Texel offsets in pixel shaders - image

I am currently porting an app over from iOS to Windows Phone 8. It is an image processing app, and all calculations are done on the GPU using pixel shaders.
There is one detail that I just haven't been able to figure out, that is Texel Width/Height offsets. I have absolutely no idea what these values are, and I can't seem to find any information on them.
Are they common terms? Does anybody know what they represent? Does anyone know what sort of values should be in them?

Texel is a pixel of texture localized by a coordinate, the offset in a texture is where a texture begin mapped on a model or render target.
The most simple example of this:
The map of stage is a few textures, when Mario advances in level, the X coordinate offset increases, and the right part of texture became visible, at same time the left side becames hidden.
Check the textures, if have more than a 'part' in a single image, is this.
Another case is a single texture that is mapped in multiple objects, and each object have a offset to appears a 'segment' of previous object.


Unity, fresnel shader on raw image

Hello I'm trying to archive the effect in the image below (that is like shine light but only on top of the raw image)
Unfortunately I can not figure out how to do it, tried some shaders and assets from the asset store, but so far no one has worked, also I dont know much about shaders.
The raw image is an ui element, and renders a render texture that is being captured by a camera.
I'm totally lost here, any kind of help will be appreciated, how to make that effect?
Fresnel shaders use the difference between the surface normal and the view vector to detect which pixels are facing the viewer and which aren't. A UI plane will always face the user, so no luck there.
Solving this with shaders can be done in two ways - either you bake a normal map of the imagined "curvature" of the outer edge (example), or you create a signed distance field (example), or some similar method which maps the distance to the edge. A normal map would probably allow for the most complex effects, and i am sure that some fresnel shaders could work with that too. It does however require you to make a model of the shape and bake the normals from that.
A signed distance field on the other hand can be generated with script from an image, so if you have a lot of images, it might be the fastest approach. Getting the edge distance in real time inside the shader would not really work since you'd have to sample a very large amount of neighboring pixels, which might make the shader 10-20 times slower depending on how thick you need the edge to be.
If you don't need the image to be that dynamic, then maybe just creating an inner glow black/white texture in Photoshop and overlaying it using an additive shader would work better for you. If you don't know how to write shaders, then maybe the two above approaches are a bit of a tall order.

Webgl texture atlas

I would like to ask for help concerning the making of the WEBGL Engine. I am stuck at the Texture Atlases. There is a texture, containing 2-2 pictures, and I draw its upper left corner to a vertex (texture coordinates are the following : 0-0.5 0-0.5).
This works properly, although when I look the vertex from afar, all of these blur together, and give strange looing colours. I think it is caused, because I use automatically generated Mipmap, and when I look it from afar, the texture unit uses the 1x1 Mipmap texture, where the 4 textures are blurred together to one pixel.
I was suggested the Mipmap’s own generator, with maximum level setting, (GL_TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL),, although it is not supported by the Webgl. I was also suggested to use the „textureLod” function in the Fragment Shader, but the Webgl only lets me to use it in the vertex shader.
The only solution seems to be the Bias, the value that can be given at the 3rd parameter of the Fragment Shader „texture2D” function, but with this, I can only set the offset of the Mipmap LOD, not the actual value.
My idea is to use the Depth value (the distance from the camera) to move the Bias (increase it , so it will go more and more negative) so this insures, that it won’t use the last Mipmap level at greater distances, but to always take sample from a higher resolution Mipmap level. The issue with this, that I must calculate the angle of the given vertex to the camera, because the LOD value depends on this.
So the Bias=Depth + some combination of the Angle. I would like to ask help calculating this. If someone has any ideas concerning the Webgl Texture Atlases, I would gladly use them.

Non predefined multiple light sources in OpenGL ES 2.0

There is a great article about multiple light sources in GLSL
But light0 and light1 parameters described in shader code, what if must draw flare gun shots, e.g every flare has it own position, color and must illuminate surroundings. How we manage other objects shader to deal with unknown (well there is a limit to max flares on the screen) position, colors of flares? For example there will be 8 max flares on screen, what i must to pass 8*2 uniforms, even if they not exist at this time?
Or imagine you making level editor, user can place lamps, how other objects will "know" about new light source and render then new lamp has been added?
I think there must be clever solution, but i can't find one.
Lighting equations usually rely on additive colour. So the output is the colour of light one plus the colour of light two plus the colour of light three, etc.
One of the in-framebuffer blending modes offered by OpenGL is additive blending. So the colour output of anything new that you draw will be added to whatever is already in the buffer.
The most naive solution is therefore to write your shader to do exactly one light. If you have multiple lights, draw the scene that many times, each time with a different nominated line. It's an example of multipass rendering.
Better solutions involve writing shaders to do two, four, eight or whatever lights at once, doing, say, 15 lights as an 8-light draw then a 4-light draw then a 2-light draw then a 1-light draw, and including only geometry within reach of each light when you do that pass. Which tends to mean finding intelligent ways to group lights by locality.
EDIT: with a little more thought, I should add that there's another option in deferred shading, though it's not completely useful on most GL ES devices at the moment due to the limited options for output buffers.
Suppose theoretically you could render your geometry exactly once and store whatever you wanted per pixel. So you wouldn't just output a colour, you'd output, say, a position in 3d space, a normal, a diffuse colour, a specular colour and a specular exponent. Those would then all be in a per-pixel buffer.
You could then render each light by (i) working out the maximum possible space it can occupy when projected onto the screen (so, a 2d rectangle that relates directly to pixels); and (ii) rendering the light as a single quad of that size, for each pixel reading the relevant values from the buffer you just set up and outputting an appropriately lit colour.
Then you'd do all the actual geometry in your scene only exactly once, and each additional light would cost at most a single, full-screen quad.
In practice you can't really do that because the output buffers you tend to be able to use in ES provide too little storage. But what you can usually do is render to a 32bit colour buffer with an attached depth buffer. So you can just store depth in the depth buffer and work out world (x, y, z) from that plus the [uniform] position of the camera in the light shader. You could store 8-bit versions of normal x and y in the colour buffer so as to spend 16 bits and work out z in the colour buffer because you know that the normal is always of unit length. Then, to pick a concrete example at random, maybe you could store a 16-bit version of the diffuse colour in the remaining space, possibly in YCrCb with extra storage for Y.
The main disadvantage is that hardware antialiasing then doesn't due to much the same sort of concerns as transparency and depth buffers. But if you get to the point where you save dramatically on lighting it might still make sense to do manual antialiasing by rendering a large version of the scene and then scaling it down in a final pass.

image smoothing in opengl?

Does opengl provide any facilities to help with image smoothing?
My project converts scientific data to textures, each of which is a single line of colored pixels which is then mapped onto the appropriate area of the image. Lines are mapped next to each other.
I'd like to do simple image smoothing of this, but am wondering of OGL can do any of it for me.
By smoothing, I mean applying a two-dimensional averaging filter to the image - effectively increasing the number of pixels but filling them with averages of nearby actual colors - basically normal image smoothing.
You can do it through a custom shader if you want. Essentially you just bind your input texture, draw it as a fullscreen quad, and in the shader just take multiple samples around each fragment, average them together, and write it out to a new texture. The new texture can be an arbitrary higher resolution than the input texture if you desire that as well.

How can I read the depth buffer in WebGL?

Using the WebGL API, how can I get a value from the depth buffer, or in any other way determine 3D coordinates from screen coordinates (i.e. to find a location clicked on), other than by performing my own raycasting?
Several years have passed, these days the WEBGL_depth_texture extension is widely available... unless you need to support IE.
General usage:
Query the extension (required)
Allocate a separate color and depth texture (gl.DEPTH_COMPONENT)
Combine both textures in to a single framebuffer (gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, gl.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT)
Bind the framebuffer, render your scene (usually a simplified version)
Unbind the framebuffer, pass the depth texture to your shaders and read it like any other texture:
texPos.xyz = (gl_Position.xyz / gl_Position.w) * 0.5 + 0.5;
float depthFromZBuffer = texture2D(uTexDepthBuffer, texPos.xy).x;
I don't know if it's possible to directly access the depth buffer but if you want depth information in a texture, you'll have to create a rgba texture, attach it as a colour attachment to an frame buffer object and render depth information into the texture, using a fragment shader that writes the depth value into gl_FragColor.
For more information, see the answers to one of my older questions: WebGL - render depth to fbo texture does not work
If you google for opengl es and shadow mapping or depth, you'll find more explanations and example source code.
From section 5.13.12 of the WebGL specification it seems you cannot directly read the depth buffer, so maybe Markus' suggestion is the best way to do it, although you might not neccessarily need an FBO for this.
But if you want to do something like picking, there are other methods for it. Just browse SO, as it has been asked very often.
Not really a duplicate but see also: How to get object in WebGL 3d space from a mouse click coordinate
Aside of unprojecting and casting a ray (and then performing intersection tests against it as needed), your best bet is to look at 'picking'. This won't give exact 3D coordinates, but it is a useful substitute for unprojection when you only care about which object was clicked on, and don't really need per-pixel precision.
Picking in WebGL means to render the entire scene (or at least, the objects you care about) using a specific shader. The shader renders each object with a different unique ID, which is encoded in the red and green channels, using the blue channel as a key (non-blue means no object of interest). The scene is rendered into an offscreen framebuffer so that it's not visible to the end user. Then you read back, using gl.readPixels(), the pixel or pixels of interest and see which object ID was encoded at the given position.
If it helps, see my own implementation of WebGL picking. This implementation picks a rectangular region of pixels; passing in a 1x1 region results in picking at a single pixel. See also the functions at lines 146, 162, and 175.
As of January 23, 2012, there is a draft WebGL extension to enable depth buffer reading, WEBGL_depth_texture. I have no information about its availability in implementations, but I do not expect it at this early date.
