I m a computer teacher in computer lab. I have approxly 30 pc in lab.
I want to enable remote shutdown in all pc.
I have all pc's admin rights. There are no domain in lab.
So I write all pc ip's in one text file.
I used "shutdown -i" command and copy all the ip's and paste it to windows.
But some pc not showdown and some properly shoutdown.
There are access denied error display for some pc shutdown.
My question is I want to make one universal .reg file, that I want to run in every pc and enable remote shutdown in every pc.
Every pc run Windows xp sp3.
There are no registry settings that you can tweak in order to enable remote shutdown.
You just need to provide the correct set of login credentials with the command. But as there is no possibility to send a username and password with this command, you have to do a little trick:
Connect a network share from the remote computer using an user account from the remote PC (also IPC$ works). By doing so, you have authenticated to this PC for further operations. After that, you can send the shutdown command.
I am using it successfully in the exactly same way as described here in a C# program.
How can I get the password for the Remote User Credentials in TwinCAT XAE.
I have TwinCAT XAE in development PC-Windows and I have TwinCAT XAR on another PC-WINDOWS which is my Runtime PC. I want to connect both these PCs via Ethernet/IP to shift my code from development PC to my Runtime PC.
I have done the TCP and UDP settings for the runtime PC already.
The Development PC is detecting the run time PC in the select target/System window. But, I am un able to connect them because I don't know the password of the remote user for the remote user credentials window. I have tried the password of the runtime PC (which a PC asks when it starts) and also the default value 1, as mentioned in some of the online videosenter image description here
You need to enter the credentials for an administrator account on the PC. The default username/password of "Administrator/1" only applies to factory default Beckhoff PLCs, and not your Windows PC that you have created yourself. To solve this issue, simply create an account called "Administrator" on the Windows 10 PC running the XAR and set a password of 1.
I'm trying to manage the pc in my lab with powershell scripts executed by a "master pc" with administrative rights, now i'm able to boot the pc (via wake on lan) and shut down them but i would like to login them with a specific profile (different by occasion); there is a way with powershell to login a specific profile to a remote pc ? Thanks
I want to start a command(cmd file) on remote windows 7/2008 hosts via rdp connection.
If it possible I want to operate from linux and python. If not - I can use windows.
So I have access to windows machines only via rdp. I have to start commands in automatically mode. What is the easiest way?
Use WinRS, which is the proper solution for remote execution on Windows. See Using WinRS.
There are hacks to allow RDP to execute something remotely (eg. Can RDP clients launch remote applications and not desktops), they are hacks. RDP does not have remote execution facilities.
If you want a Linux client, then install an SSH server on your Windows images. If you're brave you could give OpenWSMAN a shot, but frankly I'd stick to ssh.
Is there a way to determine who is logged on to a particular (remote) machine given the IP address (or the workstation name) of the machine?
The machines in question are on an Active Directory Domain
The user running the script probably won't have any special rights on either their local or the remote machine
Operating system is Windows XP
Any programming language is fine but ideally
VBScript (yeah I know)
DOS Batch file
PSloggedon from SysInternals will provide this from a batch file, however the user would require admin access on the remote machine. I doubt you can get this information without Administrator access.
Difficult to do depending on the permissioning on the machine. One way is to query WMI on the remote machine and check the owner of the explorer.exe process.
You don't need admin access. Just use net apis.
ask on news://
where it's a FAQ
Unfortunately I have to use Windows Server 2003 on my 32 bit workstation due to memory constraints of Windows XP.
In Windows XP, when you connect via Remote Desktop the current session I am logged in is instantly shared on the Remote Desktop. I can see all the applications I have opened on my workstation and can continue to work on my open applications.
On Windows 2003 Server however, each Remote Desktop connection gets a new session. With no applications opened. So I have to use the Task Manager and connect to my existing session manually to see the opened applications.
Can this be changed so that Windows 2003 Servers acts exactly as Windows XP? I do not need to allow multiple users to connect to the box simultaneously. I would even like to prevent that, since it is used as a workstation and do not want to allow other domain users to start applications on my workstation.
Logon to any session on Windows 2003 server. Goto Administrative tools-->Terminal services configuration-->Server Settings-->Restrict each user to one session(check this box)
login again using RDP & you are good to go.
The secret is to start Windows Terminal server client with the /console command so:
mstsc.exe /console
This will connect you to the existing cosole session rather than connecting you to a new session.
XP does this by default as it only supports a single (console) session. Windows Server support multiple sessions (depending on version and licensing) hence you need to specify /console when you want to connect to the existing console session.
You can run MSTSC /admin or MSTSC /console depending on what version you have installed which will then connect to the console sessions
mstsc.exe /admin