How to avoid random UI? - user-interface

Say for instance I'm going to do some seat of my pants coding adding a feature to an enterprise app. What are some good examples/tenants/cardinal rules a person can follow for making a fairly complex setup/config screen not look like feet.
What I'm looking for is along the lines of "Don't put one thing in a group box". But I'd also like some help with symmetry if anyone knows what layouts are most likely to achieve a relative amount of good looks that would be helpful.

Here's a cardinal rule you asked for: line up the controls vertically /horizontally and equally space the various related elements. And use correct spelling on your labels!
We've all come across screens where there are misaligned controls (even a couple pixels is noticeable) or misspelling on labels. When this happens to me I can't help but subconsciously look for other mistakes, plus it decreases my confidence in the application I'm using!

This is actually a huge topic. I frequently go to the Microsoft UX Guide for reminders on how to do this.
Some basics:
Make your app read like a book: left
to right, top to bottom
Use goal-oriented language instead of
technology oriented language

Not a cardinal rule but a great resource:
Apple UI Guidelines (good info for any OS)
EDIT: Re: achieving symmetry - things don't have to be perfectly symmetrical, but you want a feel of balance. Take a step back and get a sense of whether the page or form feels like it's leaning/falling to the left or right.
E.g., with stackoverflow, the main content is to the left, but it's nicely balanced by the extra stuff on the right.

I find that paper is my friend. I like to write out a list of objectives the form has to accomplish, and then sketch the form by hand, labeling the parts. Drawing it out lets me get away from making sure it looks perfect and that everything is aligned just right, and lets me focus on making sure that all the components I need are placed, hopefully somewhere logically. It also forces me to lay out the UI twice, so by the time I open my UI designer, I've already designed the form once and you hopefully know what I am doing

Some basic rules for you.
Try to make effective use of whitespace. Don't cram everything together in an effort to get as much stuff on screen as possible. This will make grouped controls more clear and text more legible.
Basic typography. Limit your use of fonts to 1 or 2. Don't use bold too much or it loses its emphasis.
The same goes for colours. Don't use too many, the fewer the better most of the time.
Don't just use icons to save space. Tiny icons with no explanation are useless.
Copy. Not wholesale of course, but if you are not well-versed in UI design yourself, it makes sense to take elements of interfaces you know work and apply them in your own designs.
Be clear about the purpose of the interface. How does it fit within the broader application for example? And what are the specific objectives you are trying to satisfy with it?
Get people to test it for you, early and often. I don't know what setup you are working with, or what kind of organisation you are in, but getting some kind of human feedback on your work will always be helpful, even if you lack the time and expertise to conduct proper usability evaluations.

Since you use the term, "seat of your pants," I'm assuming that you don't want to spend too much time on the UI. If you are willing to devote some time to the UI, you may want to look into custom control or UI development that will suit your situation. Like Firefox's Options UI or the .NET project properties in Visual Studio 2008.
If you are looking for something using standard controls, it is probably best to separate out different sections of related items into tabs or some other type of stacking control (i.e. Ribbon control). A good example of the tabbed version would be the Notepad++ Preferences UI. Many other programs use a similar scheme.

The best way to get a UI that makes sense is to follow Joel's advice:
Eat your own dog food.
Do it a few times to your own UI, and you'll notice some things you didnt think of intially.

I've found that a really good test is getting someone non-technical to use your GUI. Watching someone use it for 5-10mins normally gives me a very good idea about what is/isn't easier to understand.
This series by Joel Spolsky is a pretty good read and Jakob Nielsen's stuff Usability and Web Design is pretty useful.
Specific rules I try and use are:
Put items in logical groups
Line everything up
Use sensible images/icons
Spend 5-10 mins thinking through why things are the way there are
Only use words that make sense to the user not to you!

Start from the setup/config UI of an existing application that you feel is both simple and usable.
Most tenants/cardinal rules apply to UI in general and fill hundreds and hundreds of pages in UI design and HCI books, so you probably want to just work your way by example for now, while trying to capitalize on existing user experience (habits), i.e. obeying the rule of "least surprise": e.g. if your application is a Windows application, use the Installation Wizard pattern, if it's an ncurses app for a particular flavor of *nix follow the style of that particular OS's actual installation UI, etc.

You might be interested in the book "Don't Make Me Think," (author's web site) or "About Face 3.0". Both come highly recommended for reading about how to design interfaces.


What is a good method to perform UI review?

I am a UI/UX designer. Currently I got interviewed for a post and now they’ve given me an Exercise where I am supposed to do a complete UI review/Audit/Analysis of their product. I need some suggestions to do the exercise:
What medium do you think is best for presenting such a review? A video, An audio with visuals, or a document highlighting issues in UI with callouts?
What are the key points that need to be covered in such a review?
So that I submit the best exercise and get selected. Thanks in advance.
First of all you should know that UI/UX is not my area of expertise. But I've been directly or indirectly involved with it enough to know that it's not an exact science. People will often debate about what is the best for the user. Just remember that two users themselves might not agree on something.
So what I think is important is that you genuinely take the role of a user, try using the product imagining a scenario where you want to accomplish something. If you do it right, you should have some feedback on what works well and what could be improved. It's your opinion, the important part is that you can back them up with common sense or valid arguments.
As for the medium, I'd say that you should choose the one that communicates your views the best. I'd rather read through well organized text than go through a poor video. You'd probably want to impress, so whatever you choose, do it well! If the UX design was documented upfront, you would normally use that as the basis for your review. So look up UX design tools, you might be able to use one of them.
If you have time, a background in UML modeling might be helpful, particularly the ICONIX methodology, which encourages exploring different "what if" scenarios, rather than just desiging for the standard (most common) path. Also assuming that you've already looked up online resources describing common best practices.

What are some methods of analyzing a website for user experience, usability, and accessibility?

I'm a recent graduate who is looking to get a job doing user experience. Next week, I have a technical interview in which I will be given a website and will have to talk about its usability issues as well as come up with ways of improving the user experience. I feel I have the natural skills to do this and have been doing a fair amount of reading into the subject, but I would like some further advice on how to effectively critique different kinds of websites.
Does anybody have any suggestions of common faults I should look out for, or advice on ways of structuring my evaluation in order that it is relatively air-tight and I do not miss anything obvious?
As I've said before, I'm already doing a lot of reading and I realize that practice makes perfect. However, I'm hopeful that those that have long-term experience with this can help me by imparting their wisdom on gotchas, common issues, and what to look out for in a good/bad website.
Thanks in advance!
How easy navigation is
Whether a user can easily find what he needs without resorting to "search" function. Edge case: whether a user can find the search input field without using the browser's search function (Ctrl+F)?
Whether a site is browsable with images turned off
How many clicks it takes to accomplish an operation. Is that many really necessary?
Are the most important / frequently used features right there in front of the user?
Whether you communicate with the user in geek language
Whether you overwhelm the user with long literary texts where one or two words will suffice
Whether you use standard ideas in your UI. Do buttons, links and menus look like buttons, links and menus? Do they also work that way?
If UI is made up of a limited set of controls with consistent look and behavior? Or each page is unique and has to be learned from scratch?
Whether UI is accomplished with mostly 2-3 colors or uses different colors everywhere to look cool
Also check out the following questions:
Worst UI You’ve Ever Used
What are common UI misconceptions and annoyances?
Why is good UI design so hard for some Developers?
What is the best UI you’ve ever used?
As the other answers have talked a bit about usability I'll mention some things about accessibility (although good accessibility and usability go hand-in-hand).
First of all you need to get the usability correct - a site with poor usability will straight away mean that it will almost certainly also have poor accessibility. Make sure it makes sense, is easy to navigate and is structured meaningfully - for good accessibility that needs to be reflected in the markup as well as visually (so use headings correctly, use things like (strong) instead of (b)old, etc). Automated tools can provide some limited help with this.
Secondly make sure you use the various pieces of markup that are available which will enhance usability (e.g. alt tags on images). Automated tools are excellent for this.
Next if you're going to use technologies like javascript try to use progressive enhancement so that users without those technologies available still have a workable experience. Automated tools won't help much with this.
Finally don't get lured into thinking that an accessible website is a dull boring featureless one - for every user with visual difficulties there will be many more who have cognitive difficulties such as dyslexia. The aim is to make it engaging for everyone, not cripple it for a minority of users (who will likely also be penalised if you start slashing content - for example youtube is one of the most popular sites for blind users).
My thinking process :
See what's different. I mean ask yourself, "is this button here also done that way on youtube/google/basecamp/whatever has been proven good enought".
If it's not the case, I ask myself "does it make sense to do it differently?". If it doesn't make sense, then it shouldn't be that way to avoid confusing the user.
If it makes sense, I ask myself "If it's not obvious, what's the learning curve for the user?", always keeping in mind that "the user" is not IT.
Then I'd see if I can improve it. If I can't, maybe you can't improve it, so even if the control is not perfect it's good enough.
Finally ask yourself "what does the website wants the user to do?". Is it buying something? Subscribing? It's all about figuring out what's the objective. Then see if the website is oriented toward something aiming to complete this objective.
As well as practical ideas about usability problems, you might want to think what kind of process you'd use to do this work (and how it would fit into the company's development process). Would you start out with research? How would you present your analysis and feedback?

Efficient user interfaces

Speed and learnability do not directly fight each other, but it seems easy enough to design such a GUI that lacks either (or both) of them. GUI designers seem to prefer 'easy to learn' most of the time even when 'fast to apply' would be wiser.
There's only few UI concepts or programs that are weighted towards maximizing the peak efficiency of whatever you are doing with the program. Most of them haven't gotten common.
Normal people prefer gedit instead of vim. For normal people there are already good-enough GUIs because there was tons of research on them two decades ago.
I'd like to get some advices on doing UIs that do the tradeoffs from 'easy to learn' rather than from 'fast to apply'.
We have a product in our lineup that has won numerous awards based largely on its ability to provide more power with an easier interface than any of our competitors. I designed the interface a few years after holding a position in one of Bell Labs' human interface research groups so I had a pretty clear idea of what constituted "success" when I approached it. I have four pieces of design advice for creating easy but powerful interfaces.
First, select a metaphor that makes sense in their environment and do your best to stick to it. This doesn't have to be a physical metaphor although that can help if working with people who are not tech savvy. This was popular in the early days of Windows but its value remains. We used a "folder and page" metaphor that permitted us to organize a wide range of tasks while not crimping power users' style.
Second, offer a consistent layout relationship between data display and tasks. In our interface, each "page" displays a set of action buttons in the exact same position and, wherever possible, uses the same actual buttons. Thus, once one page is learned, the user has a head start on learning the rest. One of these buttons, always placed in a distinctive position, is a "Help" button...which brings me to point #3. The more general rule is: find ways of leveraging learning in one area to assist in learning others.
Third, offer context-sensitive help and make sure that it addresses the user's primary question (which is usually "what do I do now"?) How often have you seen technical help that simply shows you the Inheritance tree, constructor syntax and an alphabetical list of methods? That isn't help, it is abuse. We focused all of our help on walking people through sample tasks. In particularly tough areas, we also offered multimedia tutorials.
Fourth, offer users the ability to customize the interface. Our users often had no use for specific "pages" (analysis types) in their work. Thus, we made it very simple to turn them off so that the user would see an interface that was no more complicated than it had to be. Our app was usually installed by a power user and then used by multiple staff members so this was more of a win for us because we could usually count on the power user to understand what to shut off. However, I think it is good advice in general.
Good luck!
Autocad has a console mode. As you do things using the mouse and toolbars, the text-equivalent of those commands is written to the console. You can type commands directly in there. This provides a great way to learn the power-user names for commands (they are very short, like unix commands) which aids greatly the process of moving from beginner to productive power-user. Generally speaking, one primary focus has to be in minimising movement between the mouse and keyboard, so put lots of functionality into the mouse, or into the keyboard, because when you have to move your hands like that, there is a real delay in trying to find the right place to put them.
Beyond avoiding an angry fruit salad, just try to make it as intuitive as possible. Typically, programs with a very frustrating UI share one common problem, the developers didn't define a clear scope of what the program would actually do prior to marrying a UI design.
Its not so much a question of 'easy' , some people jump right into the UI and begin writing stuff to back the interface, rather than writing the core of a planned program and then planning an interface to use it.
This goes for web apps, desktop apps .. or even command line programs. A good design means writing the user interface after (and only after) you are sure that 'scope creep' is no longer a possibility.
Sure, you need some interface to test your program, but be prepared to trash it and do something better prior to releasing the program. Otherwise, there's a good chance that the UI is only going to make sense to you.
Rant (or, Stuff I think you should keep in mind):
Speed and learnability do directly fight each other. A menu item tells you what it does so that you don't have to remember. But it's much slower than a keyboard shortcut that you have to memorize to benefit from. The general technique for resolving this conflict seems to be allowing more than one way of doing things. While one way of doing something usually cannot be both fast and easy to learn, you can often provide two ways to accomplish the same task: one that's fast, and one that's obvious.
There are different kinds of people. The learning gap is a result of interest, motivation, intellectual capacity, etc. There is a class of person that will never bother to even learn which menu provides the action they want, and they'll scrub the menubar every time. There is also a (minority) class of person that thinks vim (or emacs) is the best thing since sliced bread. Most people probably fall somewhere in between these extremes.
My answer to the actual question:
I think you are asking how to strive for a fast UI. Your question wasn't particularly clear (to me).
First of all, be consistent. This helps both speed and learnability. Self consistency is the most important, but consistency with your environment may also be important.
For real speed, require as little attention and motion as possible. Keyboard shortcuts are fast because experienced users know where they are (they don't have to look), and their hands are already on the keyboard. Especially avoid forcing the user to change their position in front of the computer (e.g., moving one hand between the mouse and keyboard).
The keyboard is almost always faster than the mouse.
Customization (especially the ability to write custom scripts) will let power users make the interface work the way that is fastest for their specific habits.
Make it possible to get by without the most powerful features. All you need to know in order to survive in vim is "i, ESC, :wq, :q!". With that, you can use vi about the same way a lot of people use notepad. but once you start learning "h,j,k,l,w,b,e,d,c" (and so on) you get much more efficient. So there is a steep learning curve, but you can get by until you surmount it.
Keep in mind that if you focus on interface efficiency, you will probably limit your user base. Vim is popular among programmers, but lots of programmers use other tools, and it's virtually unknown among non-programmers. Most people want easy, not fast. Some want a balance. A very few just want fast.
I would like to point you towards Kathy Sierra's old blog for thoughts on 'easy to learn' and 'fast to apply' — I don't necessarily agree there needs to be a tradeoff between the two.
Three posts to get you started:
How much control should users have? This post ponders on whether 'fast to apply' is the ideal we should strive for.
The hi-res user experience talks about what you say about "normal people" vs. others. It's not so much that there are different kinds of people, but there are different levels of learning/expertise/involvement. Some are satisfied with less, some need more. How you get from less to more is arguably pretty much the same for everyone.
Finally, Featuritis vs. the Happy User Peak talks about the scope creep pointed out by #tinkertim.
Have you seen Gimp shortcuts?
Use nice visual controls and show keyboard shortcuts for them while hovering control - that will help to learn fast mode. If your software copy some behavior of other programs - copy shortcuts mapping from them (such as Copy/Paste/New Tab/Close Window/etc), but allow to dynamically re-map them as shown in Gimp. For reaped operations you could implement Action recoder. But it depends on type the software.
The main thing to be careful of is putting UI elements where they are most commonly located for other applications in that environment. For example, if you're going to make use of a menu system, people are accustomed to it being along top of the window by default for a desktop application. If you're in a web browser a menu system on a webpage seems out of place because it's not a consistent feature. If you're going to have an options/preferences configuration window, people are used to finding it under the Tools menu option, occasionally under the Edit menu. The main thing with keeping a UI "easy to learn" is that your UI elements shouldn't break the mold too much of how they're used in other applications.
If you haven't had the opportunity to see Mark Miller's presentation on The Science of Great User Experience, I'd recommend you watch the DNR TV episodes Part 1 and Part 2.
While I've been writing my own UI I've understood couple of things myself.
I imitated vim, but at the same time realized why it's so fast to use for text editing. It is because it acknowledges a thing: People prefer doing one thing at a time (inserting text, navigating around, selecting text), but they may switch the task often.
This means that you can pack different activities into different modes if you keep the mode switching schemes simple. It gives space for more commands. The user also gets better chances at learning the full interface because they are sensibly grouped already.
Vim is practically stuffed full of commands, every letter in the keyboard does something in vim, depending on the mode. Still I can remember most of them. And it's all because of modes.
I know bunch of projects that sneer at mode-dependent behavior. Main argument is the uncertainty of which mode you are in. In vim I'm never uncertain about the mode where I am in. Therefore I say the interface design is a failure if a trained user fails to recognize in which mode the interface is operating at the moment.

Feature bloat - how much is too much?

I'm a computer science student designing a project and I've started wondering what are good examples or software, or even hardware that are toeing the line between being feature rich with good usable features for regular users and being too intimidating for new users. Also could anyone recommend any good tips/books for designing good quality applications that are feature rich but not "bloated"?
"Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler." - Albert Einstein
"Perfection is reached not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
I am not trying to be flippant but these quotes really are the best advice. Simplicity of design should be your goal. Not that achieving simplicity is easy! On the contrary, it is quite difficult but it is possible.
Try thinking about things a bit differently. Rather than
How many things can I add before this becomes bloated?
What are the fewest number of features and elements I can include while still providing a superior experience for my users?
Here's a good set of slides from a presentation on the topic: Rescue Princess 2.0.
The first order of business should just be keeping the application easy to use. Beyond that, all I can say is, beware of writing features for an imaginary user: make sure someone actually needs it before you start coding.
As a direct answer to your question: pretty much any Microsoft product. I'm showing my bias here, but Microsoft has a strong tendency to keep their codebase, and add features on top of features until the original functionality of the app is nearly lost beneath mounds of accreted crud.
Look at MS Word, for example; while you can still just open it up and start typing, god forbid if you want to renumber a section of your document while leaving the rest alone. Heaven forbid if you want to generate a Table of Contents that includes references to an Appendix. This sort of stuff is something that is de rigeur for Word Processors, and Word supports it, it just supports it in a way that you cannot get it done without a manual, several cups of coffee, and bandages to stop the bleeding from banging your head on the desk.
Microsoft isn't alone in doing this; this thing tends to happen all the time, with all sorts of products; but they are among the worst offenders, I've found.
1: What do your users need, and want, and
2: Which features will you have time to implement?
Your question is pretty general. Which features constitute bloat? That kind of depends on whether you're writing an antivirus scanner, an OS or a word processor.
There is no clear barrier between "good" and "too much".
However, it depends on what you want to do.
If you're developing a SDK, I recommend splitting your implementation in several small libraries(rather than just one big SDL library, there is the SDL core, SDL_Mixer, SDL_Image, etc.)
If you're developing an application, keep a module-based system and a plug-in mechanism.
That way, new features can be added more easily and bloat can be more easily detected.
You may get to a point where you'll add new features some will consider "great" and others "bloat". Otherwise, your application may reach a point that some will call it "feature-poor" and others will call it "just enough".
This isn't an exact quote, but the idea was something like this:
A piece of software is perfect not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing more to remove.
In essence, the simpler and more to-the-point is a software, the better.
To get examples of good software design, take a look at programs that are popular today. Google applications would be a nice place to look. Skype perhaps. Heh, even StackOverflow. :)
If you want intimidating, go to the world of CAD. Check out for example Blender. That's a freeware 3D designer software. Good tool I'm told, but the UI has so many buttons/panels/menus/etc. that it makes baby bunnies cry. Unfortunately I cannot say if this would be a good example of a "bad" UI. 3D designing is a very complex process and all those tools are probably in the right place. But it's definately intimidating. :)
A bad UI design can often be found with propieritary software that comes with propieritary hardware. Unfortunately I cannot give you any examples from the top of my head.
I always tend to design my projects in a way that they're just skeletons which are as extensible as possible. Limiting factors are performance, complexity or Thirdparty-limitations.
This way you could add additional features after finishing the basic structure. A user could also add his needed features.
This probably does not work very good for GUI-applications which should have a good usability without much configuration, but I'm sticking good with this approach for those libs I develop. (They're used by other coders who like to have a highly modifable piece of software)
It's not very hard to develop an application/lib which is bloated with features. But it is to develop an app which could be easily extended by other developers/users to match their own needs.
Develop a wide-ranging plug-in system so you add and take out stuff at any time. Problem solved. If only that was as easy as writing spaghetti code. ;)

Do you know any patterns for GUI programming? (Not patterns on designing GUIs)

I'm looking for patterns that concern coding parts of a GUI. Not as global as MVC, that I'm quite familiar with, but patterns and good ideas and best practices concerning single controls and inputs.
Let say I want to make a control that display some objects that may overlap. Now if I click on an object, I need to find out what to do (Just finding the object I can do in several ways, such as an quad-tree and Z-order, thats not the problem). And also I might hold down a modifier key, or some object is active from the beginning, making the selection or whatever a bit more complicated. Should I have an object instance representing a screen object, handle the user-action when clicked, or a master class. etc.. What kind of patterns or solutions are there for problems like this?
I think to be honest you a better just boning up on your standard design patterns and applying them to the individual problems that you face in developing your UI.
While there are common UI "themes" (such as dealing with modifier keys) the actual implementation may vary widely.
I have O'Reilly's Head First Design Patterns and The Poster, which I have found invaluable!
Shameless Plug : These links are using my associates ID.
Object-Oriented Design and Patterns by Cay Horstmann has a chapter entitled "Patterns and GUI Programming". In that chapter, Horstmann touches on the following patterns:
Observer Layout Managers and the
Strategy Pattern Components,
Containers, and the Composite Pattern
Scroll Bars and the Decorator Pattern
I don't think the that benefit of design patterns come from trying to find a design pattern to fit a problem. You can however use some heuristics to help clean up your design in this quite a bit, like keeping the UI as decoupled as possible from the rest of the objects in your system.
There is a pattern that might help out in this case, the Observer Pattern.
I know you said not as global as MVC, but there are some variations on MVC - specifically HMVC and PAC - which I think can answer questions such as the ones you pose.
Other than that, try to write new code "in the spirit" of existing patterns even if you don't apply them directly.
perhaps you're looking for something like the 'MouseTrap' which I saw in some articles on codeproject (search for UI Platform)?
I also found this series very useful where you might have a look at embedded controllers etc.
You are looking at a professional application programming. I searched for tips and tricks a long time, without success. Unfortunately you will not find anything useful, it is a complicated topic and only with many years of experience you will be able to understand how to write efficiently an application. For example, almost every program opens a file, extracts information, shows it in different forms, allow processing, saving, ... but nobody explains exactly what the good strategy is and so on. Further, if you are writing a big application, you need to look at some strategies to reduce your compilation time (otherwise you will wait hours at every compilation). Impls idioms in C++ help you for example. And then there is a lot more. For this reason software developers are well paid and there are so many jobs :-)
