How to configure JMeter Thread group for 1 million request in 10 seconds? - jmeter

I want to run a Load test on my Production server to verify that the server can handle 1 million requests per 10 seconds using JMeter. How to configure JMeter Thread group for 1 million request in 10 seconds? How many client I need to do this test?
Please share your valuable experience if you have experience doing this type of load test.

First, you should ensure you really need 1 million requests in 10 seconds (what kind of site are you testing ?).
Then if you want to use JMeter, ensure:
You use last version
You tune memory correctly
You will certainly have to use distributed testing if not using Cloud
Follow best practices (Disclaimer : I'm the writer of this)
You might try Constant Throughput Timer to make a kind of Barrier
Alternatively you can try "Delay thread until creation"
And finally try a Cloud solution to get to this load, see this french blog on all kind of issues you will face in all fields (not only load software):
But I never tried up to this load, so I cannot tell if it will work and it is kind of unexplored field

you can accomplish this using Gatling and scaling out to several machines that would run the test in parallel. in the end Gatling can aggregate the results into 1 report.
Gatling documentation dosent provide much info for this :
but you can check my blog post to see how this can be done (ive wrote a script for this purpose)
Blog -
Gist -

Looks like you'd better look onto another, more suitable tool for such kind of scenario,
e.g. Tsung
Tsung homepage
Tsung # github
Scaling to 30K: Tsung
or at least Gatling instead:
Gatling homepage
Gatling: scaling out
Perhaps if you would like to use jmeter in any case you can look onto BlazeMeterLoad Testing Cloud solution.


How do I perform a complete Load Test process with JMeter?

I am new to using JMeter and have developed a basic test plan with HTTP Sampler and a few listeners. Please run me through the entire process of how I can start after opening JMeter ?
There's no right answer for this, it depends what you're wanting to achieve. I'd suggest starting with the best practices:
And also look at building a web test plan:
I would look at the Graphs Generator listener - - use these graphs to make sure you're making the number of transactions that you would expect in your tests.
Basically - the documentation is your friend. I took time to read what each controller, listener and sampler was doing and decided how to implement these myself. There was some trial and error. JMeter is an easy tool to pick up and use but there's a LOT of depth to it.
In addition to Ali1874 answer, I would suggest looking into how to run JMeter tests using command line. You can find more information at With regards to reporting JMeter is able to produce nice HTML reports when using -e -o options
Also, with regards to Jmeter test plans, in my previous company we used to parameterize number of threads required, servers and other elements. In general structure looked like the one at the example test plan.
We had different user defined variables elements for different environments for faster test tuning. Also, we used bzm – Weighted switch controller ( to distribute load among endpoints by including HTTP requests from Test Fragment element so that we would not have to duplicate requests allowing to manage them more easily. You can check out full plan at here ( Please bear in mind that test plan uses bzm – Weighted switch controller plugin and jpgc - Standard Set plugin which you can install by using Plugins manager (
Hope this will help.

LOAD Testing without correlation

I am working for a startup. We need to Load test 500 requests for sec and 10,000 concurrent users at any given time.
We cannot afford loadrunner or any of these fancy softwares. We tried to implement it Jmeter. But it is unable to process this load.
Is there any cheaper software / online website, which can help with all the correlation issues and run the above load?
You can try our new service
In case it is close to your needs but you need more threads please let me know
SmartMeter supports automatic correlations in the Light (free) version. It is based on JMeter, so in order to achive the desired load, follow #UBIK LOAD PACK tips.
JMeter can support this load without any issue, ensure you follow best-practices:
If you don't have time to work on this, then select one of the available SAAS:

Jmeter-Saturation point

How can i know the critical point where the systems breaks.
To analyze the result is the toughest part in Jmeter.I failed to judge it because everytime the result or listeners show different result
Can anyone suggest me what efforts should i put so that i can easily say "that this website is crashing with 500 users or giving no response after certain point."
I also have a problem in configuring the threads that what combination should i entered in thread group.
Because i have to report it further or needs to explain.
Reporting is JMeter's Achilles' heel. You can use JMeter Plugins project which provides
Ultimate Thread Group - which simplifies load scenario definition
Active Threads Over Time - which displays amount of active threads as your test goes
Server Hits Per Second - which provides information how many requests per second your threads provided
You can also consider using Taurus tool which simplifies the process of configuring and executing of JMeter tests and has rich reporting capabilities.

Why difference in out when using Jmeter to load test vs HP Load runner?

Here is the scenario
We are load testing a web application. The application is deployed on two VM servers with a a hardware load balancer distributing the load.
There are tow tools used here
1. HP Load Runner (an expensive tool).
2. JMeter - free
JMeter was used by development team to test for a huge number of users. It also does not have any licensing limit like Load Runner.
How the tests are run ?
A URL is invoked with some parameters and web application reads the parameter , process results and generates a pdf file.
When running the test we found that for a load of 1000 users spread over period of 60 seconds, our application took 4 minutes to generate 1000 files.
Now when we pass the same url through JMeter, 1000 users with a ramp up time of 60 seconds,
application takes 1 minutes and 15 seconds to generate 1000 files.
I am baffled here as to why this huge difference in performance.
Load runner has rstat daemon installed on both servers.
Any clues ?
You really have four possibilities here:
You are measuring two different things. Check your timing record structure.
Your request and response information is different between the two tools. Check with Fiddler or Wireshark.
Your test environment initial conditions are different yielding different results. Test 101 stuff, but quite often overlooked in tracking down issues like this.
You have an overloaded load generator in your loadrunner environment which is causing all virtual users to slow. For example you may be logging everything resulting in your file system becoming a bottleneck for the test. Deliberately underload your generators, reduce your logging levels and watch how you are using memory for correlations so you don't create a physical memory oversubscribed condition which results in high swap activity.
As to the comment above as to JMETER being faster, I have benchmarked both and for very complex code the C based solution for Loadrunner is faster upon execution from iteration to iteration than the Java based solution in JMETER. (method: complex algorithm for creating data files on the fly for upload for batch mortgage processing. p3: 800Mhz. 2GB of RAM. LoadRunner 1.8 million iterations per hour ungoverned for a single user. JMETER, 1.2 million) Once you add in pacing it is the response time of the server which is determinate to both.
It should be noted that LoadRunner tracks its internal API time to directly address accusations of the tool influencing the test results. If you open the results set database set (.mdb or Microsoft SQL server instance as appropriate) and take a look at the [event meter] table you will find a reference for "Wasted Time." The definition for wasted time can be found in the LoadRunner documentation.
Most likely the culprit is in HOW the scripts are structured.
Things to consider:
Think / wait time: When recording,
Jmeter does not automatically put in
Items being requested: Is
Jmeter ONLY requesting/downloading
HTML pages while Load runner gets all
embedded files?
Invalid Responses:
are all 1000 Jmeter responses valid?
If you have 1000 threads from a
single desktop, I would suspect you
killed Jmeter and not all your
responses were valid.
Dont forget that the testing application itself measures itself, since the arrival of the response is based on the testing machine time. So from this perspective it could be the answer, that JMeter is simply faster.
The second thing to mention is the wait times mentioned by BlackGaff.
Always check results with result tree in jmeter.
And always put the testing application onto separate hardware to see real results, since testing application itself loads the server.

Good way to capture/replay sessions from Apache Log?

For performance testing, I would like to capture some traffic from a production server and use that as a basis to replay the request to a test server in order to simulate a realistic load in our development environment. These are all stateless queries, so no issues regarding cookies, sessions, etc.
The Apache log timestamps everything down to a 1 second resolution, but that's not fine enough granularity for our peak times. What's the best way to capture more fine-grained timestamps for replay? And is there some ab-like load generating program that can use this data to replicate load?
Use jmeter.
As far as granularity with timestamps, you're not going to get better than that. However, you can randomize the time slots within jmeter. Even if your production traffic logs show hits every second, you can tell jmeter to speed that up drastically.
You could capture the network data of a production run, parse it, and then use that as a replay mechanism comparing the results of the production run and the test run (where desired). Oren Eini (Ayende Rahien) talks about something quite similar on his blog.
I know that there is (or was) a tool that allowed you to do load/performance testing based on recorded sessions, but I can't find it right now :(.
You can also use BadBoy to capture sessions to replay w/ JMeter:
