For some reason, after performing a system restore, when I try to execute a certain script while logged on using remote desktop, or by connecting to the computer via WMI, the script starts but then it crashes for an unknown reasons.
When I run the script while logged in to the computer as local user - it works just fine.
I checked the permissions of the script, of the the WMI service, nothing...
Any ideas?
Im launching an UFT script in a Remote machine. The access to that Remote machine es from my Local machine (the script is launched in the Remote, not from local).
The problem is that if I close the Remote Desktop, the script pauses until I start another time the machine.
How can the script continue with the Remote Desktop closed? I tried going in UFT to Tools -> Options -> Run session -> allow scripting when RDP is closed and entering user and pass with a verified conection, but does not work.
More of a workaround. Have not seen this flag working for some time, but that could just be inexperience.
Alternatives are:
Configure a service account that logs in and starts UFT Run time as soon as the server is started.
Stay logged into the remote session and disable auto screen lock.
Use mouse move tools like MouseJiggle to stop the screen locking
UFT documentation give several places where settings must be configured. (during installation, post installation)
I'm trying to manage the pc in my lab with powershell scripts executed by a "master pc" with administrative rights, now i'm able to boot the pc (via wake on lan) and shut down them but i would like to login them with a specific profile (different by occasion); there is a way with powershell to login a specific profile to a remote pc ? Thanks
I have written and compiled an AutoIT script ("BiconNET.exe") which interacts with the user when double-clicked. While running, the taskmanager lists the program as an App.
Now, I would like to remotely start BiconNET.exe. So I installed and configured openSSH, Cygwin and Putty. Server and client run on Windows 8.1.
I create the SSH-connection using the windows login credentials from the server. I start BiconNET.exe through the Putty conmmandline and I see instantly BiconNET.exe pop up as a service in the taskmanager of the server. But no user interaction follows. The service remains silent, and BiconNET.exe doesn't do any of the tasks its supposed to do. What is wrong here?
I guess I need to achieve that BiconNET.exe runs as an App, not as a service!?
This is what I tried so far:
I tried a workaround using a batchfile, but same issue here: Doubleclicking the batch-file on the Server works fine (BiconNET.exe interacts with the user as wished), but running it through Putty BiconNET.exe gets listed as a service, not doing anything.
I also tried to auto-elevate the batch file using this code. No luck.
I excluded BiconNET.exe from the "Data Execution Protection" (DEP) in the advanced system properties of the server. Makes no difference
I would like to understand where the problem comes from, and how to solve it. Thanks for helping.
I m a computer teacher in computer lab. I have approxly 30 pc in lab.
I want to enable remote shutdown in all pc.
I have all pc's admin rights. There are no domain in lab.
So I write all pc ip's in one text file.
I used "shutdown -i" command and copy all the ip's and paste it to windows.
But some pc not showdown and some properly shoutdown.
There are access denied error display for some pc shutdown.
My question is I want to make one universal .reg file, that I want to run in every pc and enable remote shutdown in every pc.
Every pc run Windows xp sp3.
There are no registry settings that you can tweak in order to enable remote shutdown.
You just need to provide the correct set of login credentials with the command. But as there is no possibility to send a username and password with this command, you have to do a little trick:
Connect a network share from the remote computer using an user account from the remote PC (also IPC$ works). By doing so, you have authenticated to this PC for further operations. After that, you can send the shutdown command.
I am using it successfully in the exactly same way as described here in a C# program.
I've been trying to get psexec to run executables on remote machines from custom build tasks in visual studio. All of these commands work from the command line but running it from an application seems to be a problem. Some commands work, on other psexec hangs and consequently so do msbuild and visual studio 2005. I'm calling SharePoint's stsadm.exe in this case, but this problem occurs with a lot of programs, when running psexec from an application. There are lots of people having this problem, but there seems to be no solution, so my question is: Does anyone know a working alternative to psexec?
I've experienced 'hangs' when executing PSEXEC against a remote system, but I always attributed it to the security context in which the remote process was running under.
From PSEXEC help:
If you omit a username the remote
process runs in the same account from
which you execute PsExec, but because
the remote process is impersonating it
will not have access to network
resources on the remote system. When
you specify a username the remote
process executes in the account
specified, and will have access to any
network resources the account has
access to. Note that the password is
transmitted in clear text to the
remote system.
If your executing a process remotely, that then needs to access the database (stsadm.exe), then it could be failing trying to access the network resource, depending on how PSEXEC was executed. If thats the case, I'd imagine it would eventually time out and give some sort of resource unavailable message.
There are two things that generally done when executing deployment steps against a remote machine to prevent the behavior your describing:
Like rifferte mentioned, make sure all assets needed to
deploy are local to the remote
machine (copy files, etc) before
using PSEXEC to execute the script (*.bat, *.vbs, *.ps, etc) -
so that everything runs 'local' to
the remote machine.
Run PSEXEC using
a domain username/password when
executing it - note that this
information is passed in clear text
to the remote server.
There's always RCE.
RemCom is a small (10KB upx packed)
remoteshell / telnet replacement that
lets you execute processes on remote
windows systems, copy files on remote
systems, process there output and
stream it back. It allows execution of
remote shell commands directly with
full interactive console without
having to install any client software.
On local machines it is also able to
impersonate so can be used as a silent
replacement for Runas command.
You can try to have psexec call a bat program that executes what you need on the remote machine. I ran into this issue with installutil.exe. A simple bat file on the remote machine resolved it.
You should also share your experience on the sysinternals board. There may be something they can do in a future revision.