Let an editor change custom user settings in EPiServer - asp.net-membership

I am creating an EPiServer portal that users will log on to and view information specific to their company. A company can have many users. Every user will need specific settings to present correct data to them. These settings are maintained by an editor, not the user him/herself.
I could of course do a admin page that connects to a simple database, but I would like to use EPiServers built in interface for handling users if possible.
Is it possible to extend the "Edit User" interface to allow editing of custom properties?
Maybe also use ASP.net's system for custom properties in SqlMembershipProvider?

Sounds like you should use the SqlProfileProvider, take a look at this post:


Teams Toolkit: read configurableProperties and add a custom configurable property

We need to "Customize our Teams app" (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/concepts/design/enable-app-customization).
Is it possible to read configurableProperties from "Manifest schema for Microsoft Teams" (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/resources/schema/manifest-schema) using Teams Toolkit (for React) after an admin changed a property (e.g. websiteUrl) in our app?
And can I add custom configurable properties in the manifest?
I don't know if these are readable from your app, but in any case you can't add your own. In addition, admins can't just change -any- property, only those listed in the page you linked (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/resources/schema/manifest-schema). This means, for instance, that they can't change the websiteUrl for your tab - your app will always render from the web url you supply. Admins can only basically change things that affect the 'branding' of your app (like the name, logo, descriptions, etc.). The 'website' settings here are things like the privacy policy, etc.

How to apply access control to parts of my Joomla 2.5 component's preferences?

I am creating a MVC component in Joomla 2.5. I am using access control to restrict access to different backend views of this component. Each of these views have some option fields in the component's preferences (config.xml).
I know how to apply access control to restrict access to the preferences as a whole, but I am wondering if there is a possibility to apply different access control restrictions to some of the fields within the preferences.
If you're talking about the Preferences you add to your main view using:
JToolBarHelper::preferences('com_mycomponent', $height, $width, $alt, $path, $onClose);
Then no, there is nothing in the checks the access of a given field in com_config's default view (/administrator/components/com_config/views/component/tmpl/default.php)
One possible solution would be to only present the real Preferences button to Super Users or those with equivalent permissions and then create a customised version for all other users that only presents the fields from the form they have permission to use.
Of course this means you'll have to manage those additional meta-permissions yourself.

Joomla User Profile plugin, how to change the post url?

I'm using the user profile plug in for user registration form, but I need to change the url the form get posted to when submitted.
How can I do it?
The user profile plug-in is a core plug-in that extends com_user... it doesn't control the submission of the user registration form.
If you want to modify the user profile process, then the safest way to do it would be to make a copy of the user profile plug-in, rename the relevant sections to make it your own plug-in — you probably want to start with this section on Plugins.
By modifying your own copy you will be able to keep up-to-date with Joomla's security patches because you won't have modified a core file.
If you want to modify the registration process, you would need to override com_user before doing that though I would suggest you check the Joomla! Extension Directory (JED) first. There are a large number of extensions that modify the registration process, offer integration with other systems and extend the user profile already in existence.
Another tack might be to use one of the forms extensions that also handle user registrations — typically they allow you to create all sort of custom form including replacements for the standard user registration form. We've been very happy with a few of them and currently use RSForm Pro! — it's a commercial product but extremely flexible and well supported for the small amount of cost involved.
For the record, the solution was to do a template override /html/com_users/registration/default.php and changing the action to some url specified in the template configuration:
action="<?php echo JFactory::getApplication()->getTemplate(true)->params->get('myFormAction');

What is a good policy to control visibility of GUI items (forms or web based) based on users roles

I had thought about decorating various control items with attributes to declare group ownership, but this seems a bit onerous and not very extensible/maintainable (I'd have to subclass the controls and decorate them by hand).
Another policy would be to have a white list of groups a control is visible for persisted away against a form id in a db. A check for the visiblity could then be done in a base class from which all my forms inherit, thereby ensuring my class code wasnt muddied with this "adminsitration"
Just seems a lot better than having to write case/if statements based on role to determine what should be visible to users depending on their privileges, in situ.
This seems a pretty common problem and wondered if there were any good patterns to employ.
Consider Drupal for building a web-based application whereby GUI capability is governed by user role. The Drupal (an general open source content management system and web framework) has powerful user management whereby each user can be allocated one or more roles. You could then make use of a role to determine the behaviour of a web form and the availability of certain fields for that role. User's with that role would see certain GUI items, whereas others would not.
Some links to follow as a starting point:
I should add that Drupal can do many things and not just this specific problem area. Drupal is a broad ranging framework for builing your own websites on your own hosting.

Joomla 1.7:- How do i do this please (kinda facebook)

Joomla comes out standard with registered user, and public user
If I add a third (registered) User that allows the third user to a) create a single separate page in Joomla that the user can input pictures (like you do on face book). b) Access all pages as the standard registered user does.
How do I go about that in Joomla 1.7, add a third (registered) User and give it level 2 accesses?
Then how I create a single page for each user. Somehow I need a reference to each user’s page and show that in a list and control the list search parameters. And i need the page viewable when selected and in the page info needs to be received by the third user. I’m not creating face book but I need that sort of techno somehow.
Can someone point me to what I need to look at, editorials, videos, etc. I know I need to lean PHP better.
Could I make a foulder for each registered user to hold photo's and name the folder acourding to the user's name or email address.
I would recommend to go with a component that offers the functionality that you need. You will find it easier to control the user rights there as they are standard settings available. This is more convenient than building everything from scratch.
Some well known components are:
Community Builder (main component free)
JomSocial (commercial component)
There are more components and plugins available, you may also want to search the Joomla Extensions Directory (JED) for something suitable (http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/social-web)
