Issues using NSNumberFormatter? - xcode

I'm trying to make a label to show the temperature, with a maximum of 3 digits for temperatures over a 100, but I don't want any decimals...
NSString *longtempstring = [tmp description];
NSNumberFormatter *formatter = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init];
[formatter setMaximumFractionDigits:3];
[formatter setMinimumFractionDigits:0];
NSString *shorttempstring = [formatter stringForObjectValue:[NSString stringWithString:longtempstring]];
The code above always returns (null)
Any ideas?

You are getting nil because the object you are passing to stringForObjectValue: is not of the type expected.
First of all, don't use stringForObjectValue:. That is a member of the parent class, NSFormatter. NSNumberFormatter has more specific methods that avoid confusion of object types like numberFromString: and stringFromNumber:.
Second, NSNumberFormatter is used to go from number to formatted string or formatted string to number. Not directly from formatted string to formatted string. You will need to use one number formatter to read your original string and produce a number and another to produce a new shorter formatted string from that number.
Of course, you might be able to make the first step (from long string to number) easier by using NSScanner or by taking a substring of your long string (cutting out everything except for the number itself) and then using the NSString method integerValue or doubleValue. A regular expression could also be used to extract the number from the first (longer) string.
The long and short of it is, this is a two step process. The first step (getting a number) can be accomplished any number of ways and a NSNumberFormatter might not be the easiest way. The second step (getting a new shorter string) is what NSNumberFormatter is perfect for.

I fixed it by converting the NSString to an NSNumber and only pulling the integer value from the string, thus removing any decimals.
NSString *longtempstring = [tmp description];
NSNumber *tempintegervalue = [NSNumber numberWithInteger:[longtempstring integerValue]];
NSString *shorttempstring = [tempintegervalue stringValue];

NSString *longtempstring = [tmp description];
What is the value of longtempstring here? Is it even a number?
NSNumberFormatter *formatter = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init];
[formatter setMaximumFractionDigits:3];
[formatter setMinimumFractionDigits:0];
Why do you set maximum fraction digits to 3 if you say that you don't want any fraction digits? Fraction digits are what is "after the dot" and you say you don't want any decimals. If you don't want any decimals, minimum and maximum must be set to 0.
NSString *shorttempstring = [formatter stringForObjectValue:[NSString stringWithString:longtempstring]];
First of all, why are you copying the string? [NSString stringWithString:...] creates a new string that is a copy of the string you provide as argument. Strings are immutable, there is no need to copy them, they won't be modified. If you are afraid that a NSString may in fact be a NSMutableString, after all that is a subclass of NSString and you want to copy it, just copy it by calling [aString copy]. copy is a very smart method here. If the NSString is in fact a mutable string, it will really copy it, so you get an immutable copy. If it is not a mutable string, though, copy just returns the same string with a retain count increased by one (so in that case copy behaves exactly like retain). However, in your case copying makes no sense whatsoever.
And second, what makes you believe, that you can feed a string into a NSNumberFormater? It is called NSNumberFormater because it formats objects of type NSNumber. How is a NSString a NSNumber? It is not called NSStringFormater. If you feed an object of the wrong class to a formater, it will return nil, that's how this method is documented.
If your longtempstring contains a number with fraction, e.g. 12.345, then the correct code would look like this:
NSString * longtempstring = [tmp description];
NSNumberFormatter * formatter = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init];
[formatter setMaximumFractionDigits:0];
[formatter setMinimumFractionDigits:0];
NSNumber * tempnumber = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:[longtempstring doubleValue]];
NSString * shorttempstring = [formatter stringForObjectValue:tempnumber];
However, if all you want to do is cut off the decimals, that is a horrible way to do it. This can be done much more effective:
double d;
NSString * longtempstring;
NSString * shorttempstring;
longtempstring = #"12.345";
d = [longtempstring doubleValue];
shorttempstring = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d", (int)d];
This is much shorter, needs less memory, and is at least three times faster. If you want to round the number (that means everything with a fraction .5 and above is rounded to the next higher value), just round it:
d = round([longtempstring doubleValue]);


Convert NSString to few NSIntegers

I have getting data from plist to NSString, in result I see something like this "{{1848,594},{154,176}}". What is the best way to convert every single number to separate NSInteger?
NSString *frame = [myPlistKey objectForKey:#"frame"];
How to convert frame to 4 separate integers?
In this specific case, it looks like you are trying to parse the string representation of an NSRect, in which case you can just use NSRectFromString() from the Foundation framework.
Since you are not much specific, I will try to cover your situation. If i count with the fact you have NSString *frame filled with {{1848,594},{154,176}}:
NSString *stringWithoutLeftBracket = [frame
stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"{" withString:#""];
NSString *stringWithoutRightBracket = [stringWithoutLeftBracket
stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"}" withString:#""];
NSArray *frameArray = [stringWithoutRightBracket componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:#","]];
Then you can access objects with indexes like:
NSInteger integer = [[frameArray objectAtIndex:0] integerValue];
But also you could use a for loop like this:
for (NSInteger integer in frameArray) {
// Do something
In my opinion you have a string made from rect, means you could convert it.

How to trim off symbols from NSNumber?

Im making an iOS app to do with currency. My app receives the value of maybe: $4. This value the app receives is put into an NSNumber. The trouble is the value actualy has a $ in it. How do I trim out the $ in the NSNumber? Or would I be better of putting it into an NSString?
Use NSNumberFormatter:
// set up your number formatter
NSNumberFormatter *numberFormatter = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init];
[numberFormatter setNumberStyle:NSNumberFormatterCurrencyStyle];
// get a string that you'll be converting to a NSNumber
NSString *myNumberString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"$4"]
// convert then print to the console
NSNumber *myNumber = [numberFormatter numberFromString:myNumberString];
NSLog(#"myNumber: %#", myNumber);
This should accomplish what you're looking to do. myNumberString will need to be altered to contain whatever string you're receiving.
NSNumberFormatter Documentation:

Is alloc+initWithString: same as copy?

Basically, the question is - are the following essentially the same?
NSString *value1 = ...;
NSString *value2 = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:value1];
NSString *value1 = ...;
NSString *value2 = [value1 copy];
Conceptually, yes. However, there is one difference: alloc always creates a new string, whereas copy may return the same string.
In particular, immutable objects, such as immutable strings, are likely respond to copy by returning themselves rather than creating and returning a copy. (After all, if you can't change anything about the original, why would you really need a copy?) Mutable strings will respond to it by creating and returning a copy, as you'd expect.
initWithString: is in the middle: It may release the receiver and return the string you gave it, similar to how copy may return the receiver. However, if that happens, it means you wasted the creation of the string you created with alloc. With copy, you may not need to create any additional objects at all.
About the only reason to use alloc and initWithString: is if you have your own subclass of NSString and want to make an instance of it from an existing string. copy won't use your desired subclass. Since subclassing NSString is practically never warranted in Cocoa, the same is true of using initWithString: (or stringWithString:).
So the bottom line is, just use copy (or mutableCopy). It's shorter, clearer about your intent, and can be faster.
Non-mutable strings are treated a bit special, compared to ordinary objects, so in this case, yes, the two operations are the same.
To wit:
NSString *str1 = #"string";
NSString *str2 = [str1 copy];
NSString *str3 = [[NSString alloc] initWithString: str1];
NSLog(#"str1: %p, str2: %p, str3: %p", str1, str2, str3);
Which gives me the following output:
str1: 0x108a960b0, str2: 0x108a960b0, str3: 0x108a960b0
Since the pointer addresses are the same, we are talking about the same object.

How to sort an NSArray on time interval instead of time of day?

Is there a way to sort on finish times for a race? I have an NSArray with a dictionary of NSStrings and one of the values is race finish time as an NSString. It sorts them all correctly as long as they have the same number of integers, like this: 54.13, 54.32, 54.52... but when one of them is longer, for example: 1:13.42 -- It puts it at the top of the list. How should I sort this so the slower times are at the bottom of the list. Here is what I currently have:
NSSortDescriptor * sortByTime2 = [[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey:#"raceTime" ascending:YES];
NSArray * descriptors2 = [NSArray arrayWithObject:sortByTime2];
myArray = [myArray sortedArrayUsingDescriptors:descriptors2];
The strings "raceTime" are just mere string, they don't represent time. When you want to compare these, you need to convert these string to instances of NSData, then sort. You can use NSSortDescriptor and initialize it with a selector which will do the conversion and return the appropriate order.

Easy way to set a single character of an NSString to uppercase

I would like to change the first character of an NSString to uppercase. Unfortunately, - (NSString *)capitalizedString converts the first letter of every word to uppercase. Is there an easy way to convert just a single character to uppercase?
I'm currently using:
NSRange firstCharRange = NSMakeRange(0,1);
NSString* firstCharacter = [dateString substringWithRange:firstCharRange];
NSString* uppercaseFirstChar = [firstCharacter originalString];
NSMutableString* capitalisedSentence = [originalString mutableCopy];
[capitalisedSentence replaceCharactersInRange:firstCharRange withString:uppercaseFirstChar];
Which seems a little convoluted but at least makes no assumptions about the encoding of the underlying unicode string.
Very similar approach to what you have but a little more condense:
NSString *capitalisedSentence =
[dateString stringByReplacingCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange(0,1)
withString:[[dateString substringToIndex:1] capitalizedString]];
Since NSString is immutable, what you have seems to be a good way to do what you want to do. The implementations of (NSString*)uppercaseString and similar methods probably look very much like what you've written, as they return a new NSString instead of modifying the one you sent the message to.
I had a similar requirement, but it was for characters within the string. This assuming i is your index to the character you want to uppercase this worked for me:
curword = [curword stringByReplacingCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange(i,1)
withString:[[curword substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(i, 1)] capitalizedString]];
If you profile these solutions they are much slower then doing this:
NSMutableString *capitolziedString = [NSMutableString stringWithString:originalString];
NSString *firstChar = [[capitolziedString substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(0,1)] uppercaseString];
[capitolziedString replaceCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange(0, 1) withString:firstChar];
in testing on an iphone 4 running iOS 5:
#doomspork's solution ran in 0.115750 ms
while above ran in 0.064250 ms;
in testing on an Simulator running iOS 5:
#doomspork's solution ran in 0.021232 ms
while above ran in 0.007495 ms;
Aiming for maximum readability, make a category on NSString and give it this function:
NSString *capitalizeFirstLetter(NSString *string) {
NSString *firstCapital = [string substringToIndex:1].capitalizedString;
return [string stringByReplacingCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange(0, 1) withString:firstCapital];
Then in your code where you want it:
NSString *capitalizedSentence = capitalizeFirstLetter(dateString);
This kind of code rarely belongs in the spot where you need it and should generally be factored away into a utility class or a category to improve legibility.
