jQuery ui dialog overlay and ajax injected html - ajax

I have a problem with a site (unfortunately I can't provide a link because it's on a staging environment).
I have a jqueryui dialog that opens when page loads, if you scroll down the overlay covers all of it.
Then some part of the page is updated by ajax calls and the height of the page increase and that's the issue, the overlay don't covers all the page any more and the bottom content is accessible.
I can see that the overlay adapts to certain changes, like resize of the page.. is there a way to update it when scrolling down for example? that could solve my issue
I'm sorry I can't provide a link that shows the issue..

In a similar situation I found a successful workaround by triggering a window resize event after each asynchronous DOM change:


Flickering when using neon-animated-pages with Polymer

I searched for this the solution a lot but I couldn't find any post describing the same "flickering" problem.
You can see a GIF here
I have a website with a menu, using app-route as in Polymer Starterkit but enhanced with neon-animated-pages.
If you use the menu (Start, My Card, My Dashboard) there is a smooth transition.
Go to "My Card" and click the enhance card arrow down (tooltip "more info") at the first card.
Now use the menus again and the page transitions are now flickering, as soon as the animation finished. It is like all object are quickly moving somewhere and then back to the position where they should be.
What I have tried
I tried to change CSS, as it seems to "re-align" the objects on the page.
Also I had this problem before when I used javascript to route to another page, but using "a href..." for app-route (as in polymer starterkit), this problem disappeared again.
Anyone have any idea what this can be?
I checked with Chrome, Firefox and IE, seems to be the same everywhere.
Thanks very much for your help!
Kind regards,
Found two more sources on github with the same issue and solutions.
Apparently only slide left/right animation are affected. Using a different animation should help.
Set Element.prototype.animate = null before loading the polyfill.
Flicker after slide animation in neon-animated-pages in Chrome
web-animations-next-lite flicker #86

no captcha recaptch overlay not display entirely

I put the no-captcha recaptcha in a popup (FancyBox), everything is fine.(recaptch1.PNG) But when the user click on the checkbox the captcha image overlay is not show entirely. (recaptch2.PNG).
My question, can we place automatically the overlay the manner the user can see the directive. (recaptch3.PNG) Or can we resize the overlay to fit the iframe in the popup so everything can be seen?
Any suggestion?
I think i found a solution. After a lot of search i have found this link: https://www.geekgoddess.com/how-to-resize-the-google-nocaptcha-recaptcha/
It's resize the container of the recaptcha V2, but not resize the overlay because google inject the overlay on the page not in the container. Because i have found that google inject the overlay on the page, I can now customize the overlay. So I use the technique on the previous link but I affect to the class "gc-bubbleDefault".
I add this in my css and this solve my problem:
.gc-bubbleDefault{transform:scale(0.82);transform-origin:0;-webkit-transform:scale(0.82);transform:scale(0.82);-webkit-transform-origin:0 0;transform-origin:0 0; 0}
It's a solution that don't work on all browser version (not old ie), but it's work for me.

Create Page custom animations in Windows Phone 8.1 (Windows Runtime)

I would like to develop some animations for my pages or my page content. The approach of which one I should follow is unclear to me at the moment and I'll try to explain why.
What I'd like to achieve is to create a page (or page content) animation with a slide-in from right when navigating to the page and slide-out to left when leaving the page.
The slide-in part can be achieved with ContentThemeTransition from TransitionCollection. But what about the slide-out part?
I can't seem to know or find any good timing regarding when to fire a slide-out animation just before the page is about to be left.
I'dlike not to apply any animation to the page in such way that WP does by default (with some jump-out, jump-in effect). I'd like to be like BasicPage from templates with no animation but with custom animated content upon page enter and page leave.
How could this be achieved?
Thanks in advance.
I assume you are navigating from the page via tapping a button or something similar. Why don't you create a storyboard animation, start that from the Click event handler of the button, and call Frame.Navigate() when the animation has finished playing?

I need a bottom in the fancybox?

I have a really big page cause I have the different sections on the same page. The problem is when I active the fancybox that is applied in some images I can scroll down up to the end of the page.
Isn't there any way that when I get to the bottom of the fancybox I can't go down?
I've also proved disabling the scroll of the page when the fancybox is open but the problem is that is that this disables the scroll of the fancybox too...
I need some help please

How do they do that? Transparent foreground on a web page

You know how sometimes you are on a good site and you click a button (like to submit a form) and the form doesn't go away, instead, the foreground becomes transparent and it contains a message of some kind, or another page. The message is at the forefront but the previous page is still mostly visible behind it - how do they do that? I'm assuming it's an Ajax-esque trick.
This is called a light box modal. There are quite a few JS plugins that can do this including Lightbox and the JQuery UI Dialog to name a couple. I just recently started using Fancybox and have been very impressed with its speed and configurability.
Here is a pretty good (not all inclusive) list of them:
One way is to use GreyBox. I think this similar to the effect that you're talking about.
