Smartfoxserver 2X linux 64 running on EC2 via dotcloud - how to install? - amazon-ec2

I am currently trying to deploy smartfoxserver 2X on EC2 using dotcloud. I have been able to detect the private ip of the amazon web instance, and using the dotcloud tools I have been able to determine the correct port. However, I have difficulty installing the server proper via the command line so that I can log into it using the AdminTool.
My postinstall is fairly straightforward:
./SFS2X/sfs2x-service start-launchd
I find that on 'dotcloud push' there is a fair amount of promising output in my cygwin terminal, but the push hangs after saying that the sfs2x-service has been launched correctly, until timeout.
Consequently, my question is, has anyone found a way to install SFS2X on EC2 via dotcloud successfully? I managed to have partial success with SFS Pro, with a complete push to dotcloud, by calling ./jre/bin/java -jar installer.jar in my postinstall. Do I need to do extra legwork and build an installer jar for SFS2X? Is there a way that would be best to do this?
I do understand that there is a standard approach to deployment with SFS2X using RightScale on EC2, however I am interested in deployment using the dotcloud platform.
Thanks in advance.

The reason why it is hanging is because you are trying to start your process in the postinstall, and this is not the correct place to do that. The postinstall script is suppose to finish, if it doesn't the deployment will time out, and then get cancelled.
Once the postinstall script is finished, it will then finish the rest of your deployment.
See this page for more information about dotCloud postinstall script:
Pay attention to this warning at the end.
If your post-install script returns an error (non-zero exit code), or if it runs for more than 10 minutes, the platform will consider that your build has failed, and the new version of your code will not be deployed.
Instead of putting this in the postinstall script, you should add it as a background process, so that it starts up once the deployment process is complete.
See this page for more information on adding background processes to dotCloud services:
TL;DR: You need to create a supervisord.conf file, and add it to the root of your project, and add your service to that.
Example (you will need to change to fit your situation):
command = /home/dotcloud/current/SFS2X/sfs2x-service start-launchd
Also, make sure you have the correct dotCloud service specified in your dotcloud.yml in order to have the correct binary and libraries installed for what your smartfoxserver application.


How to configure docker swarm using jenkins?

I have got an assignment. The assignment is "Write a shell script to install and configure docker swarm(one master/leader and one node) and automate the process using Jenkins." I am new to this technology and finding it difficult to proceed. Can anyone help me in explaining step-by-step process of how to proceed?
#Rajnish Kumar Singh, Have you tried to check resources online? I understand you are very new to this technology, but googling some key words like
what is docker swarm
what is jenkins , etc would definitely helps
Having said that, Basically you need to do below set of steps to complete your assignment
2 or more - Ubuntu 20.04 Server
(You can use any linux distros like ubuntu, Redhat etc, But make sure your install and execute commands change accordingly.
Here we need two nodes mainly to configure the master and worker node cluster)
Eg :
manager ---
worker ---
You can create these nodes in any of public cloud providers like AWS EC2 instances or GCP VMs etc
Next, You need to do below set of steps
Configure Hosts
Install Docker-ce
Docker Swarm Initialization
You can refer this article for more info
This completes first part of your assignment.
Next, You can create one small shell script and include all those install and configuration commands in that script. Basically shell script is collection of set of linux commands. Instead of running each commands separately , you will run script alone and all set up will be done for you.
You can create small script using touch command
Specify proper privileges to script to make it executable
chmod +x
Next include all your install + configure commands, which you have used earlier to do docker swarm set up in scripts (You can refer above shared link)
Now, when your script is ready, you can configure this script in jenkins job and whenever jenkins job is run, script will get execute and docker swarm cluster will be created
You need a jenkins server. Jenkins is open source software, you can install it in any of public cloud instance (Aws EC2)
Reference :
Next once installation is completed. You need to configure job in jenkins
Reference :
Add your '' as build step in created job
Reference :
If all set up is successful and now when you run your jenkins job, your docker swarm cluster must be get created.

Run a PowerShell script on Azure AKS nodes,

I have a PowerShell script that I want to run on some Azure AKS nodes (running Windows) to deploy a security tool. There is no daemon set for this by the software vendor. How would I get it done?
Thanks a million
Similar question has been asked here. User philipwelz has written:
although there could be ways to do this, i would recommend that you dont. The reason is that your AKS setup should not allow execute scripts inside container directly on AKS nodes. This would imply a huge security issue IMO.
I suggest to find a way the execute your script directly on your nodes, for example with PowerShell remoting or any way that suits you.
This user is right. You should avoid executing scripts on your AKS nodes. In your situation if you want to deploy Prisma cloud you need to go with the following doc. You are right that install scripts work only on Linux:
Install scripts work on Linux hosts only.
But, for the Windows and Mac software you have specific yaml files:
For macOS and Windows hosts, use twistcli to generate Defender DaemonSet YAML configuration files, and then deploy it with kubectl, as described in the following procedure.
The entire procedure is described in detail in the document I have quoted. Pay attention to step 3 and step 4. As you can see, there is no need to run any powershell script:
Generate a defender.yaml file, where:
The following command connects to Console (specified in [--address]( as user <ADMIN> (specified in [--user](, and generates a Defender DaemonSet YAML config file according to the configuration options passed to [twistcli]( The [--cluster-address]( option specifies the address Defender uses to connect to Console.
$ <PLATFORM>/twistcli defender export kubernetes \
--user <ADMIN_USER> \
- <PLATFORM> can be linux, osx, or windows.
- <ADMIN_USER> is the name of a Prisma Cloud user with the System Admin role.
and then STEP 4:
kubectl create -f ./defender.yaml
I think that the above answer is not completely correct.
The twistcli command, does not export daemonset for Windows Nodes. The "PLATFORM" option, is for choosing the OS of the computer that the command will run.
After testing, I have made the conclusion that there is no Docker Image for Prisma Cloud for Windows Kubernetes Nodes, as it is deployed as a service at Windows OS, and not Container (as in Linux). Wrapping up, the Daemonset is not working at the Windows Hosts
I believe the only solution is this -> Windows
This is the Powershell script that Wytrzymały Wiktor has mentioned.
Unfortunately this cannot be automated easily, as you have to deploy an Azure VM per AKS Cluster (at the same network), and RDP to the AKS Windows Node and run the script.
If anyone has another suggestion or solution, feel free to share.

Why does ApplicationStart timeout with AWS code deploy?

I am using codedeploy to deploy a springboot app to an ec2. But I keep getting a script timeout error. I event set the timeout to 60 seconds event tho the application always starts up within 20 seconds. The application starts up fine. I run top on the linux instance and see the java process started up. I can then use postman to hit the http status check endpoint and confirm that it has started up successfully. But this is what it looks like in the code deploy console:
The appspec.yml file looks like this
The file looks like this.
Why is this happening? Thanks.
I think this has more to do with how Linux process works than with Code Build. I'm far from being a specialist on that, but according to with AWS documentation, there is a certain way you must use to start your long-running processes, as a Java application
The syntax is:
/tmp/ > /dev/null 2> /dev/null < /dev/null &
Replace the sleep by your Java command.
More details here
You should put some some codes of your script to the BeforeInstall or AfterInstall.
remove java -jar application.jar
BeforeInstall – You can use this deployment lifecycle event for preinstall tasks, such as decrypting files and creating a backup of the current version.
Install – During this deployment lifecycle event, the CodeDeploy agent copies the revision files from the temporary location to the final destination folder. This event is reserved for the CodeDeploy agent and cannot be used to run scripts.
AfterInstall – You can use this deployment lifecycle event for tasks such as configuring your application or changing file permissions.
ApplicationStart – You typically use this deployment lifecycle event to restart services that were stopped during ApplicationStop.
Then create another bash script for your ApplicationStart. Put the line your removed earlier on this script.

Running Erlang project on Amazon EC2

We have a project with different processes, and run it by calling erl -pa ebin, mymodule_supervisor:start_link().
We have set up an ubuntu instance on Amazon EC2. Being new to this, how can we run the project remotely, so we can close the connection and the project will continue to run?
We can run the Erlang shell in the background, but we can't our project on it. It would be perfect to see an example.
Method 1: You could build a release package from your code. If done right, this will embed a complete Erlang system (along with your application and its dependencies) in an easily distributable tar file. Using an automatically generated script the node can then be started as a daemon, running in the background even after you close your shell.
A good way to get started is to use Rebar, which already supports release handling out of the box.
Method 2: Use tmux or screen (both easily installed on Ubuntu) to start your node and detach the session. If you choose tmux, the following should work:
Start tmux simply by running tmux from a shell.
From within tmux, start your node with the erl command as before.
Detach your session using Ctrl-b followed by d. Exit your shell. The node should still be running.
The "proper" way to start the supervisor is to call its start_link function from within the start function of your Erlang application.

Hudson Running as a Service not Starting

I downloaded Hudson, and am trying to install it as a service. I followed the steps from this page, but when I try to start the service, it always fails. I'm not really getting any defined error codes either. If I try to run the service from the command line (using net start) I get the following (unhelpful) message:
The hudson service could not be started.
The service did not report an error.
The install process seemed to work fine, as the hudson service is installed, and all the files are in the new directory, but the service won't start. Has anyone else run into this problem?
As documented on that page, they have a note of...
If a restart fails for some reason, check the output from Hudson, which is stored in the installation directory that you specified.
Is there anything to denote further errors?
