LOAD Testing without correlation - jmeter

I am working for a startup. We need to Load test 500 requests for sec and 10,000 concurrent users at any given time.
We cannot afford loadrunner or any of these fancy softwares. We tried to implement it Jmeter. But it is unable to process this load.
Is there any cheaper software / online website, which can help with all the correlation issues and run the above load?

You can try our new service http://loadme.socialtalents.com
In case it is close to your needs but you need more threads please let me know

SmartMeter supports automatic correlations in the Light (free) version. It is based on JMeter, so in order to achive the desired load, follow #UBIK LOAD PACK tips.

JMeter can support this load without any issue, ensure you follow best-practices:
If you don't have time to work on this, then select one of the available SAAS:


Jmeter reporting higher load time

I am performing baseline performance test on a project. Average load time reported by jmeter is much higher than actual load time in browser(fresh- no cache and cookies).
What will be the issue?
I suggest to check the following:
Load generator overload. Re-run JMeter test with one user/thread and compare with Firefox. If the results will be comparable then the response time in JMeter may be excessive due to its overload. Try to address it by adding more load generators.
Inaccurate browser emulation. If even with one user the response time in the load test is higher, then it can be caused by inaccurate emulation of browser paralel connections. To troubleshoot it, compare waterfall diagrams. To get it from Firefox, use Firebug. Route JMeter traffic through Fiddler which displays the waterfall on the Timeline tab. If the waterfalls are different, you may have the following issue: a web browser downloads resources in parallel, while by default JMeter replays recorded traffic sequentially. To fix it, add these settings: Simulating browsers using JMeter.
Are you checking with browser during the load test ? or at another time ?
In the latter case, you would be comparing apples and oranges.
Are you using JMeter GUI mode ? if yes, it's a bad practice, GUI mode is for scripting, NON GUI mode for load testing:
How much threads are you using ? and which version of Jmeter ?
For embedded resources testing, 3.0 is the most realistic and performing:
Whenever you run performance tests instead of Average response times, always consider 90th percentile. In some cases avg. response time is skewed even if one request takes long to respond. So please check 90th Percentile.
If you are running the test with multiple users, try to hit the application from browser while load test is going on and check the response time on browser. This will tell you if your observation is correct.
The load generator may not be able to establish enough connections due to which you might see higher response time. Check load generator utilization in case if you doubt. In some cases load generator itself can't generate enough load.
Check your sever utilization when you run the performance test. This will give you an idea if the application is not able to handle the load or if it's the issue with load generator.
If you are running tests from UI mode, please try to run tests with non-UI mode. (Can you specify with how many users you are running these tests?)
Increase JMeter memory if you see issue with load generator and keep eye on load generator CPU usage too.
Check if load generator and browser from which you are hitting the application are on the same network and check network latency to check if there is network problem.

how to choose Listeners for application performance testing in Jmeter

I am beginner for jmeter and I configured and run the script with help of Google materials but I am not sure about picking the right listener for the performance testing and metrics in the graph.
can you please guide me to add respective listeners and what kind of listeners to be added for Application server,database server,network server,web server testing?
Thanks for help
JMeter is load testing tool and not a profiler. So there are no specific listeners for application server,DB server and all.
It works on http/https requests to produce load on target server. While scripting you can have as many listeners as you want to verify the script correctness and sample test runs.
But while actual load test minimal no. of listeners should be used. Listeners are for presenting the data which are cpu,memory intensive especially view results tree, view results table etc. should be avoided in actual load test.
Test should be carried out in non-ui mode for heavy load generation. Please have a look at ctrl+H (help, press ctrl+h on any component and this will show help) for all components available in JMeter from JMeter. Then probably you should be able to decide which ones are best for you.
Hope this helps :)
If you want to monitor server-side components health the best option is using PerfMon extension available via JMeter Plugins. You can collect different performance metrics like:
CPU usage
RAM usage
Network IO
Disk IO
In regards to JMeter bundled listeners: you can use all of them, but after tests execution. All the listeners are able to read .jtl results file and populate tables, graphs, etc. from it. For more recommendations see JMeter Performance and Tuning Tips guide

How can I monitor my Application server or Database server from Jmeter scripts ? Can we check CPU , memory utilization, etc?

I need to know till what extend we can analyze our Application using Apache Jmeter.
My script creation is complete. Paramatrized & Correlated. Now I need a deep understanding of Analysis.
Earlier, I just use to focus on Response time, Standard deviation, throughput, etc.
But now my boss wants me to do more analysis. Please help me guys.
You can use these Samplers from JMeter-plugins project:
Correctly still divide the tasks and means to solve them. If you need to monitor the parameters of the server utilization - then it needs to use the appropriate means, for example, zabbix. If you need to understand how much resources consumes your server applications - it is necessary to refer to the appropriate monitoring tools, plug-ins, such as Zorka for WebSphere in zabbix.

How to configure JMeter Thread group for 1 million request in 10 seconds?

I want to run a Load test on my Production server to verify that the server can handle 1 million requests per 10 seconds using JMeter. How to configure JMeter Thread group for 1 million request in 10 seconds? How many client I need to do this test?
Please share your valuable experience if you have experience doing this type of load test.
First, you should ensure you really need 1 million requests in 10 seconds (what kind of site are you testing ?).
Then if you want to use JMeter, ensure:
You use last version
You tune memory correctly
You will certainly have to use distributed testing if not using Cloud
Follow best practices
http://www.dzone.com/links/r/see_how_to_make_jmeter_run_thousands_of_threads_w.html (Disclaimer : I'm the writer of this)
You might try Constant Throughput Timer to make a kind of Barrier
Alternatively you can try "Delay thread until creation"
And finally try a Cloud solution to get to this load, see this french blog on all kind of issues you will face in all fields (not only load software):
But I never tried up to this load, so I cannot tell if it will work and it is kind of unexplored field
you can accomplish this using Gatling and scaling out to several machines that would run the test in parallel. in the end Gatling can aggregate the results into 1 report.
Gatling documentation dosent provide much info for this :
but you can check my blog post to see how this can be done (ive wrote a script for this purpose)
Blog - http://www.nimrodstech.com/gatling-cluster-load-testing/
Gist - https://gist.github.com/Nimrod007/5cfed34eeffedfd7ec76
Looks like you'd better look onto another, more suitable tool for such kind of scenario,
e.g. Tsung
Tsung homepage
Tsung # github
Scaling to 30K: Tsung
or at least Gatling instead:
Gatling homepage
Gatling: scaling out
Perhaps if you would like to use jmeter in any case you can look onto BlazeMeterLoad Testing Cloud solution.

Good way to capture/replay sessions from Apache Log?

For performance testing, I would like to capture some traffic from a production server and use that as a basis to replay the request to a test server in order to simulate a realistic load in our development environment. These are all stateless queries, so no issues regarding cookies, sessions, etc.
The Apache log timestamps everything down to a 1 second resolution, but that's not fine enough granularity for our peak times. What's the best way to capture more fine-grained timestamps for replay? And is there some ab-like load generating program that can use this data to replicate load?
Use jmeter.
As far as granularity with timestamps, you're not going to get better than that. However, you can randomize the time slots within jmeter. Even if your production traffic logs show hits every second, you can tell jmeter to speed that up drastically.
You could capture the network data of a production run, parse it, and then use that as a replay mechanism comparing the results of the production run and the test run (where desired). Oren Eini (Ayende Rahien) talks about something quite similar on his blog.
I know that there is (or was) a tool that allowed you to do load/performance testing based on recorded sessions, but I can't find it right now :(.
You can also use BadBoy to capture sessions to replay w/ JMeter:
