is it transformed to re-present to the user in a form that makes sense to them? Fundamentally code is about transformation of data, and all code can be broken down into constructs of various sizes whose purpose is to alter data in one way or another, bugs forming around the mismatch between what the programmer was expecting from the data, how high level libraries the coder is using treat the data, and how the data actually arrives. Following code with a debugger helps you fully understand this transformation in action by observing changes as they occur.
Standard answer is to make something; picking an easy language to do it in is good, but not essential. It's more the working out stuff in your own head, fixing it because it won't work, that really teaches you. For me, this always happens when I try my eternal dream projects (games) which I never finish but always learn from.
I think the thing I would avoid is learning a language in isolated snippets that don't really hang together but just teach various facets of a particular language. As others have said, the really hard and important thing is to learn design. I think the best way to do this is through a tutorial that walks you through creating an actual application, teaching design along the way. That way you can learn why certain decisions are made and learn how to accomplish what's needed to implement the design choices.
For example, I found Agile Web Development with Rails to be a really easy way to learn Ruby on Rails, much better than simply reading a Ruby manual or even poking my way around scattered web tutorials.
Another thing that I would avoid is developing code in isolation, that is, not having people look at it as I go along. Getting feedback from a mentor will help keep you on the right track with respect to the choices you are making and the correct use of language idioms.
Find a problem in your life or something you do that you just feel could be more efficient and write a small solution to it. It might just be a single script but you will gain much more confidence in your abilities when you start to see useful results of your work. You will also be more motivated to finish it as you are interested in using the solution. Start simple and small and then gradually move up to bigger projects.
And as your working on a small project, focus on building everything with quality. I think this is lost on some programmers who feel that their software is more impressive if it contains a ton of features but usually those features aren't well done or usable. If you focus on building quality solutions to real problems you'll be a fantastic programmer.
Good luck!
Work on projects/problems that you already know how to solve partially
You should read Mike clark's article : How I Learned Ruby. Essentially, he used the test framework for Ruby to exercise different elemnents of the languages.
I used this technique to learn python and it was very, very helpful. Not only did i learn the language, but I was very proficient in the test framework for Python at the end of the excercise. Once you have the basics you can start reading code and then working on building some larger project.